• Published 12th Aug 2018
  • 1,363 Views, 15 Comments

Gears Turning - Equimorto

Twilight comes back from a successful mission.

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A low, persistent buzz permeated the lower streets of the city, the maze of narrow passageways running between the bases of the tall bronze-and-copper-lined buildings, their thorn-like shapes shimmering in the sunlight of the day's last hours as the tops of some of the spires were hidden from sight by some passing clouds. A few old maintenance robots were the only presence in the claustrophobic setting, tasked with searching for any object that might have fallen from the many suspended bridges and pathways up above, the ponies of the town preferring to live far from the ground, far from the ever moving subterranean conglomerate of cogs and gears that rattled the surface as it transferred energy to the capital's every building.

To all but one of them, although few knew about the existence of a secondary generator created specifically to power that one palace. It wasn't the tallest or biggest in the city, its position on the map appearing rather arbitrary, the only distinctive feature a pair of large blue stripes running down the length of it, the colour a stark contrast with the amber tone that the metal buildings shared. None would have suspected it when first coming to visit the town, and even between those that regularly saw the place and sometimes flew beside it not many were actually aware of the fact that this happened to be the personal residence of the one who was, all things considered, the most powerful pony in all of the country, both from a political standpoint and in terms of raw magical power.

That particular pony's figure happened to be sitting on a cushioned chair that many could have easily mistaken for a throne, the object carved out of a single piece of brass taller than two ponies stacked on top of each other. A series of intricate gold engravings covered its perpendicular surfaces from the flat top down to the larger cogwheel-shaped base that also served as a step, elevating the sitting position. Below the base, hidden in the floor, a series of gears allowed to rotate the seat, which was now facing away from the centre of the room, the one occupying it watching the sun set through the curved glass panel that made up that section of the room's wall with a tired look on her face.

The room was circular, empty except for the rotating chair and for some purple metallic scraps on the floor behind it. The walls had a smooth and uninterrupted surface, save for the large window and for a rectangular opening to the side that served as the only access to the room. The light from outside gave the room a deep orange tinge, matching that of the polished metal floor. On the floor, along the border of the room, were a series of unprotected holes, their trapezoidal shapes pointed towards the centre, each one large enough for a pony to fall through. They made the floor look like it was itself one very large cog, and below them was an open pit giving a direct look at the city's subterranean layer of gears, the drop tall enough to be fatal.

From the spiralling staircase that led to the room the metallic sound of someone walking echoed closer and closer, entering the room through the opening to the side and bouncing around the dome-like shape the walls created. A figure stepped through the entrance, the purple horn emerging from her streaked blue mane emanating a light magical aura as the unicorn carried a punch card alongside her. Twilight Sparkle levitated the object towards the seat, where it was enveloped in the other's magic, then she walked to the centre of the room and kneeled towards the window, her face pointed at the ground.

"Well done," came the other's voice, her wings slightly shifting as she examined the object. "I presume it's all the data we asked for, am I right?"

"Yes," Twilight replied, her tone hasty, a slight twitch in her body.

The punch card was teleported away. "Good. A shame the previous subject failed to deliver, but I'm sure such failures won't be repeated."

Twilight cocked her head to the side, nervously glancing at the pile purple scraps of metal on the floor. "Any new orders, Empress?"

"Oh, please, don't call me that." The chair slowly started to turn, the purple figure standing on it coming into Twilight's view. "It's not my formal title yet. No new orders for now, but I would like to hear a brief report of the mission."

Twilight shifted awkwardly in place, her face pointed to the ground to avoid looking the other in the eyes. "I have already submitted a full report of the operation, if your majesty wishes to consult that."

"I know." Rustling sounds came from Twilight's side, and a small spherical object levitated up from the scrap pile. Half of it was grey and metallic, a few broken wires and cables coming out of a hole. The other half looked like it was covered in glass, the surface underneath coloured white save for a violet ring around a black circle. "Still, I wanted to hear about it from you." The small camera landed on the alicorn's hoof, where she rolled it around for a bit. "If you want, of course." The object fell to the ground, the glass shattering.

"Of course. Where... where would you like me to start?"

"The beginning, Twilight. Why would I want you to start anywhere else?"

"Yes, sorry. So, as yo-"

"No, actually-" the alicorn got down from her seat and started walking towards Twilight "- forget about that. Let me tell you something."

Twilight remained frozen in place, unsure about what to do.

"Look out of that window, Twilight. You see the city out there? You see those pretty lights, the bridges, the streets, the- were there any K-type anomalies recorded during the mission?"

Twilight was momentarily startled by the abrupt change of topic. "No, there were none," she stammered out.

"Good. Now, where was I? Oh, yes! The city, the lights, you get the idea. If I asked, I could have it all shut down. No power, no energy, completely cut off every building, every machine, everything that's connected to the 'Frame. Do you know why?"

Twilight had barely the time to open her mouth to answer.

"Forget it. Just get out, I'll call you if any new orders come up."

The alicorn pointed a hoof to the exit and Twilight all to eagerly cantered out of the room.


Twilight stopped midway through the opening.

"What's your serial number?"

"T-A-I-0164," Twilight said coldly. Silence was the only answer she received, and after a few seconds she walked out and down the staircase.

The purple alicorn walked back to her chair, turning it back towards the setting sun. Her magic created a small vertical disk, the surface changing to show a purple unicorn staring back at her, half her face removed to reveal a series of cogs underneath.

"Model T-B-E-0003 at your service. What can I do for you, Twilight?" mechanically asked the hippoid.

"I'll need a new T-A-I model." The sound of a small explosion was heard through the opening in the room, coming from the staircase. It was followed by that of a number of small metal parts bouncing around and tumbling down the stairs. "And please send a couple of T-B-Cs to clean the stairs and this room."

Deep in the lower streets of the city, one robot curiously stared at a half-broken metallic reproduction of a unicorn's head, wires coming out of the back, one of the camera-eyes cracked and the other absent, a few sparks coming out of the broken purple horn on top.

Comments ( 15 )

Very Interesting!

Well that explained absolutely nothing. Or even did a little bit of world builidng outside of something for Twilight. Come on gives us more.

I can'y give any kind of vote without something more to work with.

This is just the beginning.huh ok im intrested il bite

...the one occupying it watching the sun set through the curved glass panel that made up that section of the room's wall with a tired look on her face.

I think this would sound better if it went:

...the one occupying it watching, with a tired look on her face, the sun set through the curved glass panel that made up that section of the room's wall.

Otherwise it sounds as if the room's wall has "a tired look on her face". (Don't worry; I make mistakes like that all the time. XD) Sorry, that's just a little thing I noticed and thought you might appreciate a small bit of criticism. Other than that, I really enjoyed the story! It was a very interesting idea, and I enjoyed reading it. ^^ It was really well written, too. Great job!
On an unrelated note, this is the first story that I've read on this site in over a year, wow. It was worth my time. :scootangel:

I'd like more.

With a side of context. You've a good basis for a story here.

~Skeeter The Lurker

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Even as a short it felt like it was missing some key part. I don't see how any of it fits together, and there's so little to go on that I can't even guess at it.

well this made me incredebly curious as to the rest of this world.

this is...odd...i feel like im missing something...twilight didnt even give the poor automaton a chance really
i get the feelng twilight is a bit unhinged in this, whats more did she blow the thing up or did it self destruct on its own due to something...

so many questions

I feel like this needs more explanation, cause it feels like it’s half finished. But I have to say it was still good anyway

That's a lot of words to say barely anything

Interesting but your probably should've expanded the story more as we didn't understand the world or the context of what's happening till the end.

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