• Published 21st Jul 2018
  • 15,764 Views, 641 Comments

Returning Home - Arceaion

When Twilight Sparkle was killed in the changeling invasion all of Equestria mourned. But when a mysterious figure in armor slays Chrysalis in front of the princesses they will learn that anyone can change. For better or worse.

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Chapter 7 - The Fall of Canterlot - Part 2

Twilight sat before Betrayal as he paced before her. "It's time you learn the full extent who you are as an Alicorn." He said as he stopped pacing and stood in front of her.

"All Alicorn have two sides there is their base side and their dark side, these sides have been given the names Angelic and Demonic ironically it's rather fitting." Betrayal explained. "The Angelic side if the base form of all Alicorns."

"So I'm in my Angelic form right now?" Twilight asked.

Betrayal nodded. "Oddly enough we couldn't sense your demonic side when you first came her but when you linked with the armor it seemed to unlock. Celestia and Luna locked their Demonic forms away but it had severe repercussions. The entity Nightmare Moon was born from Luna and Celestia became highly unbalanced to the point that anything that isn't Order she deems 'evil'."

"If I am to take the role as the Alicorn of Harmony I must be as balanced as possible." Twilight said. "From what you have said the Demonic side is its own being, a separate personality in a sense."

"That is correct." Betrayal nodded. "When the Armor linked with you It became your Demonic side. While Celestia and Luna would teach you to control it that only leads to the two sides in conflict. I however am going to teach you how to coexist with it."

Betrayal raised his hand and a black aura surrounded Twilight. Twilight screamed as she felt her self being ripped in two, suddenly the pain stopped and she gasped for breath. The sound of another gasping drew her attention and she froze. Floating beside her was a mare held in the same dark aura that held her.

The mare looked almost exactly like her. She had the same build as Twilight but her main appeared as if it were black fog, her wings were draconic and her fur was a dark violet almost black. The figure groaned as her opened revealing them to be a deep violet though what caught her attention was the dagonic slits in them that glowed red.

"That hurt." The mare groaned.

"Who is she?" Twilight asked shocked.

"I'm you, well not exactly you, I'm the darker version of you. We already met though remember?" The mare asked with a giggle.

Twilight's eyes widened. "The wolf that I met, your the Berserker Armor!" She exclaimed.

The mare giggled. "Call me Dawn Flame, better than Armor or Berserker or something like that. You know I've existed for almost four thousand years and I've never had a name, guess this will be a new experience over all."

"You can figure it all out later." Betrayal said as he turned to Twilight. "The spell I used removed all darkness from you now you are purely order while she is purely Chaos. You will train together and learn to coexist. Now come." Betrayal sat the two down and turned walking away.

Dawn Flame tried to stand but stumbled and fell after trying again and falling she growled angrily. "Damn it how do you stand!" She asked.

Twilight walked over to the fallen mare and warped an arm around her to support her. "Come on lets keep up with him." She said.

Dawn nodded and they started after Betrayal, they walked for a while Dawn slowly leaning on Twilight less and less. By the time Betrayal stopped Dawn was walking on her own.

They had reached a small dock and Betrayal slowly boarded a small row boat. "Get on." He said and the two mare boarded the boat.

Slowly he began to pull away from the dock and they slowly disappeared into the lakes fog. Betrayal steered the boat to a island that seemed to be in the center of the lake.

"Is that were we are going old friend?" Dawn asked.

Betrayal nodded and continued to pilot the boat to the island when they landed the group disembarked and Betrayal approached them.

"Why are we here?" Twilight asked.

"This island is home to thousands of monsters that are a challenge even for me and Loyalty, you two will train here. You will remain here and survive for three hundred years."

"What!" The two mare cried in shock.

"Dawn you must learn to work with Twilight as well and live as your own being." He said as he turned to Twilight. "Twilight when I was a mortal, even before I as given the Berserker armor, I was able to challenge the gods themselves and I was in my late twenties. You must gain this strength as well and also train Dawn."

"I see, So this is my true test." Twilight said with a smile. "I can still use the berserker armor but it will be weakened, you want me to learn how to use the armor without falling to its temptation and also teach Dawn all I know. When the training is done you will remerge us and them we will learn how to battle together as a single entity."

"When three hundred years has passed use this scroll, it contains the counter spell." Betrayal said as he pulled a scroll from his pocket and handed it to Twilight. "Once this is done you will train for another hundred years here as a single person, when that time is up you will forge your own blade made from the power you posses and learn to wield it. One year before you return are to return to Equestria I will return and take you from this island so that you may rest and prepare." Betrayal turned and walked back to the boat pushing it off and jumped on. "I wish you luck!" He called out as the boat slowly drifted into the fog.

Twilight sighed. "Come on Let's go find a place to call home." She said as she turned to Dawn.

499 years later

Betrayal slowly rowed the boat to the island as he neared he saw a mare in Berserker armor. She stood calmly her wings folded back and a small pack next to her. on her back was a sword. the sword was as large as his Dragon Slayer but rather than it being a single blade the sword was forged to be a double helix and the two blades glowed with power. As the boat landed he approached the mare who walked toward him.

"Good to see you Twilight." Betrayal said.

Twilight nodded and drew the blade. "I assume you want to see it."

Betrayal nodded and took the blade. "Forged from?" He asked.

"Adamantine and Mythril." Twilight replied.

"Powers?" He asked.

"Each of the two blades was forged with order and chaos magic absorbed onto it. It can cast a room into total darkness and light, it came be used as a light source as it glows in darkness as well. It can harm beings from both the mortal plain and spiritual plan due to the amount of demonic blood I've spilled with it. It can sever time and space, cut reality in half, open portals, fire elemental blasts, is enchanted to never dull and remain sharp forever, and can be divided into two blades." Twilight answered.

Betrayal turned to look at her. "It can split?"

Twilight nodded.

Betrayal handed the blade to her. "Show me."

Twilight smiled and pulled the sword apart leaving a sword in each of her hands. The swords blades were still curved though they shrunk slightly. "Well balanced, the blades are an opposite of each other.

Betrayal nodded. "Your ready to return, pack what ever you wish to take. In one year you will be returning to Equestria."

Celestia and Luna sat upon their thrones watching the invasion, even from the palace they saw the large explosions caused by the clashing of Changelings and the Bearers as well as their fellow monarchs. Suddenly the throne room doors burst open and Chrysalis stood walked in, the sisters turned from the windows and gazed at the Changeling Queen, her twisted form barely recognizable.

"Hello Chrysalis." Celestia said as he examined the Queen. "It seems the amulet has finally corrupted you to the point where there is nothing left."

The Queen laughed. "I'm going to enjoy this. Soon I will become a goddess, power beyond even you awaits me. A shame that Twilight had to die, she would have made a lovely meal and perhaps with the power I'd have gained I would not have had to resort to such a methods but you got in the way."

Celestia growled as her halberd flew to her hand. "You took one who was a daughter from me, I will see you rot in the deepest pits of Tartarus!" She roared as she charged.

The Queen drew her sword and blocked the attack. "I will consume you power and skull fuck your corpse." She said as a sadistic smile crossed her face.

"You may try but you will fail, just as all the others have." Celestia hissed as she launched a wave of fire at the Queen. Chrysalis blocked the attack only to be blindsided by Luna.

"Surprise bitch!" Luan yelled as a beam of ice fired from her open hand.

Chrysalis dodged the beam and leaped at Luna. Luna dodge the Queen as a rapier appears in her hand. Celestia teleported before the Queen and swing the halberd. Chrysalis blocked the attack and flipped over the enraged princess.

Suddenly one of the windows exploded and a rainbow maned Pegasus flew at the Queen slashing with her blade. The Queen blocked the attack only to be grabbed by a dragon and slammed into the ground. Chrysalis growled and rose glaring at the group before her before a pink and brown blur slammed into from behind. Chrysalis gasped and was thrown away as a orange mare walked forward and fired her shotgun at her. Chrysalis raised her shield preventing the blast from injuring her though she was knocked back and an arrow pierced through her shield and struck her shoulder.

"This is for General Stone Wall!" A voice cried as a mare in white armor screamed and slammed a war-hammed into the shield shattering it.

Chrysalis groaned as she roes and glared at the group.

Celestia and Luna stood at the front surrounded by the Element bearers, Dragon Lord, Griffon King and Discord.

(Play this)

"So you're all are here, good." She said with a smile as she rose and began to laugh Finally I don't have to hold back. The amulet glowed brightly as her form began to change. "This body was falling apart and wouldn't have lasted much longer but now I may complete the metamorphosis!" She laughed before her body exploded.

The group gasped in shock as the Queen slowly unfurled her wings revealing her body as green energy surrounded her new form.

"At last I will be a Goddess, at last I will be rid of you filth!" She laughed as she glared to the group.

Fluttershy fired a volley of arrows at the Queen but they bounced off her carapace. The Queen glared at her before picking up one of the arrow and with in the blink of an eye she was before the mare. Fluttershy's eyes widened as the Queen drove the arrow into her stomach. Discord roared and charged the Queen as she turned and impaled him on the chest. Discord stumbled back gasping before sinking to his knees. Slowly he reached for Fluttershy before falling over.

Applejack quickly drew her pistols and fired at Queen but the bullets were blocked by the queens wings. Chrysalis turned and approached her as Pinkie charged and was impaled by a wing. As Pinkie fell Obsidian roared and charged Dragon Lord Inferno at his side. The dragons racked their claws against the queen carapace not even scratching it. The Queen stopped her advance on applejack before smiling and driving her hands through the their chests. The dragons eyes widened in shock as they looked down at the hand.

Chrysalis turned and walked away as the dragons fell. As she neared Applejack the farmer drew her shotgun, the queen smiled and a wing shot forward embedding itself in the farm mare. Applejack smiled and fired it into the queens face before going limp. The Queen screamed as the blast impacted and blood oozing out.

Rarity screamed and charged, Rainbow behind her. The queen spun around and slammed her foot into rarity as she summoned her magic and grabbed her slamming her into a wall, she then grabbed Rainbow and flung her into the wall next to her.

She then turned to the Griffon King and the Princesses. This is the end of the line for you." She said as she approached them.

Luna and Celestia charged their weapons raised but chrysalis simply raised her arm and they froze in place. She then flung them backwards causing the to slam into their thrones.

The Griffon King growled and drew his blade. "I will not run, I will not retreat, I will fight and die just as my allies have." He said calmly

"Oh they're not dead, yet." Chrysalis said with a smile. "I want them to watch as all they fought for is destroyed, as they watch their precious ponies are slaughtered like the cattle they are and as I take my place as the Goddess of this world." She smiled as she stepped forward only to have a blade of light pierce through her chest.

Chrysalis stared uncomprehendingly at the blade as it faded leaving a hole in her chest. Slowly she turned to see a mare in armor made from hundreds of interlinking plates with a helmet that was fashioned to look like a wolf. The mare stood as tall as Celestia and her mane and tail appeared as if it were alive shifting through the colors of dusk and dawn as it floated in a ethereal breeze. Her wings were outstretched there tips were a deep purple that faded the higher it went.

In her hand was a weapon though it was to large to be called a sword as it was the size of her, the weapons blade was a double helix with one of the blades glowing a light violet while the other glowed a deep purple almost black. slowly the helmet pulled back on its own revealing the face of a mare with purple fur and violet eyes.

Everyone in the room stared in shock at the mare before them as the walked forward slowly her steps holding a natural grace to them that made her appear seductive while also deadly. The mare slowly approached the Queen her eyes not once leaving her. As she neared the Queen began shacking in fear her eyes wide and glued to the approaching mare.

Celestias Eyes widened as she finally focused on the figure.

"Twilight." Luna gasped in shock.

Author's Note:

The time has come.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you in the next.

This is a double helix sword for those who don't know.