• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 1,625 Views, 17 Comments

Vampire Love (OC) - StoryWriter

A vampire mare found true love

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Prologue Two - First True Love...

In the carriage

The coffin opened and up came the vampire mare, you see her cutie mark is a wand in the middle with a couple of daisy petals flying around it. Her eyes is slightly red from sobbing. She wipe all the tears away with her hoof. Later she recalled her dream, she gathered every important events that happened about two decades ago

"Let see.." she walks toward the table and sits on the wooden chair, soon she levitate a talisman Priestly blessing from the top drawers which she still had, she wondered why this talisman is not harming her with holy light then she remember about spilling her blood on this talisman with her hacking cough

"I wonder if it can still inflict holy light on other vampires" Later she put the talisman with nearly invisible bloodstain on it back into the drawers and levitate the pendant full of ancient language on it, she look at her bookshelves and levitated every book out and surround all of those book around her then she begin to look for books that allow her to study ancient languages, but to no avail she doesn't have one. Feeling disappointed she put every book back into the bookshelves and the pendant back into the drawers

As she begin to pick the next important event to solve or find out clues there's some knocking on the door,the knocking on the door startled the vampire mare inside the portable house, "Now... who is out in this night?"

She stand up and then hide her coffin under the bed,later she opened the door surprised to see a stallion out in this night. The stallion frozen a bit apparently having a crush the moment he saw her and the Vampire Mare is slightly enchanted when she saw him

The stallion is a unicorn, high and mighty with light blue coat and a short sophisticated mane, his eyes are a little dark blue but his tail is medium sized and a little sophisticated, he had a heavily packed saddle on his back and his cutie mark is an open book with maths,sciences,all kind of subjects flying out of it

The stallion snap out of it by shaking his head a few times and then said, "Um... Hi.. Mind if I uh.. Stay in your carriage for the night?" He slapped himself in thought "Stupid, she ain't gonna let me in I mean she's a mare!"

"Well... sure since its actually night time and we're quite far from our hometown.." she answered back with a slightly almost unnoticeable blush

"Thanks... My name is Winter Steelbite, What's yours?" Winter Steelbite said

"My name is... Daisy.. Just Daisy" Daisy said

There was some awkward silences when they idled a bit, then Daisy broke the silences when she heard something in the heavily forested area, "Winter mind if you get into my carriage now? And don't look out into the window, because it might get messy" as she saw those yellow eyes

"Huh?" Winter said, Then he looks at where the mare is facing, looking at the forest he manage to spot some yellow dot, examining more closely he saw that it is a timberwolf

When he tried to exert force from his muscles he felt pain due to long non-stop running to ponyville, "Agh!..." he yelped a little. Daisy gestured him to move inside, "...Okay" he then go into her carriage

As soon as Winter gone into the carriage, "Right, time to deal with these wolves" she slowly transform into a vampire,two sharp fangs revealed from her mouth,bat wings sprouted from her side and her eyes go entirely red and it also glows when the moonlight shone into her eyes

As those timberwolves jump out of the forest and surrounds her about seven of them growling, she thought to herself, "This is going to hurt..."

The timberwolf behind her pounce toward her trying to catch her off guard but instead it received a kick in the face and sent off flying a few feet away. That timberwolf lay on the ground probably out cold

Daisy quickly fly into the air and fired a volley of magic bolt toward the timberwolf pack, some managed to hit and the rest hit the ground, soon large spikes appeared suddenly on the ground managing to incapacitate two timberwolfs, then the spike slowly retreats itself into the ground "Three down!"

One of the pack leap onto the spike and pounce at Daisy managing to slash one of her wings, she scream in pain as she falls toward the ground with a thud but she stand up quickly, ignoring the pain and bleeding,panting she prepared a spell. Ready for another strike

As soon as one of the timberwolfs approached she fired a magic bolt at it but the timberwolfs dodge to the right, this time she fired the bolt a little to the left and managed to blow it legs off as it tried to dodge by leaping to the left. The timberwolfs whimpered trying to retreat but Daisy showed no mercy and received a full impact of the magic bolt on the head, destroying it while also scaring the rest of the pack back into the forest seeing her might

The battle is finally over. She's panting and sweating a lot, she let herself catches her breath, after a while she slowly transforms back into an ordinary mare. While at it she whimper a few times in pain and the injuries doesn't disappear. The slashes on the wing appeared as a large cut on her side bleeding a little, she slowly trot back into her carriage stumbling a little

As soon as she go inside the carriage Winter was shocked to see those wounds, "Are you alright?" asked Winter

Daisy "I'm fine..I just need a bandage thats all" she answered, when a sudden sharp pain pulsated from her wounds she groaned a little

"Without washing the wound?" He levitate a canteen and a hanky out of his saddles that he has taken off

"Well I.." she blushed, Winter is confused why she's blushing then he immediately blushed as soon as he found out that he is actually helping a mare, "Alright..." she hesitantly said as she walk toward the bed and laying down showing her wounds

He then sit beside the bed examining the wound,his face is still red from blushing and so are Daisy, He then water his hanky with his canteen then said "Ready?" staring at her

"R-ready.." She hesitantly said

Winter begin cleaning her wounds carefully, Daisy whimpered a little in the progress, "Um..Winter why are you outside the town?"

Winter answered, "Well... I was an orphan.. Running away from my.. Step-Parents" Daisy yelped when he accidentally added extra force into it, "Oh sorry.."

"Its okay.." Daisy said, "What happened to your family?"

Winter said, "Well they died, my parents both died from accident while my sister is murdered.. So I was adopted by the Nursery"

Daisy "Then you been adopted by a parent that doesn't treat you like a family?"

Winter finished washing her wounds "Any bandage?" Daisy pointed her hoof at the top drawer then he magically opened the drawer with magic and levitate some bandages out "They treat me a bit like a slave.. And they didn't send me to school either but thanks to some books my sister brought before, I learned all of the school lesson by myself, and I got my cutie mark from it.. Please stand up so I can bandage you"

As Daisy standing up groaning a little, "Then when you are old enough you then packed all of your belongings and ran out of your stepfamily home?"

"Yeah since ponyville is a good place to start a new life I decided to go there and luckily I found you.. Because I never thought ponyville will be that far away..." Daisy blushed when hearing that compliment. When he finished bandaging the wounds Winter said, "Done"

Daisy "Thanks"

Winter blushed, "Its not a problem at all.." then he yawns

Daisy looked at the clock, "Its almost 12 o'clock we should get some sleep."

He sleepily said, "Yeah.. Maybe you're right.." before he managed to get into the bed fully he already fallen asleep due to the heavy lifting that drained almost every energy out of him

Daisy chuckles at it then she lift both of his legs and gently drop them onto the bed,After that she magically cover him up except the head with bed blankets "Aren't you just sweet..."

She quietly trot out of the carriage planning to clean out the corpses,as soon as she gone out into the wild again she begin to levitate all the timberwolf corpses.

After hours of digging the graves in the forest she planted every timberwolves into their own specific grave spot then she filled the hole up with dirt again. Later she turned her attention to her carriage, she focuses her magic on the carriage and cast an advanced come to life spell, "Don't stop moving till we reach ponyville" then the Giant carriage begin to move on its own at a slow pace setting its destination to ponyville,later she trot back into her carriage and sits down on a wooden chair

Daisy "I guess it's worth it.." she sighed happily after heavy work was done as she then focused on her diary, Writing down her today event

The next day at the timberwolves grave

The knocked out timberwolf inside the grave woke up to find himself buried in dirt he then struggle out of it, as soon as he got out he is spewing out every dirt that is in his mouth

The end of Prologue 2 - First True Love...

Sneak peek

Next on Prologue Finale - A whole new world!

As the carriage arrived at ponyville in daytime

A crowd of ponies gathered near the road while...

Pinkie Pie shouted as she's jumping around with joy (Oh my god oh my god oh my god a new pony arriving in ponyville let's throw a party as soon as it arrives)

Applejack "Woah, slow down there Pinkie Pie this ain' the best time"

Twillight Sparkle "Well she's just been Pinkie Pie"

Rainbow Dash "Yeah Applejack what's wrong with Pinkie Pie going hyperactive"

Applejack "Ah know Pinkie Pie jus' been Pinkie Pie But throwin' a party in these streets full of crowds?"

Twillight "I guess you're right.." she look at Pinkie Pie "Pinkie Pie"

Pinkie "C'mon I mean C'mon! Let me throw a party!"

Twillight "Yes but not in this street Pinkie Pie"

Pinkie "Awwww"

Twillight chuckle at her then turn her attention toward the carriage again

Author's Note:

Sorry if the chapter is a bit short