• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 1,625 Views, 17 Comments

Vampire Love (OC) - StoryWriter

A vampire mare found true love

  • ...

Chapter Two - The Forgotten Memory's Construct

"!!!..." Winter Steelbite woke up with his eyes wide open, he was met with bright flashes of light, he quickly raised a hoof to cover his eyes while squinting, at first glance it was white with nothing in it, like a void. Slowly and steadily the light dissipates itself, revealing the room in a rather strange way.. as if the light were retreating from him

Winter glances around the odd dreamy room, the room has a wardrobe to his left with a huge gap between the corner, a small ceiling fan made out of wood that is covered in thick dust, making the wood seemingly colourless, and a window to his right away from both corners, the window also seems to be letting bright white rays to pass through the glass. Winter eyes glances at the rather familiar furniture for a few moments, it also gives him a rather nostalgic feeling, as if they are familiar or that something is missing from this room. The floors,the walls,the ceilings, even the furniture seem to be out of place and missing some of its colours as if it is a partially completed painting with slight tint of grey in it, especially the uncoloured part which is completely gray.

Winter "Where am I?" "!?.. My voice, why is it different?" He thought suddenly when he discovered his voice sounded like a young colt. He look at his hoofs, noticing a difference in size, in fact his hoof seems to have shrunk to the size of a young colt including his entire body, as he glances past his hoof, he notice a rather colourless bed with sketches of stars,moons and cresent on the blanket, "Strange, when I woke up I didn't even feel like I was laying down... Is this a dream?"

Fragile Dreams - Lonely

He slowly gets off the bed, his hoof barely even reached the floor, and surprisingly enough everything seems to shimmers a little when he touched the floor- like it's alive and aware. Suddenly everything in the room he's in started to move, the furniture that seemed out of place moved themselves back to their original spot and the not-so-solid walls slowly straighten itself up to look solid. Winter was astonished by this when he saw it happening, while not only surprising him, it also give him some recollections of this room

Winter "Is this the room I used to sleep in?" he said, the colours in the room slowly regains its saturation and recolouring the grey areas,giving it more detail while the bed remained the same as it was. "And.." he said as he stared at the wardrobe, "Is that..? The place where my toys used to be?" he said, this time the room begins to shimmer constantly as the colours takes over more of the uncoloured territories, and magically the room begins to form more objects in a rather dreamy manner, the first to take form is the bedside table. When Winter glanced at the still-forming furniture he instantly remembered it, the bedside table instantly formed itself completely, "My sister.. used to tell me bedtime stories.. When I was little colt" he said, almost crying as he cherished the memories he recollected. Slowly the bedside cabinet opened itself, revealing the stories that his sister used to read for him when he was a little. As he stared at the stories that he loved, the entire room has managed to regain its colours fully, especially the bed.. which is still gray and lifeless, as for the other formed objects is the bedside lamp with stars around the black shade the lamp is wearing,a work desk with a chair near the window and on top of the desk is an empty picture frame and an open book with blank pages

Winter shed some tears as he finally have some memories of his sister again, he sat down for a few moment. The room then formed a door near the corner besides the wardrobe. The door opened itself with a slight creaking noise revealing a completely gray area.. A room which he cannot remember. He stands up, rubbing his eyes a little to wipe off his tears

Winter "Why is that room completely gray?" as he stared at the gray room. He trots towards it and as soon as he step in, he felt very empty..

As he entered, he saw himself in a long grey corridor, he looked to his right... All he saw is just a wall with a cupboard that is covered in dust and to his left, he saw a door at the end. He trotted toward the door while glancing around, he feels like there should be a door beside his bedroom door. He trot on down the hallway then he suddenly saw bright lights coming from the left, he stopped and shielded his eye from the light, slowly the light dissipated itself and revealed a large open room, it has no doors, just a large open room that doesn't have a wall covering the entrance. He stopped for a moment when he arrived there, he glanced around the room, he just saw a slightly dusty rectangle wooden table with 4 chairs surrounding it and a hanging lamp above the ceiling... Some part of it is gone. Looking past them he saw two big windows, outside is just whiteness, "... I can't really tell what this room is.. But it feels like.. home" When he arrived at the end of the corridor he examined the door, it seems a bit different, it's coloured with a much darker shade of grey. "Why does the door feel so cold?" he thought when he touched the unusually cold door and opens it

He kept on trotting deeper into the gray area, he arrived into what seemed to be a small living room.. There is lights penetrating from the windows revealing the dust that is flying in the air- even the entire room is covered in dust, while all he saw was a chair made of cotton, that seems to be rotting away at a very slow pace and seemingly releasing dust particles little by little into the nearly empty surroundings

Winter "Is this.. the dining room?.. No that can't be right, the chair is made of cotton" as he noticed the wool peeking out of the holes. He trots toward the chair, but the wooden floor beneath him snapped into two "Ah!" he quickly move backwards, afterwards the wooden floor cracked more and snap itself until it formed a tiny canyon, cutting him off from the chair. As he stare down underneath it, he just saw eternal darkness. Winter stared at the darkness, it gave him a rather chilly feeling in his heart

Winter "Whatever that is, I really shouldn't go anywhere near it.." "Or stare at it" he thought



The broken wooden floor slowly forms a larger crack in the floor with black gases coming out of it, the whiteness outside quickly turns dark and black gases spread around the room absorbing more of the colours away, making it more gray than before, while covering the room the black gases lets out a rather eerie distorted whispers.. It made Winter feel very cold and frightened

The black gas slowly fills the entire room, however as the gas fills the room everything seems to be melting slowly, the gas thickens itself, making the fog so dense that Winter can't even see anything in the gas. Then out come two eyes, with red light, piercing through the fog. It made Winter skin crawls, when the eyes stared at him suddenly, Winter gasped and moved backwards a bit. The monster slowly gives him a rather creepy smile, with it mouth made of sharp red teeth, he smiled as if IT actually waited for him to appear in this dream realm

Winter "Get me out of here!" he thought, suddenly a coloured hallway behind him quickly takes form. Acting on survival instinct he immediately ran into the hallway and then the entrance quickly form itself a door as if trying to protect him. The fog monster behind the door however give chase and bursts through the door with ease, black dense smoke followed behind the fog monster while making the surroundings melts into jelly-like liquid and closing in on Winter ever so steadily. Winter breathing heavily, glanced behind him, seeing the monster closing in on him he panicked a bit. As the monster closing in, the hallway formed a pathway leading to the right, just as the monster's fog about to swallow him up, WInter took a sharp turn to the right, it brought him some time as the monster ran straight pass the pathway a little bit

Winter "I need to hide! ...Somewhere!"

As the dream realm heard his thoughts, it happily obliged him, forming ten different rooms for him to hide in, he chose the 9th door, it leads him into a classroom.

The classroom are formed by his subconscious mind, all of the furniture here have different plain coloring schemes, the students chairs and tables is coloured white blue, while the teacher tables and chair is coloured dark blue, the walls and floors however aren't painted, just gray. Winter hid himself under the teacher table, catching his breath, after a few moments however he heard something been smashed, he stopped gasping for air and breathed quietly while his heart pump very fast. He heard another crash only a bit louder, it sounded like a door been crashed open, "Please, just go away..!" he thought quietly, a few moments later he heard another door crashed open incredibly loud while the surrounding shaked a little, it made his whole body tensed up, every second passed felt like hours to him. This time the monster crashed right into the room he's hiding in

"I can sense your fears..." the monster said, in a distorted tone

The monster fogs flown into the room covering the entire floor in dark fog, while absorbing the surroundings colours and melting it. In Winter perspective however, he saw both the table and chair slowly absorbed of its colours and melts itself slowly into a pile of mushy grey jelly substance, it made him feel very vulnerable and horrified. As the table melted into the floor entirely while bathing Winter Coat, he turned his head around and saw the monster physical form, his pupils shrinked to the size of a grape and he involuntarily turned around and back up against the wall. Its a tall pony nearly twice the size of an alicorn with no mane and only has a dark black coat that is as black as the darkness itself, his head however are slightly deformed, it's slightly bigger than normal. It doesn't have lips to cover the teeth, has demonic eyes, its entire body is even releasing small amount of the black gas and twitching about

Winter "Who.. are you?" he managed to whisper out of fear

"Nobody" without even moving his mouth, "I Just Want It To END" he enveloped Winter body entirely with its living black gases while leaving the head uncovered. Winter tried to fling his arm around to disperse the gas away from his body but it held his arms down as if he's been tied with a rope, afterwards he pathetically tries to wiggle out of it. The monster opened its mouth, revealing the unending darkness inside

Winter "Wai- Wait! What are you trying to end?! What are you trying to do?!" he said quickly in fear, "!!?" he exclaimed when The Monster started to inhale all the air surrounding him, the colours from Winters body slowly stripped itself and flown into the monster mouth

Winter "What's happening? Why is everything slowly turning grey?" in his perspective, everything around him seems to be turning grey especially the monster coat which is still black, a few moments later he stop struggling.. the monster fog surrounding his body slowly retracted away from him, revealing that more of his body been greyed. As all of the colours is nearly absorbed by the monster, Winter soul feels empty and he slowly gets an overwhelming sense of depression, slowly tears starts pouring out of his eyes, "Why can't I just live... With my sister who I loved the most?" The monster sucked out more memories out of him, it seemed like scraps of torn black and white pictures and scenes depicting his big sister and him. After a few moments the monster pulled out of what seems like a picture, it isn't torn apart like the other memories the monster absorbed nor is it black and white... its showing a giggling little foal been held in the filly arm, who's crying but smiling at the same time, the memory seems to be resisting itself from going into the darkness, "I just wanted everything to be fine..." he thought suddenly as he closed his eyes

"!?" The monster exclaimed, "What's happening? This is not supposed to happen!" he said, in an angry tone

The memory suddenly started to shine brightly

The entire room is slowly covered by bright rays of light, the Monster screamed as it melted into the floor with the fog scrambling itself quickly to sink into the darkness below

The atmosphere slowly filled with noises of children talking, after a few moment a school bell rang from a distance

"Alright class, school is over, you are all free to go!" said another female voice

"Yaaay!" The whole class erupted

Winter slowly opened his eyes, he glanced around him, the classroom in fact has changed completely. It has more saturation and detail to it, the plain imaginations have turned into something more fancy, all of the furniture have turned into wood with child friendly coloring schemes, the floor and the walls however have a more sketchy feel to it, it has less saturation but smooth coloring, the walls are coloured cyan while the floor are light green and he himself is sitting on a chair with his head resting against the table

(The word child friendly coloring schemes actually exist)

Winter hears children talking but he sees no one, instead of panicking he feels unusually calm

"Hm? _______, Don't you want to go home?"

Winter staring at where he heard the voice, "Oh, I was about to" "Why do I feel like something is missing?"

He stands up and packed up his bags, "I will be leaving now! Bye!" "Why I can't seem to be able to control my body?" he thought as his body moved on its own

"Becareful on your way home!"

He trot out of the classroom but instead of trotting out into a hallway, he is in an imaginary district with fillydelphia building style while other colourless buildings is made up of whiteness with reflections in them. There are nopony around the entire district except for one... the pony he is staring at..

Winter Steelbite suddenly find himself detached from his body and viewing everything in third person, "Okay..! That was surreal..!" he thought as he felt extremely uncomfortable to be able to observe everything while detached from his body and floating

The pony is a mare, white coat, cyan blue mane with a tint of whiteness in it, her eyes however have one colored cyan blue and the other white, her tail has the colour of her mane but with less saturation

"Big sister!" he yelled out quite happily as he runs toward her, "Big Sister?

"Hello my sweet little sugarplum, how is school?" she said cheerfully

"It went great! The teacher was very nice to me and everypony but.."

"But what?"

"The fillies.. They are kind of scary.." "Why does it feel so familiar?"

The mare laughs heartily, it made him blushed, "You are scared of the girls in school but not me? I'm a girl too you know.. and we also bathed together!"

"Tha- That's different!"

"Hmm, how I wonder?" she said playfully

".... It's.. because of..!" he said with difficulty, struggling to think up of something

"The way I touch your body during bath maybe?""

Winter blushed a lot, "Don't say that in public!"

"Awww, I find you way more cuter if you are blushing.."

Winter "Le-let just go home!" he pulled his sister by her hoof, tagging her along

"Alright alright! Don't need to rush so much!" as she trot up to speed with her little brother trotting speed

Both of the them trotted down the imaginary district constructed by his mind. Both of them are still holding their hoofs together, even his sister blushed a little

"You're such a romantic" she said, smiling a little

"?" he glanced at his sister, seeing that he is still holding his hoof. He let go of her hoof quickly but gently, his sister giggled a little. She takes in a deep breath and let out a long sigh, releasing all of the tension she's having from teasing her brother, in a relaxed manner she says, "I have also prepared you your favourite cupcakes, vanillas!"

"..." Winter answered with silence, he made her feel worried a little. He inaudiably moved his lips, calling her name "?" as Winter noticed that his own lips moved but made no noise

"What is the matter?" she said

"Do you think we can stay like this forever?"

"Oh? So you want me to keep teasing you?"

"No that's not what I meant! I just.. want you to stay and never leave me behind.. Like what our parents did.."

Her expression looked sad for a few moment, "I will never leave you behind... Because I love you, I even have taken care of you ever since you were a foal"

"What if I were to grow up?"

There was a moment of silence, she then cheered up by saying, "If I could stop growing up somehow and wait till you grow up into a stallion. I probably would have married you" she then chuckled

Winter rubbed his head while blushing. After a few moment both of them arrived at what seemed to be a magic shop, its exterior looked like something out of a fairy tale, in fact the wooden door is made up of marshmallow but coloured brown like wood, when his sister opened the door, her hoof didn't make any dent! The walls however is made up of normal wood but with flowing patterns of waters that travel in a swirling river of lines that disappears when it reach the ground. The exterior also has large glass panes, but the inside are completely white. His sister entered the shop, when the colt entered the shop however, Winter suddenly find himself in a dining room when he blinked. He found himself sitting on a chair with his sister on the other end. The room Winter in is slightly small, it has two wooden chairs and one big round table.

Winter is holding a vanilla cupcake with his two hoofs, he took a bite out of it, "Hhm!" as he savor the flavour "Wow.. this tasted way better than the cupcake I had at Sugarcube Corner! But the shape looks so familiar.. Is it made by her?"

"How is it?"

Winter "It's great!"

She smiled, "I'm glad you like it" her voice echoed

Winter still eating the cupcake, "What was that?" Winter looked at his sister, "Are you feeling alright?" as his sister still not eating anything

"Oh, I'm quite alright, I'm just not feeling well.." before she levitate an apple and bites it

Winter "Why does she looked so sad?" he thought

When he blinked he found himself standing near a door taking a peek into his sister bedroom, he only managed to see his sister looking at a calender she's levitating. Inside the room she sighed while looking at the calender "?.. I wonder whats on the calender that made her sighing like that" afterwards she put down the calender somewhere and donned on her wizard hat and cloak, and trots toward the door where he is peeking, quickly he rushed into his own room and shuts the door quietly. He stayed inside his room for a few moment before taking a peek outside, when his sister have left the upper floor he opened the door wide and entered his sister bedroom. He trotted toward the calender that is on the dressing table, he stared at it, ".. September 17, Saturday.. and is it her birthday?" "My sister birthday?" his younger self spoke as he stared at the tiny drawn words on the small block with number seventeen in it, it reads 'My birthday' in yellow with a glowing hue

This time he blinked and found himself in a large dark living room, with party decorations like balloons,streamers and party hats.There is only one party hat, it is beautifully decorated. The living room is a little bit empty with several white blurry spot around the room that changes its shape from different angles like a prism. Outside is dark with stars and moon even though it is on ground level, it also giving the room a night-time feeling to it. In the middle of the room is a big rectangle table,fancy legs, with sofas on every side of it. On top of the table is a white cake with white frosting on the top round edges of the cake, there also a couple of strawberry in the middle. The ceilings is decorated with string of balloons forming an X with a ceiling lamp in the middle, some of the balloons has a slight tint of whiteness. There is also a drawn birthday sign hanging on a wall facing the door, it also has a clock above it and its hour hand is very close to ten with the minute hand somewhere around three

Winter himself is wearing a party hat, with a party blower in his mouth. He's hidden behind the table where he could see the door "?.. So this is the party? Why is there nopony else here except me?" he thought as he saw no one else

A door knob turned with magic, slowly it opens while creaking slightly. The pony with a wizard-shaped hat and cloak stepped into the door, it took off the wizard shaped hat with magic and as soon as it turned the lights on Winter jumped out behind the table and happily yells, "Happy birthday!" then he blowed the party blower

His Sister gave a rather surprised look with her hoof raised to her mouth, "Did you do this all by yourself?" she said in disbelief, while she took off her cloak and put both the hat and the cloak on a coat stand

Winter "Yeah! And look at this! I can lift things with my horn now!" he looked at a plate and his horn slowly glows and enwrapped the plate with magic then he lift the plate up into the air, he smiled at his sister

She smiled softly, "Come here.." she said in a sad tone

Winter "?" he lay the plate down while also removing the party blower from his mouth. He quickly gallop toward her, "Is everything okay?"

She hugged him, "You are just the sweetest little baby that a mare like me could ever have.."

Winter blush a little, "Really?"

"Yes, you celebrated my birthday.. alone.. and not everypony like you would do something like that" she lifted her head from his shoulder and glanced at his eyes

Winter "It is?" he looked away from her eyes, feeling kind of embarrassed. His sister nodded

She glanced at the birthday cake but found no candles on top of it, "Oh and where is the candles? I can't make a birthday wish without any candles to blow out you know?"

"The candles!" Winter blurted out as he rushed to the kitchen room, he almost lost his footing. He entered the kitchen room for a moment then he came out with candles levitating in front of him, "I got the candles!"

She chuckled, "I wonder who is taking care of who right now" she said as she trotted toward the long sofa and sat down on it while overtaking the candles levitated by Winter

Winter stopped what he was doing, "I'm just trying to celebrate your birthday.." while looking away from her, with a slightly frustrated look on his face

Before she could start planting down the candles she noticed a unique party hat, "Oh wow" she levitated the party hat she just noticed, it is way more beautiful than the hat Winter is wearing, "Did you brought this?"

Winter "Well.. the shopkeeper was kind enough to give me that hat for free.."

She chuckled, "You don't need to give me expensive things like this, the normal ones will do just fine" She put on the party hat, "Oh and do you want to sit near me?" she said, as she starts planting the candle down one by one until the numbers is exactly her age. Winter sit near her while waiting for her to finish, as soon as she was done, "There all done.." she inhaled and exhaled deeply, "Time for me to make a wish.."

Winter "And I will sing the birthday song!" he cheerfully added

"That's sweet of you but... No, you don't have to" she sounded slightly unhappy when she ended her sentence

Winter show a confused look on his face, "?.. But, when you celebrated my birthday you sang the birthday song to me. Why not?"

There was a few moment of silence, "Because I am very happy with what you did", she carefully said as to not upset him. Winter felt a little depressed, then she kissed him on the cheeks to cheer him up, he saw his sister smiling softly at him. She focused on the candles again,slowly her horn glows and the candles lit themselves up one by one till all of them has lighten up.

"I'm going to turn the lights off, are you ready?"

Winter "I guess.."

His sister dimmed all the lights, just enough to allow the candles lights to overshadow everything

Winter "What are you going to wish for?" he stared at the cake

She slowly hugs Winter lovingly while saying, "I wish that someday, both of us can stay together.. maybe just a little bit longer.." she then blow out the candles

Winter "..Will you promise me then?"


Winter "Pinky promise that we will be together? Just like what you wished?"

"... Of course, I hereby promise my little baby that we will be together forever"

Winter "I'm not a baby" he blurted out, gently push himself away from her

"Then what should I call you? An angel?"

Winter ".. Can you call me something else?.." he said, just too modest to be called an angel

"Hmm.. Alright! I will call you a baby!"

Winter "Don't you have anything else? I don't like to be called a baby" he said in a tone of a disappointed child

"Because its my only way of expressing love toward you.. Oh! How about you, how do you express your love towards me?"

Winter took a few moments to think, "Um.."

His sister then interrupted him by saying, "Holding my hoofs while in public?"

Winter "No! That doesn't count!" he blushed, he pointed one of his hoof at his sister, trying to oppose what she just said

"Oh yes! It certainly does! Most lovers hold their hoofs together to express their love to each other.." she said playfully as she watches her little brother emotionally worked up

Winter ".. Let just enjoy the cake!" he abruptly said, breaking eye contact

"Aww.. You're not going to play with me?"

Winter hating the way he's been treated, "Hmph!" he looked away from her, almost acting like a disappointed filly

At first his sister looks confused but slowly finds it amusing, she giggled a bit, "Are you a female or something? The way you did that really makes you look like a girl"

Winter "?..." he stared at her in confusion, "How?" he rubbed his head

"Oh nevermind what I said" she looked around for a knife to cut the cake, she found a serrated plastic cake knife just beside her birthday cake, "Want a cake?" she levitated the knife

Winter "Yes, please!"

"Big or small?"

Winter "I want a big slice!"

She slice out a big piece of cake and levitated it onto a plate, "Careful not to eat too fast or you might get a stomach ache" afterwards she sliced out a slightly smaller piece of cake for herself. Both of them enjoyed the cake

Soon, everything seems to deteriorate, the room slowly break down into pieces of shards like broken glasses and slowly disappears, revealing whiteness behind them. The ponies body slowly dissolved itself, until it becomes a trail of smooth smoke and into nothingness. The room deteriorated till nothing is left but the white void

The whiteness suddenly disperse itself from view, revealing Winter sitting in a chair with a round table infront of him, the room seems rather familiar, like the dining room that he and his sister had lunch in

Winter "What.. just happened?" he said, in his own normal voice again, "My voice! It's back to normal.." he then stared at his hoof, it returned to its normal size, "And my body too!"

"Did you managed to remember?" she said, staring at him with depression in her eyes

Winter "...Who are you?" he said slowly, while staring at the rather nostalgic pony

"I am your sister... Well what has remained of her in your head anyway"

Winter seeing so many dreamy and weird things happening around him, no longer feel shocked but are rather calm, he said, "So, you are the memory of my sister?"

"Yes.. Can you remember me?"

Winter "... I'm sorry, it just that I can't remember you.. I could only remember your voice.."

"I understand that, you were brainwashed"

Winter "I was brainwashed?" "But.. If I were brainwashed how did I remember your voice?"

"You know, the new marefriend you just had? That was me"

Winter was shocked, it took him a few moment to realize Daisy was his sister, "You mean the mare I was with is actually you?! How? That's not true.. That can't be true! I.. I!" Winter mind started to flood itself with memories of her, playing,talking with him and most importantly her kiss on his cheek, "That's just impossible.." he said calmly, somehow managed to calm down

"But she does have similarities like your sister.."

Winter "... Is she really is you? Is she really is my sister?"


Winter "How did you survive the brainwashing spell?"

"When your step-mother casted a spell to brainwash you... I was saved, by the other you"

Winter looks perplexed, "The other me?"

"Yes, when it all happened... you appeared in front of me and tackled the entity head on.. and you managed to seal him away from the memories that you treasure the most... me"

Winter "Who is this other me?"

"The real you, who speaks his mind about who he loves the most.. and he's quite bold"

Winter "Oh.." his cheek slowly blushes, "So did um.. the other me..?"

"Yes" she then giggled, "The way he confessed his love for me are loud and unpredictable.. unlike you, who is just really shy"

Winter "... I didn't really know that.." he rubbed his head still having the blush on his face, "So uh.. The monster that just chased me, was that the entity you were talking about?"

she nodded, "Yes, he was the entity that wanted to brainwash everything you hold dear to you"

Winter "But if he is just a spell why did he looked like a monster?"

"When he first appeared, he didn't looked like that. He was white and small but when he was sealed away by you, he slowly became a monster by absorbing hatred"

Winter "Where does the hatred come from? And why is it there?"

"The hatred came from your stepmother, she wanted you to forget me, she wanted you to remain silent and obedient to her.. like a puppet.. but since her spell didn't worked completely, she kept on harboring a hatred toward you.. been unable to forget me"

Winter ".. So that monster just wanted to rest peacefully?" as he recalled the word the monster has said to him, when Winter stared at his memory sister, he noticed that she seemed very lonely, "..." he stay quiet for a moment, "Were you lonely been alone, with no one to talk to?"

"!..." she slowly tears up, "Yeah" she begins to sob, "I've been alone in this world for so long.. I almost thought you would forget me, but then you met me during your journey to ponyville, I was so glad that happened. I was so scared, I'm scared that I would disappear from your existence!" she sobbed more while rubbing tears off of her eyes

Winter "..." "Wow, I never thought... Memories actually can have feelings..."

"Unlike what you see right now, I wasn't really sentient in the past" she slowly stopped sobbing

Winter "!?... You can read my thoughts?"

"Well I am your memory after all"

Winter "..I'm sorry, must have been very painful for you to live alone"

"No.. it's fine, as long as you can remember that is fine.."

Winter "Is there anything else I can do for you? While I'm still here?"

"Well.. There is a thing or two you could do while you are here.." she said, in a slightly lusty tone, "Just close your eyes.."

Winter "Um.. okay.." he said, uncertain about what's going to happen. He closed his eyes, then he suddenly felt something on his lips, "hmph!?" when Winter opened his eyes, he saw her kissing his lips, it surprised him greatly

She then slowly back away from him, the table and her chair gone, "..Can you.. can you do that to me in the real world?" she looked away with a heavy blush on her face

Winter "I.. I don't know.." he slowly blushes

"..It-it doesn't have to be a surprise kiss.. Just.. just try to kiss me okay..?

(Ah.. yes surprise kiss.. The world most riskiest kiss but the reward is tremendous. Guys shouldn't really do this unless they known their girl for about a year and she loved him but for girls I suppose they have less risk, guys are weak against surprise kisses but do becareful it might drive em crazy and make sure he has no other girlfriends, otherwise it might be taken as an act of war for his other girlfriend if she somehow knows)

Winter "O-okay.. I will try.."

"She really really wanted to get a kiss from you, you do know that right?"

Winter is speechless, "... How did you know?" "... She wanted me.. to kiss her?"

"I'm your sister, I share some of her experiences and desire, not just acting like a memory" she glanced at him when her blush slowly disappears

Winter "... Do you remember my sister name then?"

She shake her head, "I lost the memory.. you will have to find it out by yourself.."

Winter "How?"

"Ask her.."

Winter "What? No, I can't do that!"

She slowly smiled, she said, "Don't be a baby, you are a stallion now.." she trots toward him, Winter looked away from her, "Please, protect me.. just like you promised.." she hugged him, Winter is in a state of shock hearing the words coming out of her mouth, "And how can you protect the one you loved most when you just act like a baby?" Slowly everything begins to glow white. She giggled a little, "Looks like it is about time for you to wake up" slowly the surroundings disappeared, her body slowly dissolved itself into white orbs and disappears into the white void

Winter "Wait.. I'm not ready to leave yet!..." his voice echoed throughout the void, "... I want to remember more... And I had so many questions.." before his own body is engulfed in the light

Direct - Memory

Waking Up

"... Wake up!"

Winter immediately wakes up, breathing heavily. He glances around him, seeing a vacant hospital bed,curtains, and with a beeping heart monitor and an IV pole next to him,receiving intravenous fluid into his body, "I'm in a hospital?..." he thought to himself, spending some moment recollecting his memories, after a few moments he immediately tried to lift himself up

*Thug* "!?" he exclaimed

To Be Continued

Next Up, "The Villains Past"

Author's Note:

Great plot but poor execution and well maybe a bit unimaginative with sentences. And no comments telling me what is bad or good

I barely even understand when to put commas or dots. Which is kind of unfortunate that I mostly used commas in the other chapters, and no I won't be recreating them unless my story gotten a little bit of attention or someone saying this story got some potential and could be improved

Seriously though how do people expect internet writers to grow in experiences if they can't tell me what is bad or good about the story? But come to think of it most user aren't professional writers and most professional writers rarely reads unpopular or badly voted stories don't they?

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Comment posted by StoryWriter deleted Jun 11th, 2021
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