• Published 21st Jul 2018
  • 15,809 Views, 641 Comments

Returning Home - Arceaion

When Twilight Sparkle was killed in the changeling invasion all of Equestria mourned. But when a mysterious figure in armor slays Chrysalis in front of the princesses they will learn that anyone can change. For better or worse.

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Chapter 5 - The Battle of the Sky

Twilight stood at the boarder between the Chaos realm and the realm of Fire. During her time with Laughter and Sorrow she had learned many things about. The first she learned was that the void was in a sense what many saw as Tartarus. The void was divided into six realms that each of the Elements controlled. Honesty and Deception controlled the Realm of Earth, an endless desert that was covered in barren sand and stone mountains. Generosity and Greed controlled the Realm of Crystal, a world of ice and snow that underneath was a labyrinth that was made of crystal. After navigating the maze one would enter the Realm of Chaos which was controlled by Laughter and Sorrow. Now she was entering the the realm controlled by Kindness and Cruelty, the Realm of Fire. The Realm of Fire was a realm where fire engulfed everything, the land was volcanic and the rivers were that of lava.

Twilight took a deep breath and stepped into the realm, the moment she the air boiled and she was blasted with heat. The smell of sulfur and smoke filled her nose and her throat and lungs burned. Twilight coughed and covered her face as she began to move forward.

As she walked she felt the heat of the fire through here shoes. Twilight snapped her fingers and he clothes quickly changed. She now wore a light sleeveless shirt that was cut at her waist, light skirt and heavy boots that went to her knee, around her mouth and nose was a oxygen mask and on her back was a tank.

Twilight sighed at the relief she had given herself.

"Shame you have to wear that to survive in this place." A harsh voice said. Twilight quickly turned to see a figure made of the lava. The figure wore feminine armor though it covered vary little and appeared to be extremely erotic.

"Give her some time Cruelty." A motherly voice said as a figure made of light descended from the sky. She wore light female warrior armor that was slime and covering.

Twilight bowed. "Forgive me if I have offended Cruelty, I have come to train under you and Kindness." Twilight said.

Kindness nodded. "The power I and my sister wield are great but the greater the power the more dangerous it is."

"We control Fire and Light Twilight." Cruelty said calmly before turning to gaze at Twilight. "Tell me what do you see in fire?" She asked.

"Twilight thought for a moment. "I don't know." She replied. "Dragons see fire as power and most other races especially Pony fear it as a destroyer."

Cruelty face palmed. "Dear me, that's what is seen in Fire? Power and destruction? What kind of Power? The one to dominate others or the one to submit your claim over the power of your flames? What kind of Destruction? Flames that dancing wildly, uncontrollable and all consuming?"

Kindness sighed. "Fire and Light are not something one can wield without knowing what they symbolizes for wielders like us. Fire is not good nor evil and most certainly not power. It is Balance, balance between order and chaos, civilization and devastation. When do you think culture, art, sovereignty and foolish arguments comes from, Twilight?" She asked

"Does it start when language is spoken? When nations are founded? When divines are born? No, it is when the mortal species and fire comes to an agreement." Kindness said.

"The agreement was as such, mortals can wield the fire's flames to build their civilizations and form their culture around its light. In return, Fire will be respected as the maker of their civilization and when the time is right, be its destroyer" Cruelty said.

"Its destroyer?" Twilight asked confused.

"Fire was one of the major elements that created your world, by destroying the First Realm of this world" Cruelty explained

"First Realm? What was the First Realm?" Twilight asked.

Kindness sighed. "The best description of what the First Realm was is that of a barren world. No life, no color and no soul. Then we came. The four keepers of the earth, Honesty, Deception, Generosity and Greed broke the ground apart and remade it, Laughter and Sorrow used their power to heal the soil while Magic and Necromancy supporting those healing waves. It was then that my sister and I used fire to burn the dead lands to ensure new life can grow from the ashes of the dead. Fire did not help the mortal races, it just set the stage for their growth. Fire sees both you and civilization as a creation of its creation."

"So why does it help us keep us safe and why does it let you command it?" Twilight asked as her confusion deepened.

"Just because fire doesn't care for your survival, doesn't mean it wants you gone." Cruelty replied with a smile. "You must respect its part in the making of your world and in return, it doesn't outright destroy you with natural means. Understand your role and if you are worthy, it will allow you to use its power for what you desire. Your lives are not eternal neither are your civilizations, but it will help you if you respect it. Fire is not fair but not cruel, it's Balance. Balance yourself and not be driven in one direction but all direction and only then will Fire finds you worthy of wielding its power"

"So Twilight, Fire is not power or simply destruction nor shall it ever be. It is Balance, balance between order and chaos, civilization and devastation. Remember that, respect the fire and find your balance and in no time, you'll be able to wield its flame."

Twilight nodded. "I understand." She said calmly.

"Now, our power is divided up into two groups." Kindness said with a smile. "The first is Cruelties."

"I use my power in combat, it must be controlled but also given freedom." Cruelty said.

"The other is mine, I use mine to heal and nurture like that of the sun." Kindness said. "These two paths are called the paths of the Divine Flame and Hell Fire."

"You will be learning from me first." Cruelty said with a smile. "However, if your to learn the power we have your going to need to remove your boots and that mask."

Twilight hesitated for a moment before nodding and removing it.

"Now we begin." Cruelty said.

Time dilation for Equus: 4 months, 08 days
Total duration for Changeling War: 1 year 1 months, 27 days

Rainbow Dash stood watch at the gates of Cloudsdale a ruffling of wings drew her from watching the sky to a Griffon who was approaching. Rainbow snapped into a salute as she saw it was King Raven Claw who was approaching her.

"Your Majesty." She said.

"Oh, please Commander you don't have to salute." King Raven Claw said as he waved her off.

As the king landed Rainbow returned to watching the sky, however the King examined the armor she wore and weapon she held. The armors design was ancient covering her well from head to hoof. It was a dull gray with gold trilling and a blue lightning bolt at its chest. At her side hung an ancient sword that was a sky blue.

"If I'm not mistaken that is the sword and armor of Commander Hurricane Dash, the great leader of the Pegasus Empire Romane Legion. It was forged from Skysteel."

Rainbow nodded with out turning to the King. "It's traditional that it's passed down to the next in line for the right to the position. Unlike in most militaries, the tittle of Commander is placed only on those who prove their right to be commander. My family has held the tittle since Hurricane earned it. When my father passed away it was given to me." Rainbow sighed before continuing. "I was raised from birth to be the commander of the Pegasus military but when the time came I-I couldn't do it."

Rainbow looked out to Ponyville as a tear began to fall from her eyes. "I flew as fast as I could determined to abandon my families responsibility. I ended up in Ponyville where I became the head of a weather patrol. I played the simple but brash Pegasus hoping to become a nobody. I idolized the Wonderbolts so I had an excuse for my actions and want to be fast. But when Twilight died I..." Rainbow sighed.

"You returned and chalanged for the tittle of Commander." The King said as he looked out to the small town. "You returned to claim your title and your by right but why?" The king asked.

Rainbow sighed. "I was placed in charge of the weather for the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration, that's where I met Twilight. Then I became the Element of Loyalty and every day was a adventure. Twilight was amazing, leading us, helping us, I mean ya she stumbled a bit but in the end she never let us down. When she died I-I almost tried to join her, I wanted to join her. I had failed, as a friend, as someone who should have been there and as the Element of Loyalty. At least so I thought, I felt that this was my fault."

"Rainbow it's not your fault." King Raven Claw said.

Rainbow acted as if she hadn't even heard the king as she continued. "As the Element of Loyalty I am meant to stand and face my duty but instead when the responsibilities were to great I ran. I ran when I should have taken my place as Commander, I ran so many times as a Element and as a supposed friend. I felt that this was my punishment for abandoning my Element and my duty."

The King stared at the Pegasus in shock.

"I returned because I can't run anymore. I returned to take my place as a reminder of who I can never be again, a coward."

Suddenly a green beam of energy shot past them and exploded behind them. Rainbow growled and drew a flare gun fired, a bright red ball flew from the gun alerting the guards.

As the flare fired every Pegasus looked up before running into their homes, Armor was quickly equipped and weapons drawn. Despite the peace of Equestria, Cloudsdale had kept to tradition meaning most that lived in the city were trained in combat. As a result in a matter of minutes Thousands of Pegasus were armed and ready for combat and at the battlements of Cloudsdale. Griffons quickly appeared as well bolstering the already significant force that was there.

Rainbow rose into the air and turned to the troops, her armor shining in the light of the sun. "Pegasus, Griffons, Today we fight not just for the princesses or our homes, today we fight for all those who have fallen in this war. We fight for the fallen! These Changelings think we will just stand aside and let them claim our land,they think of us as cattle to be slaughtered and eaten not even given a second thought. Let's show then the Might of the Pegasus!" As she finished she drew her sword and the army roared and charged the changelings, at the lead flew Commander Rainbow Dash and King Raven Claw.

Chrysalis flew toward the floating clouds. "Once we are there don't fire. We will take them by surprise." Chrysalis said.

They swarm flew nearer and nearer, Chrysalis smiled. 'Finally something is going right.' She thought before a powerful beam fired and exploded.

Chrysalis stopped and turned to the swarm. "Who fired that." She growled.

Slowly a changeling was pushed to the front and the queen glared at him. "So it was you?" She asked as she glared at the ling.

The ling began to tremble in fear as Chrysalis smiled and charged her horn. Several others looked on in terror as she unleashed her magic and several hundred were eviscerated.

"You will do as I tell you what to and if you don't fallow my instructions to the letter then I will KILL YOU IS THAT CLEAR?" She roared in anger.

The swarm shuddered in fear.

Chrysalis turned back to the city to see an army charging at the lead was the Element of Loyalty and the King of the Griffons. She growled and turned to the swarm. "Well, Go kill them!" She screamed and the swarm charged fear of her wrath driving them to obey. Chrysalis then turned back to the charging army and launched forward and drew her sword.

King Raven dodged the Changeling Queen before drawing his sword. The Queen flew at him again and there blades clashed sparks flying of them. "Why Chrysalis, why attack, why kill?" King Raven Claw asked.

Chrysalis laughed. "Why else Power! The more Love I have the more power I have and once I absorb the power of Equestria I will be a goddess!" She roared as sh laughed maniacally.

"You have gone mad." Raven Claw said as she pushed her back.

Chrysalis hissed. "That's what the other Queens said, before I killed them." She smiled and charged the King again. "Now, DIE!" She screamed.

As the Griffon King and Changeling Queen battled Rainbow flew among the swarm slicing any changeling who neared her. Around her thousands of Pegasus and griffons fought.

"Watch the left!" She commanded drawing several warriors to the left side of the battle which had slowly turned against them as the left and right flanks began to push back the center opened up and changelings pored in. Rainbow growled and charged them hacking and slashing them as she fought her armor began to crackle with electricity as it drew in her Pegasus magic. Suddenly she thrust her arm out lightning arcing out and striking the swarm. The groups that were bunched together were wiped out as the lightning arced from Changeling to Changeling. The lightning arced off her wings which she used to strike any who neared. Those around her watched in awe as she slaughtered them charging into the frays of combat lightning surrounding her as if she were an angle of death.

Suddenly a large group charged, Rainbow glared at them the lightning arcing from her eyes turning them white, she calmly spread her wings wide and with a single beat the wind shot forward and tore them apart, another beat and the winds began to change. They swirled around her as rain began to appear forming the familiar form of a hurricane. In the center floated Rainbow her eyes now glowing with the light of twin sun she reached out her hand toward the changelings and the wind lashed out as well, arrows forming from there forms arcing with lightning. With a single gestured from Rainbow they fired upon the changelings scattering them.

"Why are you just floating there?" Rainbow asked her voice distorted as she turned to the troops. "Press the attack I will cover you." She ordered.

The troop turned to the Changelings and smiled before charging. "For Twilight!" They roared.

The sword flew from the Griffon Kings claw and plummeted to the earth below. "I enjoyed this griffon, but now you die." The queen smiled.

"You know you're far to over confident." The King said as he grabbed the blade and smiled as he extended his talons and raked them across the Queens chest. "Third rule of combat, never underestimate your opponent!" He roared and ripped the blade out of the injured Queens hand before slashing at the Queens face. The tip of the talon caught the eye patch the Queen wore and the socket it protected.

Chrysalis screamed as the talon dug deep into her face ripping the whole right side out. She then morphed her hands into blades and swung at the king who blocked the blade and slashed. Chrysalis blocked the strike and turned delivering a spin kick that connected with the Kings head dazing him. Chrysalis thrust her hand forward intent to kill the king by striking him through the heart but it was caught and she was thrown to the ground. As she landed a dead tree broke her fall while piercing her abdomen. She gasped in pain as she slowly rose.

The King landed before her and grabbed her throat and pulled her to her feet before extending his talons. "What I do here I do for Twilight." He growled as he thrust his talons through her chest. Suddenly a Changeling slammed into him knocking him away from the gasping Queen. The Changeling picked her up and flew away the Queen in its arms.

Several griffons quick landed and stood guard and Rainbow landed and approached the King. Are you alright Your Majesty?" She asked.

The king slowly rose to his knees and growled before slamming his fist into the ground. "DAMN IT!" he roared an anger. "I almost had her." He growled.

Rainbow knelt down and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Next time we will, Chrysalis is weakened. The only way for her to win is a direct attack on the capital."

"Which means the next attack will be Canterlot." The king said as he rose to his feet with a smile.

Rainbow nodded. "Celestia and Luna have ordered the remaining Elements as well as all field commanders and leaders back to defend the capital."

"Then ready the vanguards, we leave for Canterlot within the hour." The king said. "well tear this bitch apart when she shows he face.

Time dilation for the Void: 1999 years, 11 months, 30 days
Total duration Equestrian time that Twilight has been in Void: 1 year 1 months, 27 days

Twilight stood at the center of a volcano before her stood Cruelty and behind stood Kindness, as she was a healer she would not be participating in this battle.

The two combatants watched each other before charging at the same moment. As they neared they coated their hands with magma and when their fists met an explosion surrounded them. The two shot up Twilight's mane and wings on fire, as she flew at Cruelty summoning small fire balls and launching them at her. Cruelty deflected them as lava solidified into a handle and fire exploded from it forming a blade, Cruelty charged and swung at Twilight who had summoned several blades of light and launched them at her. Cruelty dodged them and slashed the blade across Twilight's chest. Twilight growled and summoned a Halberd made of light and blocked the next strike as the slash began to heal. Twilight then flipped backwards and thrust her hand into the ground. Crimson flames erupted from the ground and launched at Cruelty searing her as several wolf like constructs leaped from the flames and charged the Lava beings.

"Hell hounds." Cruelty growled as she engaged the beasts and Twilight began to create seven constructs and fire them at her.

Cruelty caught the first one with her blade thinking it a fireball bit the blade as quickly absorbed by the black hole the ball left.

"Impressive isn't it?" Twilight asked a smirk on her face. "Miniature suns that when they hit something they create a small black hole."

Twilight then launched them at Cruelty who dodged them while also battling the Hounds. She then turned and charged Twilight who threw a fireball at her. Cruelty jumped over it and thrust her blade down only for it to dissolve around Twilight as she turned to Lava and melted into a puddle before leaping up and thrusting the Halberd into Cruelty's chest. Cruelty gasped and the blade fell from her hands.

"Well done Twilight." She gasped as she fell to the ground unconscious.

Twilight lay her out and placed her hands over the wound as a white light emitted from them. Slowly the wound sealed shut as Kindness approached.

"You have done well my student." She said happily. "Tomorrow you will be leaving for the Realm of Magic. It is there you will learn under Magic and Necromancy. They will instruct you in the ancient ways and in magic long forgotten."

"Thank you for your lessons Masters." Twilight said with a bow.

"Rest well Twilight, tomorrow will be a long journey." Kindness said.

Author's Note:

So here it is the long over due chapter and wow, I had fun writing this chapter! So announcement time. I wont be updating that often for a while due to work and a few other factors. It will only be for a few weeks but it does warrant a notice. On the other hand this break has given me time to reset my brain and I now have tons of amazing ideas for not only this story but also my other ones. So I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I will see you in the next one.

Rainbow Dash in armor: (Note: Image given by anglicia305)