• Published 27th Jul 2018
  • 1,474 Views, 14 Comments

Betrayal of Friendship - Inactive Pone

Sometimes, even if you’re the closest of friends, you can never trust each other when murder’s involved.

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Day 3: The Challenger

Day Three.

”Last night, Sandbar was killed.”

Everycreature can do nothing but gasp at the message. He was the one who’s been leading the team for the whole game up till this point- And suddenly, gone. Without him, who’s going to solve everyone’s disputes over who’s the Mafia and who isn’t? They were getting worried.

Nonetheless, they watched the video.


The door to Sandbar’s room opened. The Mafia, who turned into a human and wore a light brown robe to cover their identity, stepped in with a pistol in their hand. Their steps were light- Making sure not to give any signs of who they are. They reloaded their pistol.

Sandbar turned in his sleep. Bad choice.

The Mafia aimed their gun right on his forehead. But of course, they wanted to do it the cold-blooded way.


He opened his eyes and gasped.

“I’m sorry.”


Day 3: Daytime.

“So...” Silverstream asked, frowning. “The Detective was killed... The Godfather said so, at least. *sigh* I wished he would stay in the game.”

Ocellus sighed too. “Very true... He is a great friend and a great team leader, too.”

But in the midst of everyone feeling down about Sandbar’s death, somepony was beyond excited and had a trick up her sleeve.

“You know what?” Scootaloo asked.

Everycreature turned to look at her with confused faces. Even Apple Bloom didn’t know what’s going on.

“Now that the only one that doesn’t want us to kill him is gone...” She said coldly, “Let me tell you a little secret...”

She gave a loud tap of her front hooves on the turf of the park, and though she was a Pegasus, she seemingly cast a spell. The smoke from the spell cleared, and surprisingly, she became a full-grown mare, wearing the same armor as the royal guard!

“I’m the knight,” She said with a smile.

The others gasped.

“So that’s why you threatened him!” Smoulder yelled. “How could you!?”

Suddenly, The Godfather came back to answer her call.

“Did the Knight just execute their ability?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yes, Godfather.”

”Alright. Tell me, which one do you wish to kill, right now?” The Godfather spawned a sword for Scootaloo to pick up.

As soon as the filly picked it up, everyone backed away in fear. A murder was going to take place- Right here, right now!

“Scoots! Stop!” Apple Bloom begged as Gallus already raised his claws into the air in defeat. “You’re gettin mad! Don’t kill him! We know he isn’t the Mafia!”

Scootaloo pushed her. “I don’t care! If he kills my friends, I’m going to get revenge!”

As she stepped closer with her sword in her mouth already, Gallus surrendered, as he knows this is how the game will play out. The others wanted to stop her, but she refused.

”Knight, are you sure you wish to kill player Gallus?”

She didn’t even reply.


“*gasp* No!” Everycreature cried.

As his Griffon body dropped to the floor, he was starting to bleed and he grunted in pain. A moment later, he disappeared without a trance- Because of Magic.

“What did you do!?” Smoulder, who wanted to defend the victim, yelled at her loudly.

Scootaloo hmphed. “Crusaders must stick together. Even if it means killing others.”

The Godfather, seeing this nonsense, gave a little chuckle, which slowly transformed into a loud laugh. Everycreature looked at him in worry, confusion, and sadness.

”That’s a very nice reason, to defend your friends... But you know what? WRONG.”

With a snap of his fingers, Scootaloo dropped to the floor with a gasp and a shot of pain. Everycreature was shocked- Having no idea how to process the hell that is happening in front of their eyes right now. First, Gallus got killed by the Knight, and the Scootaloo gets killed by... The Godfather?

“What in the- Huh!?” Apple Bloom asked with big eyes.

“Yak no understand this!” Yona said in disbelief. “Explain!”

”As you all know, she revealed herself as the knight and chose to kill Gallus. Your suspicion of him as the Doctor was correct, and she killed him, meaning she killed an innocent. The punishment of said role is death.”

“What!?” Yona screamed. “Yak friend kill themselves for nothing!?”

Ocellus couldn’t agree more. “I know! Man, poor Scootaloo...”

Apple Bloom was on the brink of bursting into tears. As her close friend, Cozy Glow went over to hug her. Apple Bloom returned the hug and cried.

“Awwww... Come here,” Cozy Glow said kindly. “You still have me, right? Don’t be sad!”

Apple Bloom looked at her in the eyes and sniffed a bit. “Thanks, Cozy. I’m glad I have a friend like you.”

Silverstream smiled and sighed in relief. Now, six players remain in the game. And yet, the hunter hasn’t died yet. This made her wonder, Who is the Hunter? This was Because she couldn’t land her attack until the hunter had initiated their attack on someone else. Something else clicked into her head, too- Why is the Mafia female, now that the only two males are both dead?

Most importantly, who’s The Godfather- And why did he pick her to be the Mafia?

But, the group had to save all the suspicion for another day. They called off the discussion since a murder just happened right in front of their eyes- And they couldn’t bear to remember that scene. They wanted something else to distract themselves, to process what had happened just now.

Quite frankly, for the rest of the day, the remaining six didn’t talk much together. They just sat around and did their own things. Why? Because now, the players have their eyes all fixed on each other. They know what to expect, and every act they make can be interpreted as clues to prove they are the murderer. So, in order to not do so, they were stopping themselves from having any form of contact with each other. They didn’t want to, and every time they would meet in the hallway while being alone, they would sigh and walk away, filled with suspicion.

This wasn’t going so well. And everything is only going to get much messier.

Knight Ability activated. Killed player: Gallus.

Innocent Killed- Scootaloo (The Knight) Dies.

”Day 3: Nighttime.”

”Mafia, I must warn you about something before you make your act.”

She nodded to that. She received a newspaper, which read a very dark and scary headline and event.

Gunshots at School of Friendship- Potential act of war?”

She gasped. She knew she had been busted- It’s just that no one knows her identity.

”My plan has been foiled, fellow one. I don’t know if we can keep doing this...”

“Why? Didn’t you say we’ll be trapped in this game until someone kills me?”

”That’s true. But I can’t deactivate the shield at all. The game has to go on- And you must continue to kill and put the blame the others. This spell has been more complicated than I imagined it to be. I had an intention- And I want you to be safe from it.”

“What... What do you mean, master?”

He sighed. ”When this school was first established, I made such a terrible decision to approve it. When I found your school had been teaching students outside Equestria, I was beyond furious. Our land has been infamous for suffering attacks from forces outside the empire. I will not allow them to make the same mistake. I wanted to close the school down- To make them realize this was a bad idea. But I failed.”

The Mafia nodded. “It is reasonable, but... Why me? Why do you have to make me do this, just for a reward that I don’t even know about? And why must we beat each other up...?”

The Godfather, surprised by this, didn’t really know what to say.

”W-Well... This isn’t my first attack on this school. A while ago, I tried to detonate this place. But that failed too- And I was arrested. I escaped and hid- And that’s where I got in contact with you. You are truly, a wonderful disguise. You totally hit it off with the others- Gaining their trust and friendship.”

“You... You were using me, sir?”

”I wouldn’t call this ‘using’ you. I will give you the reward if you win my little challenge. I didn’t intend to fuel the potential of a total war- But I can’t do anything to stop. No matter what, you’ll be fine, and you have my word. Just continue the mission, understand?”

The Mafia sighed. “Fine.”

”Now, five players remain. Choose one.”

The Mafia wanted to cry. All the remaining players were very nice to her. She couldn’t just kill them. But, as the Mafia, she had to pick one.

“I feel pretty uncomfortable about Yona. She seems super tense the whole time... She must be hiding something.”

The Godfather notices her change in tone- She wasn’t as certain. ”You Okay? Something bothering you?”

“N-No, sir,” The Mafia replied.

”Hmmm... Alright. May I have a word with you on the next night, assuming you don’t get killed by anyone?”


The Godfather disappeared, and the Mafia hugged her pillow on her bed and started crying.

“Please... *cries* Please don’t die...”

”Angel? Are you there?”

For the first time of the night, the angel role woke up.

”My apologies, I’m a bad host. I was supposed to wake you up yesterday as well. Because of this, I’ll let you revive two players tonight.

The angel was very glad- She finally had a chance to do something!

“Finally!” She giggled. “Hmmm... I’ll take a risk- I’m going to revive Scootaloo and- No, wait, she’s the Knight. I can’t revive her. In that case, I’ll revive Sandbar. He’s a good friend of mine. Then... I’ll get Yona as well. I don’t know why, just got a gut feeling that she might be murdered tonight.”

The Godfather chuckled. “A good friend of yours, hm? Interesting. Consider it done, thank you.”

”Defender, wake up. You got a plan this time?”

“Hmmm, not really... I don’t think Cozy is the Mafia, but I have a feeling my friends might get suspicious of her... Why is she protecting me so much? Just so she could reveal to me she was the Mafia and then kill me?”

The Godfather’s eyebrows twitched.

”Oh, Okay. Consider it done.”

Day Three over. Silent Night!