• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 584 Views, 28 Comments

METRO: Fallout Equestria - redAKAyouraveradewriter

the world of Metro and Equestria are about to clash, hero's will meet, some will die, some will surive and some will be broken beyond repair.

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Part 1, Prolog

The room was filled with heated debate between; a thug wearing a camouflaged combat chest plate, a woman with a black anti radiation suit, a officer with a uniform similar to the thugs’, a soldier with the same uniform and an old man in a wheelchair with only one arm wearing a uniform and a beret.

The officer spoke out “okay run thru it again, Artyom, you put your shambeler down by the bedside”

“yes and then I went to sleep.” Replied the thug, Artyom, one of the Ranger Order's strongest and most skilled members, he had saved the metro from the Clutches of Korbot but now he was stumped on what the hell happened during his sleep.

“Was Anne with you?” The soldier interjected causing both the woman and Artyom to blush and look at the floor in embarrassment.

“Ulman I swear if you make a joke like that again I will find every last person that contributed to your survival and shoot them myself” the old man, Miller, told the soldier. Ulman took at least forty blood infusion's to stabilize alone, the operation on him was one of the most ambitious ones preformed since the war.

the soldier, Ulman, in his usual sarcastic banter as the infamous 'comedian' of the Ranger ranks, chuckled.

the Woman, Anne, the Order's top sniper, Miller's daughter and Artyom's wife continued her husbands story from her perspective. “Anyway when I entered the room found Artyom asleep with the strange weapon in the place of the shamble.”

Ulman saw an opportunity to make another joke and began to tease “Anne I think Artyom might be cheating on yo-” before he could finish his smartass joke Ulman felt a sharp jab in his stomach, he may be older, but Artyom was far more physically fit.

“Alright, alright everyone calm down!” The office shouted, clearly he was not going to put up with either Ulman or Artyom's shit.

“never thought I'd see the day you’d stick up for me Korneyev.” Ulman said as he recomposed himself.

Korneyev did not acknowledge Ulman as he continued “and where is the strange gun now Miller?”

Korneyev turned to face the old man, but Ulman answered the question for Miller. “Its in the armory, i had a look at it myself, rather impressive piece of work if you ask me.” Ulman was impressed at the weapon, it was a semi-auto shotgun that got it's ammo through a round drum, firing twelve gage buckshot, but it was filled with 'clean' (military grade) rounds and this confused Ulman. Ulman continued asking “why is this so important? I mean what changes if-”

“it changes the very fabric of our lives and the fabric of our universe” a new voice answered Ulmans question in a tone that made it look like Ulman had asked if nukes were bad. Everyone turned to see an old man in worn clothes standing in the doorway with his hands together in a praying fashion but tilted downwards to be pointing parallel to the ground.

“Khan” Miller said his voice a mix of mistrust and curiosity. what had the old philosopher come to do now?

As usual, not a single soul had seen Khan until he made his presence known. Khan continued his statement “you do not know what is coming, you know as i have told you about the multiple universes and timelines yes?” it was true Khan had spoken about how there were so many other dimensions “ did you think they all stayed in place, no their always moving about, and sometimes they get close other dimensions-”

“Khan wait, you just said that they moved, what does that look like in the first place?” Ulman cut Khan off. Ulman’s question succeeded in causing Khan to pause for two seconds before he continued

“you know how are Solar system is in the galaxy? think of that but on a larger scale, with dimensions of a similar nature or timeline clustering around each other. now this is normal, but sometimes dimensions come into close proximity with each other, when they do that, some things are transferred between them, mostly small items but sometimes even lifeforms get sucked through. again usually when the dimensions are of a similar timeline this is not a problem but sometimes when dimensions of a different timeline get close to each other this process can be world changing.”

Miller then asked Khan “How do you know this?” Khan’s expression changed to one of doubt and began slowly, knowing that the following answer would make it look like he had lost his mind, but he had to warn them.

“This has happened before, you recall it as the time when stories had Dragons, Minotaur’s, Griffins, Unicorns and Pegasus...” Khans solemn voice almost echoed in the resulting silence.

The entire room, save for Khan, burst out laughing at the aged Mongolian “okay Khan, have you waited all this time to pull that joke” Ulman asked between wheezing gasps for air and failed to hear Khan’s reply of “no” but Khan continued talking.

“and now our dimension is on a collision course an-” Khan blurted out befor Korneyev cut him off.

“no that’s enough Ulman take him out of here” Korneyev was not going to listen to Khan's rambelings any longer.

“bu-” Ulman tried to reason before being cut off

“that is an order!” and sighed before saying “sorry Khan but it is time for you to go.”

Khan merely responded in a hushed tone “it is indeed time for my departure, I hope this doesn’t hurt to much.”

“wha-” but before Ulman had a chance to react he was on the ground almost curled up into a ball, Artyom instinctively drew out his revolver but just as he began to level it out he was struck with immense pain causing him to let go and cry out as the revolver left his hands, the next thing he knew Khan was standing in front of everyone with Artyom’s revolver, Anna instinctively shielded Miller and Arytom tried moving in to shield her but Khan just played with the revolver in his hands as he continued speaking.

“this event is imminent and I am going to the northern stations so I can make contact, I do not know the exact day, but I do know it will happen at midnight” he then tossed the revolver back to Artyom and left the room. No one said anything and they just soo there for a few minutes. Of course when they finally did do something Khan was long gone from the facility.

-Hours later outside a building on the edge of Moscow

Khan set up a camp up against the side of a building facing outwards and beyond the metro, he may as well have set it up on the edge of the world. Khan set up and dugout the disassembled weapons he kept in his backpack, all in all he had seven weapons in total, he decided to keep out the Hellsing, Bigun (which he loaded with Dragonbreath incendiary shells for this special occasion) and his Bayoneted AK. he then closed up his tent, sat on the concrete floor, swapped his empty filter for a full one and began to wait. He entered a deep meditation stance taught to him in his most famous past life (which was the one he got his name from) he had done it before, it minimized his air intake (killed hunger and thirst as well) while maximizing his situational, spiritual and cosmic awareness, he privately thanked the Chinese monks that taught him this technique. He could stay like this for years.

Khan didn’t half to wait long as the moon reached its spot in the sky ( it was a clear evening, luckily for Khan) that signified midnight the whole world shook and a loud boom with a bright light flashed temporarily blinding the aged Mongolian. Outwardly Khan looked unchanged but inside he was in total chaos, the spiritual world had been blindsided by this event and as Khan regained his vision he looked up and saw the sky now had two moons! Khan took out his binoculars and investigated, he could faintly see off in the distance small black dots flying around of their own will, he left his tent with its little sign attached to the front zipper reading property of the wolf and Khan set out to see what had changed about the land he had heard so much about many, many centuries ago.

Author's Note:

NOTE: I LOVE feedback, no matter what that feedback is! If I'm screwing up horribly then let me know! If you liked it let me know! I HATE being left clueless to what my audience thinks.