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Chapter 1: The Market Place Tragedy

Chapter 1: The market place tragedy

Al steps out into the nearby street packed with trades people, local merchants and customers bustling up and down the main street, but Al was always used to the PonyVille market it was second nature to him to avoid rampaging customers trying to buy there fresh produce before they ran out but Al was a smart thinker when it came to the local markets he always had a friend of his hold some stock for him every weekend so he could enjoy the market without having to worry to about the fresh produce being bought and his mother having to find them away to purchase food. Al loved walking down the main street of the market it allowed him to unwind amongst the sound of eager ponies bartering on local goods, he especially loved the atmosphere of the market how inviting and carefree it was. Al walked along his usual route until he reached a stall in particular.

“Hey Al” sayed a familiar orange pony that always wore her trademark cowpony hat that was standing behind the market stools
“Hey Applejack” smiled Al as he trotted over, “how’s business been treating ya”
“Same old same old ya know...nearly sold out of my apples which is a good sign” smiled Applejack in return
“That’s good to hear…hows Big Macintosh?”
“He’s been busy helpin ol’ grandma smith with the house work while im gone” said Applejack, “Hows your mother doing?” Applejacks expression turning into a concerned look

Applejack has been a good friend of mine since my mother fell ill, she’s helped by holding certain produce for me…well apples for me and if im never able to pick them up she always goes out her way to deliver them to us even though she now’s she doesn’t have to. She’s also been someone I could talk to about my mother and about anything in general…Since my mother has been sick it was hard to keep in touch with friends and Applejack just happened to be someone I could talk to ever Saturday since she ran her market stool

“She’s alright but she’s not getting any better anytime soon….we got told that doctor Hoofman won’t be in Ponyville for a while” said Al sadness beginning to lingering in his voice
“Oh…where has he gone?” sympathises Applejack
“He’s gone to Manehattan for a business trip…so another doctor has taken his place while he is gone” says Al kicking the dirt road with a hoof which causes dust to rise
“Im sorry to hear that” sayed Applejack sympathetically, “Well it’s good to see you out and about again”
“Yeah its nothing to worry about I’m sure that this doctor will be as good as Hoofman”
Yeah im sure he will be, well im sure he has been notified on the condition your mother is in and has a list of medical advice as well” Comforts Applejack, “Well I have your apples ready for you”
“Oh thanks Applejack” I say as a small smile breaks across my face
“No problem” Applejack smiles back, “Here you go” she says as she lifts a basket onto the counter
“Thanks and here is a couple more bits for your trouble” I say placing the bits my mother gave me onto the counter
“Oh I don’t need that much” says Applejack as she grabs the required bits leaving the others on the counter
“No I insist” says Al as he places the basket into his mouth
“Well if you insist” smiles Applejack, “I’ll see you next week”
“Mmmoarppp” says Al his words muffled by the basket
Al trots of back home in a casual speed taking in the sites as he goes back home
Next thing he knew he was bumped into by a black pony who was running away from something, the impact knocked the basket out of Al’s mouth and caused him to fall over at the same time
“Ough” moaned Al as he collided against the dirt ground
The impact barely shudder the runner.
“WATCH IT NEXT TIME” yelled Al in annoyance as he got back up onto his hoofs
Al proceeded to pick up his apples and place them back in to the basket
“I better get back home” whispered Al to himself
Al hurried back home looking out for the mysterious runner so that he could give him a piece of his mind
He finally reached home and opened the front door and headed inside, one think about living in Ponyville there was no need to lock your doors during the day cause crimes occurred very little during the day, the only reason we locked them at night was so no one would disturb you while you were trying to sleep.
Al walked into the kitchen and placed the basket of apples he bought from Applejack on the kitchen table he noticed it was awfully quite inside since he arrived back home he would normally be greeted y his mother with a sloppy kiss even if he only went down the road
“Hey mum I have the apples” shouted Al so he could be heard upstairs, “Mum you there”
Al went upstairs so he could see if his mother was in her room or listening to her records and couldn’t hear him
“Mum?” sayed Al softly as he knocked on her bedroom door, “You in there?”
As Al opened his mother’s bedroom door he was greeted by a horrific sight that no pony should ever have to see
“NO” muttered Al under his breath, “It can’t be”

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