• Published 16th Jul 2018
  • 242 Views, 0 Comments

Ordinary Guards Life - Epsilon_Eleven

We follow the perspective of a red Unicorn stallion named, Red Dawn. Royal Guard that had been stationed in Canterlot for two year. We'll see how he lived on his life with his friend, Blue Wind, a blue mare Pegasus and an Old friend of the academy.

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Quite an Ordinary Life

"What a beautiful day this is," I commented on the beautiful morning I just woke up to. Yawning, I get off my bed and prepares to get ready for the day by taking the shower first in the morning. I suspect Blue haven't woke up yet, so I decide to wake her after shower. The first one to take the shower means that I had the chance to run and report myself for duty first, if Blue didn't fly so dang fast or just too lazy to get off from her bed. I casually open the door on the bathroom and, well... Blue is in there.

I swear there was a cricket sound as I stared awkwardly at her, she was just finished covering her body with soap just as I suddenly barge into the bathroom. The blue coated mare Pegasus also awkwardly stared back at me, there was a moment of us staring on each other, until Blue took the first move by throwing a bottle of shampoo at me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! GET OUT!" Blue screamed atop of her lungs as I continuously to stare her. Blushing lightly, I apologize as I make my way out off the bathroom, another problem of living together is the bathroom always crowded in the morning. Well not too crowded if it only two people on the house, it only matter of who took the initiative. This time, it was Blue to wake up early, unusual activities for her. She's not a morning pony, but I can tell she's determined to wake up in the morning, well at least for today anyway.

I waited for her to finish while I polished my armor and getting it ready to wear the Golden armor, its crest and tail color matched my crimson mane as I slowly inspect the armor closely. And I've be honest, the Golden armor did not match up on my dark red coat. As per usual to me, being the only Unicorn Royal Guard with such color. Too bad they cannot do anything to me as I was ranked as Sergeant by Captain Armor himself, I chuckled lightly as I remember that one time on the academy, it was so hilarious.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my room. Surely that would be Blue telling me that the shower is empty, which I immediately to ran her over and tripped myself on the stairs as I make my way down.

"Hah, instant karma!" shouted Blue from upstairs as I struggle to get back on my feet down below.

"Shut up," I flatly responded and then quickly galloped to the bathroom.

*** *** ***

Finishing the shower, I'll make my way upstairs to gear up. I bumped into Blue, already on her armor. She had the same Golden armor but with a cyan colored crest and tail.

"You better hurry, the shift will start soon. I'll better get going now," she said, as I passed her on the stairs.

"Huh, this is unusual. Something is on with her," I asked myself about the weird things Blue had done this morning, waking up early and now. She'll be gone just for me? Odd. She's so unpredictable sometimes.

"You better hurry up or I'll force to carry you there myself," shouted Blue as I just entered my room to gear up.

Okay, I retract what I just said about her weird behaviour this morning. She's just being herself as per usual. I hastily put on my armor and ran outside where Blue were ready to flap her wings.

As I approached Blue, she frowned and started to quietly stared at me. Something is wrong if she does that, "You forgot... Something?"

"Forgot what?" I really have no idea what she's talking about, until she point her hoof on to her head. I tap my forehead and I instantly remembers that I left my helmet on my room. All I could do to get out of this situation is to laugh awkwardly at her. "Be back in a sec."

Blue facehoofed as I made my way back to my room to grab the helmet I left. After grabbing things I must carry at all times as a Royal guard. We continue to the castle without any haste, even though I really hate being carried by her on the way there. I really hate flying, I don't want to fly with her again anytime soon.

After some 'incident' on reporting for the morning shift, we make our way to our post. She was ordered to patrol the sky again, as usual. Me? I'll be stationed at the training field, there's will be some new recruits today so my presence are required as a Sergeant to 'supervise'. I didn't have to worry about the recruits, they have their own drill instructor so why should I worried? I'll just 'supervise' the recruits in case they do something funny, as well watching of how well the training went, if it goes bad or the instructor had an emergency. I'll take over until it was done or a new instructor came in and take over from me, things went on quite easy on the first part of the drills. Until one of the trainee got bored and fell asleep due to a long speech made by the instructor, me and somepony had to move him out from the course until the trainee woke up from his boredom.

The training went quite well, basic movement as well some basic obstacle course. Nothing went wrong today, that is good enough for me. The last thing I need is that the training went on chaos, just like last couple of moons. Hope that won't happen today, because I will putting them on one hundred laps around the castle and then put them on kitchen duty if a group of trainee prank their superior again, especially me.

The training are very boring on my honest opinion, nothing really interesting going on. All of these ponies skills are decent, not too horrible nor too good. One recruit shows one potential to be a good soldier though, maybe once part of the Wonderbolts trainee or something like that? She shows great discipline on her first day while other trainee are lack of it. The drill instructor, Corporal Ferry Pitch also thinks the same way as I am. Other than that, every part of the trainings are boring.

I made my way to the canteen, the day has reached its peak and I'm starving. Blue must have done her duty already, I expect her to be on her usual eating spot.

"Where did she go?" I muttered after noticed that she was nowhere within her favorite spot to eat in the canteen. Again, I should recall her weird behaviour in the morning, I suppose this had something to do with her personal life. But what is it? I suddenly grinned as I suspect she had a special somepony. I will find out what's gone into her, but first! I've got to eat.

*** *** ***

After finishing up my meal, I trotted outside the castle. Finding the blue mare that suppose to be here any minute now, but she doesn't. This is starting to get weird, I can make an excuse to find a guard that haven't been on their post yet, to avoid my 'supervising' duty of course. I wandered off and search the sky for any sight of the blue mare guard.

"Where the heck is she?" I quietly muttered as I search up the sky for her, all of her weirdness really make my day. I'M JUST SO EXCITED!! Oh oh, is it her special somepony? I wonder how is he looked like, is he muscular or athletic? Is it-

I stopped my daydream as I see Blue Wind hovering in the air, I quickly hide to a nearby bush to avoid her detection. I saw Blue with... seems like a stallion in a Wonderbolt uniform? Who is that stallion anyway? I've better take a closer observation.

"I told you, our relationship is done, Soarin. It's over," said Blue, as I crept in closer with my bush.

"B-but, were... so far..." said the pony called Soarin, I'm guessing it was Blue's colt-friend or, it was before anyway. I couldn't really catch his last couple of word though as it is a whisper.

"No, I don't want to speak of this anymore, Soarin. We are Finished!" Blue said flatly, but a little bit of guilt was seen on her face. If that stallion is blind to see it, I swear to Celestia I will punch that stallion right in the face if he wasn't hovering on the ground. You're lucky enough to be hovering up there with her.

Soarin looked down, and then tilt his head to make an eye contact with Blue. "Is there another stallion you liked, Blue?"

Blue looked away, flustered by the sudden question. She closed her eyes and said it with full confidence, "Yes. I have other special somepony. I develop a crush ever since I met him, but I can't tell him, yet."

Ooooh, all of this drama really makes my boring day. Whos her special somepony anyway? I want to meet him. I'M SO PUMPED UP!

"Do you care to tell his name?" Soarin asked, he seemed curious about Blue's crush as well.

"It's none of your business, Soarin. He's an Unicorn, that's all I can tell."

Blue quickly flew off into the distance, leaving the Wonderbolt alone. He soon flew off away from the castle. to be honest, the wonderbolt can be arrested for tresspassing, but I've better not report anything like this. For an old time sake.

I got out from my hiding spot after I checked if the area is clear. I trotted to the training course, prepared to face another boring training drills that I've watch multiple times already. I still curious about Blue's new crush, but I was left with a single clue. That special somepony is an Unicorn.

Entire day of me seeing the same decent trainee trying to defeat their officer in a sword duel. They lost horribly, the trainee I've been talking about manage to close in the distance between herself and the officer and quickly to force the officer to yield, winning the duel. Either than that, it was boring as usual. I made my way to report in for the day and make my way home, a good long rest in the evening seems an excellent idea.

Stretching my sore leg and prepare to walk over to my house not far north from the castle. I chuckled to myself as I remembered being carried to the castle with Blue, such horrible experience were gained from flying.

After a hundred step or so, I finally made it onto the front porch. Opening the door just to see the house clearly empty, that is weird. If Blue was here, should be the house lit up already? I quickly snapped the light on with my magic and trotted upstairs while calling out Blue's name. Seeing no reply from her, I come over to her room to knock the door. No answer, should've expect that.

I decide not to bother to much about her personal life, because it wasn't my rights to do so. I'll better get into my room, my sore limb need a long good night sleep from all of that.

*** *** ***

Later that evening...

Blue Wind push the door lightly, trying not to wake anypony asleep inside. She then quietly trotted upstairs and shove the door lightly to see Red Dawn on his room, drooling in his sleep. Such scenery made Blue Wind smiled, she then trotted next to him and gave him a small kiss on the forehead and then said "Good night," her soft voice was enough to even barely heard by Red Dawn who was still sleeping heavily. She then retreated off from his room and enter her own.

She lay her back onto the soft and comfy bed, relieving her stress she had gained today. Faint smile appeared on her face as she closed her eyes and rest in for the night.

Author's Note:

So, how it go?

Please tell me in the comment if there was any mistake. (Which I assume to be a lot)
Please feel free to do so.
Cheers everypony.

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