• Published 21st Jul 2018
  • 15,779 Views, 641 Comments

Returning Home - Arceaion

When Twilight Sparkle was killed in the changeling invasion all of Equestria mourned. But when a mysterious figure in armor slays Chrysalis in front of the princesses they will learn that anyone can change. For better or worse.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - The Beginning of the End

Authors Note:
So I spent all night and today to finish this for you all. I am so exhausted. I have tomorrow off as well and then it will be work for who know how long. I may finish the last two chapters to night but if I do I will post them at a later date.

Twilight walked through the empty plains of the Realm of Magic, unlike the other realms the Realm of Magic was a empty void of nonexistence. It was here that the two aspects of Knowledge resided.

"So at last we meet." A figure said as he appeared in front of Twilight. He wore the star themed hat and cloak of Starswirl.

"You come to learn, to gain power from the four paths of magic. But are you worthy?" Another figure asked as he approached. He wore the robes and armor of a necromancer.

"I'm not sure if I'm worthy but I will do my best to learn what you will teach me." Twilight said as she bowed to the beings.

"I am Mage, the Keeper of Light and Dark magic. Light magic comes naturally to all beings while dark magic is fueled by that of negative emotions." Starswirl said calmly.

"I am Necro, the keeper of Necromancy and Blood Magic. Necromancy was once known as Biomancy due to the fact that it was specifically designed to work with the body. However it was deemed unnatural and against the flow of life, as such it was forbidden. Blood Magic is the ability to wield ones soul or the soul of others. It is considered a forbidden art." The Necromancer said calmly.

"If you accept out teachings you will be labeled a monster, you will be despised and feared, is this the path you will take?" The mage asked

Twilight nodded. "When I accepted this path I choose to learn all that you and the other elements would offer me I will not refuse simply because what I will be labeled. Knowledge is neither good or evil it simply is.

The two nodded. "You are ready, know now that like with Laughter and Sorrow their will be no final test, you will either learn this or you won't." Mage said.

"Let us begin." Necro said.

Time dilation for Equus: 4 months, 08 days
Total duration for Changeling War: 1 year 6 months, 4 days

Celestia stood on the balcony watching Canterlot, at her side Luna stood a sad look on her face as she watched the many races gather. "It's almost time sister." She said sadly

Celestia said nothing, she didn't move or act as if she heard Luna.

Luna sighed. "Sister, you can't simply ignore this any more, you gathered them now you need to fight."

"I didn't gather them Luna, Twilight did." Celestia said. "It was Twilight's death that united them all. Reports are coming in from across the country of races joining together and fighting. My ponies battle to avenge her all because I believed she and the other element bearers were safe. I let my guard down for one moment and I lose those I love."

"you surely had at least some guards watching her?" Luna asked.

Celestia shook her head. "I was an arrogant fool, forces that long ago you and I would have faced I sent children against while I sit in this palace and eat cake."

Celestia chuckled as tears fell from her face. "I believed that Twilight was ready and perhaps she was, given time we would have seen." Celestia looked to the sky. "But that's time she will never have."

Luna walked over and pulled her sister into a hug. "Twilight was and amazing person. She forged alliances and friendships that have stood even in death. Look around sister because of her all the races have united from the Dragons to the griffons. Twilight may be gone but she will be with us forever within our hearts and in the alliance she helped forge. I think she would be both humbled and proud to see what she accomplished in life to come to."

The sisters sat together in silence only broken by Celestias crying however even that soon stopped as she fell asleep. The sound of hoof steps drew the lunar princesses attention to the doors where the the remainder of the main 6 as well as the commanders and leaders stood. Luna rose and approached them.

"Thank you all for coming."

"It was nothing Princess." Rarity said with a smile as she bowed. Rarity wore pristine white armor that covered her form completely, at the center of her breastplate a red fire ruby carved into a heart was embedded.

"Well look at you." Applejack whistled. Applejack wore the dusty long coat, a red bandanna was tied around her neck and atop her head was her ever present stetson.

At her side walked the chieftain of the buffalo, Chief Thunderhooves. The chief bowed to Luna before returning to support Applejack.

"Darling, it is good to see you!" Rarity said with a smile as she walked over to Applejack and gave her a hug.

Applejack winced at the hug. "Careful Rares I still ain't fully healed."

Pinkie giggled as she walked in and saw Rarity. "You look silly." She said. The pink ponies mane had poofed up a bit since the Battle of Dodge City, she wore light armor, really it was just a chest plate. Strapped across her chest and hanging at her belt were hundreds of knives.

Beside her was a Dragon as black as obsidian. He wore tight fitting armor and a crimson cape identifying him as the dragons commander, at his side two swords were sheathed. As he entered he turned and bowed to the Dragon Lord and turned standing beside him.

The next to enter was Fluttershy and Discord. In her arms was a baby with a purple and whit mane. Fluttershy wore leather jacket with green armor. A green cloak with a hood was wrapped around her and on her back was a bow that seemed to be made of intertwining tree roots.

"It is good to see you Fluttershy." Luna said as she approached the mare.

Fluttershy smiled. "Hello Princess, how have you been?" She asked.

Luna sighed. "I could be better. Who is the young one?" Luna asked.

"This is Screwball." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"Gotta say Shy you and Discord made one damn cute kid." Rainbow said as she entered the room. "Sorry I couldn't be there to see her sooner."

"Oh, I'm sure you were busy Rainbow." Fluttershy said.

"Indeed, busy summoning hurricanes and becoming lightning to slaughter changeling!" King Raven Claw laughed as he approached the group. "Heard some of the troops giving her the nickname Commander Blitz."

The group laughed at the comment as Rainbow turned to others. "While on the subjects of nicknames I heard you got the name the White General as yours, How'd you do that Rarity?" She asked.

Rarity shrugged. "I simply assisted in the defense of Baltimare and Fillydelphia. When the Changelings attacked General Stone Wall was killed and passed command of the operation to me despite the fact that I had no military training. I've simply done the best I can and kept the soldiers alive as best I can."

"That's all it takes Rarity." Luna said with a smile. "Trust and friendship forged in battle is stronger than blood. You fought beside those men, laid your life on the line to defend them and in turn they will fight to the end for you."

"If you all want to compare nicknames then Commander Pies will stand above you all!" The dragon said proudly. "She is known as the Phantom Blade do to the fact that in battle none see her blades move they are simply there."

The group talked and reminisced till the time to set the sun came. As the sun fell the group bud fair well till the meeting the next day.

The next day the group sat at a long table, around it sat not only the remaining main 6 but also all the leaders of the many races at the head Celestia and Luna stood discussing the coming battle.

Location: Zecoras Hut - Everfree Forest

Chrysalis smashed the door to the hut open and stepped through, behind her several changelings followed.

"Find it." She hissed at them.

The changelings jumped and ran around searching through everything. Finally one of then spited the case containing what they came here for it grabbed the box and ran over to the Queen.

Chrysalis looked down and smiled. In the hands of the changeling was an open box containing an amulet with a red gem. Chrysalis reached for the artifact and carefully examined it. when she was satisfied she slowly placed it around her neck. The moment the amulet was secured her eyes changed to a deep crimson. Chrysalis laughed as power filled her.

"This is what I needed." She hissed before turning to the changelings. "Gather the swarm, we strike Canterlot."

Time dilation for the Void: 2499 years, 11 months, 30 days
Total duration Equestrian time that Twilight has been in Void: 1 year 6 months, 4 days

Deep with in the void Twilight sat in meditation. She had changed quiet a bit the past five hundred years. She now stood as tall as Celestia and her hair now appeared as if it were alive shifting through the colors of dusk and dawn as it floated in a ethereal breeze. her wings tips were now a deep purple that faded the higher it went. Twilight slowly opened her eyes and rose her body had matured and was well defined. She slowly began to walk her steps holding a natural grace to them that had been honed in the two millennia she had resided in the void. Slowly she approached Necro and Mage. When they turned to her she bowed.

"Masters, it is time I leave and go for my final training, thank you for your lessons." She said.

"You will be meeting Loyalty and Betrayal." Necro said. "I wish you luck."

"Loyalty and betrayal are master warrior, I have no doubt that they will sharpen your senses and hone your skills to an even finer edge. I all honesty They were the leaders of us when we were alive, there skills rival that of all the other Elements combined." Mage said. "I wish you luck and skill."

"Thank you master and farewell." Twilight said as she headed for the final realm of the Void, The Realm of Shadow.

Author's Note:

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you in the next.

Here is a recap of what the Elements look like.
Pinkie Pie:


Rainbow Dash: (Note: Image given by anglicia305)

