• Published 25th Aug 2018
  • 12,929 Views, 719 Comments

The Discovery - CrimsonWolf360

While on a job to deliver supplies to a new colony in the Andromeda Galaxy, something goes horribly wrong. David Lawson finds himself the sole surviror of a devestating crash on an unknown world. An unkown world full of colorful talking ponies...

Comments ( 117 )

Is there supposed to be an image at the end? Because it's not displaying anything for me (just says it's a 0px by 0px image when I hover over it, and the URL seems to imply some form of download from what I can tell).

A brilliant story though, one that I was very keen to see posted each week (it came up about an hour or so after I got home from work each week, so was perfect timing to relax to).

A little sad to see it finished, but also keen to see what you come up with next.

Check the editors note for the picture if it's not showing up for you. I'm glad that you enjoyed the story. I tried to make sure I uploaded when people were most likely to be online. I'm not gonna lie, I'm really sad to see it end as well, but I'd rather end on a high note than keep going until I run out of ideas. I don't think the story of David and Midnight is over yet though. Maybe down the road I'll make a sequel. Regardless, I can't thank you enough for reading my story and enjoying it. That really means everything to me.

What this guy said.

Very nice, really good to have a visual of David (or Crimson Sky, as I guess he's going by now). I'd love to find out what his cutie mark represents.

While I might be sad that stories come to an end, I would rather have a complete story told, rather than dragging things on well beyond what needs to be told. This story told everything that it needed to, without waffling on beyond what was comfortable.

Again, I will eagerly be awaiting your next story (and hopefully a sequel, if you come up with a good tale to continue this with).

Also, this is definitely a worthy story to get added to the Good HiE list.

Thank you. I really appreciate it. I'm not sure when I'm gonna follow up on this story, but I definitely will. In the meantime, I'm thinking about a story about Tempest ;)

I won’t lie. I normally don’t read fics with humans in them but the way you did it was actually really good and I couldn’t be any happier to click on this :twilightsmile: Nice artwork.

You just got yourself a new follower. I hope you keep up the good work my good man :pinkiehappy:

I'm grasping at straws?! Maybe I am, but you literally transition with ONE MIRACLE LATER. SOMEHOW Midnight is there when he wakes up, JUST to tell him he's been asleep for twenty hours. Even though she was awake for 24 hours before the guards barged in. Presumably she would have had to sleep at some point after the surgery, which SOMEHOW only takes 2 hours, and they put him into a coma for 18 hours, yet magically he wakes right up after...

I mean for fucks sake you don't even feed him before dragging him through Canterlot. No time to recover mentally from crash landing on an alien planet, maybe watching his fellow crew members die, gather his thoughts,not feel like he nearly just died, HE has to travel to the CASTLE to meet the PRINCESSES ASAP!

With how many plot holes and misinformation there is here, and how eager you are to skip to the "good" parts, can you blame me for ditching this as a mastubatory aid?

Um, yes, I can. Look, that "One Miracle Later" part was more for comedic purposes than anything else. Also, there's a lot of implied action happening in this story. I wasn't going to follow every single action David takes throughout the day because the pace would be so slow and boring, that it wouldn't be worth reading. I didn't write out a part about them feeding him before taking him to the princesses for the same reason that I didn't write a part explaining him taking a piss before going either. It's kinda implied and adds nothing to the story. Also, I don't get why you're so focused on him meeting the princesses. Is that as far as you've read? He doesn't have any kind of sexual relationship with literally any of them. Not to mention, that whole scene had over a hundred guards present as a show of strength. They took him there for the express purpose of determining if he was a threat and needed to be thrown out of Equestria or not. And as for Midnight, I'm just going to assume you barely read chapter 4 anyways because your points about David's medically induced coma and Midnight's sleep literally make no sense. He was in surgery for several hours, then they put him in a medically induced coma for 18 hours. It took him another 2 hours to wake up naturally. Even if Midnight stayed awake throughout the whole surgery(which, after a certain point, she wouldn't need to since doctors aren't stupid) she still could have slept for 19 hours straight, and just gone in to check on him afterwards. So yes, I can blame you for ditching the story as "masturbatory aid" since that's not what it is. If you had even read any of it, you'd know that. If I'm wrong, and you have read all the way through the story and still think that, then I don't get why you're still here? I mean, over 380 people read through the story and liked it. Thousands more at least understood it, but if you can't, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you should try to write a story and get it featured every week since you can obviously do it better than me. I'm not opposed to criticism when it's constructive, but you're not making any points here.

And so the first chapter of David's life in Equestria comes to a close... But this isn't the end... It is only the beginning...

This has been one hell of a roller coaster ride, and I'm glad I stuck through all the way to the end.

I look forward to the sequel when it comes out!

And I'm glad to have had you. Your support along with everyone else's has meant everything to me. Thank you.

I was hoping for a little more about his adaptation to a pony and maybe their foals. Also some information on his cutiemark would have been good. Overall still very good 4.5/5

You know, I was kinda hoping he would jokingly call himself the Crimson Chin for a laugh. But it's also good this way too. I really enjoyed this, and I give you a round of applause.

"Go ahead, big guy. I'll be right over hear." Midnight replied as she gave David some space.

"Here" not "hear"

Excellent work, enjoyed the story! Keep up the good work!

...The last chapter...this was quite the trip, and a great way to end an epic story...I hope you have a good day.

Check the authors note for a link to the picture. Thanks for reading my story ^_^

I'm glad you did. Thank you

There's still the possibility of a sequel down the road...

Well I will look forward to it then. Keep up the good work.

Thank you. I'm so glad you stuck with me throughout the whole story.

Did you just describe the story's primary arc?

This was great could barely put my phone down reading it! Thank you for your amazing creation and I hope you continue writing, maybe even a cheeky we sequel to this? Either way I'll be following!

Thanks man and all the best.

If you do clop in the sequel, I wonder if David could finish just from stimulation to his wings/ears/neck.

That's a very real possibility indeed ;)

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I hope you stick around for my next few stories :D

Well, here we are. I've finally finished the book, and you know what? I loved every second of it!! Your characters are lovable to the extreme, your plot was engaging from the onset to the finale, and all of it was tied together in a neat little bundle of adorable that had my heart bleeding from both stress and diabeetus. Well done, good sir, well done indeed.

Thus, after careful consideration, I am going to place your story in my Silver Standard Library, where the books that are a cut above the rest come to call home. Take pride in your work and I look forward to the sequel if it ever comes into being. Know that you have more than earned the like, follow and library dedication after working so hard on such an amazing story. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see more soon.

See you next chapter,
Shadow Quill, Messenger of the Moon.

Well thank you so much! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the story. It really means everything to me to have people like you have enjoyed the story so much. It was an absolute joy to write, and feedback from my viewers helped me make it the best that I could. I hope to see you around in my next story.

Sure, power of attorney, next of kin, etc are all definitely things. I've been an executor of a contested estate, currently have medical power of attorney (never needed to use it, thankfully), and I'm married. I understand how it's done. The trouble is, Midnight isn't any of them and hasn't had any of those conversations. She's his girlfriend, and all she knows is that he'd rather be human than a pony. They haven't discussed it in any greater detail than that, so she has to make a best guess without any legal backing other than the Princesses say it's okay. No arguments that they should have discussed it, but given that the overwhelming majority of people their age don't even have a will, it's quite within the realm of reason.

As to the issue of identity, I do agree that it would have been nice to see it dealt with, but it isn't at all unreasonable to guess that the full scope of what's happened doesn't kick in for a few days, and then gets dealt with in the time leading up to the epilogue. Again, I don't argue in the slightest that those issues would definitely have manifested and probably deserved at least a mention, but it isn't outside the possible for it to happen in the gap between chapters 19 and 20.

All in all, the plot was fun and the characters were enjoyable. Basically, it was pretty enjoyable if a touch by-the-numbers. Just a note, though, if you venture into sci-fi territory ever again.

You can do the research to write a hard SF story with plausible science (plus one or two ‘gimmes’ to make the plot work. Or you can focus on the plot and characters while hand waving the technical details with Star Trek technobabble (i.e. “We were on course for Krebulon V when the techniton drive core blew an antimatter array! If we don’t vent the Liebnitz shafts we’ll be done for!”). Trying to make it sound plausible while failing spectacularly is probably your worst option.

I'm glad you thought it was funny :D I tried to add humor throughout the story but people rarely seem to comment on it so I've kinda begun to think that it must not have been very funny. Glad I was wrong XD

"Oh, Crimson Sky sounds nice." Midnight responded.

who else went up to see the authors name for the innuendo? lmao

either way, good story, kinda sad it was short, but still really good.

You remember Denis Leary's instructions from his No Cure For Cancer tour?

I want it rare... Just stop it from mooing. You know what? Bring me the whole cow, I'll cut off what I want and ride the rest home.

My compliments to the chef... I mean author.

Seriously, this is really good. I found my way over here via Scars, though I can't recall where I saw that, either a review or the feature box. Any how, after reading that which I thought was very good, I figured I'd see what else you had. I was mildly disappointed that there was just one other story, and a bit disappointed now that I've read it as I've nothing else of yours to read. Yes, it was that good, it took me less than a week to read the whole story, and I enjoyed every minute. I did brush over the clop, but even that deserves credit for the writing, it was nice to see healthy interaction between the characters rather than just sex. I also liked that you didn't force David to speak pony, it was a nice change. I do think I would've addressed the language thing, but that's a minor bit. Maybe also touched on Arthur C Clarke's famous quote and even flipped it, but those are just a matter of personal taste.

I can really understand the struggle Midnight had with deciding whether or not to change him, things like gender and species are very important to one's identity and self worth, so any change, especially any major change can have a negative effect on the person. I would've made Crimson a nox pony (thestral), and that's not all biased, it seems to me a more fitting tribe for him, and a sign that him and Midnight were meant to be together, but still, everything is fine as it is.

Hmmm, thinking back to the clop, have you considered perhaps doing a Clocktower Story with them? With the style you did the clop in, I think it'd be interesting to see a CTS story by you, the best of which favor story over clop.

Any how...
ΩΩΩΩΩ out of a possible half do

I'm so happy to hear you like my work. Dont worry, I have several more stories in the works and I have a lot of sequels planned. I hope to see you there :D

Cool beans.
Hmm, any chance i could talk you into using some of my head canon and or me appearing as an NPC?

Equestria uses base 12 numbers. There's also some minor calendar tweaks.
Luna is a thestral Alicorn, it's a yin and yang thing with her sister although she's always hidden it behind a powerful illusion
Thestrals eat small amounts of meat

Me, i run an open nights only donut shop in lowet Canterlot

Hmm... Those sound pretty interesting. I like the thestral idea with Luna, although I'm not entirely sure how I would implement it yet. I'll definitely see what I can do though. That sounds like something that might be fun to explore. I also like the doughnut shop idea. I'll see what I can do.

Now that I'm home (not for the best of reasons, but meh)...

True, if Crimson had become a thestral (meat eating former human night pony dating a night working pony? Sounds like a perfect match), it'd've been easier, this could be a secret Luna can't keep from her children, so they keep it for her. Only other way would prolly be some exploration of Nightmare Moon, since obviously if you head canon that Thestrals were largely rejected by the other three tribes, you could see this secret as one of the catalysts behind NMM.

Base 12 is because ponies having four limbs and no digits so they would likely use a numbering system divisible by 4 (although ifn they go by Minbari logic, then a divisible by 5 makes sense). 4 is too small, 8 would confuse readers, 16 is almost too big, so 12 it is. Plus 12 is heavily used already (12 in a dozen, 12 dozen in a bushel in agriculture for example). As to the calendar, 6 days in a week, 5 weeks in a month, 362 days in a year.

Lastly, me, an all in one document covering me, my store and my Canterlot

Alright, I like the ideas. Unfortunately, I can't exactly change Sky into a thestral now, and even though I see where you're coming from with that, I don't really want to change him anymore. I can definitely play around with the thestral Luna idea and your oc would make a good character for a certain chapter I have in mind in the future. Hopefully I can get this all done sometime soon. I just have a lot of stuff going on right now.

Laughs and nods, "Yeah, just wanted to clarify the thinking in my first comment regarding that. I suppose technically you could go back and change it, but in my thinking, you only do something that drastic if you think it makes the story notably better."

No rush, true fans are patient to a fault. Did you guess why the math doesn't work right on the calendar?

All good. Honestly, I'm having a hard time following the math. Maybe I'm just a little slow today lol

Laughs, "6 days x 5 weeks = 30. 30 days x 12 months = 360, but there's 362 days in a year. One of those extra outside of a month days was introduced in the first episode of the show, the second... Not sure about it yet, but I think you can guess what's special about it."

Just started and loving this.

Glad you're liking it :D

Wow, great story!
Your take on the HiE was great and I look forward to reading more of your stuff in the future.
Don't stop writing.

Thank you so much! That really means a lot. I have a small one-shot sequel that will be done soon, but hopefully I can get a full length sequel soon enough.

Thank you. Looking back at it, I was a little sheepish in my authors box for a lot of the chapters. Since this was my first story, I was really nervous about negative reactions to just about anything I did. I've moved past that a little now, but I'm happy regardless that you like my story :D

Mate. The distance to the Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million LY (or 780 kpc away if you're into that) away. If my calculations are correct: it would take 5.28*10^13 years to arrive at the Andromeda galaxy at 7,500km/s. In addition to that, it would require a spacecraft to go at the speed of 7.53*10^9km/s to get to the Andromeda galaxy in 100 years. No known conventional propulsion system can carry a spacecraft to those speeds. Also assuming that the ship somehow stayed in the physical realm while going faster than light (which is impossible), any particle that collides with the ship would most likely undergo some sort of fusion, thus the use of energised shields or some similar technology. I was mocking the collision speed rating of the shield for being so low.

You applied your maths well, but the numbers used to calculate the result are just plain wrong.

... huh.

So I did. :D

Well, this is awkward... :D Thanks for pointing it out.
I'm going to go die of shame in an anonymous stretch of intergalactic space now.

a grate story vary easy to read fast paced with a awesome story line behind it.

and it looks as if there is 2 sequels with 1 still going.

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