• Published 25th May 2018
  • 742 Views, 34 Comments

Power Rangers Noble Force! - Sunblast X

When a new evil arises and the main 7 have gone, only one team can stop it: the Power Rangers Noble Force!

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A Noble Beginning Part 3

"Noble Force?" Rumble repeated, "What, did you come up with that one?" he looked at Pip questionably.

"I kind of like it," Pip smiled.

"Yeah, you would," Rumble replied, making Pip roll his eyes.

"Listen guys, I know this is a lot for you to take in. But as hard as it is to believe, the planet needs you," Sunburst said to the new team.

"And before you ask, we already asked Sunset and the girls, so they're out of the question" Starlight spoke up.

"So, the fate of the world rests in our hands? Cool!" Scootaloo smiled.

"And dangerous" Tender Taps added.

"So, what do you say, guys? Are you in? If not, feel free to back out now" Sunburst said to them.

The five teens looked between each other. It was an interesting situation they were put in. The earth was in danger again, and this time Sunset and the girls wouldn't be here to save it. They all nodded in agreement.

"Count us in!" they all said in unison. Sunburst and Starlight smiled at their choice.

"So, what do we do now?" Tender asked.

*BOOM* An explosion caught the team's attention. They saw smoke emanating from the city.

"I say we check out the cause of that explosion" Scootaloo suggested.

"I second that" Rumble chimed in.

"C'mon, we'll take my car" Sunburst said, twirling his car keys in his hands

Sunburst's car was more of an SUV than the traditional sized car. Surprisingly enough, it had space to hold everyone. Upon arrival, the team saw several groups of people fleeing, screaming as they ran. The teens then exited the vehicle.

"What're them so freaked?" Rumble asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Uh, maybe that" Tender pointed at a large creature that appeared to be half man and half bull.

"What is that thing?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It's a minotaur. A half man half bull that fought warriors in ancient times" Pip informed them. The others stared at him, "I'm into adventures and mythology" he added.

"Riiight…" Scootaloo trailed off, "Hey, steakhouse, what do you think you're doing?" she shouted at the monstrous bull.

"I am Vealer. My boss sent me to this planet in search of…" Vealer cut his sentence short upon seeing the teens' bracelets, "The spirit gems! Hand them over" he said in a demanding voice.

"Fat chance. You'll get these gems over our dead bodies" Rumble countered.

"That can be arranged. Skeltoids!" Vealer snapped his fingers, causing a huge group of creatures to appear. They were red creatures with parts of their metallic rib cages showing.

"Whoa…" Scootaloo spoke. "How are we supposed to fight those things?" she asked.

"Guys" Sunburst called, getting their attention, "Just say 'Spiritual Source, Noble Force' and tap your gem" he told them.

"You heard the man" Pip said, the others nodding in agreement.

"Spiritual Source, Noble Force!" the team chanted in unison, bringing their left arms across their bodies and tapping their respective gems.

Their morphing sequence consisted of them standing on a cliff and leaping from it. As they fell, they performed a flip which made their suits appeared, landing on one knee superhero style. When they stood up, their helmets then appeared on their heads.

Their ranger outfits consisted of black suits with sleeveless vests of their respective colors and a belt around their waists, Sweetie Belle's and Scootaloo's suits having skirts added to them. Their gloves and boots were their respective colors as well, being design the same way as a knight's. Speaking of which, their helmets were design like a knight's helmet as well with each ranger having their own unique visor. To top it all off, they each had an insignia of an animal head on the center of their chest and a blaster attached to their right hip.

The insignias on their chests consisted of a lion for Pip, a shark for Tender Taps, a fox for Scootaloo, a wolf for Rumble and unicorn for Sweetie Belle (which was ironic, given her Equestrian counterpart).

"Whoa, this is awesome!" Scootaloo said, checking out her outfit.

"So cool!" Sweetie Belle commented, placing her hands against her chest excitedly.

"Yeah, I feel an incredible surge of power" Pip clenched his fist, feeling newfound strength.

"Like you can do anything" Tender added.

"Like kicking bad guy butt" Rumble chimed in, pounding his fist into his hand.

"They've become rangers!" Vealer said the shock.

"Summon your weapons, they're in your belts" Sunburst informed them.

The buckles of the rangers' belts began to glow with a faint light. With that, out came the ranger's individual weapons.

"Aw, sweet, a sword!" Pip gripped the red and gold bladed weapon in his hands.

"I got a morning star" Tender Taps said, his weapon being a blue ball with silver spike, attached to a handle by a chain.

"A bladed boomerang" Scootaloo held her yellow colored weapon, three silver blades sticking out of it. If she were to be honest, it looked like the weapon used by a character from a certain bloody fighting game she played.

"I've got a drill" Rumble held is black colored weapon.

"A staff for me" Sweetie Belle gripped her weapon in both hands, it being pink and white with the top having a unicorn head and the bottom having a pointed tip at the end.

"Skeltoids, attack!" Vealer commanded the grunts, who charged at the rangers. The rangers themselves charged as well

Pip went in swinging his sword, slashing down a row of Skeltoids and kicking them away before spinning in a circle and taking even more down.

Tender performed a tuck and roll, avoiding being hit, and then swung upward as he stood up, hitting the grunt in the groin. He then gripped his weapon with both hands and spun around like a tornado, hitting a group of minions and knocking them down.

Scootaloo did a corkscrew and landed a kick to a skeltoid's chest, knocking it to the ground. She slashed a few more down with the blades of her boomerang. Speaking of which, when a few more of them on rushed towards her on each side, she leapt into the air, performing another corkscrew as she threw her boomerang. The weapon slashed the three on her left side before circling around her and slashing the three on her right. Landing on a knee, she threw her arm behind herself, catching her weapon with the same hand she threw it with.

Rumble punched a skeltoid in the chest, knocking it back. Two more tried to attack, but he countered with a kick to one and a roundhouse kick to the other. He then drove his drill into the ground, making spiked pillars shoot pop out from underneath, destroying the remaining skeltoid surrounding him.

Sweetie Belle twirled her staff around, knocking down skeltoids with both ends. Seeing how she was surrounded by them, she stood her staff up. "Have a nice trip…" she began, before spinning on her staff, kicking them down while doing so, "See you next fall!" she concluded.

"Now it's time to take on the minotaur" Pip said as he and the other rangers stood together.

"Give it your best shot, rangers" Vealer challenged. The five rangers then pulled out their blasters from their holsters.

"Lasers, fire!" they said in unison, firing laser beams from their blasters.

"Attack!" Pip commanded. The five rangers then charged at the monster.

The attack started with Scootaloo charging past Vealer with a slash from her boomerang. Rumble went past him, hitting him in the midsection with his drill. Tender Taps and Sweetie Belle performed a tag team combo, with Sweetie sweeping under Vealer, almost making him trip, and Tender swinging his morning star into his gut, sending him straight into the air. This left an opening for Pip, who leapt into air, using his sword to deliver a powerful slash to the minotaur before landing in front of his team.

"Gahh!" Vealer yelled as he landed on his back, "NOOOOO!" he screamed as electricity surrounded his body, before blowing up in a fiery explosion.

"Woo! That was awesome!" Rumble shouted with excitement as he and the other cheered, giving each other high fives.

"We showed that monster who's boss!" Scootaloo added.

In space, near Earth's orbit, Daegon and his crew had been watching the battle between Vealer and the power rangers. Unfortunately, it did not go as they expected.

"Lord Daegon, it seems Vealer has been destroyed. By a group of teenagers, no less" one of the ship pilots informed the reptilian space pirate.

"Is that so? And here I thought getting the spirit gems from a low-class planet such as this would be easy" Daegon said, his hands in front of him in a serious, thinking position, "Never thought I'd have to use this. Unleash the genome reorganizer!" he commanded his crew.

One of the crew members pulled back a small lever that shot a purple laser beam down to the planet below them.

"Well, that wasn't so bad" Tender Taps commented. "Fighting a minotaur was a bit out of nowhere, but at least it can't get any worse" he added.

It was then that a purple beam hit the remains of the destroyed minotaur. Within seconds, the cells of the monster reformed, restoring him. Only this time, he was now the size of a tall building, about thirty stories or so… but that was a bit of an exaggeration.

"Looks like the steaks have been raised!" the giant version of Vealer said with a pun.

"You were saying, Taps?" Rumble glanced at the blue ranger.

"Blimey! How in the hell are we supposed to fight that?!" Pip asked, pointing at the giant monster.

"Uh, Sunburst, I don't suppose you've got something to take that thing down, do you?" Starlight asked the scientist with a worried expression.

"Actually, I do" Sunburst replied with a confident smirk.

The young man then opened the glove compartment of his car and pulled out a remote control, pressing a large red button. No sooner than he did that, five robotic animals appeared out of nowhere, each being the animal of the insignia on the rangers' suits.

Pip's zord was a red lion with a golden mane and green eyes.

Tender Taps' zord was a blue and silver shark with red eyes.

Scootaloo's zord was a yellow fox with a white underbelly and blue eyes.

Rumble's zord was a black wolf with a silver underbelly and green eyes.

And finally, Sweetie Belle's zord was a pink unicorn (again, ironic) with a golden mane and tail with light blue eyes.

"Rangers, I give you your Noblezords" Sunburst said, gesturing to the giant robotic animals.

"Sweet!" they replied unison.

"Let's do this, guys" Pip said before the five them leapt into the air and hopped into their respective zords. Their cockpits had a little stand in front of them, with a control panel on the top of it. "Alright, I'm in" Pip said.

"Us too!" the other four rangers replied.

"Hey, Scoots, what do you say we tag team this guy?" Rumble offered.

"You're on!" Scootaloo accepted as they charged at the bull monster.

"Whoa, nice doggies!" Veal said with slight fear before the two canine zords chomped on his legs.

"My turn" Tender Taps said as the sharkzord quickly swam through the air and took a bite out of the minotaur's shoulder.

"Coming through" Sweetie Belle said as the unicornzord galloped at the minotaur, throwing its head back which caused its horn to toss him over its back, making him fall to the ground.

"Nice shots rangers" Vealer said as he stood back up.

"Don't forget about me, mate" Pip said as the lionzord leapt into the air and slashed Vealer across the chest with its claws.

"Very good, rangers. Now there's one thing left to do. Bring them together" Sunburst informed them through a communicator that was programmed into the zords.

"Got it. Thanks, Sunburst" Pip nodded in understanding, "Let's do it, mates"

"Zords, combine!" the team said in unison.

It was in this moment that the team's zord came together. It began with the fox and wolf zords lying on their stomachs, their bodies rising as their heads remained on the ground, the two canine-themed zords forming the legs.

After that, the lionzord leapt into the air, folding up its legs and tucking its tail between them, landing on the wolf and fox zords with its back facing forward. It then turned its head 180 degrees and lowered, its body forming the torso, its head acting as the chest.

The sharkzord then same in the air and locked itself onto the right side of the torso, forming the right arm.

Finally, the unicornzord galloped and leapt into the air, folding up its legs with its tail folding onto its back. It then locked itself onto the left side of the torso, forming the left arm.

With all five zords combined into one, a head popped out on top of the torso, a knight helmet worn by it. This wasn't just a giant robot, this was a megazord! Within this might zord the team shared a cockpit, each having their own control panel to control part of megazord.

"Noble Force Megazord, ready!" the team said in unison.

"Let's see what this baby can do" Rumble said.

The megazord then walked toward the minotaur. The giants then raised opposing arms, blocking the opponents' arm from hitting the other. The megazord swung its right arm under, delivering an uppercut to Vealer's chin, knocking him back a little. It then delivered a powerful kick to his stomach, knocking him back even more.

"Take this!" Sweetie Belle said as the zords left arm moved, using the horn of the unicornzord like a sword to slash at the beast.

"Let's finish this" Pip spoke up.

It was then that the unicornzord's horn lit up with a blue light.

"Noble Force Megazord, Supreme Joust!" the rangers chanted, calling upon their final attack. The megazord raised it left arm before charging at Vealer, its lit-up horn acting as a lance. It soon charged pierced the minotaur, appearing on the other side behind the bull monster.

"Gahh! I'm well done!" Vealer screamed in pain as he fell, exploding upon hitting the ground in a fiery explosion.

"Monster slain!" Pip said after the monster had been defeated, therangers having won the day.

"Not bad for your first battle, rangers. You did pretty well" Starlight commented, sipping on a glass of orange juice, everyone back at Sunburst's lab.

"I've got to admit, it's pretty fun being a ranger" Tender Taps spoke up. "And I can keep my promise to Applejack" he thought.

"Yeah, I can't wait to tell my brother, he'll be SO jealous!" Rumble said with a snarky grin.

"I'm sorry, Rumble, but you can't tell your brother. In fact, you guys can't tell anyone at all" Sunburst informed them.

"Not even our sisters?" Sweetie Belle asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope" Sunburst shook his head.

"Wait, won't they realize we're power rangers the moment they see our gems?" Scootaloo spoke.

"I've thought of that. Which is why I have taken the liberty of modifying your morphers a bit" Sunburst said, holding a tray with their newly modified morphers. In terms of design, it was a cross between the bracelet from earlier and wrist watch. "The gems are still embedded within them, but now your sisters won't be able to tell. Plus, you can now use them to communicate with me and with each other"

"Couldn't we use our phones?" Tender asked as he and the other rangers slipped on their morphers.

"Yeah, but you might be in a situation where aren't able to use your phones" Sunburst replied.

"He's got a point" Pip said in agreement. "Don't worry, Sunburst, we understand"

"Good. Now, there are three rules I need you to follow" Sunburst began, "One, never use your powers or status as rangers for personal gain. Two, never escalate in a battle unless Daegon forces you to. And three, never reveal your identities to anyone—we just went over this one, but I'm making extra sure just in case you weren't listening the first time… Scootaloo" he said before glancing at the tomboy of the group.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it" Scootaloo rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"So, do you think this Daegon guy's going to stick around for a while?" Rumble asked.

"Most likely" Sunburst replied, "The only way he's going to get the spirit gems is if you guys are destroyed" he added.

"Ok, now there's the part that I don't like" Tender Taps said.

"Don't worry, Tender Taps, as long we can stick together and work as a team, no one can defeat us. No one" Pip said, clenching a fist of confidence.

"I like this kid's attitude" Starlight commented, a light smile appearing across her face.

"Alright, get home you guys, I don't want your parents worrying about you" Sunburst told them.

"Alright. See you, Sunburst. See you, Starlight" Sweetie Belle said as she and the others left the lab, leaving Starlight and Sunburst alone.

"So, I've got to ask, how were you able to build those zords anyway?" Starlight asked her childhood friend.

"Oh, that's simple. I just—"

On Daegon's ship, the space pirate was sitting on his chair, going through images of monsters on the panel connected to his seat.

"So, these humans want to oppose me…" Daegon said to himself, "That's fine, I enjoy a challenge. There's no fun in this if it's too easy" he added before standing up, "Mark my words, Power Rangers, I will destroy you and the spirit gems will be mine!" he said before releasing a loud, maniacal laugh.

One thing's for sure, this was only just the beginning of Noble Forcerangers' war against the evil space pirate Daegon. Who would come out the victor? Only time would tell.

Author's Note:

Ok, there's the end of Chapter 3. Hope you all enjoyed it. I thank my friend TheMegaPonyRanger for helping me with this. What will happen next chapter? You'll have to read and find out.

I know the rangers defeated Vealer kind of easily, but it's the first monster, they usually do go down easily. Speaking of which, if you have ideas for monsters that the rangers could fight, feel free to say it in a review or send me a message about it.