• Published 7th Jul 2018
  • 338 Views, 2 Comments

The Order - TaikaJameson

(Steampunk AU) Tinker traverses through the world of social class of and oppression. while discovering what's really going on in The Order.

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Chapter 1: Something Amiss

"Argh, curse this pipe!" Tinker yelled, smashing her wrench against the rusty sewer pipe repeatedly. The harsh clangs bounced around the underground tunnels, magnifying with each echo.

"Taking out your frustration on the sewer system ain't gonna fix it, ya' know." an idle voice rang out, causing Tinker to drop her tool onto the maintenance platform with a resounding clang, shocked.

A bulky brown stallion emerged, his hoofsteps barely making any noise against the metal grate. His dull coat blended in completely with his faded brown red vest. He was so monochromatic that he looked like a brown blob in the dim light of the underground sewers; the only thing that stood out was the gleaming pin on his shirt with symbol of the Order and the word "supervisor" engraved on it.

"Oh, it's just you, Lopie." Tinker smiled in relief as she slid out of the protective harness and pulled off her work goggles. "What's up?" she asked, leaning backwards lifelessly against the railing. She grinned to herself. Upside down, Lopie looked even more like a brown blob.

"Nuthin' much, just checking up on ya'." he frowned. "I know yer just filling in for Belth, but could you take this a little more seriously?"

"I am serious, Lopie. Seriously sick of this crap." Tinker groaned. "Firstly, Belth gets injured for no reason, and I have to replace her without getting to rest. Then Lord Chimer piles on his pet project on me as punishment for 'slacking off' when I was working my tail off fixing his sewer pipe! I'm pretty sure I smell like shit, I can't even tell anymore cause my nose is now numb to the smell of crap! All the nobles do, is use us for maintenance or their new 'genius' inventions they dream up. They can't even fix basic things, but punish us for not doing the impossible!" She leaped to her hooves and stomped them on the metal grate in frustration, her actions causing a loud clang to echo throughout the tunnels.

Lopie stared at her, eyes filled with worry. "I think spending so much time underground messed with yer memory, Tinker." he said warily, his almond eyes darting around the area. "Ya don't want any guards hearin' that. They're patrollin' the underground passages today, so I'd be careful what I say." He hissed with scared undertones.

Tinker's strained eyes widened, her pink irises stuck on Lopie's hooves as he gestured down the hallway silently.

"I really have been in here for too long, Lopie." She announced loudly, quickly scrambling to her hooves. "Being underground for a week really takes its toll on you huh?" She laughed forcefully, trying to hide her quaking legs.

"Take a break, Tink." Lopie said, his rough voice clipped. "I'll get Sandy to take over Belth's shift. While yer at it, get a shower. You smell like ma's old maintenance boots."

Tinker nodded gratefully and picked up her tools as Lopie give her a knowing look. With her saddlebags safely on her back, Tinker plodded down the platform and headed for the exit.

As she passed by Lopie, he grabbed her hoof and yanked her closer to him hastily. "A strange guard was lookin' for ya upside. I've never seen anything like him before. Be careful." Lopie whispered in her ear, before shoving her toward the exit.

Tinker gulped. What could they want? Was she in trouble? As she trotted along the dim metallic halls, her mind raced, searching for any mistake she had done. Despite the odd complaint, Tinker was a model pony in the Order. She worked her shifts regularly and did as she was told by the scholars and nobles. Not that she had any other choice. There was only one rule here in the Order: Stick to the roles you were given and obey all higher authority or else.

Granted, as a mechanic pony she was better off than some others. While she wasn't in the top tier of authority like the Nobles and Scholars, nor was she part of the Guard or Steelponies; she could have had a worse role. She could have been selected as a servant, or have no role at all. She shivered. The implications of having no purpose in the Order were...terrifying.

Tinker tried to steady her breathing as she walked up the bronze stairs. She was sure the guard would appear any second now. But other than the usual whirring sound of the complex underground mechanisms, it was eerily quiet.

Then she heard it. A metallic clank. Then another. And another. Then it stopped. The guard pony stood before her, clad in metal armour from head to hoof.

Tinker saw guards everyday on her way to work. They usually wore faded bronze armour with metal plates covering their hide and chest, along with a flannel brown suit underneath. This guard however, was unlike any guard she had seen.

His muzzle was covered by a bronze mask with leather straps. He wore a glass with a target-like rim on his right eye. His front legs were completely mechanical, with an array of complicated leather straps and gear mechanisms holding it together. On his back was a saddle attached with what looked like firearms; his maroon hide barely visible underneath it. Tinker couldn't help but be intimidated.

He towered over Tinker, his one golden eye gleaming. "Tinker, M-1020?" He asked, his voice surprisingly clear despite his mask.

"Yes, that is me." She replied, bracing herself for the worst.
"Lord Chimer requires you at once. I am here to escort you to him." He declared formally.

"Oh, alright." She frowned, her emotions mixed between rage and relief.

She really couldn't get a break, could she? What did that old timer want now?

The guard stayed silent the entire way out, which was just great for Tinker; because it meant she could drive herself insane imagining all the situations that might come up with Lord
Chimer later. Tinker glared at the gears and mechanisms puffing away merrily on the walls.
Unlike her, the gears were lucky. They didn't have to do or worry about what the Nobles wanted.

The guard pulled a lever; causing the door to start whirring as the mechanisms slowly pulled open the metal hatch. As they exited the hatch to the surface, Tinker squinted; the sunlight piercing through her vision, causing her to become blind for a moment. She blinked frantically, trying to get used to the warm light as soon as possible.

When she finally regained her sight, she was greeted by a familiar view. A setting sun. A dusty cobblestone path. Rows of wire fences guarding various entrances to the underground. A muddy lake. Quaint Victorian style buildings in the distance. It was a welcome sight for her after days of darkness.

The guard marched on ahead, ignoring Tinker's predicament; leaving the confined area which guarded the underground. He walked past the two guards at the entrance of the area without acknowledging them; his blazing eyes only looking forward. Tinker hurried to catch up to him. As she galloped past the guards, she couldn't help but notice the sympathetic look they gave her as she passed by them.

Tinker panted heavily as she finally closed the distance between them. The air was muggy as usual, but not as humid when compared to the underground; which she greatly appreciated.
It was strangely silent for an evening; the slight creaking sound of the prosthetics that the stoic guard in front of her had was the only sound that could be heard.

They were headed back to the heart of the Order, the island where most of the ponies resided. It unfortunately was a great distance away from the underground, which meant mechanic ponies got to tire themselves by walking a long way before reaching their main work place! What joy.

As they finally approached the bridge that connected the Heart to the rest of the land, Tinker could feel her legs quivering from weariness. She had barely any energy left, and thinking about the meeting ahead only made her feel even more exhausted. Just when she was about to ask the guard for a break, he suddenly stood to a halt in front of her. He scanned the perimeter, whole body on alert. Tinker paused too, glad for the short break. There was a tight tension in the air, but nothing seemed amiss. The murky lake water lapped about quietly as usual; fueling the dingy steam mill under the bridge. The sky dimmed, turning from a dingy yellow to dark orange. All was calm.

Just as Tinker was about to ask what was wrong, the bridge exploded with a flash; knocking Tinker over. Tinker's eyes squeezed shut as a hail of debris rained over her, her ears ringing. She desperately tried to breathe as the smoke engulfed her. She could hear the sound of gunshots nearby. She forcefully opened her teary eyes to get a hold of the situation but her biological instincts forced her to keep it closed. Yelling. More gun shots. The sound of the bridge crumbling. Splashes. Chaos.

Tinker opened her eyes as wide as she could, which was a small slit. She saw the guard standing like a fort, the two firearms at his side firing at a group of ponies, dodging his shots gracefully. Tinker struggled to her feet with the last of her strength. She had to help him. No, she had to get out of here. She had to....

Tinker's thoughts were cut short as she sensed a shadow looming over her. A masked pony with unusually long ears stood over Tinker, holding a huge metal baton in their mouth. "I'm swhry abhout thish." They mumbled.

They swung the baton. Everything went black.

Comments ( 2 )

I've always wanted to read a Steampunk AU. Other stories of the same AU are mostly left uncompleted. I really hope you would continue this. Best of luck!! 😁

Interesting start so far.

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