• Published 28th Aug 2018
  • 586 Views, 28 Comments

METRO: Fallout Equestria - redAKAyouraveradewriter

the world of Metro and Equestria are about to clash, hero's will meet, some will die, some will surive and some will be broken beyond repair.

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Part 2, Khan's exhibition

Kan ran through the swamp as if it wasn’t there. They always laughed, they laughed when he said he would unite Mongolia, they laughed when he said he would conquer China, beat Rome and they laughed especially hard when he agreed with the world being round, they always laughed, but he was always right the end.

Khan stopped and sensed less radiation, so he took off his mask, the air was breathable. Khan continued off down his way and come to a familiar sight, wrecked buildings and skeletons everywhere, Khan began to form theories on what happened.

“g-go away” a small voice whimpered out, Khan turn to see something that he hadn’t seen in a long time. A little unicorn filly, brown coat and mane holding a sawed off double barrel shotgun in his magical aura.

Khan put on a gentle smile and knelt down before gently asking “put the gun down little one” the gun dropped like a stone and the filly's whimper turned to crying.

“Please help, raiders took my mom and my sister and I got to take care of grampa and help him get better” Khan could see the tears begin to fall as the poor colt begged. Desperate for the return of those he'd lost.

Khan decided his best course of action was to first get more information and began to comfort the filly “okay, okay I’ll help but first take me to him” upon hearing those words the little filly’s mood improved rapidly and he practically hoped all the way to a small campsite.

“Junior, is that you?” A voice filled with pain called out to the filly. Khan could sense that this filly and his grandfather were living on the edge, just barley getting by on what the grew/scavenged.

the small colt enthusiastically replied “gampa! I found a strange being who said he would get Mommy back!” Khan almost chucked at the small child's innocence and his ever trusting nature.

“Junior what did I tell you about talking to strange pon-” before the old stallion could finish his sentence he took a look at khan and shifted backwards “your not a pony at all!” he had bandages wrapped around his torso and right hoof “who are you!” he asked.

Khan decided it was best not to reveal his ‘true’ name to anyone so he told the aged stallion “they call me the wolf” bowing as he introduced himself with a tone that maximized intimidation, it wasn't a lie as some stations only knew him by that name. “Your grandchild is right, I have promised that I will get your daughter back.”

“and my grandfoal?” the aged stallion asked with a bit of fear in his voice, yet there was also hope, hope that he could see those he'd lost again.

“If possible.” Khan merely replied, now it was his turn to ask questions “now, how did the world end up like this?”

The old Stallion looked at him in confusion asking “you don’t know?" Khan merely shook his head, allowing the old colt to continue "The Zebra’s and Celestia duked it out with mega spells, what you see before you is the aftermath.”

Khan couldn't help but let out a deep sigh of disappointment, they were to human-like for their own good, they could not end wars so wars ended them. or was a draw towards violence and wars not just a Human trait, but a trait of all sentient beings? No, the Dark Ones disproved that notion, but could they be the exception and not the rule? Khan Pondered these questions as he pulled out his canteen and after he took a drink from his bottle Khan put it away and he asked “what about the raiders?”

the Stallion was really beginning to wonder if 'the Wolf' came from a stable as he asked as many questions as stable ponies did “what about them? What’s not to say, their crazy, psychotic, always looking for a fight, they have no morals and being their prisoner is something I wouldn’t wish on even my worst enemy, lucky for me, the Raiders around here don’t have guns and I do. But they jumped us when I misplaced my shotgun, fortunately for us Dusty here already found it.” pointing to the double barrel that the small foal was leaning on. “Dusty was on his way back when they showed up so he went hiding under a wreaked fridge, I tried my best, but they slashed me six times along the stomach and I also got stabbed in the right hoof” he tried rubbing his wounds to sooth the pain, “I was left for dead”

“but I had a healing potion!” Dusty chimed in causing the old stallion smile

turning to 'the Wolf' he desperately pleaded 'the Wolf' to “just get my babies back. They took them down the road to their camp it's not far from here, you might just get there in time to save them!”

Khan looked him in the eye and declared “it will be done.” Khan stood up and left the two to find these raiders. He continued down the road silently until he came to a stack of cars in the shape of a barricade, he knelt down and slid into the camp like a shadow. The Raiders were other ponies with scar’s, the haircuts of a reject metal band, and a crazy look in their eyes, they were in conversation

“thank the goddesses that old colt’s finally dead! I only wish I could have been there to watch the last drop of blood drain from his body.” a voice hollered

“ I bet he’d taste real good” another chimed in as the raiders continued their mockery

“ack...you bitch” the raiders heard it causing them to turn and see one of theirs dead in the grip of a creature taller than any of them wearing strange (even for them) clothes and having a look of murderous fire in his eye’s

“who the fuck are you!” the head raider asked as they all drew their weapons, knives, axes and spears, with the head one drawing a sword from his obviously scavenged uniform. Khan looked around in disgust, even Bandits had more honor then these rats.

“your not even worth the bullets" Khan Growled before drawing his own knife out from its sheath strewn on his chest.


The old stallion couldn’t believe it, the Wolf returned covered in blood, with his daughter and granddaughter, he also brought a bunch of other ponies the raiders had captured with all the supplies from the raiders camp. “I don’t know how I could ever repay you” he said for the thousandth time.

“wiping that scum out is more a moral duty then something I should be paid for” the Wolf calmly replied having not bothered with washing the blood off.

the Stallion continued “so their gone?” hardly believing that he wouldn't have to worry about them, how he could finally rest a little easier knowing that nopony was going to come and snatch away his loved ones in the middle of the night.

“they will never bother you or anybody ever again” the stallion was too grateful to correct the Wolf on how he was saying everypony.

“I wish there were more like you” he chuckled

"Don't." The Wolf scoffed him, “ not all of my kind are a good natured and benevolent as I am, though it is rare to find one’s as despicable as those raiders” the Stallion assumed that good nature was similar to whatever Benevolent meant. the Wolf continued “We now share a world, you will meet more, hopefully nothing bad will happen, but I must go.” and the Wolf was gone before he could say anything else.


“DJPon3 here! Have I got a story for you children today! Okay so I'm going to assume that it wasn’t just everypony here at Tenpony Tower that got yanked out of dream world by an unholy racket at midnight, well I got early reports of this strange being, taller than anypony, wearing strange clothes, a bit like a hellhound but it was nearly furless save for a bit of mane on its head. Carrying around the strangest weapon’s you’ve ever seen. It could talk too! Called itself ‘the Wolf’ and his first action is…… killing an entire raider camp with a knife.. Children, this ‘Wolf’ is not one to be messed with, but hey, he killed raiders and saved some captured ponies so we all owe him a small thank you However. Children if your up past your bedtime you might notice something a little off in the sky, and by off I meant that there’s another moon in the sky, no I’m not kidding Children it’s really there!, anyway I’m being flooded with reports of other strange activities and I got a lot of work to do, I’ll keep you up to date with the truth! But now, some music”

Author's Note:

note: when this chapter was made I kinda had a memory lapse about what happened in PH so slight mistakes were made. trust me though, the story gets more FOE friendly as we go on. Note: Khan may seem a bit different for those who only played the game, but while what portrayed in the game is one aspect of his character, the book gives him a lot more depth, he is a master manipulator, while this is justified by the fact that he usually uses these shady means to preform good deeds he still has no problem with killing anyone and everyone in his way to achieve his goals.