• Published 27th Jul 2018
  • 1,474 Views, 14 Comments

Betrayal of Friendship - Inactive Pone

Sometimes, even if you’re the closest of friends, you can never trust each other when murder’s involved.

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Day 4: The Quarrel

Day Four.

Silverstream woke up early, and she was on her way to the usual get-together. But when she passed by the main hallway, she ran into Ocellus, who seemed surprisingly excited. She had always been feeling down for the whole game, but today seemed like a jolly day for her.

“Hey, Ocellus!” She called out to her.

The changeling exchanged a hug with her before saying anything.

“A mood swing hit you or something?” Silverstream asked as she let go. “You weren’t this happy yesterday, were you?”

Ocellus shrugged. “I don’t really know, but I just have a good feeling today.”

“Mmmm... Okay...” The hippogriff was curious. “H-Hey, how about we walk together?”

“Sure! You have something to talk about?”

“*sigh* Not much... Besides the fact we’re about to die... I really don’t want to die in this cruel real-life game... It’s so weird and dark... Oh, I just want to see my family! They must be worried sick! And Princess Skystar! And my aunt Queen Novo!”

“They must be really scared... I hope Thorax doesn’t yell at me for this before I explain... Also, I have a really bad feeling that The Godfather is a force to be reckoned with...”

Silverstream stopped dead when she heard this. She didn’t want to show a sign, but she wanted to know more.

“Go on. You can trust me, I’m not the Mafia.”

Ocellus was in doubt. “Are you sure? I know we’re friends and all, but...”

“Would I lie to you, Ocellus? I never lie. Professor Applejack always told me to be honest. And though I’m playful most of the time, I’m serious whenever I need to be serious.”

Ocellus smiled. She did have a point.

“Yeah, I guess so. Sorry for doubting you. As I was saying, the- *gasp*”

Ocellus gasped- Because she saw somepony familiar. Somepony dear to her, right in front of the park, the gathering point. The pony closed his eyes and sniffed, not noticing her existence at that moment. That is, until Ocellus broke the silence.


As she galloped over, the young pony gasped and smiled.


They ran over to hug each other- Tight and close. Sandbar even swung his best friend around in the hug, and the two laughed in bliss. Silverstream watched from the side, with confusion but also with relief.

“Wh-Why are you here?” Ocellus asked. “I’m confused...”

Sandbar let go of her. “I don’t know... The angel must’ve revived me, in that case...”

He was going to walk beside her right into the park, before giving Silverstream a cold glance. This sent a bit of chills to her. Then, the others caught up.

“Yak friend got problem?” Yona asked.

Silverstream sighed. “Come on. We have... A bit of a hassle to deal with.”

“I heard somepony screaming about Sandbar,” Cozy Glow said, making an intrigued glance on Yona. “Did he get revived or something?”

Smoulder Tilted her head. “Excuse me, reviving him is the only reason he’d be here right now...”

“Alright, everycreature,” Apple Bloom dropped the topic. “Everyone’s being suspicious today. Let’s all argue in a minute, Okay?”

Day 4: Daytime.

“So... No one got killed last night? And apparently, Sandbar came back too?” Silverstream questioned. “Is this game getting more complicated or what...?”

Sandbar slammed his hoof on the ground, angrily looking at her.

“Speak for yourself, Silver!” He grunted.

Yona was startled. “Whoa, Yak be startled- Sandbar Okay?”

He glanced at her. “No, I’m not! Even though I just got revived!” Sandbar said, then turning back to Silverstream. “You gave my identity away!”

“Wh-What? No, I didn’t!”

“Yes, you did! You talk too much! Ugh, why?”

Ocellus got up and comforted him. “Cheer up, Sandbar! You just got revived by the angel... Shouldn’t you be thankful? Why are you being so mad?”

He sighed.

“You don’t understand, Ocellus...” He sighed. “I wanted to help you all. I don’t want to be accused of murder. Now you all know- I’m not the murderer, okay?”

Silverstream wasn’t so happy.

“You didn’t have to say it in that tone, Sandbar... I understand you’re trying to help us figure out who the Mafia is. And I’m working on trying to figure it out too.”

“That’s exactly what you’d say if you were the Mafia, and all you’re doing is undercover, suspecting everycreature!”

She gasped, and so did the rest.

“Our group needs some kind of leader. We are all dying one by one,” Sandbar suggested. “I would tell you what death is like- But I can’t, because The Godfather forbids me to. You all don’t want to die. You know I’m the detective. I can help identify the victims.”

Smoulder was puzzled.

“When did we vote for you to be the leader?”

He turned.

“I could ask you the same thing...”

Apple Bloom was worried and took Sandbar’s side. “He knows who’s doing what. I’m with him!”

Silverstream wanted to join too, but Sandbar resisted.

“Don’t, even,” Sandbar growled. “You made me die...”

“Well, I didn’t mean to!”

Silverstream shouted that out so loud everycreature went silent.

“You could’ve kept the knowledge to yourself, Silver. At least do it secretly!”

The two were getting mad at each other. Silverstream didn’t think he should hold this big of a grudge- But Sandbar blamed her for his first death. It scarred him- And he suspected Silverstream was the Mafia. All the others didn’t know what to do- Some took sides, some wanted to stop them, but they couldn’t talk it out.

Cozy Glow was getting increasingly worried.

“Uhhh... Guys?” She said. No one heard her. “I-I’m gonna go... For a minute.”

She ran off, and that caught Silverstream’s attention. But she ignored it.

“Yak friends, no fight!” Yona yelled. “Sandbar no Mafia! Yak think it’s Silverstream!”

“Wh-What? You too, Yona?”

“Yona, I don’t want us to fight either, but I don’t think they’re going to stop yelling...”

Smoulder started to growl. “Seriously? Has Silverstream been showing signs directly to prove she’s the murderer? No! I don’t think so! And Yona, you wake up every day being tired!”

“Blasphemy!” Yona yelled. “Yak not enough sleep, not planning murder!”

Ocellus nodded. “She’s right! Smoulder, why are you pointing hooves at everycreature now?”

“What do you mean!?” The dragon hmphed. “I’m not the Mafia, I swear! But if you guys want to vote me out, okay, Fine! Do it then! It’s at your own loss!”

“How do we know if y’all telling the truth?” Apple Bloom questioned. “Everypony knows how to win the game- And I’m not one to slip away from mah sister’s honesty! Ocellus, you go!”

“Why me?” Ocellus crossed her hooves and flapped her wings. “One of us here is the Angel, who must’ve revived the one who died last night and Sandbar. I know for a fact you aren’t her.”

The filly was having none of it. “Are you sayin you’re the Angel? I think you’re lying- And you’re the Mafia!”

“No, I’m not! You are!”

At this point, all six of them were involved in the big quarrel- Divided into three groups. Smoulder Defended Silverstream from Sandbar’s suspicion. Apple Bloom followed Sandbar as the group leader and suspected Ocellus; Then the latter was pointing hooves with Yona at Smoulder!

It was all a tangled mess- And the friends argued and argued over who’s to blame.

In the middle of the quarrel, Cozy Glow came back, but when she saw the action going on, she hid behind a wall so she wouldn’t get involved, since she was scared and all. Meanwhile, she was gasping at the horrible sight happening in front of her, worried for everycreature. A fight was about to break out.

And it kinda did.

“Silver, stop pretending you aren’t the murderer!” Sandbar shouted, stepping forward.

Silverstream stomped the ground with a grunt. “For the hundredth time, I’m not it!”

The two pushed heads- Grunting and getting angrier as they did so. Soon, Apple Bloom And Ocellus were doing the same thing, followed by Firey quarreling between Smoulder and Yona.

“*grunts* What role are you, Apple Bloom?” Ocellus moaned. “Tell me one reason why I should believe you’re not the killer!”

The filly pushed back. “I don’t like fights, Ocellus, but just because I’m trying to protect my other friends doesn’t mean I’m being biased! Stop trying to kill me and all of us!”

“Wh- Hey! I didn’t kill anypony!” Ocellus screamed.


“I dare you, Yona!” Smoulder hmphed. “You kill me, and you’re gonna regret it!”

“Kill you?” Yona couldn’t believe what she’s just said. “Yak ain’t no killer!”

“Likely story...”

“What? You be Mafia, huh!?” Yona rammed into her friend, making Smoulder get pushed back a little.

“Oh, If I die, I swear the Mafia will kill you next, Yona...”

Finally, Cozy Glow couldn’t handle the tension anymore. She rushed into the park of the school and yelled loudly.


They all did- And reluctantly returned back with their partner, giving each other uncomfortable stares. But they weren’t done with the situation just yet.

“Cozy Glow,” Apple Bloom moaned. “We’re here in a nasty situation... You’re not the Mafia, I could tell. Can you... Uhhh... Not bother us for a bit?”

The filly, who was sad her warning didn’t do anything, just bursted into crying mode.

“What has become of you all!?” Cozy cried. “You all are too involved with this game! Emphasis on game, thankyouverymuch! All of you are destroying your friendship!”

Silverstream thought of something. But before she could start saying things, Sandbar stopped her.

“Cozy,” He said seriously. “This isn’t a game anymore... We’re talking about actual life and death stuff. You have to understand...”

Cozy didn’t agree and pushed away his hoof as he almost grabbed her.

“Hear me out! This really is just-“

“Say one more line,” Sandbar warned, “And we’ll vote you out.”

Cozy gasped. She bailed off in tears. This made Silverstream upset.

“What was that for!?” She yelled. “That would’ve been great to know!”

Sandbar snapped at her. “It’s no time for jokes! What? You want to know about it and potentially kill us?”

“Sandbar, how about you stop blaming everycreature around you, and actually protect your ally?” Smoulder suggested, pushing him.

“You think I’m the only one that needs protection?” Apple Bloom shouted, “Protection from you?”

Yona nodded. “Yak think so too!”

“Whoever here’s the hunter,” Ocellus moaned, “if you get killed, how about you kill Apple Bloom first for being so suspicious?”

“Hey! What's that supposed to mean!? Are you sayin you’re the Mafia, then!?”

The three groups didn’t agree with each other- And started to argue even more.

“Obviously it’s Smoulder!”

“No, it’s Yona!”

“No! Yak thinks Mafia’s Apple Bloom now!”

“What!? No one’s gonna blame Ocellus for her odd actions?”

“Seriously!? You’re all mad!”

“Whether killer or not- Silverstream should go for making me die!”

“Shut your grudge up!”

And that part was the last straw for everycreature- They were really angry with each other. Both members of the three groups eyeballed their enemies that didn’t agree with them. They knew- They weren’t friends anymore until either they all die or they win. But the latter wouldn’t happen, now that they couldn’t decide who to vote out. Filled with grudges and suspicion, no pair trusted the others.

And at last, one by one, they all blew up.

“That’s it!” Sandbar roared. “C’mon, Apple Bloom, I don’t want to see my friends being liars...”

Silverstream gasped. Before he could leave, she pushed her head against his.

“You’re the liar!” She yelled.

The others, taking sides, also joined in on the last blow, and came close together. It’s about to fall apart.

“We’re just trying to keep each other alive- But you all pointing hooves and lying about us is so mean!” Ocellus screamed at Apple Bloom.

“I’m not lyin! I swear!”

“Yak feel you’re fishy!” Yona said, “Hmph, Yak friend overprotect Cozy! What for?”

“True- And there isn’t even a second Mafia,” Smoulder said. “Who are you to stop us from voting her out?”

For a minute, no one said anything, not because of what she just said, but because they were all mad with each other. Sandbar continued to hold the grudge.

“Alright, Silver...” He moaned. “If this is how you think it’s going to be, making us all die, then I dare to say you’re betraying our friendship.”

The hippogriff shook her head. “You’ll know when you identify me tonight, that you’re wrong! I don’t want to see you, Sandbar!”

“And I don’t want to see you and your friend either, Ocellus!” Apple Bloom shouted.

They were worried about the situation, but their anger towards one another overshadowed what’s right. Unable to calm down, the three sighed and yelled out the unexpected response to something they’ll never say to each other.

“You challenge my ability?” Sandbar said, “Hmph, Okay, Fine! I’ll check you, to reveal you’re the Mafia! So you stay out of my way!”

Silverstream, taken back a lot by this, had her heart shattered within a second.

“*sobs* Fine!” She cried, bailing off.

Ocellus wasn’t happy either. “You think I’m the killer, Apple Bloom? Fine, don’t say I didn’t help you.”

She ran off before the filly could chase after her and fight with her. The remaining three just sighed and shook their heads at one another, then walking away with suspicion.

Things took a very dark turn for the players here- They were best friends- But all was lost in a matter of minutes. They each blamed themselves for their break up- And each other. They took quite a while to reflect on what they said, what they did, and why they were wrong. But most of them didn’t have the courage to say the words to each other.

Emphasis on most.

Just before bedtime, Sandbar heard a knock on the door. He hmphed and sighed.

“I told you to go away...”

The voice behind the door sighed. “Please, let’s talk. Just a bit.”

Sandbar moaned and opened the door to his dorm room. Behind the door, stood the playful student Silverstream. She was much calmer now and kindly stepped in with her saddlebags. She invited them onto the bed to talk and Sandbar said sitting on the edge would be alright. The two spent a few minutes thinking about what to say, and they felt very sad about what happened earlier.

Silverstream took out a chocolate cookie from her saddlebag.

“I’m sorry, Sandbar,” She said, smiling. “I stole this from the cafeteria earlier. I think you’ll like it.”

He took the cookie, and as he was eating it, he sighed.

“Sorry, Silver. I... I got ahead of myself,” Sandbar apologized. “It’s just... I’m so mad at you for blowing my cover and making the Mafia know I’m the detective. You know how important of a role I play. I didn’t want to die. How long has it been?”

“It’s the fourth day now.”

“Oh good, at least it hasn’t been long,” He sighed in relief. “Gallus And Scootaloo Died? Man, must be because of my death...”

Silverstream put a claw around him to bring him close gently.

“I didn’t judge you for protecting Gallus, and I’m not exactly mad at the Mafia killing you. I felt sad, actually,” She said kindly. “I was mad, and pretty disappointed, because of how assertive you were with what you said.”

“I was... What now?”

“You haven’t even found the Mafia yet, have you?” She asked. He shook his head. “Then why are you pointing hooves at everycreature with nothing to back you up? Bluffing is essential in the game, I know, but... You took it a step too far. That’s what I mean.”

Sandbar nodded. He did feel this way too.

“Yeah, I do notice that,” He replied. “I was only trying to accuse you of making me die and I thought you were the Mafia. Now... to be honest, I might actually be talking to the one who killed me, but I don’t care anymore. I just want to keep our friendship alive, it’s all I ask.”

They both smiled.

“This game is getting too intense now,” Silverstream giggled as Sandbar nodded in response. “I thought we won’t really last long without arguing at some point, haha. Also, save the chance to search me for somecreature else, Sandbar. I can assure you I’m not the Mafia. The godfather’s Not listening, right?”

She looked around for his spirit. The coast was clear, so she cheated.

“Listen to me,” She whispered. “I’m the cop.”

“You’re what!?”

She covered his mouth and laughed. “I told you I wasn’t the Mafia!”

Sandbar laughed along. “Haha, okay, you got me. I’m really sorry, Silver. I’m just glad that we made up, I love all my friends.”

“Me too!”

The two students hugged each other and laughed. They nuzzled in the hug, trying to express how sorry they’ve been for their quarrel. They knew- This is just a game. They shouldn’t put their valuable friendship on the line against a stupid game- Because it overpowers so much in the world. This was a test of their bond- And they recovered from it.

A minute later, they finally let go with a blissful sigh.

“Do you forgive me?” Sandbar asked.

“Sure I do!” She giggled. Then she realized the time. “Oh, it’s late. Hopefully, you don’t get killed!”

The pony chuckled. “Sweet dreams, Silver!”

Day 4: Nighttime.

”Wow. Today was harsh, huh?”

The Godfather chuckled when he visited the Mafia.

“Master,” She said. “It’s not funny. All of us are dying- Our Friendship is falling apart... And you just... Sit there and laugh? *sigh* I’m not in the mood to chat with you personally tonight.”

”Hm? Oh, I see... Anyway... Choose someone to kill, then.”

“Smoulder said if I kill her, we’re not going to be happy... No, I’ll do it. She might be lying to keep herself alive. Besides, I’ll have to kill her at some point.”

”Very well.”

”Ah, detective. Glad you could make it this time.”

“Thanks, Godfather.”

”So, Silverstream, is that who you want to search? I saw you and her arguing bitterly today.”

He sighed. “Yeah, I know... But no, I change my mind. Search Smoulder.”

The letter dropped in front of him, and once he opened it up, he gasped.

“Uh Oh...”

”Angel, are you in the mood to revive anyone?”

“Not really... I’m still trying to get over what happened today. We had a bitter quarrel. A really really harsh one.”

”The one you revived is doing fine now. What about you?”

“*sigh* I don’t know... If I revive more, they will get mixed into the quarrel too!”

”I respect your choice.”

”It took her a while to realize it...”

The creature who heard this woke up.

“Wh-What’s the matter?”

The Godfather chuckled.

“Hunter. Kill someone.”

Day Four over. Unsilent night.

Killed: Smoulder, by the Mafia.

Hunter spotted and killed, Hunter ability deployed!