• Published 6th May 2018
  • 512 Views, 4 Comments

The Unseen Birthday - Yosh-E-O

Yosh's friends help him discover how being totally blind doesn't mean he's totally useless

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The Unseen Birthday

Author's Note:


Light shined through the window of Yosh’s room. The Small duck-Dragon hybrid was unable to see the said light, but he could feel it’s warmth across his face. He sat up in his bed and pushed the blankets off as he stretched.

Feeling around the side of his bed, he grabbed the small metal cane he used to help him move around. He climbed out of bed and felt the disposable diaper he was wearing, which was soggy. Yosh first started by slipping out of the white short sleeved shirt he wore to bed. Then, after feeling around for the diaper bin, untaped his diaper and threw it in.

“Where did I leave my good diapers?” Yosh wondered, feeling around a dresser.

Yosh felt a soft diaper made from a special waterproof material sitting on the dresser. As He grabbed it and pulled it off, however, he it slipped out of his grasp and fell on the floor.

“Darn it, where did that go?” Yosh wondered.

Yosh attempted to bend over to feel around the floor, but bumped his head into the dresser. He fell back on his bare rear against the cold floor.

“Well this is a great start to the day.” He thought.

Just then, the door to his room opened. Yosh could make out light footsteps that he instantly recognized, Princess Twilight’s Dragon Assistant Spike.

“Morning Yosh, I came to see if, oh.” Spike said, noticing Yosh’s predicament.

“Spike, can you help me find my diaper, I don’t know where it is.” Yosh asked, getting up.

“Sure thing.” Spike said.

Spike went over and grabbed Yosh’s diaper, as well as a bottle of baby powder.

“Lie down, I’ll help you get it on.” Spike said.

“What? No, it’s alright, I can get it on myself.” Yosh insisted.

“Relax, I got this.” Spike said.

Yosh reluctantly laid down with his legs up while Spike powdered his rear and slipping the waterproof diaper on him.

“There you go, I have lots of experience from babysitting Flurry Heart.” Spike said.

Yosh smiled upon thinking of the young daughter of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.

“If only I could see her.” Yosh said, sighing.

“Don’t act like that, otherwise your whole day will be ruined.” Spike said.

Spike assisted Yosh in changing into his tan shorts and blue short sleeved shirt before the two left for the town of Canterlot. Spike held Yosh’s hand to help guide him, though Yosh did well on his own with his cane as well.

“Actually, I have a favor to ask you.” Spike said.

“A Favor?” Yosh asked.

“Yes. I was wondering if you can get a few things for me. Twilight is having a little get together with the others and I got lots of organizing to do.” Spike said.

“But, I can’t see.” Yosh said, sadly.

“It’s okay. I have lists of everything. You can just give them to the owners of the shops and they’ll get them for you.” Spike said.

“Are you sure I’m the best suited for this?” Yosh asked.

“Of course, you know the way around town. I just need you to stop by the sweets shop, the book store, and the Jewelry store, I love my Gems after all.” Spike said.

Yosh looked down nervously, he was only starting to get around by himself.

“It’s okay. I’ve told the guards to keep an eye out for you and help you if you get lost.” Spike said.

“Well, when you put it that way, okay.” Yosh said.

“That’s the spirit!” Spike said, patting Yosh’s back.

Spike gave Yosh the lists of things he needed to get as well as money for purchasing them.

“Okay, once you have everything, bring them to the Dining hall, we’ll have everything set up there.” Spike said.

“Yes, I’ll bring everything there, hopefully.” Yosh said, still somewhat nervous.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” Spike said.

“I hope so.” Yosh said.

Spike walked Yosh over to the sweets shop to help him get started.

“Okay, remember just remember how we got around the town last week and listen to the ponies, and you should be fine.” Spike said.

“I-I Think I can do it.” Yosh said.

“Okay, I’ll see you back at the castle then. I’ll send Thorax out if you don’t return on time.” Spike said.

“Thanks for the boost of confidence.” Yosh said, sarcastically.

“Relax, you’ll be fine.” Spike said.

With a pat on the Back, Spike went on his way back to the Canterlot castle. Yosh stood there for a few moments, anxious about this whole ordeal. Yosh stopped and listened for chatter and other helpful sounds. He could head a bell ring, the kind of bell they hang on a door. Knowing that was the entrance to the Sweets shop, Yosh used his cane to make his way over to it.

Holding his hand out, Yosh felt against the wooden door and pushed it open, causing the small bell to ring. Feeling around with his cane, Yosh soon heard hoof steps coming towards them.

“Hello Yosh, can I help you?” A Male pony asked.

“Hi, I was wondering if you could get me the things on this list.” Yosh said, handing the Pony a list.

“Uh Yosh, we don’t sell Gems.” The Pony said.

“Oh sorry. Is this the right one?” Yosh asked, handing him a different list.

“Yes, this will do. I’ll have it together in a minute.” The Pony said.

Yosh used his cane to maneuver himself into a corner so he wouldn’t be in anyone’s way. He heard busy ponies wandering about on their business until he heard hoof steps approach him once again.

“Here you go, everything is in this bag.” The Clerk said.

Yosh took the bag of the required items and reached into his pocket for the money.

“It’ll be 20 Bits. Would you like me to count the money for you?” The Clerk asked.

“No, I can handle it.” Yosh said.

Yosh felt each individual coin, able to differentiate the difference between them by size and markings. He got out 4 coins that equaled 20 Bits and handed them to the clerk.

“Is this the right amount?” He asked.

“Yep, this is enough. Have a nice day.” The Clerk said.

“Thanks.” Yosh said.

Yosh used his cane to make his way back to the door and went back outside. He stayed on the sidewalk and listened for other ponies so he wouldn’t bump into them. He thankfully knew the way to the bookstore, as Dawnbreak Horizon and him went there frequently when he was still in training.

Making his way around the sounds of trotting ponies, Yosh carefully walked up the stone stairs before feeling around for the door handle and turning it before pushing the door open.

“Hello?” Yosh asked.

“Yes, can I help you?” A Kindly voice said.

“Yes, I was wondering if you could help me locate the books on this list.” Yosh said, once again reaching into his pocket and pulling out one of the lists.

The Clerk took a look at the list before nodding.

“Yep, I can get these for you.” He said.

“Thanks.” Yosh said.

Yosh took a seat on a nearby bench while waiting for the friendly pony to fetch the requested books. He heard ponies moving around and taking books from the shelves. He remembered when he learned how to write, when both he and Spike were still in diapers. He also learned how to read during those days. Now he couldn’t read.

“Excuse me sir? I got your order.” The Clerk said.

“Oh good. How much is it?” Yosh asked.

“That will be Eight Bits.” The Clerk said.

Yosh reached into his pocket and felt the coins for the exact amount, pulling them out one by one until he had eight. He handed them to the clerk and handed him the bag.

“Thank you, have a nice day.” He said.

Yosh once again departed, proceeding towards his final destination, the Jewelry Store. He still felt awkward, not being able to see. And yet, all of the Mares he met were very kind and helpful to him. While in his thought, he almost collided with some passing ponies. Thankfully, he focused on listening around him and he was able to tell where they were.

Feeling along the walls of the buildings, Yosh felt a glass window, which reminded him of the one used by the Jewelry store. Moving further, felt a glass doorway, which was also shared by the jewelry store he knew. He pushed the door open, ringing a bell, and entered the cold lobby.

“Hello there! Welcome to Nixie’s birthstones! How may I help you?” A Friendly voice asked.

“Uhh, hi. I’m looking for some Gems, namely the ones on this list.” Yosh said, holding out his last list.

“I’m over here, Darling.” The Pony said.

“Oh sorry.” Yosh said, turning to face her.

“Now let’s see. 5 Sapphires, 6 Rubies, and 3 Emeralds. Yes, I have all of these. Are they a gift?” The Pony asked.

“Not really, they’re a request for my friend, he’s a Dragon.” Yosh said.

“Oh, a Take out then. Right, the rubies are over there. The Sapphires are in the back, and the Emeralds are over by the counter.” The Pony said.

“Actually, would it be alright if you could guide me to them?” Yosh asked, somewhat embarrassed.

“Why? They’re quite easy to see.” The Pony said.

“That’s the problem. You see, I’m, well...I’m blind.” Yosh said, finding it hard to say.

Though Yosh couldn’t see it, the pony blushed.

“Oh dear, I’m dreadfully sorry. I should have known.” She said.

“Theres nothing to be sorry about. Lots of ponies make that mistake.” Yosh said.

“Well, in that case, I’ll fetch these for you.” The Pony said.

“Thank you very much.” Yosh said.

Once again, Yosh simply waited for another to help him with what he needed. Leaning against the wall, he could hear ponies walking around and talking about the lovely jewelry they saw.

“Here you go! That will be 50 Bits.” The Nice Pony said, handing Yosh a bag.

Yosh reached into his shorts and grabbed the remaining money he had. He then held it out to the pony.

“Is this enough?” He asked.

The Pony looked at the bits and nodded.

“Yes, this will do. Have a nice day!” She said.

Yosh once again was on his way. Having completed all of his shopping, he tried to remember how to get back home. He felt the tile of the road against his bare feet and recognized it as a path he took on the way back to the castle. He briefly stopped when he almost tripped at a nearby curb.

As he felt embarrassed at how silly he may have looked, he felt the wind blow against the left side of his face. This triggered a memory when it was very hot, he was relieved to feel the wind on the left side of his face as he was walking to the castle, straight ahead from where the curb was, guided by Spike.

Remembering this, Yosh began making his way in the direction. He then caught a whiff of something sweet in the air. He remembered that Spike said there was a donut shop down the street to the right and they sometimes stopped there for a snack. What was important, however, is that they turned left upon leaving the shop.

Yosh went down the road to the right and continued straight on. He managed to avoid bumping into the passing ponies due to hearing their hoof steps. He soon heard hoof prints that were growing fainter to the left and right of him, meaning he came to an intersection.

Yet another memory came to his head, a rather embarrassing one. He was walking with Spike at this very intersection, where Spike was watching Yosh to make sure he didn’t collide with anypony...

However, he noticed that Yosh’s shorts were drooping slightly.

“Yosh, did you have another accident?” Spike asked, narrowing his eyes.

“Uhhh, well, I...” Yosh Stuttered.

“Come on, I think theres a Bathroom in this Hospital over here.” Spike said, looking up and shaking his head.

Spike guided Yosh to the left and then to the Right, into the aforementioned hospital. Feeling the cold tiled floor under his feet, Yosh heard the creak of a door as Spike guided him into another room and then heard the creak of what sounded like a bathroom change station.

“Okay, drop your shorts and climb up here.” Spike said.

“Uh, is anyone watching?” Yosh asked.

“No, the bathroom is empty.” Spike said, annoyance in his voice.

Yosh felt around until he found the change station platform. Slipping his shorts off, he climbed onto it with Spike’s help. Spike tugged Yosh’s wet diaper off and put it in a plastic bag for cleaning (it was one of the unique ones Rarity made).

“There are some spares in my backpack.” Yosh said.

Yosh heard Spike rustle through his backpack. He also heard what sounded like elastic stretching.

“This is an odd diaper. It doesn’t have tapes like the ones we used to wear.” Spike said.

“Miss Rarity made it that way so it wouldn’t flop off, like that time we met Tacki.” Yosh said.

“Oh yeah, that was hilarious.” Spike said, chuckling.

Yosh blushed upon remembering the embarrassing display where he swam quickly through water, only for his diaper tape to snap off when he surfaced. Spike powdered his rear before slipping his new diaper on him.

“There we go.” Spike said.

After recovering his shorts, Yosh was once again guided out by Spike. They turned right upon exiting the hospital and continued straight down the road, which Spike said lead directly to the castle.


…Yosh turned right and went down the road, the same one Spike said lead directly to the castle. The further down the road he went, he could hear the sound of trumpets, which the guard played in the afternoon, signifying that he was going the right way.

“Hi Yosh.” A voice said.

Slightly startled, Yosh realized the voice came from one of the guards.

“Spike said he wanted to see you in the ballroom.” The Guard continued.

“Oh, okay.”

“Do you need assistance getting there?”

“No, I think I can manage.”

Yosh proceeded through the main gate and, after feeling for the door, entered the castle. Yosh remembered the castle very well, as he still had his eye sight back when he was growing up. As such, Yosh was easily able to find his way to the ballroom. He remembered looking at the beautiful stained glass windows, the one he remembered the most was the one of Spike and the Crystal Heart, something Spike bragged about frequently.

Yosh felt for the handle to the door and pushed it open-


The little duck-Dragon fell on his padded rear at the large chorus of voices. Familiar footsteps walked over to Yosh and he felt Spike’s familiar claws help him to his feet.

“Sorry I sent you alone on all those errands Yosh, I needed to keep you distracted while we got this party sorted together.” Spike said.

“A party? For what?” Yosh asked.

“Did you really forget? It’s your birthday!” Spike said, happily.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOSH!” Everyone exclaimed, surprising Yosh again.

“Kazootles! I completely forgot!” Yosh exclaimed.

“That makes it an even better surprise then! I wanted to invite Toroth and Tacki, but they were both busy. Still, they sent cards for you!” Spike said.

“Oh good! I’ve been wanting to hear from Tacki’s new friend!” Yosh exclaimed.

Yosh moved his right arm to the side and bumped it into something soft, which was right under where Spike’s voice was. Though he couldn’t see it, Spike blushed heavily.

“Uhh, Spike?” Yosh asked.

“Since it was your birthday, we didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable since you still wear diapers, so...” Spike trailed off.

“I made this luxurious diaper for my beloved Spikey Wikey to wear! Since you can’t see it, allow me to describe it. It’s main material is a white color made from a very thick elastic. It’s held up by these small tapes that looked rather bland, so I added a lining of purple velvet over them. The Tail hole has an elastic blue cloth band around it for comfort. And finally, the front of it proudly displays my Cutie Mark, for my little Spikey Wikey to show off to the entire world.” Rarity, Spike’s Pony friend, added.

“Uhh, thanks Rarity.” Spike said, continuing to blush.

“And that isn’t the only surprise we have for you today.” The Familiar voice of Dawnbreak Horizon, Yosh’s partner, said.

“A Present?” Yosh asked.

“In a way. We asked Spike to have you run those errands for him to see how well you do when you’re by yourself. I secretly followed along to observe. Despite having no eyesight, you were able to successfully complete your errands AND found your own way back to the castle without assistance. You kept telling me your worthless without your eyes, but that doesn’t sound worthless, does it?” He asked.

“I...guess it doesn’t.” Yosh said, surprised.

“So I guess that you’re best Birthday present of all, is your own Confidence.” Dawnbreak said.

Yosh smiled. Despite not being able to see anything at all, this turned out to be one of the best days of his life. Dawnbreak lifted Yosh onto his saddle and took him over to the table to have some cake. Spike fidgeted with his diaper, but Rarity lifted him onto her saddle, causing his poofy undergarments to crinkle, before taking him into the backroom to give him some more “Fashionable Accessories” to go with the diaper.

Comments ( 4 )

Such a sweet story.

I hope Yosh got to eat lots of delicious cake! :pinkiehappy:

Szalhi #2 · May 7th, 2018 · · 2 ·

It feels good to see him grow.

It's a very simple story reminiscent of a children's book...not that's bad in any way!

It could be a short and simple story but the way how every situation is described for Yosh made me feel connected with him. His accidents and Spike making him feel better wearing diapers too were really nice touches :twilightsmile:

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