• Published 27th Jul 2018
  • 1,474 Views, 14 Comments

Betrayal of Friendship - Inactive Pone

Sometimes, even if you’re the closest of friends, you can never trust each other when murder’s involved.

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Day 7: The Truth

Waking up in a dungeon was probably the last place you’d expect to wake up in after being knocked out by neurotoxin gas. And that just so happens to be the one place the final two players were sent to. The two sat back-to-back, still unconscious, and sat in a huge underground dungeon.

Silverstream woke up first, then Cozy Glow. Nothing special really happened- Until they saw each other behind them. They both screamed in horror, and it was then they realised both of them were tied together, and were unable to move their bodies and hooves and claws.

They both sighed.

“Silver, I’m not here to kill you,” Cozy Glow said. “You have to calm down.”

Silverstream shrugged. “It’s not like you can do anything while you’re tied up, right? But wait... If you’re the Mafia... Then who in Equestria did this?”

”Well, who else?”

The two turned, to see the true identity of The Godfather. Chancellor Neighsay.

“I should’ve known,” Silverstream said. “I knew even after you’re arrested, you’ll come back with an even more terrible scheme. You planned all of this, didn’t you?”

He nodded.

”I suppose both of you are just as confused as the other. But, I didn’t plan to take Cozy Glow originally. I would’ve saved her and leave you, Silverstream, down here alone. But instead, she wanted to betray me multiple times near the end of the game. Cozy, you might have finished your mission, but I can’t forgive you for betraying my trust.”

“I did it to save my friends!” She yelled. “But you wouldn’t let me!”

The Godfather shook his head, and stepped forward.

“You're all too blinded by friendship to see the truth,” Neighsay said. ”All of these new people, some once being hostile, coming to study here is not a good idea at all. Think about it- Changelings and Dragons, right at our front doorstep. Two beastly races that can harm us. One of them even invaded our nation. The hostility of Creatures beyond our land is unpredictable. Some creatures can never change. It’s in their blood. I had to closedown this school, to warn you of the harms this is going to bring. It already did.”

Silverstream shook her head at what he just said.

“Wow, I think I just heard the biggest lies I’ve heard in my life!”

Cozy Glow agreed, and giggled.

”I’m being serious. This school is letting you foreigners in and take what we know, just to use it for yourself and I know, soon enough, everycreature will have the right to visit and stay here. An extremely dangerous act, if you ask me. Spies could ruin everything, including your connections. What if we start a war?”

“Listen, Godfather,” Silverstream hmphed. “If you’re being so racist, why don’t you go kill everycreature that’s not a pony who enters our borders, then? Why just kill us, am I right?”

Neighsay was confused at her explanation.

“I’m a playful student at times,” She said. “But I’m serious whenever I need to be. Dealing with exposure to other races was a big step for us Hippogriff back in Mount Aris. But we did it- And so can the Ponies, and everyone else! Now, let me ask very clearly. Why are you doing this?”

”To shut down your school. Nothing more.”

“Really?” She asked. “That’s it? *laughing* Then why did you have to use this kind of excuse to do it? Your plan was destined to backfire!”


Silverstream turned it down to a more serious tone. “Your Plan Killed my friends. And they aren’t just my friends- They are special, because they are the representatives of five different tribes coming to this school to study friendship. And you killed four of them. If your sole purpose was to shut this place down, let me tell you- You didn’t do it. Instead, what you brought to us was potential declarations of war!”

She stomped the ground with her claw in rage. Cozy Glow was startled.

“If you don’t leave us be and admit your crimes in the next 2 days, everycreature will die. Tell me, are you okay with that?”

Neighsay was speechless. Her words had backed him into a corner no matter what he said. He realized- This would be a fight he wouldn’t win. All his points are plain excuses. The truth, may differ for Everypony. And in these young minds, Truth, is about different races coming together, studying together, and love each other.

The Godfather had no choice.

”Cozy Glow.”


”Reveal to her, why you surrendered to me. Don’t even think about escaping.”

The filly sighed. Silverstream, though tied up, smiled and gave her a nod. The seapony showed mercy upon the one who murdered all her friends, and even she was surprised. But, Cozy did what she had to do.

“*sigh* Silver, Promise me you all won’t treat me horribly after this? And... Promise me we’ll still be friends, like before?”

“Don’t worry. Let it all out. I might understand.”

“*sigh Alright... Well, a while ago, I was kidnapped by someone. He’s The Godfather. He tried to threaten me into helping him succeed on his plan to close the School of Friendship down. He gave me two, very difficult options to choose from, and I liked neither of them... I had to either sacrifice myself...”

She started crying.

“Or our friendship...” She said.

Silverstream gasped. Of course, someone wouldn’t want to die. Even so, she payed a horrible price for staying alive. Cozy Glow went on to tell the follow-up plan. The two of them have been planning the Mafia murder incident for weeks, discussing every move, every backup plan. She trained to get used to her human self. She successfully killed 7 creatures, including Twilight Sparkle herself, before her fall, and through the control of The Godfather, she killed two more.

She didn’t like the plan one bit- But denying to execute it is a one-way trip to hell.

“I didn’t want to help him,” Cozy Glow confessed. “I didn’t want my friends to argue and fight either. I should’ve told you about the impending danger, to warn all of you. Perhaps all of this would’ve been avoided. And now... Everyone’s dead, War is on the horizon, and I, as the murderer, will pay the price too...”

If she wasn’t tied, Silverstream would’ve immediately hugged her friend. Instead, she just smiled and cried silently.

“*sniff* Cozy...” She said, “Don’t say you’ll kill yourself... You’ve done nothing wrong. None of this is your fault. I understand you’re young, and you can’t afford to die. I would’ve made the same decision, to be honest. We used to say, we would never trade our friendship for anything else. And it’s still true- Just not life and death stuff. The point is, you’re not suffering the consequences alone. We all have to, no matter if we want to, or not. Don’t put the blame on yourself, it was he who was blinded, not you, not me, not any of our friends.”

Cozy Glow sniffed, and smiled.

“I just wish they’re here to hear it right now...” Cozy said. “But they aren’t here yet.”

“H-Huh? What do you mean?”

Neighsay cut them off.

”Okay, Okay, Yeah, This has been bittersweet and all, but... this incident must not be heard from anypony else.” He charged up his horn’s magic. ”Only this time... It’s for real. No more tranquilizing and all that. Stay still. This is for your own good.”

He fired the magic laser. The two were right in the line of fire, screaming. Suddenly, the loud sounds of a shield protecting was heard- And Silverstream couldn’t believe her eyes.


The filly turned, smiling.

“Not just me!” She used her knight’s sword to cut the two loose. “Look behind me!”

Behind them, all of their friends, who were presumed dead, rushed into the scene quickly and got ready for intense combat. Gallus leaped into the air to distract The Godfather. So did Smoulder. Yona pounced on the opportunity, and rammed her large body straight into him like it was nothing. The crusaders laid low to make sure the two were alright. The Godfather wanted to retaliate, but he couldn’t- He was cornered by the giant Yak in the way of his path. Plus, the flying buddies already grabbed him and pummeled him down, making him dizzy.

”*yells* Unfair much! You students think- Ahh!”

As he wanted to kill Silverstream, he felt as if a giant bee had stung him. Ocellus appeared from behind.

“Sandy, go!”

He quickly tackled Neighsay and slapped him in the face for what he’s done. Fiercely defending, Sandbar was pushed back by magic a moment later. Even after this defense, The Godfather was finally surrounded by the players he killed.

“You don’t know how glad I- No, we are, to see you all come just in time,” Cozy Glow giggled, smiling.

They all smiled. The friends were reunited. But this was no time to celebrate- Becuase their main target is still standing. The group closed in on him from all sides, threatening him to surrender. But they stopped- Not in horror, however. Why? Because somepony familiar called to them.

“Fall back! Let him shoot!”

The group didn’t know why, but decided to do exactly that. They all nodded, and Silverstream came out to be the bait. She stood right in front of the big, rocky entrance to the dungeon cave. Neighsay was overjoyed.

”Good, Good. You heard them- Let me shoot.”

“I don’t think its your calling.”

”Are you sure about that?”

The other nine creatures stood with absolute certainty that she’ll be safe. The Godfather charged up his magic once more, and was about to terminate her right in front of everycreature. However, just before he fired it, Silverstream heard rapid hoofsteps from behind, and a gust of wind. Quickly, she ducked her head, and what came next was the miracle that helped everycreature escape.

They flew in swiftly, landed on the ground with a huge thud, and fired their alicorn magic straight at the killer. Neighsay wanted to resist, but he was surely no match for the two magic giants crashing down on him.

They came- Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle!

“Is everycreature Alright?” Twilight asked.

They all nodded. They turned to Neighsay, who was grunting in pain from that fight. Celestia looked angrier than she had ever been. No one in the room has ever seen her like this. She stepped closer to her prey- The one who nearly plunged Equestria into total war.

Surprisingly, a hoof halted her. In fact, it wasn’t a hoof- It was a claw. Silverstream nodded to Celestia, signalling her that violence is not needed in this situation. Twilight was confused. The hippogriff stood just a few meters away from the Chancellor, backed to a corner. She smiled.

“Do you know why we defend the magic of friendship?”

He furiously shook his head. ”You all can’t be serious... It doesn’t apply to other tribes. They are what they’re meant to be- Their behaviour will never change. You must think me mad to believe cross-race friendship can be real at all.”

Twilight was cross and wanted to say something. But Silverstream rejected it. So did the rest of her friends.

“It can happen,” Sandbar said. “Who’s to say Ocellus and I can’t be best friends, huh?”

“Yeah! Just because we harmed your home once... You took that for granted?”

Smoulder nodded. “Somewhere within everyone’s hearts... There’s always a feeling, a thought. Something you can’t buy, something that lasts forever. Friends are inseparable.”

“Indeed,” Yona agreed. “Friends stand together- Friends never fall!”

“We have our own differences,” Gallus pointed out, “That never changes. No creature is perfect- Somepony special told us that, always. But, it is because of the things that make us unique, that pull us together.”

Twilight Sparkle, standing behind, slowly cried in happiness- Her own students, standing up to non-believers of her philosophy, with the things they’ve learnt.

“Sometimes... Being different is great, right girls?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Apple Bloom couldn’t agree more. “Definitely! That’s why we become friends, to give ourselves and our friends what they’re missing!”

“And although friends argue and fight sometimes, there’s no denying they’ll find their way back together.” Scootaloo followed. “Just like we did!”

They all started giggling. Neighsay was kept pinned down by Twilight’s bubble shield spell so he couldn’t cause havoc and kills everycreature.

“Listen up, you,” Silverstream said. “Friendship, is love. And with love, comes peace and harmony. We came to study here for a reason- We want to learn about how magical it is- And it’s true. Creatures of different shapes, sizes and personalities come together, to discuss their beliefs together while learning from each other too. Friendship is for everycreature to enjoy- And it’s magic can heal any rivalary.”

Finally, Twilight found it would be an appropriate time to speak. She called everycreature to step aside.

“Thank you, everycreature,” She said, putting a hoof to her heart. “It really does mean much to me that you care about the school so much. Silverstream, what you said, can’t be any more clear. A statement of what’s right. This was my fundamental goal of establishing this school- To allow everycreature to learn and pursue their studies alongside each other, and spread the magic of friendship further and further. As they’ve said, everycreature has a missing piece inside them. Something, only the ones around them, could give.”

They all nodded to her.

“But of course...” She sighed. “I understand not everyone appreciates this. I understand some ponies do fear expansion, they fear of trying new things. Some are filled with hatred from scars between tribes in the past. They distrust one another. But this... This is why I believe friendship should be taught to not just ponies, and for everyone else too. A way for different races to get along, break down their walls of suspicion, and see the good side of each other. The start of our kind making ties with other nations.”

Twilight looked to her mentor. Shedding a single tear, Celestia wiped it off with a hoof and smiled. She felt proud. However, what Neighsay had done to Equestria, she could never forgive. He was arrested once- But he still showed no remorse. Since the day he rejected her fiercely for getting fired, she knew he would return- But never did she think it will go like this. She needed no explanation, and took a deep breath.

She turned to the Mafia first.

“Cozy Glow,” She said.

The filly gasped, and was going to cry again. She stepped out and bowed, begging for mercy.

“I know, princess,” She said. “*sigh* What I did... Following him... *sniff* It was all wrong. I have no excuse- Despite knowing the consequences, I did so to protect myself. I know, I’m selfish. I’m truly, truly, sorry. To you, and all of your tribes, my friends. Put the blame on this filly, right here.”

The Godfather was pleased- She was getting what she deserved.

But, a second later, what the princess said was an absolute disaster for him. She held up Cozy’s Head, with a charming smile. The filly was confused.

“I’m not here for you. You did nothing wrong,” Celestia kindly said. “I know you’re threatened. I know that decision must’ve been a difficult one. Nopony would want death, it’s reasonable. This plan, was not yours. So, you’re not the one to blame. Don’t fear- I’ll say it again. I didn’t come to save all of you, because I wanted to arrest you for murder.”

She turned. “I was looking for him.

He finally surrendered, with his hooves in the air. After what happened last time, there was no way for him to stand up to the mighty princess of the sun.

“This isn’t the first time you’ve tried to commit murder, is it not?”

He shook his head. Indeed it wasn’t.

“*sigh* Just when I thought you’d change,” Celestia sighed. “I knew you would return, but I hoped it would’ve been to apologize for your cruelty. It wasn’t. Behind that forcefield, must’ve been a terrible scene that you set up. And outside the border, we’re working around the clock to solve the problem diplomatically, and you were sitting here, doing absolutely nothing but fuel the potential for war.”

She stomped the ground loudly.

“Tell me, honestly,” She demanded. “Why, are you committing such crimes?”

He stood up- But was forced to not take a single step by Twilight.

”It is for the greater good.”

“How so?”

”Having them all here will cause so many problems and I know you are favouring the school because Twilight is your student. Even if that’s not the case, you’re using this as a path to open your borders. Do you not realise, the consequences of having any creature walk around town?”

Celestia twitched her eyebrow.

“Excuse me, sir, I don’t play favourites,” She said clearly. “Even if Twilight is my student.”

”Then tell me one reason, why my second point is incorrect. Look around. Dragons scaring Everypony wherever they go. Yaks causing trouble with their strength, Griffons flying around town causing mischief... And don’t even get me started on Changelings. Not ever. I will not allow this to continue.”

Twilight stepped in. “I built this school to help creatures know each other better through cultural exchange. Friendship is not just for ponies. You must understand, Chancellor. Time is changing. And so are my students’ tribes. Through sharing our way of living in harmony, they can spread the messages back to their own lands. I don’t understand how this wonderful plan could be bad...”

”You’re saying this because you favour your own students. This school is making us more transparent Day by day. In time, they’ll use their knowledge against us. It’s in their blood, and destruction is imminent.”

“No it’s not! You’re the one-“

”And I’m closing it, to protect Equestria, princess.”

Celestia sighed and signaled to Twilight that she would handle this on her own.

“I’m giving you one more chance,” She said. “Why, are you doing this?”

”I said it.”

“No. You are lying, I can tell. Your arguments are flawed. I looked through your records and I found a possible truth you’re hiding. None of us are getting out of here until one of us says the truth.”

He gasped. He’s been busted.

“You have a grudge on the Changeling tribe,” Celestia calmly said. “Is that right?”

Hearing this, Ocellus gasped, and Sandbar, standing beside her, held her close.

”*sigh* Yes. That is right. That is only a slice of the pie, too.”

“What else bothers you?”

”*sigh* When I was little, I ventured out to different nations, to learn about them. But I was greatly unwelcomed. And I found out about some... horrible things they do. Moreover, some of my relatives were killed during the changeling invasion. I can’t sit by and watch Equestria suffer upon the stronger tribes. I had to do something to prevent our land getting exposed and collaborating with others... Only for them to betray us.”

Celestia sighed.

“I didn’t want everything to come down to this. Listen, Neighsay. Protecting our people is every official’s duty. Even so, the ways to execute it, always have a line nopony should cross. I’ve supported princess Twilight since she was a filly, and I truthfully know she will always make the right decision. And this school is no exception.”

“Like I said, I don’t want to do this to you. But, when I talked with the other leaders a few days ago, I made them a sincere and unbreakable promise through an ultimatum.” Celestia teleported a scroll to her, and read it. “I told them that I, and the officials, would track down the culprit and mastermind of the act. You may have convinced Cozy Glow to do it for you, but ultimately, you are the true culprit. We made a deal, that they will only seize fire, under one condition.”

She whispered to Cozy Glow. The filly turned into a human through thoughts and pulled out her gun- The weapon that started it all.

“I must kill you. I’m sorry. But as a leader, it is a disgrace for me to directly kill my own people. So, Cozy Glow, will you finish this task for me?”

But Neighsay didn't fight back, but rather admit to his own wrongdoings. He wanted the greater good for Equestria anyway. So, he agreed to the punishment. Celestia and Twilight both secured his position in the middle of the dungeon with a magic spell. The entire group cornered him to a wall, as Cozy Glow stood right in front of her master, pointing her pistol at his heart. The culprit lifted his hands up, accepting his defeat and the death penalty- For plunging a Equestria to the brink of war. In short, betrayal of one’s own nation.

She replaced the bullet in the gun with a real one and reloaded it. Her hand was on the trigger.

“You’ve messed with the wrong group of friends, my master. At least, you won’t die to the ones you tried to harm.”


Game Over. Innocents Win!