• Published 22nd Aug 2018
  • 372 Views, 0 Comments

This can't be happening... - Valuable Ashes

When someone asks for a "Supernatural day" they wouldn't expect this

  • ...

...this just can't be real

One quiet evening in a small province, Chris Mcguffin sits down on a chair next to his dining table and contemplates a banana. He sat there for minutes possibly waiting for something to come out but nothing comes out of course. It's a banana, it cannot just come out of its skin, dance around and enlarge. If that did happen, world hunger would be solved and he would be given a medal in accidental science. The world will name him savior of the hungry or hero of fertilization but of course, that wouldn't happen. If something happened it will definitely not be what I just said.

Time passes very slow every time he focuses on this very banana. His gaze is broken when he hears his doorbell ringing. What could be out in the middle of the night? Chris wondered as he fixes his T-shirt while walking to his front door. He opens the door and sees a purple animal right outside his doorstep. He steps back and realizes what the thing he's looking at is. Wings, horn, those adorable looking eyes. Impossible! Before he stops and think about the situation he's in he hears himself shout three words.


He shouts as he slams the door on the alicorn's face. This was NOT supposed to happen. Twilight was not supposed to be here. Didn't the ritual work? he thought to himself only to expect a whole lot of nope. Choosing small LED lights as the candles and marshmello as the black powder was the problem wasn't it? He opens the door again not believing his eyes and expecting it was just a prank played on by a friend of his only to see the alicorn standing there.

"You know, it's not nice to slam the door on somepony's face" Twilight says

Chris' voice was lost to the mountains and doesn't reply. He slams the door only harder this time. Okay okay, keep it together Chris steadies himself with a wall What did mom say? What did mom say? Close your eyes for three seconds and the nightmares will go away. That's easy, that's easy. He opens the door and expects the alicorn this time but it seems like she's gone. Chris breathes a sigh relief and is overjoyed about what happened.

"I think, I'll need some fresh air before I go to bed. Maybe all of the things that happened weren't real and I'm just hallucinating"

Chris opens the door wide and looks outside carefully. He exits his house and prepares for a walk down the street. This is the place where he thinks about things and enjoys it. He always liked to be alone nobody notices him or talks to him. This is his comfort zone at night except for his house of course. In his walk he couldn't stop thinking about Twilight's appearance or at least he thought it was Twilight.

"I followed every single thing in the book," His mouth took over his mind "I followed what the steps were"

"I just wanted the world to have a new horror craze. Slenderman's gone, Bigfoot's been hunted and Pennywise the clown's floating in space never to be seen again"

"What has earth has to offer anymore? It's completely bland"

At that moment, Chris feels a presence behind him. It is getting closer and closer until he can feel the sensation to look behind him and scream. There was one thing though, he didn't want to scream even if there might be a murderer behind him ready to strike. He wanted to leave the world now, his mind has gone completely insane thinking about cartoon horses appearing at his front door. He braced for his imminent death and faced the presence.

He looked around noticing the presence was immediately gone. Turning around again he is soon greeted by a pink pony that pounced him to the ground. His mind focused on the pony and let out scream.


He crawled himself back to his feet looking at the pony with wide eyes. Pinkie he thought. His mind was looking for answers he doesn't even know.

"Hiya! Are you Chris Mcguffin? We heard this thing in the Everfree forest and decided to investigate. Only to come to your world and speak with the first person we can talk to. When we found you awake I was excited telling you everything I know but you already know that right? You know I'm fascinated about how you move because you're not walking on four legs like us and how the moon and sun doesn't need to be magically controlled by a princess like Princess Celestia or Luna and one more thing..." Pinkie stops when she sees Chris attempting to make a break for it "...Where are you going?"

Chris ran away from Pinkie not answering the question. He couldn't hear it anyway. He opened his front door and locked it including all the windows and unties their curtains. His mind was racing all he could think of is sleep and that's exactly what he's going to do. Walking up to a ladder placed on one corner of the dining room he picked it up and moved it just beside the front door. Above the door was a trapdoor with a small 4-digit lock next to the handle. He input the code and entered his bedroom.

Before he moved into this house his bedroom was the bathroom and for weeks he's been looking for places on where to put his bed on and he had this idea to put it on the attic. All the cobweb dusting and nest destroying he painted the insides of the roof and tiled the floor. He still admires his work even now but tonight is not the time for admiring. He needs to sleep and rid all of this inside his head. Maybe tomorrow he can start a new life and not attempt to summon anyone or anything anymore. He lays down on his bed and looks out the window above his bed. The starry night and the moon makes the world so beautiful like there is something hiding among the stars.

Screw summonings, I'll be an astronaut Chris thought to himself but before he could sleep he spotted a shadow flying past the moon. He sat himself up and looked closer. He can't find anything and before he lays back down again, something began furiously tapping the window. He checked it and opened the window and saw a rainbow maned pegasus flapping her wings. He didn't scream nor shut the window he simply had a conversation with the pegasus.

"Rainbow Dash, am I correct?" The pegasus nodded "And you have Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack with you as well?" She nodded again "May I ask you a question? Why are you and your friends here?"

"Because we were summoned by you?" she scratched her mane

"Can you go back from where you came from?"

"Nope, we're staying here until we want to leave. Even though, I think we'll be leaving soon. Fluttershy misses her animals, Rarity has some clothes to sell and I need to help out Daring Do and the-"

"Yeah yeah I get it. So when are you exactly leaving?"

"When Twilight gets her answer"

"What answer?"

A flash of purple appears behind Chris. Chris turns around to see Twilight lifting a quill on her right and paper on her left. Knowing her, she'll most probably ask Chris what is this world and how did they get here. Twilight puts the quill on top of the paper and asks Chris:

"Where are we and who are you?"

Chris looks at Rainbow Dash before climbing out of his bed and sitting by the edge of it. This is gonna be a long night Chris thought as he starts answering Twilight's questions.

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