• Published 10th Dec 2011
  • 1,475 Views, 17 Comments

Ponyville's New Civilians - Blazing Dawn

A new pony is in town, but what comes with this new arrival?

  • ...

Well, Welcome to Ponyville

"Well, Welcome To Ponville"


Twilight Sparkle was reading up on her trans-dimensional spell, so accidents wouldn't occurs like last time she and the other mane 6 met their male-counterparts, when she heard a large crash right behind her. Immediately after the crash, acorns pelted Twilight Sparkle, which caused her to jump to see where the acorns and the crash came from. Ow why are there even acorns raining on my head? What is going on? Even more surprising to her was that somepony was shouting for help right behind her.


Oh no! Somepony must have been hurt badly if somepony was screaming that loudly, thought Twilight as she turned around to see where this shouting came from. As she rested her eyes on the scene, it took her a few seconds to process the image. A golden yellow stallion was standing shocked right next to a familiar cyan colored, rainbow hai-… OH SWEET CELESTIA. Twilight galloped as fast as she could to Rainbow Dash, even knocking over the stallion, to see what has happened. Twilight examined Rainbow's head and neck, and then looked up at the tree and saw an impact crater. Blazing picked himself up, shocked and a little irritated, and noticed that Twilight was fussing over Rainbow Dash.

"I take it that you know Rainbow Dash…" Blazing Dawn rubbed his side.

"What happened to her? I know that Rainbow crashes many times, but I have never seen her get knocked unconscious."

"Well I was racing with her and…"

Blazing Dawn started to narrate the race and how they both were going as fast as they could, and how he stopped himself before crashing while Rainbow Dash did not and crashed into the tree. While Blazing was going over his story and watching Twilight, Twilight was busy ranting to nopony.

"Oh my, what am I suppose to do? I might have read a book on injuries, and got the spell to work before, but it is number 32 so I haven't had much time to practice it… What if it doesn't work properly? Oh, I don't know… I'm not sure if I should do this, but I have to try for the sake of Rainbow Dash…"

Twilight Sparkle started to cast a spell that would identify most injuries, and started to run Rainbow Dash through the magical medical exam. Just as Blazing was out of breath from finishing his narration, and still exhausted from the race, Twilight looked up at him.

"Rainbow Dash seems to be okay for now. I didn't find anything wrong with her, other than a slight concussion."

"Oh thank Celestia."

"But, who are you? I think that you're new here since I have never seen you before, and how do you know Rainbow Dash?"

"Oh sorry, I'm Blazing Dawn, I've just moved here."

"Hello Blazing, I'm Twilight Sparkle. It's good to see some new faces."

With a glance towards Rainbow Dash, Blazing Dawn replied to Twilight.

"Well, I know Rainbow Dash because she was the first pony I met near Ponyville, even though she tried to make me leave due to lack of building rights, oh, and I had a race with her."

"Oh Rainbow Dash, don't worry about the building rights issue, it was just Rainbow Dash overreacting… again…" Twilight shakes her head slightly.

"So, since it's your first time here, how about I show you around Ponyville, I still remember the first time I came here."

"Hmm," Blazing put up a hoof towards his face but didn't need to think long, "Okay, good enough, shall we go now? Oh wait, do you think Rainbow Dash would like you or me to carry her?"

“I think that Rainbow Dash would prefer that I carry her, no offense.”

“None taken, but are you sure you won’t need help?”

“Yes I am, come let’s go, can’t always sit here doing nothing but chatting.”

So our two newly founded friends, Blazing Dawn and Twilight Sparkle, who was carrying Rainbow Dash with magic, started to walk to Ponyville. Twilight was bubbling with joy and excitement to be one of the first to greet a new citizen of Ponyville, as there haven't been many new ponies in Ponyville for a long time.

"We are now next to the Sweet Apple Acres, this is where my friend Applejack works with her family."

"That is a rather large orchard they've got going on there, seems too large for one pony alone."

"Not really, mostly Applejack and her brother, Big Macintosh, run the farm. Even though Applejack doesn't like it, the ponies in Ponyville sometimes help them out in harsh times."

“Howdy there Twilight nice to see you around here, who’s that colt next to you? Ah don’t think ah’ve ever seen him around here.”

Applejack was pulling on an apple cart, full with freshly bucked apples, and was approaching the pair. Blazing took a good look at the newcomer, first he noticed the hat, which was unusual as he never seen a pony wear a Stetson hat before, then he looked at the orange mare's cutie mark of 3 apples.

“Oh hello Applejack, this is Blazing Dawn, he just moved here recently. Blazing, this is Applejack, one of my friends.”

“Hello Applejack, nice to meet you.”

“Welcome to Ponyville Blazing, hope you enjoy it here. Twilight, why are yah carrying Rainbow?”

"Oh, Rainbow just crashed into a tree and fell unconcious…"

"Yeah, it was because… um… she was racing against me…"

"Oh ah knew it that she was going to hurt herself racing sooner or later," Applejack face-hoofed, "Well I suspect you're taking her to Nurse Redheart, don't let me slow you down."

Twilight was about to leave when she remembered something, "Applejack, are you going to compete in this year's Running of the Leaves?"

"Nah, ah can't, it's happening during apple harvest season."

"Oh that's too bad, bye then Applejack," Twilight started to walk ahead. While Blazing went to follow Twilight, Applejack called out to him. Twilight and Blazing paused.

"Hey Blazing, would yah like an apple?" Blazing Dawn stopped and turned around.

"Umm, sure, how much is it?"

"Nothing, free for a new pony who never tasted a Sweet Apple Acre apple before."

"Oh nice, are you sure?"

"Of course, it's the best apple you'll probably get." Applejack practically shoved a perfect red apple into Blazing Dawn's hooves. Blazing Dawn bit into the perfectly red apple, and found it was so juicy and delicious that he was glad he could have tried it.

"Wow, it's delicious, thanks a lot Applejack!"

Applejack smiled, "That's great, now get Rainbow Dash to Nurse Redheart."

"Okay, bye Applejack," Blazing replied.

So Twilight Sparkle and Blazing Dawn proceeded to travel towards Ponyville, while Blazing Dawn was happily enjoying his perfect apple treat. Twilight started to tell Blazing the scenery around them, but Blazing had already regretted his decision of having Twilight as a guide, since she just kept on talking about the scenery, so he started to zone out on her in boredom. While they were travelling, Blazing had finished the outside of the apple and bit the core.

"BLEGH," Blazing spat out the apple core.

"What's wrong," Twilight replied looking scared.

"Huh, the apple core was rotten, even though the apple was perfect…" Blazing Dawn looked confused.

"Never mind that, let's go, carrying Rainbow Dash is making me tired."

"Are you really sure you don't want me to carry her?"

"Rainbow Dash has a certain, umm, thing against colts."

"That's a nice reason," Blazing snickered.

Twilight ignored that reply and saw that they were are the Carousel Boutique, and saw that Rarity was inside cleaning.

"This is the Carousel Boutique, it's a dressmaking shop where one of my friends lives," Twilight whispered to Blazing.

"Hello, Rarity," said Twilight as she and Blazing approached the Boutique.

Blazing noticed Rarity's violet mane which seemed to have been well-kept but was all messy from the cleaning, and noticed how the room she was in was all crammed with random household objects

"Hello there Twilight, I'm a little busy right now," Rarity said hurriedly while moving a drawer, "Sweetie Belle made a mess again and cleaning it is ruining my mane… Is that a new colt next to you?"

"Hello there Rarity, I'm Blazing Dawn, Twilight is showing me around Ponyville, nice to meet you."

"Hello Blazing, I'm a little busy right now, but I love to chat with you, or making a suit for you I have not much practice with suitmak-," Rarity had just pushed a table knocking a book, roll of cloth, and sewing machine to the floor.

"Oh Celestia!"

"Do you need help?" Blazing asked Rarity.

"No need, I can deal with this, do not let me ruin your visit to Ponyville," just after saying that the cupboards in the room opened and spools of cloth fell out.

"Blazing I think it's time to leave," said Twilight who was walking away just as Rarity started screaming.

"Yeah, I think so too."

Twilight and Blazing walked along the beaten path for a few minutes and reached the main area of Ponyville. Blazing saw the many ponies going about their business crowding around him, and the houses seemed to close around him, and he started to hyperventilate. Twilight didn't seem to notice, until she stopped talking about Ponyville history and looked at Blazing.

"What's wrong Blazing? You seem rather scared and flushed."

"I really… don't… like… crowded area… full of ponies," replied Blazing through grit teeth, "I prefer… the open air."

"Don't worry Blazing, the town hall is right here, you can find the mayor in here, I will wait for you outside."

Blazing Dawn went inside the Town Hall, albeit an unstable trotting style, while Twilight walked to Nurse Redheart's office to drop off Rainbow. After telling Redheart what had happened to Rainbow, she went to sit on a bench and pulled out the book on inter-dimensional travel. While reading, Twilight heard some ponies talking about Blazing Dawn and how they never seen him before, and it was agitating Twilight. Just as she couldn't deal with the endless blabber, she heard Blazing walk towards her, and she looked up.

"Well that was shorter than I expected, and I take it that Rainbow Dash is okay now?" Blazing asked

"I talked to Nurse Redheart, she's going to be okay."

"Oh good," Blazing nodded, "Well, should we continue with the tour?"

Twilight looked at the sun and put away her book, "Looks like we have enough time, let's go."

Twilight and Blazing proceeded to walk through Ponyville, draw a few glances with them. Blazing couldn't help but notice that there were an awfully odd proportion of mares to colts in the town.

"This is Carrot Top's house, she lives there with Golden Harvest who is her sister. You should meet them later. Derpy Hooves also drops in with them sometimes, oh, Derpy is the mailmare of this town."

"Twilight sorry to interrupt, but I have to ask, why are there so many mar-," Blazing Dawn started to ask, but was interrupted.


"I brought you a letter!"

Derpy had flown straight into Blazing, and knocked him into the ground.

"Oh thank you Derpy, I was expecting this, but you did knock over Blazing."

"Oh sorry, here have a muffin for your troubles," said Derpy as she handed Twilight her letter, and Blazing a muffin, as Blazing picked himself up for the second time that day.

"Umm, thanks for the muffin?" Blazing replied as Derpy started to fly off again.

"Blazing, that was Derpy Hooves, the same one I was talking about before."

"I thought so…"

Blazing Dawn and Twilight Sparkle started to walk again, after leaving the Town, Blazing felt more free, since the area that they were walking in had less ponies surrounding him.

"Right now we're in front of the music shop, it is ran by Vinyl Scratch, although I don't understand why anypony would listen to that type of music. I have asked for classical music there but they did not have any… What is this ponybeat they talk about? What about dubtrot."

"Those are different types of music, it's popular today." Blazing smirked at Twilight's lack of modern music, since he thought that Twilight would be the one who would try to learn about everything.

"Well, each pony has a different preference, but I do think ponies need to know more classical... Right now we are at the Sugarcube corner, oh wait, which means we are going to meet…"


Blazing turned around swiftly, but he saw no pony behind him, except for a pink blurred line.

"Pinkie Pie…" Twilight finished with a giggle.

"Was Pinkie Pie the one who just gasped really loudly and ran away, making me almost jump 20 hooves into the air?" Blazing said indignantly, as his wings were open ready to fly away or charge at the pony who decided to sneak up behind him.

"Yes it was, Pinkie Pie is another one of my friends, and that is her usually greeting for new ponies," Twilight nodded, "She actually did that to me when I first saw her. Pinkie Pie works in the Sugarcube Corner, with Mrs. And Mr. Cake, as a baker of Sweet Street."

"I'm still having doubts about her…"

"Don't worry, she is just preparing a…" Twilight stopped herself, "I mean I shouldn't spoil it or anything."

Just as Twilight and Blazing decided to start moving on, Pinkie Pie popped out of a nearby house right in front of them. Blazing now took a closer look at Pinkie, with her pink puffy out-of-control mane and tail, which Blazing thought fit her. He noticed how her non-stopping mouth was moving at hyper-speed, the three party balloons cutie mark, and how she was almost right at his face!

"Hey! I've never seen you around here, and since I know everypony in Ponyville, I knew that you had to be new, I also have a knee-twitch to ear-flop then tail-twitch and eye-flutter, which means that there is going to be a new pony arriving, so now the town has more pegasusususus, so I decided to throw a party for you, but since you live in the skies, and most ponies can't walk on clouds, I now invite you to come to the Sugarcube Corner at 8 o'clock. I hope you can come, it'sgoingtobeagreatsurpriseforyou." And with that, Pinkie immediately vanished into the Sugarcube Corner, leaving a cloud of dust.

"Umm, Twilight can you tell Pinkie Pie to please stop that, I don't think this is good for my health." Blazing Dawn sighed heavily.

"I'm not sure how Pinkie does all of this, so I can't help you there. Let's just keep on moving."

"I am having serious doubts about this…" Blazing muttered.

"The ponies in this town are… strange… I get knocked over twice, given random food and invitations, and I want to go home and rest." He protested to Twilight.

"Come on, you should finish seeing the whole town first!"

"Ugh, sorry it's just I feel exhausted, I hate working near the evening, makes it hard to think for me, I mean hard for me to think."

"Right now we are at the local library, this is where I work and live," said Twilight proudly, "Spike also lives here with me, he is a dragon."

How do you live in a tree, Blazing wondered, "Wow, that's a nice place to live… Wait a dragon?!"

"Don't worry, he's just a baby one," Twilight replied, then she noticed something, "Hello Fluttershy, what are you doing here?"

"Let me guess, another one of your friends…" Blazing muttered as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh… I'm just… getting food for the animals," Fluttershy replied, she glanced a few times towards Blazing Dawn.

"Hello there, I'm Blazing Dawn," Blazing extended a hoof toward Fluttershy and smiled.

"Umm, hello Blazing, I'm Fluttershy…" Fluttershy visibly shrank, although Blazing didn't really notice.

"Sorry, I didn't quite hear you."

"I'm Fluttershy…" Fluttershy still had not accepted Blazing Dawn's hoof, as she seemed to be cowering.

"Oh hello Fluttershy, so, what do you do in Ponyville?" Asked Blazing completely oblivious to Fluttershy's reaction.

"I just take care of the animals around here," Fluttershy had her eyes on the ground, but still was glancing at Blazing.

"That's nice. Do you need any help with carrying those bags? They seem awfully large."

"Oh no, I’m fine…" Fluttershy blushed, and looked at Twilight for help.

"Are you sure? You seem rather red…" Blazing asked.


Fluttershy disappeared in-front of Blazing, leaving him stunned and he started glancing around.

"Where did she go?" He asked Twilight with a confused look.

"Fluttershy doesn't usually act like that… I wonder what happened to her."

Twilight looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was setting, and looked at the town where all the ponies were closing up their shops and preparing to go home.

"Well I guess the tour is over now," Twilight said to Blazing as she walked towards the library, "See you at the party."

"Okay then, bye Twilight, see you later," replied Blazing as he flew up into the sky.

Wow, that was an exhausting day, I hope tomorrow will be less demanding, Blazing was flying over Sweet Apple Acres when he heard a familiar voice call out.

"Hey Blazing!"

Rainbow Dash flew besides Blazing, and smiled.

"I've recovered from the crash, and I have to tell you that I am the fastest pony."

Blazing Dawn was tired from his small adventure and replied, "Actually you are one of the fastest I've seen."

Rainbow Dash then frowned, "I have to ask, why did you stop before I hit the tree, I know that you did, but why did you?"

"For certain reasons, but I need to have a nap right now…"

Rainbow Dash looked at Blazing, and saw that Blazing was indeed tired and exhausted.

"Oh sorry, but you should remember to go to Sugarcube Corner after your nap."


Rainbow Dash flew towards Ponyville to help Pinkie Pie set up the party, while Blazing went off to his home. Blazing landed on the steps of his home, looked over the edge and saw a pony looking up.

"Hey, I have something to tell you," Blazing said to the pony underneath his home.

*Weeee Fast-forward*
-7:58PM Sugarcube Corner-

There were many ponies in the Sugarcube Corner looking at the door waiting for somepony to walk through. Pinkie Pie on the other hand was bouncing around with Twilight to check if everything was set up.

"Shh, Pinkie Pie you don't want to ruin it…"

"But I can't wait! I really want to have everything prepared for this AWESOME welcoming party!"

"But you don't have to be bouncing around," Twilight almost face-hoofed, "Okay so here are the balloons, the games, the punch, sarsaparilla…"

Just as Twilight finished checking everything off, she felt the air around her tense up.

"He's coming!"

Twilight and the others got ready, hiding behind furniture, and the door started to creak open.


The reaction of the pony who had just opened the door was not one that anypony expected. The pony had fainted, but the pony wasn't Blazing Dawn, he was a dark-green unicorn with light-green ruffled hair and a mountain-hill-like cutie mark.

"That's not Blazing Dawn…" Pinkie Pie said obviously.


End of chapter 2 =D

I put many references in this chapter, so if you didn't understand many of them look at the list below.

- Inter-dimensional Travel = "On a Cross And Arrow" Reference
- The rotten core = Something I put to reference to an idea I have about what is going to happen later.
- Fear of crowds = Reference to myself =/
- Carrot Top & Golden Harvest = I prefer to think of them as sisters.
- Dərpy delivery!
- Baker of Sweet Streets? = Reference to Ballad of Pinkie Pie
- I would tell you what happened to Fluttershy, but it's a secret for later =D.
- So many references to episodes 1+2

Hmm, for this week I won't have much time to work on my fanfic, due to schoolwork, (like 6 tests), but I'll try to pick up the pace during my Christmas Vacation.

Remember everypony, keep calm and brony on.

Comments ( 6 )

nice to see this finally updated :)


Read the chapters in order please.

I want...MOAR! :twilightblush:

I'm sorry, but this story won't get update until a long time =P
I'm working on my Dante's Divine Comedy Crossover.
I might get back to this story once ^ that one is finished.:derpyderp1:

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