• Published 21st Jul 2018
  • 15,779 Views, 641 Comments

Returning Home - Arceaion

When Twilight Sparkle was killed in the changeling invasion all of Equestria mourned. But when a mysterious figure in armor slays Chrysalis in front of the princesses they will learn that anyone can change. For better or worse.

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Chapter 2 - The Battle of Dodge City.

Twilight stood in the center of a great desert before her were Honesty and Deception, there stetson shielding them from the artificial suns rays. "So Loyalty sent you to train with us huh?" Deception asked.

Honesty walked around Twilight examining her. "Well, we certainly have our work cut out for us." He grumbled. "You even know how to use Earth Pony magic?"

"Earth ponies have a passive ability to grow plants by infusing them with magic but that's all they can really do." Twilight replied causing the two Beings to stare at her in shock.

"That's all they know how to do now!" Deception growled and stomped his hoof onto the ground. When he did the ground shook and a mountain rose from the ground. "This is called Geomancy. It is a form of fighting style that taps into the earth itself and bends it to the users will."

Honesty slammed his fists together and slowly his body turned to stone. "This technique is called Still Way, it hardens the users skin to that of stone. It increases ones strength endurance and durability, while decreasing the users speed maneuverability and offensive capability. This was taught to foals and was used on a daily basis for both labor and battle. Do Earth Ponies truly not know how there ancestors built castles in a day or lifted over eighty times there weight as if the lifted a stone?"

Twilight gulped and shook her head. The two beings groaned. "You have much to learn Twilight." Deception said. "The first thing you will do is train your body. Once were done with that we will teach you the true power of the Earth Pony."

"Let's start with some weight training." Honesty said and a large boulder that was triple twilight's size appeared. "Sit down." Honesty ordered and Twilight sat. Deception then took out a large amount of rope and secured it to the boulder before fashioning a harness and tying it to twilight "This boulder weighs 600 pounds, this will be your weight for you back. Now spread out your legs." Twilight uncurled her legs and Honesty tied heavy stones to her legs. "Each stone weighs 200 pounds. Honesty then took her arms and tied stones to them. "These weigh 100 pounds each, they're lighter so that you can move more easily. We'll be working on your arm strength anyway. Now the first thing your going to do is learn to walk with this weight."

"How is this fair!" Twilight exclaimed angrily.

"This is how earth ponies were trained in our time." Deception said calmly. "The stones act as weights as you get stronger the weight will become less noticeable till when it is removed. When it is you will be faster, stronger, and have greater agility. During this time you will go on daily runs, climb mountains and much more. I won't lie it's hard at first but it gets better. Now let's start the run.

Pinkie Pie stood at the barricaded entrance to Dodge City, at her side a tall black dragon stood his arms crossed as he watched to pink pony. "Stop watching me and start watching for changelings." Pinkie growled at the dragon.

"I heard you were a fun loving pony that loved to party." The dragon huffed as he returned to watching the land.

"Would you be happy if some meany when and murdered your bestest friend and then laughed at you for being to late as she escapes through a portal?" Pinkie asked grumpily. "Ponies are normally happy and friendly but when we are pushed too far the party ends and things get serous."

"I..." The dragon thought for a moment before closing his mouth. After a while he sighed. "I honestly have nothing to say."

The two watched in silence before pinkie turned to the dragon. "How did Twilight know King Inferno?" She asked.

The dragon chuckled. "Oh that's a story. When word reached King Inferno about what had occurred the day of the Rainboom he was furious and came to the castle demanding to see the pony that could hatch a dragon's egg. When Celestia said no the King was enraged and began to smash through the castle trying to find this pony even though he had no idea what they looked like. Celestia tried to stop him but even your princess has a hard time stopping a fully grown enraged dragon. Eventually he came upon a little filly wrapped around a baby dragon. When the King saw this he moved to roar at the filly but the filly used her magic to clamp his mouth shut and said one thing."

Pinkie turned to the dragon curious. "What did she say?" Pinkie asked.

"Shush." The dragon said causing pinkie to blink in surprise. The dragon looked off into the distance chuckling. "The King was so shocked that he not only quieted down but just sat down and stared at the filly in shock. He was the great Dragon King, he had slayed armies and ruled for over a five hundred years and here was a filly who simply told him to shush like he was some unruly child. Eventually Celestia found them and the King found out that the filly was the one who had hatched the baby. That was the first time the King and Princess Twilight met and they had been good friends since."

Pinkie giggled at the image and turned back to the landscape a small smile on her face. The two remained in a companionable silence for a while before she turning back to the dragon. "What did you dragons do when you found out?" She asked.

The dragon chuckled. "At first we were enraged, no one treats a dragon like that. Especially our King. But then he made a decree. He deemed Twilight a friend to all dragon kind and that we were to give her the same respect that he would receive. Most listened but a few have refused and paid the price for there defiance. To find that she has passed... it shook many of us. She was strong, stronger than most dragons. Once this war is done we dragons will mourn her as if she were one of our own." The dragon sighed and returned to watching the land.

After a while Pinkie leaned forward and squinted before picking up some binoculars. "They're here." She said as she walked over to the alarm and pulled. Almost instantly solders emerged from there base, both ponies and dragons stood side by side standing and waiting. "BRING OUT THE ARTILLERY!" Pinkie yelled and ponies and dragons brought out large, heavy cannons. Once they were loaded they immediately began to fire on the incoming swarm. Pinkie turned to the dragon. "I never did ask your name." She said.

The dragon chuckled. "Obsidian, my name is Obsidian Shard." He said with a smile.

"If we survive this, I'll try to throw you a party." Pinkie said a look of determination on her face.

"I look forward to it. Just make sure it has some strong alcohol." Obsidian said.

"After this, is over I think we're gonna need it." Pinkie said sadly.

Chrysalis smirked. "Keep charging! Drain and slaughter every pony." She screamed as the swarm charged.

Suddenly the artillery stopped as Pegasi and dragons rose up and flew toward the swarm. The dragons breath fire into the cluster decimating the changelings. Chrysalis growled. 'Why are there dragons?' She thought as one charged her. Chrysalis tucked into a dive aiming strait for it as she neared it she began to spin and when the two met she pierced through its scale. The dragon roared and tried to grab the queen but she dug deeper into it. The dragon began to flail and roar in pain as Chrysalis tunneled deep into its chest. When she reached the center she used her claws to rip through its lungs and then she pierced its heart. As the dragon began to fall she burst through its chest and watched as it plummeted to the ground.

Chrysalis glided down to the surface and turned to see the swarm was breaking. "Land and began ground assault." She ordered. The swarm quickly followed the order and prepared to attack. However the moment they landed Unicorns began to fire upon them and Earth Ponies charged.

At the head of the charge was a Pink Earth Pony and a black dragon. The pink ponies mane was strait and covered the left side of her face she wore light armor, really it was just a chest plate, however strapped across her chest and hanging at her belt were knives, hundreds of knives. Any changeling that came with in her rage was shredded into ribbons, this mare was Pinkamena Diane Pie. Beside her was a Dragon as black as obsidian. He wore tight fitting armor and a crimson cape identifying him as the dragons commander. He wielded two odd swords that arced with purple lightning. Any who were in his way were dispatched with swift efficiency and a single slash.

The two commanders charged into the fray fighting with there solders as if they had done it for years. "For Twilight!" The dragon roared and the others roared and charged as well.

Chrysalis snarled and charged the dragon her claws extended. "Repulsive reptile!" She screamed as her stick was parried by the dragon. "Why?!" She asked angrily. "We did nothing to you or your kind, why aid the Ponies." She demanded.

"That is a story only for those worthy witch. Just know that Twilight was a friend to all dragons and you killing her was the biggest mistake you will ever make." The dragon growled angrily as they circled each other.

Chrysalis growled. "Then I will erase your kind as well. Canterlot is mine and nothing will stop me from what is mine by right!" She screamed and charged the dragon.

As the two clashed the dragon laughed. "The fact you would go this far and sacrifice even your own subjects proves you are unfit to rule even a mound of dung." He said as he deflected her strike. Chrysalis screamed and charged the dragon again only for a knife to plunge into her right eye. Chrysalis screamed in pain as a pink blur shot forward and slammed into the queen.

Chrysalis skidded to a halt and groaned as Pinkie walked toward her and grabbed the knife. "An Eye for an Eye." She said as she ripped the knife and eye out. A sudden explosion caused the two commanders to turn and Chrysalis smirked.

"I win." The queen said in a smug voice.

Pinkie turned to the dragon. "Tell the troops to retreat. We've lost the city." The dragon nodded and roared. Dragons began to grab the Unicorns and Earth Ponies before spreading there wings and taking flight. Pinkie turned to the queen and smiled. "Enjoy." She said as Obsidian grabbed her and took off.

Chrysalis smiled as she watched the ponies retreat. Slowly she climbed to he hooves and walked to the city. As she entered she sensed something was wrong. Chrysalis frowned as one of the changelings approached her. "My Queen there are no ponies here, it's as if they left and in a hurry." Chrysalis growled and grabbed the changeling. "Useless filth!" She screamed and blasted the changeling to dust. "I'm surrounded by imbeciles!" She said as she began to destroy the city. As she blasted another building to dust she noticed a pink envelope. She stormed over, picked it up and ripped it open.

"Dear Chrysalis, by the time you are reading this you will realize we never planed to win but only to distract you while the city was fully evacuated. But I do have one more surprise for you. A parting gift, all I will say is BOOM."

Chrysalis reread the note confused. "BOOM?" she asked before she heard it a ticking. Chrysalises eye widened, her wings extended and then there was nothing but white.

Far off Pinkie lowered a pair of binoculars. In her other hand was a remote detonator. "That's right Bitch, BOOM." She said as she turned and walked back to the troops once she returned to them she turned to a messenger Pegasus. "Send a message to Appleloosa, Inform Commander Applejack and Commander Dash what happened here and to prepare. Chrysalis maybe injured but she is far from out and they're up next." The messenger nodded before spreading their wings and flying off.

Time dilation for the Void: 499 years, 12 months, 30 days

Twilight stood before Honesty and Deception. She wore tight fitting cloths that showed her well toned figure. "This is your final test Twilight, come at us as if you were to kill." Honesty said. Twilight nodded. "Begai-" Honesty was cut off as Twilight charged forward and punched him in the gut pushing him back. Honesty smiled and charged his skin hardening.

Twilight stamped her hoof and a wall of stone rose and blocked his charged. Deception jumped over the wall and delivered and ax kick that Twilight stopped by grabbing his leg and throwing him into the wall and smashing him through it and into Honesty.

Twilight charged toward the two Elements as they rose and prepared. Honesty slammed his palm into the ground releasing a shock wave that Twilight jumped over while Deception tore the ground up and created a spike trap that Twilight landed in releasing a plume of dust.

Honesty and Deception watched for a moment before Twilight tore out of the dust in the form of still way. she jumped and slammed into the ground creating a small earthquake that she used to grab Honesty and break over her knee and then through over her shoulder summoning a boulder and slamming it into him.

Twilight turned and dodged a strike from Deception at the last moment before going on the defensive dodging and deflecting strikes so fast they caught fire. Twilight smiled before back flipping and throwing a handful of sand at Deceptions face causing him to cough. She then charged and knocked his legs out from under him and slipping behind to place him a head lock. Deception changed his momentum and flipped over her only to for a spike trap to shoot out of the ground and priced through his chest.

"And with that you win." Honesty said as he pushed the boulder off himself.

Deception smiled as he turned to sand and reformed a few feet away. "Well done Twilight, you have mastered all our teachings and lessons."

"Thank you, Masters." Twilight bowed.

Honesty laughed. "No more of that, with passing that trial you have now out stripped us, we speak as equals."

Deception smiled. "Tomorrow we will be sending you to train with Generosity and Greed. While we taught you how to manipulate the earth and stone they will teach you how to manipulate the gems and metals of the world."

Deception placed an arm around Twilight and pulled her into a side long hug. "Tonight however we will be celebrating till midnight!" He exclaimed happily.

Honesty chuckled and raised a bottle of wine. "Indeed, come Twilight, Let us drink and feast till can no more." Honesty said with a smile.

Twilight shook her head. "I swear you're trying turn me into an alcoholic." she chuckled as she took the bottle and popped the cork and took a swig.

Author's Note:

Wow, that was a doozy. In all honesty I really enjoy working on this story and I'm glad so many people like it. Leave your opinion down in the comments and as always, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I will see you in the next one.

Here is Pinkie Pies armor:

Obsidian Shard: