• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 585 Views, 28 Comments

METRO: Fallout Equestria - redAKAyouraveradewriter

the world of Metro and Equestria are about to clash, hero's will meet, some will die, some will surive and some will be broken beyond repair.

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Part 3, Gangsters, Communists and ponies (part 1)

*1 day after the entire metro has found out about ponies (2 months give or take after the events of the last chapter)*

Venice was one of the place’s a pony could get service like humans, the bar a large sign reading

‘ATTENTION EQUINES! We only accept clean ammunition, only calibers accepted are 5.45x39, 7.62x39, 7.62x54, 44 magnum and 12 gauge. Thank you for cooperation.’

Mares and Stallions would brave the long journey to try a taste of the stations famous “bullet” drink, only costing one bullet (and rumor to have the effects of one to) and into the bar came another pony, drench in blood from head to hoof.

“ruff trip?” the barman asked the newcomer as she sat down on a stool at the counter.

“Ya, it was quite an adventure, you can’t actually put into words how annoying, terrifying and deadly a norsalis is, all at the same time and don’t me started on those shrimp’s!” Shouted the newcomer, blowing off some steam at the high concentration of mutants that surrounded the station, particularly the water born mutants; nicknamed 'shrimps' and known for giving everyone that pass through their territory a bad time.

“almost everyone is now complaining about the shrimps these days it seems crazy to remember when they were non-hostile, so what do you want”, the barman asked the mare, he could smell some alcohol already on her breath as the mare look him in the eye and said “twelve bottles of your famous Bullet drink please.”

the bartender stared at her in shock. She then levitated out more MGR's than the bar gets in a month and hovered them the counter

“keep the change.” he instantly put twelve bottles on the counter, the mare’s forehoof extended and out of it popped a set of five mechanical digits, he was shocked and then realise the entire hoof was mechanical! She took a whopping 4 seconds to drain the bottle but sloppily put it down on the counter with a face that seemed to express approval and then she picked up the second bottle and began to chug it as well. eleven bottles of 'the bullet' disappeared down the mare's seemingly insatiable gullet before she finally began downing the last one. Just at the moment the last drop hit her stomach then did she fall backwards so drunk that she passed out before she even hit the floor.

“Wow. I was right, you owe me five bullets” a man in a grey parka said to a colleague wearing a similar parka

“whatever lets just get this one quickly before the train leaves" his partner replied. The bartender sighed, he would like to interfere but the gangsters would have his head for it. The poor pony was going to have a long hard road ahead of her in Hansa.


Blackjack came out of her hangover right into the withdraw, her head felt like it had spent an entire month as a target dummy for a steel ranger firing range. Blackjack also notice that she was now in a cage doused in water, revealing the cybernetics that covered her.

”hey, that's quite a fancy outfit you got there little pony” one of her capturers teased not realizing that the cybernetics were built in. Blackjack began to take in her surroundings, the man looking at her had baggy cargo pants and a grey parka with some sort of cross sown on to it, his fat head sporting a smirk that just made Blackjack want to punch him and wipe that infuriating look off his ugly face.

“I tried getting them off earlier and it wouldn’t budge” another one interjected “what are we going to do if it's attached?” Blackjack began to wonder what horrible fate would await her once they found out that the cybernetics were indeed attached. the two brutes looked stumped at the prospect, but not for long as a third voice entered the conversation

“we’ll sell her off to a hansa scientist, I’m sure they would be happy to get all the technology to reverse engineer everything they got” the third voice interjected and as Blackjack looked over she realised that this one was clearly the leader with his (probably stolen) fancy hat and medals.

“Ah, great idea boss!” the second one sated. Blackjack checked her inventory, it was empty, she now thanked the stroke of wisdom that had told her to leave her family pistol behind. Blackjack noticed a throwing knife loosely placed on a box next to her, she tried to reach out for it with her horn's magic but then realised that they had put a magic restrainer on her. Blackjack then began to feel the train begin to slow down until it finally grinded to a halt causing the throwing knife to fall down in-between the box and the wall.

“oh I’ve been waiting for this” everyone except Blackjack (because she was still in a cage) left the train car. After a few minutes hey came back in, the two henchmen holding a new human, he was in a black coat that was covered with many extra pouches for carrying more stuff, he also had on an officer's hat that did not appear to be stolen, he was bleeding from the nose and mouth, as well as having a black eye. Blackjack watched as the stranger took another punch to the face from the ‘boss’ and was sat down right next to Blackjack. “you commie fuck! Just wait till we get to our station, then you’ll hang like the dog you are hahahahaha!” the 'Boss' cackled as he left the room followed by his henchmen.

Blackjack was now left alone with the man, who looked at her for a few moments before deciding to break the ice “so, how did you get here torvash?” Blackjack sighed, it wasn’t like there was anything else to do

“I was hired by a caravan, they wanted some bodyguards, I was with Boo, Boo wanted to come along but the caravan wouldn’t allow it so I told Boo to take my stuff, the caravan also had a weight limit, and wait at the camp, then we traveled across the waste’s till we meet up with four people who called themselves stalkers.” Blackjack pauses as this is the moment everything goes downhill, as she always manages to fail in saving anyone “then a large pack of what you call watchmen attack and we lose seven ponies, then we get down into the metro via a sewer tunnel and then we ring this bell that brings a boat, but those norsalisis attacked and… I’m the only survivor.” Blackjack shuddered when she thought back to the norsalisis tearing apart everypony around her splashing her with tons of blood "then I got on a boat and had to fight those shrimp. Finally I arrived in Venice, drank everything I had left on me and hit the bar.” Blackjack fished her story once again ashamed at her inability to save anyone, her fellow inmate studied her for as he filled in the blanks (bar = drinking till ya passed out) chuckling

“ah, poor torvash you did not know? these are gangsters and they are going to sell you to hansa, those bastards see you as the new best toy for the kids, not giving a damn what you think.” her partner informed her, he then introduced himself “comrade Pavel” Blackjack’s perception told her that there was more to him and that he wasn't just a simple soldier.

“that’s the hat of an officer” Pavel sighed as he had hoped he would just get by without having to reveal more about himself in case this pony proved to be trouble for the red line.

“Comrade Major Pavel.” reinstated himself and put on a knowing smile hoping that this small detail would be satisfactory and Pavel also hoped she wouldn't hold it against him, he didn't really lie to her.

“Blackjack” she responded in kind, two of the gangsters reentered the train car causing both Pavel to lower his voice down to a whisper as he continued to talk with her.

“ if only I had a knife I could take them”, Blackjack's ear's perked up, she could assist Pavel and he would help her in return, maybe she would even gain a friend through this, provided that he wasn't just boasting, somehow the Reaper had faith in the communists abilities.

“a throwing knife fell down behind that box right next to us” Blackjack's life and freedom now were in Pavel's hands. Pavel gave her a quick thumbs up and blackjack thought 'wait didn’t he have his hands tied behind his back a minute ago?' Blackjack than realised that Pavel had broken his bonds. Pavel now leaned on the box as he fished for the knife, finding it and putting the hand back in its spot just in the nick of time as one of gangsters forced him to sit straight and smacked him across the head for leaning against the box. No sooner did he turn his back on Pavel then did Pavel spring up and stab him in the back of his waist.

“Oh shit!” the other gangster cried as he pulled out his revolver and fired two shots at Pavel but only succeeded in hitting his now certainly dead partner's chest. Pavel threw the knife and it hit the scumbag right in his eye he dropped dead on the spot as Pavel scavenged from the two gangsters of their equipment.

“you gonna help me?” Blackjack stated slightly annoyed at Pavel, hiding her worry that he might just abandon her despite the fact that she has aided him so far.

“I’m looking for key’s” the communist defended himself before cursing “Blyat! No keys. Alright we’re going to have to break down your cage” he took a grip on the bar’s and Blackjack got ready to buck. “On three. One…Two…THREE!” the cage busted open as the combined strength of the two shattered the cage. “Woah, that was easier then I thought” Pavel stated as he still held on to two bars.
“Probably because of these cybernetic limbs.” Blackjack answered his question allowing him to get a close look at the cybernetics.
“oh those are your limbs? Fascinating, very fascinating indeed.” Pavel sated as he cut off the magic inhibitor the gangsters had put on blackjack, he looked at the equipment before them, he picked up a Sagia and revolver from the gangster’s with the ammunition for both and look over to see a Shambu (Zebra assault rifle) with a magazine in it and eleven more right next to it “hey, I think you can put this to good use” he said as he tossed blackjack the weapon and magazines getting a nod out of the pony, they were ready to go.


Pavel Morozov has become you companion
you have gained the companion perk "musketeers"
your efficiency with pre war weapons has been increased (limited to small guns only, no energy or magical weapons either). lasts only as long as Pavel is in your party

Author's Note:

okay, this one was actually planned to happen much later but I decided to continue Khan's shenanigans in a flash back arc. also, Pavel is just an awesome Character from Metro Last Light, nothing more. so don't go talking politics please :scootangel: (though that would be better than commenting nothing at all (I am in really desperate need of feedback:pinkiesad2:))

Comments ( 23 )

a crossover fanfic between the Metro series and Fallout Equestria (which itself is a crossover between MLP and Fallout)

Metro does not mix with fallout.

its also (according to the current rating) a horrible story, an abomination that should never have been created (though What exactly went wrong is what I really want to know)

1. Bad grammar
2. Fallout: Equestria
3. Metro AND Fallout crossover
4. Crossover

Comment posted by redAKAyouraveradewriter deleted Aug 29th, 2018

I'm listing reasons why people would dislike this

oh, sorry. well, do you dislike it? (believe it or not I'm not mad, but curious)

Yes, because of lacking grammar for what is an interesting concept.

oh, thank you for your honesty. I'll admit I've never been the best with grammar (and it is especially hard when your only reference on hand is 2035 which is infamous for the many errors that popped up in the English translation). I will try and do my best to improve the grammar in both current and future chapters. though this will be tough cause I already did a massive grammar over hall hours before publishing and my fingers are still complaining, and I don't have someone to proof read but I will manage.

I can proofread if you want. You should also un-publish the chapters and fix the grammar chapter by chapter.

really? if you want to proof read then thank you, but are you sure cause you don't have to if you don't want to.

I must say that the concept is very interesting, especially because of the characters that are included. I am very interested to see where this will go.

I did the same thing lol

it's fixed now. apologies that they where there in the first place

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

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