• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 1,625 Views, 17 Comments

Vampire Love (OC) - StoryWriter

A vampire mare found true love

  • ...

Prologue - Dream of the past

Night fell upon the land and just four miles outside the outskirt of Fillydelphia a rather large carriage drifted along the road, heading for Ponyville. Inside of the carriage sat the wooden decorations: wooden drawers, a wardrobe, a table, bookcase, chest, ladder,a clock, and two beds, which were attached to the wall, leaving just enough room to allow three ponies standing in the carriage. On the table is a book, a quill and a diary, it also has a candle still lit, and beside the bed is a coffin. Inside the coffin is a mare, she let out a chuckle, then she let out a good hearted sigh


The scene slowly went entirely dark after that it slowly grow brighter until you see the night streets of fillydelphia, infront of a magic shop, inside the magic shop first floor is full of books, most of them are used to learn new spells and enchantments from novice to adept although none of them are quite dangerous, but there is also a magic book for unicorn pranksters. Upstairs is a dimly lit room, you can see the shadow of a little colt that seems to be in a bed and a mare that is sitting on a chair seem to be reading a storybook held by magic.

Inside the room it is decorated like the night sky with a matching bed, a white unicorn with a beautiful blue mane and even more beautiful sky blue eyes sat as she read to a little colt by the light of his bedside lamp. As she read, her cutie mark constantly shifted it's shape.

"And that's how Celestia saved us from Nightmare Moon. The End." said the mare as she stood up, magically closed the book cover before opening a drawer to put it away

The colt let out a big yawn and tiredly said, "Big sis do you think our friendship will last forever?"

"I don't know but I do hope it does last forever" as she put the book back into the drawer where there are other stories book piled up neatly then the drawer is magically closed

"Together forever?" Said the colt as he slowly closes his eyes drifting to sleep

"Together forever" Before she kissed her little brother cheek lovingly

The mare move out of the room, slowly closes the door after she closed it she look at the clock, "At least he's not here yet so I'm not late for my date" When she said it she felt guilty that she put him to sleep early just to have a date but shook it away.

She trotted to her bedroom, when she is in her own bedroom she check out her wardrobes, putting on her finest dress and a saddle, she also used a perfume so she would smell nice, while on her way out she levitate her bit bag and put it in her saddle

The door knocked, the mare came downstairs then opened the door with magic, "Hey Honey"

The Unicorn Stallion dressed in a tuxedo suit with a bit bag tied to his suit bowed and said "My my princess that dress of yours makes you look so gorgeous"

"Why thank you" -she turn her head to the left blushing a little at the compliment- "So um.. I'm ready for our date?"

"Mare first" he step aside from the doorway

As she trot out of the doorway and into the streets, "So, Daniel which restaurant are we going to dine at?" asked the mare as the door is quietly shut

As he beginning to lead the way Daniel answered, "A restaurant called Fillydelphia royale cuisine, a five-star restaurant."

"Wow that's... Quite generous of you Daniel" The mare said as she started following him

Daniel mumbles about something which she is unable to overheard correctly

"What did you just said Daniel?" Asked the mare

Daniel said, "Oh it was nothing I just had an argument with a friend of mine" then he chuckles nervously with slightly worried expression like he didn't want her to hear what he just said

The Mare "Well, I hope you and your friend will get along somehow" sounding a bit uncertain whether he lied or told the truth

Daniel "I do hope so" His expression goes from worry to relief

As they trot down the street they entered the fillydelphia shopping district the area is slightly crowded with loving couples, there also some shops which is a Jewellery shop,Clothes shop,Bakery shop and Flower shop. As they trotting down the district the mare cast her gaze at the Jewellery shop and saw a jewel which she likes and the thought of her Coltfriend buying for her made her face red,later her Coltfriend noticed her blushes, then he looked at the jewellery shop by accident. It took him a moment to understand why she is blushing about

Daniel made a fake cough then said, "Ah, just the shop i was looking for."

As the mare hear this the mare blushing face getting redder, her coltfriend gave her a wink its making her blush going even more redder as they walk into the jewellery shop, the unicorn male shop owner see those couples coming in and notices the mare very red blush, he chuckled at the sight of it

"Welcome to my jewellery shop, SO which jewellery are you buying?" asked the shop owner with a big smile showing those shiny white teeth

Daniel "How about you choose the jewels milady?" as he stare at the mare although he also took the pleasure of her blushing face a little while waiting for a response

The Mare "A love-shaped amulet?" her blush is disappearing a little

The shop owner "You mean the inverted pear fire ruby?" The mare did nothing but nod, the shop owner comply to her and levitates the fire ruby amulet looking expertly crafted, "This fire ruby took me almost two years to make this beautiful love-shaped fire ruby. Pretty nice eh?"

When the mare looked at the fire ruby its sparkles like a shining star

Daniel "How many bits does that amulet cost?"

The shop owner "Well since you two are a couple you will get this fire-ruby by only paying me 30 bits. The price I intended for this was suppose to be 150 bits" both of the couples are quite shocked to hear this because it almost cost half and a quarter for a house

Daniel "We'll take it" sounding a bit plain

The mare "Really you're going to buy it?" she asked

Daniel just nod at her

"That's so generous of you!" Said the mare as she put the amulet on and almost jumping with joy while her coltfriend just pay the shop owner 30 bits

Daniel "Let's go Milady, We still hadn't eat something" as he walk toward the exit

The mare "Oh yes, of course" she soon follow her coltfriend

The mare "Thank you so much for giving us such a generous discount!" before she left the shop

The shop owner "Of course my dear"

As the couple trot out into the street again the mare feeling overjoyed almost forgetting about the date, later her coltfriend decided to call a carriage cab thus he started waved his hoof at the medium sized carriage making them to stop beside them

Daniel "How about we take a cab?"

The Mare "Sure"

As they board the Carriage, Daniel said, "Take us to Fillydelphia Royale cuisine please"

Then those two strong earth pony begin to pull the Carriage, turning around and began to move forward, setting their destination to the restaurant he mentioned

Inside the carriage is big and comfortable enough to fit in six ponies, there's also a small table in the middle of the carriage core, on the table is a saddle which the mare had taken off and putted it there. The mare sit on the left side while the stallion sit on the right side and stared at each other. The mare face beginning to turn red as she keep staring at him. When the stallion begin to look at somewhere else so did she.

Inside the carriage there is a few moment of silences until Daniel decided to break the silence, "Can you tell me where your parents lived?" he asked as he looks at her

The mare was taken aback by the question, she slowly answered "My parents.. they died.." her face becoming sorrowful

Daniel "Oh my, I'm sorry I didn't know, did I bring back any bad memories?"

"Not at all! not.. at all..." The mare having flashback of her parent death

The Carriage stopped

Daniel "Oh, we're here let's go and have some dinner now maybe.. Maybe it could cheer you up a little?"

The mare "Yeah, maybe a dinner could cheer me up.." sounding less energetic as she put the saddle back on

The carriage door opened,Daniel came out of the carriage then the mare, they're at the restaurant front door a few feet away and above is the name Fillydelphia Royale Cuisine Restaurant. Inside the restaurant is dimly lit with candles, it has a lovingly quiet atmosphere, their is a few couples having a romantic dinner, Some kissed while others stare at each other lovingly

The Earth pony "That would be four bits"

Daniel "Okay here it is" magically handing over four bits

The two strong earth ponies then pulls the carriage away, most likely searching for customers

Then their was a pony in a black cloak concealing its entire body and head

When Daniel see him he turn around facing his Marefriend and said, "Excuse me for a minute.." then he go meet the pony in black

While Daniel is busy talking to the black pony looking disappointed the mare notices a cart moving into a nearby alleyway and also see some stripes indicating that it's most probably a zebra. The mare decided to investigate, soon she trot into the alleyway forgetting her coltfriend. As soon as she trot into the alleyway she noticed that the zebra is a travelling merchant and she is a mare; the cart seems to be full of talisman

The zebra "Ahhh, welcome to my shop, looking for something?"

The mare "Um, nothing" she said quickly, and turning around deciding to go back

The zebra feeling disrespected, exclaimed "My shop is no ordinary!"

"Wait you mean those talisman had ancient powers?" The mare asked since she knew that the zebra races always have interesting items or object that most pony do not know about

"Yes, Its depend on how much faith you put into it" Answered the zebra as the mare came closer to her cart wanting to buy a talisman or two

The mare beginning to browse through the collections and as she see something she likes she levitate the talisman out. The talisman shape is like a circle, it has two hoof surrounding an ancient star and it has ancient languages on the outer rims of the talisman which she is unable to read out

The zebra "This talisman grants you spiritual protection and abundance to your life"

"What its called then?" asked the mare

"Priestly Blessing and it only cost ten bits" answered the zebra

The mare thought about it for a moment, abundance could bring wealth to her life and spiritual protection would meant protecting you from death and bad luck right? Or so she thought

The mare "Well... I guess I'm buying it then" as she levitate those ten bits from her saddle bag and handing them onto the counter

The zebra "A good choice my friend!" taking the ten bits that is handed onto the counter "And also my friend take this one last talisman its free" she throw the pendant toward her

The mare "Oh!" she grabbed the pendant then looked at it, "..This is so sudden, why are you giving this to me?" confused by receiving a pendant that has lots of ancient language on it

The zebra "You will know soon enough.."

The mare is interrupted by the voice of her coltfriend only heard him saying, "Where are you?"

She quickly run out of the alleyway while putting her talisman and pendant into her saddle

"I'm here!" as she just got out of the alleyway she turned her head around to look at the travelling merchant but apparently its disappeared like it was never there. Eyes blinking doing a double take

Daniel "What are you doing in that alleyway anyway?" he asked in a rather domineering manner but protective at the same time

"Um.. I thought that I just.. saw something?" The mare answered as she lets out a shy squee while staring at her coltfriend then slowly turn her attention to the alleyway again

"Don't you know how worried I was when you're gone?" Daniel sounding melodramatic but the mare is too distracted to know that he's been melodramatic

"Well thanks for worrying about me, but you don't have to be so worried about m-" The mare begin blushing as soon as she found out that her coltfriend is very close to her

He nuzzles her neck then she slowly nuzzles back in confusion but then she felt a sharp burning pain in her neck, she push her coltfriend away. She coughed and coughed spitting blood out with each cough she made, her neck however is bleeding. Her vision is slightly blurry but she can see her coltfriend complexion have changed. His eye colour changed to red, sharp canines tooth protruding from his mouth and bat wings sprouted from both of his side

"You're a- a vampire?!" The mare said, quite shocked to the fact that vampire is real

The vampire "As a matter of fact yes" moving toward her wanting to feast on her pure blood

"Sta-stay away!" limping back into the alleyway, getting weaker and weaker by the moment from losing too much blood. Panicking slightly she quickly try to think of a way to escape from the vampire grasp then she remembered the talisman she had bought from the travelling merchant, she quickly pulled it out showing it to the vampire

The Vampire cried in pain and move backwards as soon as the talisman inflict invisible holy light only visible to unholy creatures, although his cry of pain also attracted some attention

Soon the street is filled with the sound of hoofstep

"Someone's in trouble!" the first pony said, his voice sound rather young

"Let's go and help!" the second one said, his voice sound slightly hoarse

"Don't let the criminal escape once you reach there!" the third one said, the voice sounding a bit thick

The vampire said, "Even though you survived you won't last much longer!" he flies away into the night not noticed by anypony except the mare

She suddenly made a hacking cough, spilling her blood on her talisman. She glances at the crowd who is rushing toward her, her vision getting blurrier and blurrier by the second, finally her body loses too much blood that she cannot feel her legs, feeling very weak and cold she collapsed to the ground and soon fainted, drifting in and out of consciousness while on her way to the hospital she blink again only to find that she is in the emergency room, wearing an oxygen mask

She heard the earth pony doctor saying "We are losing her! Her heart rate is decreasing! She require blood transfusion now and keep the pressure on the neck wounds!" each words echoing

The unicorn nurse said "Our scientist is still checking her blood samples he said he don't know what kind of blood group she is!"

The mare thought "Aren't my blood group suppose to be blood group O?"

The doctor "We don't have enough time! She must have a blood transfusion now!" as he staring at the heart monitor apparently her heart rate is at 76/42

The nurse "But if the blood samples doesn't match it would agglutinate!"

The doctor "Then we're going to lose her then..." all of the hospital staff in the emergency room expression turns sorrowful

The mare cried silently.. When the doctor is looking at her he noticed that his patient is conscious

Doctor "I'm sorry, I tried my best..." The heart monitor soon beeps continuously, the doctor looked at the monitor seeing the 0/0 on the monitor he felt ashamed that he can't save her live

The hospital staff soon turn every monitor off and removes the oxygen mask she is wearing then one of the nurse cover the now dead mare with white sheets. Before she was covered she saw the doctor going out of the room looking sorrowful to report the bad news before been covered completely

Then everything gone dark. The dark void of nothingness then what appeared in front of her is a dark colt with dark eyes

"Didn't you promised me to be together forever?" Said the colt

The mare "Sweetie is that you?"

"Didn't you promised?" The colt sounding sorrowful and voice cracking

"..I- I did.. But their is nothing the doctor can do for me.." the mare voice sounding a bit sorrowful

"NO you didn't promised me!" he shouted, words filling with hate

"I-I'm sorry..." the mare started crying

The colt soon turn around and starting to walk away

"Wait come back!" she move forward to catch up with the colt but everytime she walks she doesn't even move an inch, then she started running and still doesn't move an inch, "Come back!" the colt soon out of her sight, "Don't leave me!"

"I'm going to miss you big sister"

Waking up

"Don't go!" the mare wake up inside the coffin she is sleeping in

"I did promised but.. I just can't keep it..." She started crying

The end of Prologue - Dream of the past

(Sad Piano a sad piano music incase if you're abit imaginative about the ending of the chapter)

Sneak peek

Next on Prologue 2 - First true love...

The Knocking on the door startled the vampire mare inside the portable house, she thought, "Now... who is out in this night"

She stand up and then hide her coffin under the bed,later she opened the door, surprised to see a stallion out in this night. The stallion frozen a bit apparently having a crush the moment he saw her and the Vampire Mare is slightly enchanted when she saw him

The stallion snap out of it by shaking his head a few times and then said, "Um... Hi.. Mind if I uh.. Stay in your carriage for the night?" He slapped himself in thought "Stupid She ain't gonna let me in I mean she's a mare!"

"Well... sure since its actually night time and we're quite far from our hometown.." She answered back with a slightly almost unnoticeable blush

Author's Note:

I know this chapter lacks character physical appearances you know its a dream what would you expect. Anyway since I had other chapter it wouldn't be fair if I spoil the surprise no?

Not dead yet!