• Member Since 25th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Mirror Star

Comments ( 23 )

I'd love to see Mr. Shy x Windy and Mrs. Shy x Bow, complete with a bit of light domination wth the Shies being the subs

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Rain Flower and Shy Breeze are Fluttershy's parents.

This is a swingers type story and I'm only using the 12 in the group so no one outside of them can be put in.

Okay, fair enough. What about roleplay?

9153013 That makes sense. I could see their daughter being that way too.

wow 12 characters for the image. So does this means all 12 characters are going to be in this story? If so? what do you have plans for the next first chapter?

Yes, all 12 of the mane 6 parents are going to be in this, hence the cover art. My plans, right now, are to showcase the married couples first and to show what Game 1 is going to be like. I will either write Bright Mac/Pear Butter, Hondo Flanks/Cookie Crumbles, or Igneous Rock Pie/Cloudy Quartz first; I may mix couples in day one but don't swear me to that yet. It will most likely be regular intercourse with some extra kinks to them.

Yes, Shy Breeze and Rain Flower are Mr. and Mrs. Shy; they don't have canon names so I had to come up with them in this case.
Yes, there will be roleplaying things like Police-Convict, Teacher-Student, and/or Superhero roleplay; I haven't decided who does what yet.

This may be be used in later chapters since this does fit them so well in that regard.

night light and pear butter would be a nice pair or night light and windy whistles


Yes, there will be roleplaying things like Police-Convict, Teacher-Student, and/or Superhero roleplay; I haven't decided who does what yet.

I was thinking more along the lines of father/mother-daughter role-playing. A lot of these couples strike me as having an incest fetish.

As for the very first chapter, I'd definitely like it to be about Windy and Bow as well.

Thanks for saying something. It will be take into consideration.
These are pairs I will definitely do in the right conditions.

I think I could do that but I won't make any real promises.

No problem.
I look forward to seeing the game in action.

I always find it humorous when someone says "I won't be doing X-fetish in this story!", thereby causing it to pop up on any searches for that keyword.

Igneous Rock Pie, and Cloudy Quartz

Aside from some continuity issues, this was good.

I don't know what you mean by continuity issues but I'll take a look. Although, I haven't set up all the details relating to this story just yet but they will be addressed more in the next few chapters.

It was easier for the parents of the Mane 6 and limiting it to them.
But if it makes you feel better, I do have one that would include Starlight/Sunburst parents but that story is on hiatus.

For all we know, Windy really COULD be a cougar.
We don't know the age difference between her and Bow

As for the next couple: Mr. and Mrs. Shy

can you label what chapter is going to contact like in fetishes?

This was a fun chapter.

Though, one minor correction:
It's "babble" not "babel"

Will there be like bondage sex in this? Like one pair engaging in BDSM with the female dominating the male? And vice versa? Maybe with the Bow Hothoof/Windy Whistles pair?

I'm thinking of doing something like that later down the line. While it may not be a Bow-Windy like your suggesting, I do plan on getting it done in the future.

Anyone else finding it hilarious to imagine Mr. Shy talking like a rebellious greaser student? He does not have the voice for it:rainbowlaugh:

I kind of hope Windy ends up winning Queen.

This was a nice moment of reflection of what came before and what lies ahead.

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