• Published 29th Jul 2018
  • 8,646 Views, 86 Comments

Magical, Super-powered Sex - Totally Kyle

We all know who the Rainbooms are. They're the seven girls at school who formed an awesome band, but more importantly, they all have magic super powers that they use to fight magic evils. But what if they used their powers for... something else?

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Comments ( 22 )


#7 - Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast (I thought it was a bit over-the-top.)
#6 - TNT (It was more funny than hot, but I still enjoyed it.)
#5 - Strength of the World (It was a little hot and I loved the descriptions, but the over-the-top mountain cracking was a bit OP for my tastes.)
#4 - Lips of An Angel (Really well written, Flutters was in character and serious kudos to the boyfriend for upping her confidence!)
#3 - Black Magic Woman (Fucking on the ceiling. That's a new one on me. XD)
#2 - Radar Love (Few things are more hot than a woman who knows what you want.)
#1 - Rolling in the Deep (My god, man. That chapter was mind-blowing.)

Overall, I enjoyed reading this. I wouldn't mind if you made a second story. =)


#7: TNT (That's a weird thing to do with your lover.)
#6: Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast (Why did you two have sex in the gym, where nearly anyone could see you? Just someone walk in at the wrong moment and you're done for.)
#5: Strength of the World (So, your boyfriend likes being suffocated in your breasts? OK...)
#3: Radar Love & Black Magic Woman (First, knowing what your partner wants before they tell you is plain awesome. Second, if that could be recreated in real life, I'm in.)
#2: Lips of an Angel (I love the way he encourage her in the chapter. And it's well-written.)
#1: Rolling in the Deep (I don't know why, but having sex in a ravine at the bottom of the ocean turns me on. And the name of the chapter reminds me of the song of the same name. So I'm playing it while reading this chapter. Go figure.)

All in all, a good story you have there. I'd love to see a second story come to life.

I actually had an idea on how to ensure Rainbow Dash's privacy during her chapter, but I just flat-out forgot to write it in. I fixed it now, though.

7. AJ: I’m actually into strong women but you seemed to have replaced AJ with She-Hulk.

6. Rainbow: this is colored by my personal preference, I like RD and I was looking forward to her chapter but it was just too short. (Not that it’s out of character for her). Also the name of the chapter threw me off, why is “too young” in the name? I know it’s silly but things like that make me a tiny bit uncomfortable.

5. Twilight: it was good but I prefer the adorkable Twilight and she was more assertive here.

4. Pinkie: not much to say, it was good.

3. Sunset: same as with Pinkie, I just like Sunset more.

2 & 1. Rarity & Fluttershy: it’s weird that my two least favorite (but still loved mind you) characters had the best chapters and I think it had a lot to do with the build up and the romance, particularly in Shy’s chapter.

For Applejack's chapter, was her body the main thing that you had a problem with? Because that is a fair point. I'm into superhumanly strong women as well, but I like them a lot better if they have more traditionally sexy bodies rather than being covered in obvious muscles.

The only reason why I wrote Applejack that way is because that's just the kind of body that I would imagine her having. Her equestrian counterpart is consistently shown to be the strongest of the mane six in terms of raw strength, and I thought that it was only fitting to give her human version a body to match that, despite the fact that I considered her to be slightly less sexy that way.

As for Rainbow Dash's chapter title, it's actually really simple.

All seven chapters titles are named after songs. Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast by Airbourne was the best choice I could think of for Rainbow's chapter. It's not a perfect fit, but it's the best one I could think of.

It kind of was her body, but I hate how shallow that sounds. There was nothing wrong with the chapter itself or the characters, just that it seemed a little exaggerated in my opinion.

As for RD, again this is just my OCD acting up, don’t worry about it. If you’re looking for song titles, there’s “Gotta Go Fast”, the title of the theme of Sonic X. But most importantly, if you change anything, do it because YOU think it would make your story better, not because some random guy in the comments can’t handle it.

7- Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast (It was just too short with almost no substance)
6- Radar Love (even though i love Sunset i cant ignore the flaws in it but it was still better made than 7)
5- TNT ( a step up from 6 for sure and the ending was just funny)
4- Strength of the world ( very well written but the way the lovemaking was described just made me go: "ouch! that musta hurt")
3- Black magic woman ( a unique take on Twilights powers and how she would use them, plus the way the characters were handled was nice.)
2- Lips of an angel (it was simply a very romantic chapter. sweet, lovely and heartwarming.)
1- Rolling in the deep (its just the best in terms of writing and quality. Interesting and entertaining, top score)
Overall it started off slow with the first two chapters than reached a high point with 3 and 4 held its position with 5 took a nosedive with 6 but got back on its feet with 7.
I did have fun going through it and im glad i sticked around till the end so id say job well done.

I'm glad I was able to help :pinkiehappy: As for those two you mentioned, I see what you are going for, and I agree with you.

Ok, this was hot as hell

Even though it's been several months, I still remember this comment. And I just want you to know that if you're still into strong women, but you weren't a fan of how I portrayed AJ, then my latest story might be more relevant to your interests.

Hey, I was just going through my old comments, and I think that you might like my latest story a bit more.

I didn't know I was looking for this.
I love it.

Very well written series of stories you have here, despite the fact I am a top and I don't find domination done to me desirable... though the way Sunset topped her boyfriend was pretty hot I will admit (something about a girl knowing EXACTLY what you want and acting on your desires is super hot). Sunser's was easily my favourite if you couldn't tell, with AJ being my least favourite porn-wise, Pinkie being my least favourite writing-wise. AJ's was the best written though, the chemistry between AJ and Sir Lil' Bitch-a-lot was great. Rarity's was a close second though, ignoring that I personally see Rarity as a total bottom. All of my gripes are mostly just disagreements with heights and who would be a top and a bottom, so I won't bore you with my headcanons.

Overall, lovely stories. I also see how the AJ chapter inspired your series of Applejack Goddess fictions (which are also very well written). Hope to see you continue along with EqG fiction. Even if I know you'll continue to make every man in your stories bottoms. :rainbowlaugh:

Fair enough. We all have different tastes. I personally just think that in stories like these, the people with the magical super powers should be the ones in charge during most of these scenes. When I wrote Rarity's chapter, I just personally imagined Rarity being the character who was the most skilled at sex, and therefore she should have been the one to take charge in that encounter. Then again, I've always been a bottom guy, in case you couldn't tell.

But if you're still following my Applejack Goddess stories, you've probably already guessed that the next chapter is going to contain Applejack and Rarity having lesbian sex. But I'm going to let you in on a little secret: Rarity is going to be the submissive one in this chapter. So, as long as you don't have any problems with Rarijack porn, you'll probably really like my next story if I ever get around to finishing it.

Totally understand your perspective and respect your bottom status. I just personally think that since the Rainbooms are such a diverse set of characters, 6 outta 7 of them being tops is kinda bizarre.

And I very much look forward to the next chapter of the Applejack Goddess series knowing these special facts (also RariJack is one of my OTP's, so it spices the next chapter up greatly)

You're quite welcome. It's what I do.

Without having answered to this yet: This comment stands. Kyle, My critique is just that: My opinion. Don't let me get the better of you. ^^

@Males being bottoms: I actually like that. It's kind of refreshing (me being bottom-ish is only partly the reason why I like it. ^^)

Is it though? Imagine a cast of all males and 6 out of 7 would be all tops. Would anybody raise an eyebrow at this? I think the overwhelming majority would say: "No, Male=Top is the way it is". And that's why I think these are all very good depictions of them. Of course there is room for disagreement, but my point stands. If they were all male, nobody would even raise this question. ^^

I know exactly why you have written this chapter the way it ended up, but I can't get behind that much of a muscled Applejack. Although the idea of perfect dominance is very much up my ally, I am missing the safety net that accompanies such playstyles. But the aftercare was perfectly well integrated. ^^

1. Rolling in the deep (Hands down. Absolut fantastic. Romantic, Fantastic Setting. Great use of the superpower ^^)
2. Black magic woman (Twilight is my favourite character, but the loses this one to Rarity, if only by a small margin. Nonetheless, ceiling sex with wings is hot ^^)
3. Radar Love (If it were consensual mind reading, it might have tied with Twilight. Otherwise I think it is a great power to have. That is, if it is not only to server others)
4. Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast (Hilarious ans very Rainbow Dash)
5. TNT (Funny. Pinkie Pie Shenanigans. Why would it be different when having sex?)
6. Strength of the world (I really would have loved if Applejack would have introduced a safe word because it's the Dom's responsibility to make a safe environement and it's the only thing to stop shit from happening)
7. Lips of an angel (Missing consent and forcing someone to do your bidding is not my cup of tea, although the rest was rather sweet. And RD's intervention at the end was a blast.)

I came here to say I don't think I'll ever read any of this, but I love your general premise and your up front disclaimers.

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