• Published 25th May 2018
  • 741 Views, 34 Comments

Power Rangers Noble Force! - Sunblast X

When a new evil arises and the main 7 have gone, only one team can stop it: the Power Rangers Noble Force!

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A Noble Beginning Part 1

Author's Note:

Hey Guys, some of you may be wondering why I deleted the original version of Power Rangers: Noble Force. Well, it’s because I wanted to some of the stuff I wrote didn’t make much sense and I wanted to change it up a bit. So, I’ve decided to rewrite it. For example, here’s the team:

Pipsqueak: Red Ranger

Tender Taps: Blue Ranger

Scootaloo: Yellow Ranger

Rumble: Black Ranger

Sweetie Belle: Pink Ranger

Also, this will now take place during Power Rangers Ninja Steel.

I thank my friend Hope Caster for helping me out with this.

It was a cool summer night. There was a full moon as the night sky glittered with stars. In the backyard of a two-story house, a young man in a lab coat, wearing glasses was looking out in space through the telescope he had recently put together. This young man went by the name of Sunburst.

“Fascinating, simply fascinating. The stars within the constellations are aligned perfectly,” Sunburst said as he looked through his telescope. “Hey, what’s that?” he asked, noticing a shimmering light.

Turning his telescope to the source, Sunburst saw that it was a meteor shooting through space. This meteor seemed different from most though, as it was surrounded by rainbow-colored flames. It was pretty cool and looked like it was coming towards him. Wait a minute… that thing WAS coming towards him!

“Uh-oh…” Sunburst moved from his telescope. Seeing the space rock was coming at a fast pace, the young man ran behind a nearby tree.


The meteor crashed into the ground, creating a small crater upon impact, smoke and fire emanating from it. Once he was sure it was safe, Sunburst came out from behind the tree. Luckily for him, it narrowly missed his telescope. Approaching the crater, he saw the very same rainbow glow it had when it flew through space. Looking inside, what Sunburst saw was a small pod, which opened, containing several crystals, each with its own color and a little metal disk.

After a short pause, Sunburst ran into his house and after a bit of searching, came back out with a small metal case and a pair of tongs. The young scientist then used the tongs to grab the crystals and carefully placed them within the case, the disk in his hand.

“These could be worth researching,” Sunburst said as he closed the briefcase.

3 months later

Summer was over, and Fall was drawing ever closer, bringing about the new school year. Some students were returning for another year at CHS, while others either moved or had graduated, such as Sunset Shimmer and her friends. Speaking of which, each of the seven friends were at their individual houses packing their things to get ready for college.

“So, how long are you going to be away at college again?” Sweetie Belle asked as she sat on her sister’s bed.

“It’s only for four years. Don’t worry, I’ll still drop by during holiday breaks and occasionally the weekends,” Rarity told her as she packed one of her many suitcases full of clothes.

“Did you really need to pack your whole wardrobe?” the younger sister cocked an eyebrow at her elder sister’s luggage.

“One can never be too prepared when it comes to fashion, darling,” Rarity said, giving a light tap to Sweetie Belle’s nose.

“Heh. It’s going to be pretty lonely with you gone,” Sweetie Belle said, a slight upset look upon her face.

“I’m sure it won’t be all bad. You’ll have Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to keep you company, won’t you?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah, I guess you do have a point there,” Sweetie replied in agreement.

“And who knows? You just might meet a cute boy this year” Rarity gave a playful wink.

“R-Rarity…” Sweetie Belle turned away with an embarrassed blush.

In the empty dance room of Canterlot High, the sounds of tapping echoed through the school halls. The tapping came from a pair of shoes, shoes of which belonged to a young man that was a fabulous dancer, to say the least.

His name was Tender Taps, one of the best dancers in school. He wore a blue unzipped jacket over a white t-shirt, black jeans and black tap shoes. Tender was just about to finish his routine with a backflip off the wall, landing on his knees with surprisingly no shock or recoil.

“Yeah! That was amazin’, Tender Taps!” Apple Bloom said, applauding the gifted dancer.

“Thanks,” Tender replied, breathing heavily as he stood up, “So, you excited for another year at CHS?”

“Yeah, although this’ll be mah first year going without mah sister. She’s going off to college with her friends,” Apple Bloom told Tender as he switched from his tap shoes to his white sneakers.

“Well, that’s good for your sister,” Tender Taps hopped off the stage, “But I’m sure it won’t be all bad. You’ve got your two friends, Sweetie Belle,” he reassured.

“Yeah… and Ah’ve got you too,” Apple Bloom threw her arms around Tender Taps, causing the teenage boy to slightly blush.

Tender Taps had only recently become friends with Apple Bloom, having met her though dance classes they had taken over the summer since Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were away for a part of it. The two became good friends and spent time with each other whenever they got the chance. The two friends then broke their embrace.

“Apple Bloom?” they heard a voice and turned to see Apple Bloom’s older sister, Applejack.

“Oh, hey sis. What’re you doing here?” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow.

“Ah just wanted to say goodbye to my baby sister one last time before heading off,” Applejack replied, pulling her sister into a hug.

“Thanks, AJ. But you know, Ah’m not a baby anymore,” Apple Bloom said before breaking their embrace.

“Ah know. Are you going to be ok? This’ll be this’ll be the first year you’ll be going to high school with me,” AJ said.

“Ah’ll be fine, sis,” Apple Bloom said giving a reassuring wave. A light smile appeared on AJ’s face.

“You have fun with yer friends while I’m gone,” AJ said as she ruffled her sister’s hair, “And Tender Taps?” she turned to the boy beside Apple Bloom.

“Hm?” Tender Taps raised an eyebrow.

“Make sure she stays outta trouble, will ya?” she gave him a playful wink, receiving a light growl from her sister.

“Uh, y-yes ma’am,” Tender replied with a nervous blush. With that, AJ walked off, leaving the two friends to themselves.

“Daring Do, you never cease to amaze me,” A young British boy said as he walked through the halls, reading a book from one of his favorite adventure series.

This boy went by the name of Pip. He had white skin and had brown hair on top of his head. As for his clothes, he wore red shirt, blue jeans and white and black sneakers.

It was at this moment that he unintentionally bumped into something, or rather someone. Looking up from his book, he saw none other than Vice-Principal Luna.

“Oh, hello, Vice-Principal Luna,” Pip greeted her with a friendly smile.

“Hello, Pip. Back for another year, are we?” Luna asked rhetorically.

“I sure am and I’m ready to face whatever this year has to throw at me,” Pip said with a look of determination.

Luna snickered as a light smile appeared across her face. She wasn’t sure why, but a student like Pipsqueak had always managed to brighten up her day. Contrary to popular belief, the Vice-Principal wasn’t always serious and strict. If anything, she enjoyed the fun-loving students here at CHS… well, most of them. Pip was one of her favorites, though she’d never say it out loud, not wanting other students to feel envious of the young boy.

“Glad to hear it, dear. Now, why don’t we go get you to homeroom?” Luna said as they walked side by side.

“Well, here we are, good old CHS,” Thunderlane said as he pulled up to the curb at near the entrance of the school in his black sedan.

“Yeah, I’m a junior in High School and you’re on your way to College,” Rumble commented, sitting in the passenger’s seat.

“Oh yeah, this’ll be the first year you’ll be going to High School without me, won’t it?” Thunderlane spoke up. Rumble replied with a simple nod, “Yeah, it might be a little rough at first, but you’ll get through”

“I guess,” Rumble replied with shrug. “I just wish you didn’t all have to go so soon. I mean, I can understand Cloudchaser, she’s your girlfriend, but Flitter?” Rumble raised an eyebrow.

“Trust me, little bro, it took a while for Cloudchaser and I to convince Flitter to go. The last thing she wanted was for you to be on your own,” Thunderlane told his younger brother.

“Yeah, that sounds like Flitter alright,” Rumble muttered while glancing off to the side.

“Deep down she knows you’ll be fine… and so do I,” Thunderlane placed a reassuring hand on Rumble’s shoulder. The younger brother smiled lightly at his older sibling.

“Good luck in College with your girlfriend,” Rumble told his brother.

“Good luck in High School. Oh, and speaking of girlfriend…” Thunderlane began as Rumble started to get out of the car, “Have fun with Scootaloo,” he winked, causing a blush to appear across Rumble’s face.

“Oh, shut up!” Rumble told Thunderlane as closed the door behind him and headed into the building as his brother drove off laughing.

On the soccer field, a certain rainbow-haired athlete was seen practicing soccer with her number one fan. The athlete in question was Rainbow Dash and she was spending time with her little friend and surrogate little, Scootaloo.

“Try this, Scoots!” Rainbow warned as she kicked the ball towards Scootaloo, who was playing goalie. Scootaloo countered by leaping into the air and kicking the ball with a corkscrew flip, causing Rainbow to sidestep out of the way. “Whoa, your game has definitely improved,” Rainbow Dash complimented.

“Thanks, Rainbow Dash! It sucks you’re leaving though,” Scootaloo replied with an upset look.

“Hey, don’t be too upset, squirt. I’ll still drop by occasionally,” Rainbow said, placing a hand on the younger girl’s shoulder.

“Yeah…” Scootaloo smiled lightly. “You’re going to dominate at college!”

“You got that right,” Rainbow gave a cocky smirk. “You just have fun in High School,” she told her.

“I’ll try. Who knows, I might take your place as the school’s top athlete,” Scootaloo said half-jokingly.

“Heh. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Rainbow chuckled as she ruffled Scootaloo’s hair. It was at that moment that they heard a horn. They looked to see the other girls together in a van waving to their rainbow-haired friend. “Stay in school, Scoots. And be good,” Rainbow told her young disciple as she walked towards the van.

“Hey Rainbow,” Pinkie Pie greeted.

“Hey girls. You say goodbye to your families?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yep,” the other girls replied in unison.

“Rarity and ah said our last goodbyes to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle,” AJ spoke up.

“And I just finished up with Scootaloo,” Rainbow added.

“I dropped Spike off with Starlight and Sunburst,” Twilight said, “It’s too bad I couldn’t bring him to College with us though”

“I feel the same way about Angel Bunny,” Fluttershy spoke up, “But I know Tree Hugger will take good care of him,” she added with a light smile.

“Spike will be fine, Twilight. He’s in good hands with Starlight and Sunburst,” Sunset placed a reassuring hand on the young scientist’s shoulder.

Twilight then perked up, “You’re right, I’ve got nothing to worry about”

“I just hope some evil threats from Equestria don’t show up while we’re gone. The last thing I want is for our younger sisters to be in danger,” Rarity commented with a hint of worry.

“Well, if any threats from Equestria do show up, we’ll show up to whoop their sorry tail!” Rainbow said with a fist clenched in righteousness.

The other girls nodded in agreement and the seven friends then drove off to College, the next chapter of their lives.

Deep within outer space, a ship was flying through the stars. Within ship was a crew of aliens and these were led by an evil space pirate. The Captain and his crew had conquered other ships and wiped out the members, taking the equipment to enhance their own. They had even taken their treasures. However, those stolen treasures had paled in comparison to treasure they were truly after. That’s when they entered the Milky Way Galaxy.

“Lord Daegon, we’ve found the treasure we’ve been looking for. They’ve landed on a planet called Earth,” one of the lackies informed the captain of the ship.

“Excellent,” Daegon said, sitting on the throne-like chair of the ship.

Daegon was large, scaly, green lizard with orange eyes that had slit pupils that looked as if they could stare into your very soul. As for his outfit, he wore a hooded cloak over an old-fashioned pirate costume, his tail sticking out from the back.

“Plot a course for this Earth,” Daegon commanded the ship’s pilot. The pilot then typed in the coordinates and made the ship blast off at extreme speed.

“It was really nice of you to offer to take care of Spike while Twilight’s away at College, Sunburst,” Starlight said, scratching the purple dog behind the ears.

“It was nothing. Though I do question why she couldn’t have asked her parents or her brother,” Sunburst replied.

“Her parents are on their honeymoon and Cadance and Shining Armor are busy with their baby,” Spike answered.

“Right. Sometimes I forget he can talk,” Sunburst replied, returning to his research.

In the three months he had been researching the crystals, Sunburst had discovered that the crystals he found within the meteor had high levels of energy. With Starlight’s help, he was able to keep said discovery a secret in case anyone grew curious of what he was doing. Since he and Starlight had been friends since they were toddlers, Sunburst knew he could trust her. And with her around it made watching Spike a whole lot easier.

“So, what do you plan to do with these crystals?” Starlight asked as Sunburst examined one the crystals, the red one to be exact.

“I’m not sure, but—whoops!” Sunburst said, having accidentally dropped it. The crystal then rolled across the floor.

“I’ve got it!” Spike leapt out of Starlight’s lap, chasing after the red crystal.

The talking the dog caught up to the shiny stone and gripped it in his mouth, the item being surprisingly gentle on his teeth. The purple dog then returned the crystal to Sunburst, who replied with rub to Spike’s head.

“So, you never told me what that thing is” Starlight pointed to the metal disk on the table.

“Oh, this…” Sunburst picked the item up and held it in his hand, “I’ve been so busy researching the crystals and doing other stuff that I forgot all about this” he said. “Hmm…” Sunburst rubbed his chin in curiosity before pressing a black button in the center of disk.

With a faint rainbow-colored light, the metal disk produced a ghostly hologram. Starlight and Sunburst glanced at each other, and then at the hologram. The hologram was a black bear clad in knight armor.

“Hello, my name is Kai. I send this message to whoever found the Spirit Gems…” he began.

“Spirit Gems?” Starlight repeated, looking at Sunburst.

“He must be referring to the crystals” Sunburst replied.

“Not long ago, my crew and I were attacked by a gang of space pirates” Kai began, Starlight and Sunburst glancing at each other then back to Kai, “Their leader, Daegon had ordered them to wipe us out in search of the gems. I managed to escape with a space pod with them. However, my crew and our ship weren’t as lucky”

“Oh, my god, that’s terrible!” Starlight said with slight shock, a hand lightly over her mouth.

“I knew it wouldn’t be long before they discovered I escaped with the gems and come after me. So, I stored the gems into a pod, recorded this message and sent it them to random coordinates” Kai explained.

“Those coordinates being Earth, apparently” Sunburst commented.

“There were a set number of gems, but we only managed to secure five” Kai informed them, “All I ask is that you keep the gems out Daegon’s hands. Find five people worth of protecting them. The fate of your galaxy depends on it” he added just before the message ended.

“Whoa…” Starlight and Sunburst said with amazement.

“Oh, come on, you don’t actually believe that, do you? It seems a bit farfetched” Spike commented.

“Says the talking dog owned by a girl that can transform into a magical half-human half-pony along with her friends” Starlight countered.

“Touché” Spike narrowed his eyes.

“Speaking of which, I think the girls would be perfect people to protect these gems” Sunburst smirked.

The young scientist then pulled out his phone and searched through his contacts. He pressed Sunset Shimmer’s name and began texting her.

Sunburst: Hey Sunset, do you think you and the girls could stop by my place for a bit? I need to test something.

Sunset: Sure, we’ve got some time before we leave the city.

Sunburst: Cool, thnx
“Ok, they’re on their way. Which gives me enough time to make the thing they’re going to test out” Sunburst said as he approached his work station, Spike and Starlight glancing at each other with confusion.

“Alright, we’re here, Sunburst” Sunset said as she and the girls entered the young scientist’s backyard.

“So, what’s this thing you wanted us to test out?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

Sunburst looked toward Starlight and gave a confirming nod. Starlight walked up beside her childhood friend with the small, metal briefcase. Sunburst then cleared his throat.

“You’re probably used to this by now, but… the Earth’s in danger” Sunburst stated

“Again?!” the main 7 groaned while rolling their eyes.

Ever since the Fall Formal a couple years back, the girls had always been the ones to save the world from evil. From two magic, power hungry demons, to evil sirens, to an evil forest spirit and everything in between. Whatever bad guy from Equestria rose up, they would always come out on top through the magic of friendship. Granted, as Sunburst said, they had gotten used to saving the world. That didn’t mean they always liked it though.

“So, what evil force from Equestria is threatening Earth this time?” Sunset asked.

“Yes, well, that’s just it. The threat isn’t even from Equestria… it’s from outer space” Sunburst replied, pointing to the sky.

The girls looked at him with confusion.

“We received a message from an alien bear Kai, who said an evil space pirate is coming to Earth” Starlight spoke up.

“Well, I suppose that’s a nice change of pace. Sort of…” Rarity said with a shrug.

“He said they were coming to search for these…” Sunburst began as Starlight opened the case, revealing silver bracelets with the gems embedded in them, “The spirit gems”

“Kai said we need to find people to protect the gems. And who better that the girls that saved the world countless times?” Starlight inquired.

“I was able to harness the gems’ power and use it to make something that might help fight the bad guys” Sunburst smiled.

“Wait, there’s only five” Pinkie commented, taking notice of number of gems.

“Yeah, they were only able to secure five” Starlight replied.

“So, only five of you will be able to transform” Sunburst added.

“What do you mean “transform”?” AJ raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, the things I’ve created are morphers. They’ll allow you to harness the gem’s power and become power rangers” Sunburst told them. “What do you say?”

“Hmm…” Sunset tapped her chin in thought, “Well, if it’s to save the protect the world, then I guess it couldn’t hurt” she shrugged, “I’ll take red” she took the bracelet with the red spirit gem, equipping it to her left wrist.

“I’ll take blue” Twilight spoke up, “It’d be interesting to see what sort of power these gems wield”

“If they’re in, I’m in. Like I’d miss the chance to kick some bad guy’s butt” Rainbow said, taking the bracelet with the yellow gem.

“Ooh! I’ll take that pink one!” Rarity took the second to last bracelet, “It’ll look absolutely darling with some of the outfits I have” everyone looked at her with flattened faces, “Er, and I want to save the world, too, of course…” the fashionista smiled sheepishly.

“I guess I’ll—”

“I’ll take the last one! It’s cool” Pinkie Pie took the last one, the black spirit gem, interrupting Applejack midsentence.

“Excellent. Now, just say “spiritual source, noble force” and you’ll be transformed” Sunburst informed them.

“Noble Force? Seriously? That’s our name?” Rainbow looked at the young scientist skeptically.

“It’s the best I could come up with. Just go with it” Sunburst replied with a deadpanned expression.

The girls glanced between each other and shrugged. As silly as the call my have sounded, it couldn’t hurt to try. Sunset cleared her throat.

“Spiritual source, noble force!” the five girls shouted…

Which did nothing. Nothing happened. They still looked the same. Same clothes, same hair, same everything. They didn’t look any different and didn’t feel any different either.

“Uh, was something supposed to happen, Sunburst?” Sunset questioned, looking at her hands.

“Yeah, I still feel the same” Rainbow added.

“That’s odd, you were supposed to change” Sunburst rubbed his chin, raising an eyebrow of confusion. “Try it again”

The girls did the mophing call again and, just as before, it did nothing. After several more attempts with the same results of nothing, they had just about given up. Well, with except for one…

“Enough with the lame morphing call. You know what they say, actions speak louder than words” Rainbow said.

The rainbow-haired athlete slammed fist on the gem. The others flinched as the yellow spirit gem responded by shocking Rainbow Dash with yellow colored electricity. Looks like brute force wasn’t going to do much either.

“Look, Sunburst, we appreciate you choosing us to protect these, but if they’re not working with us…” Sunset began, taking off the bracelet.

“Then it looks like you’ll have to find someone else to take care of them” Twilight added, taking off hers as well, the others doing the same.

Sunburst sighed as he took the bracelets and placed them back into the case. “I understand,” he said, with a slight hint of disappointment.

“Well, we’d love to stay and chat, but we have to get going if we’re going to get to college in time” Rarity said.

“She’s right, we’ve only got a few hours left” Fluttershy said in agreement

Meanwhile, Twilight was embracing Spike in a hug.

“This maybe the last time I get to see you for a while. You be a good dog and stay out of trouble and do everything Starlight and Sunburst say” Twilight told him.

“You said that earlier, remember?” Spike raised an eyebrow.

“I know, I just thought I’d remind you” the young woman nuzzled the dog’s head.

“Don’t worry, Twilight. I’ll be fine” Spike told her, giving her face a reassuring lick, making her smile.

“Is there anything you need before we go?” Sunset asked Sunburst.

“Hmm… you’re a unicorn in Equestria, right?” Sunburst raised a curious eyebrow.

“Yeah?” she looked at him unsurely.

“May I have a sample of your blood?” he asked, holding up a needle.

“Uh, no” Sunset replied with a flattened face, “You can have a sample of my hair though. What do you need it for?” she asked, pulling out a pair of scissors and snipping of a piece of her hair.

“Let’s just say your unicorn DNA might come in handy” Sunburst replied, putting the hair into a zip lock plastic and storing it into his lab coat pocket.

It had better be for one of your projects, Sunburst” Starlight thought, looking at her childhood friend with a glare.

“Good luck at college” Sunburst held out his hand to fiery-haired young woman.

“Thanks. Good luck on your mission” Sunset replied, shaking the scientist’s hand before she and her friends left Sunburst’s yard.

Getting back into the van, the main 7 continued their drive to college… again.

That afternoon, after the girls had left, Sunburst and Starlight, along with Spike, were sitting on a bench in the park. The girls couldn’t transform with the spirit gems, which meant they had very little options on who could protect the powerful items. Oddly enough they were the only ones in the park, so they had the freedom talk as they pleased.

“What’re we going to do? Without someone to use these things, that Daegon guy’s going to attack Earth for sure!” Starlight said, scratching Spike behind the ears as he rested his head in her lap.

“Even if we did find the right people, he’d probably attack it, regardless” Sunburst replied, staring down at the morphers within the case.

“How are we supposed to know if we’ve found the right people anyway? It didn’t work with the girls, and it’s not like someone’s just going to show up and one of the gems is going to react to them” Spike commented.

“Hey guys” a voice greeted them. Looking up, they saw none other than Rarity’s little sister, Sweetie Belle.

“Oh, hey Sweetie Belle” Sunburst greeted the teenage girl, he and Starlight perking up at her presence.

“Don’t you usually hangout with your friends?” Starlight asked as Sweetie Belle sat on the opposite side of Sunburst.

“Yeah, but they had stuff they needed to do. That and we have homework, so…” Sweetie Belle trailed off before noticing the bracelets in Sunburst’s case. “Ooh! Those look pretty” she said, reaching for the pink one.

“Sweetie Belle, don’t—” Starlight and Sunburst attempted to protest.

But it was too late, Sweetie Belle had already put it on. However, in that moment, something happened with the gem that didn’t happen when Rarity wore it. It glowed. The four of them looked at the item in surprise. This could only mean one thing…

To Be Continued…