• Published 30th Apr 2018
  • 461 Views, 1 Comments

Sunset Rises - The Cowardly Christian

Sunset's word is burning and her friedns are murderd, a little colts dreams are dead... perhaps a twist of fate -and some napalm and hacksaws -can set things right?...nope, their fracked...

  • ...

chapter 2

Author's Note:





On the 13th day of the 13th month of the 13th year...magic will return to the world...and the streets will run red with the blood of the (semi)innocent...unless the world is saved by the most unlikely of hero's...baking cupcakes?!

The title is '13/13/13' and it'll be coming to a bookstore or E-Book site near you! Xilbris is the publishing company. It's also now available at Amazon, Inkitt.com and BarnesandNoble




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If you want to see more, go to my fanfiction account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5874134/The-Cowardly-Christian-du911


AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.
But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas?

Love me, flame me, review me

Sunset Rises


...3 months later...

The Summer Sun Celebration was in full swing as the three alicorn trotted onto the fairground, "Wow! The last three months were intense!" Exclaimed Princess Candace.

Princess Sunset nodded, "I know! The surfer zombie contest, the giant squids from outer space, and I enjoyed a brief but memorable stint as 'sideshow Sunset'."

"And I learned the true meaning of Columbus day!" Exclaimed Princess Celestia happily...then frowned thoughtfully. "Which was VERY weird considering it's a minor holiday that only has relevance in another universe." She admitted confused.

Sunset nodded, "But more importantly it's given me time to patch things up with Celestia, come to terms with the trauma of seeing my world and friends die, accept that the future is already messed up due to my interference so I might as well make the most if it, apparently made friends with Candace somehow. And thus all the angst in my life has been dealt with and we can get on with the story...of our lives."

Celestia nodded, "Indeed, and now we are here today to gather the six soon-to-be element bearers as fillies in the hope that they'll start a friendship earlier!"

She turned to Fourth wall, "We all caught up?"

'Fourth wall', the royal wall builder and part time archivist nodded as he wrote down the summary into his ledger...and then walked out of the story...

Sunset shielded her eyes as she saw the flying royal chariot that would bring filly versions of her friends...

Sunset smiles as she spreads out her wings in anticipation, "Today is truly the first day of the rest of my NEW life..." She says happily-



Screamed a filly named Pinkie Pie as she hijacked the chariot and caused it to-







Sunset face hooved as she want to get her six filly friends out from under the crashed chariot...and fifty pounds of boiled puffer fish...


Unknown to all, a lone figure spied on the whole scene from afar, "It's go time." He whispered. "Whatever creep." Chuckled the rainbow colored unicorn filly next to him.

"Do you want my allowance for the next month or not?"



"So in conclusion...let the rainbow remind you!" Exclaimed Sunset.

Candace turned to her, "Okay, now that's just corny."

Sunset glared, "I'd like to see you improvise better in a pinch!" She hissed from the side of her mouth. Things had naturally taken a downturn after the 'crash'. Fluttershy and Twilight were now terrified of Pinkie. Rainbow was egging Pinkie to do more and to race her. And applejack vomiting all over Rarity's dress had nearly sparked into a brawl!

Quickly, the three Princesses intervened. Sunset hadn't wanted to resort to this so soon...but she pointed out how they each got their cutie marks from a violent flash of rainbow light...and let them connect the dots...

It...seemed to sorta work...true, Rainbow was MORE annoying now-


-But at least they were getting along now...well, Twilight and Fluttershy were heading off on their own to enjoy some quiet...rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie were going off to out do each other in contests...and Rarity was going off on her own to make a new dress at the arts and crafts...bu they weren't fighting and most of them were getting along with each other!...that was progress...right?

Celestia put her hoof on the pony that had become like her daughter in all but blood, "It's fine Sunset...I'll think of another way-

"NO! They...they were the best of friends! I can make this work! I- Candance runs over to start massaging her shoulders, "It's okay, big girl...why don't we get you some nice sympathy tea and chocolate?"

Sunset sighed, told the girls not to stray too far and where to meet up later...and joined her fellow alicorns for a good long sulk and confectionery gorging...

And thus...did not see what was about to transpire...


Rarity smiled at the darling new ensemble she'd made...and it was all thanks to her new friend- "I'm sorry, darling...what was your name again?" Asked rarity. "Mable, Mable Pines!" Gushed the rainbow colored unicorn filly.


"I can't believe I lost at the horse shoe toss..." Said Rainbow despondent. "I can't believe I lost either." Responded an equally dumbstruck Applejack, they both looked at the the rainbow filly that had beaten them...



Shouted both Pinkie and Mable as they kept jumping up and down and around each other excitedly...

"They've been at this for 10 minutes straight." Said a disbelieving griffin butcher to his candlestick maker compatriot...


Ah, cute little animal prints! I hope they lead to something adorable!" Exclaims Fluttershy as she follows said foot prints...followed closely by Twilight as she picked up a trail of books-

"Honestly! What jerk leaves books strewn about like this! messy, messy! It's going to take hours to clean all these!"

Both trails lead straight to a supply tent which they went in...and found the rest of the group!

"What are you guys doing here?" Asks Twilight.

"Mable said she had more exquisite fabrics to sow me!" Said Rarity.

"She told us this would be a good spot for a rematch!" Said rainbow as Applejack nodded.

"I'm just here to move the plot along!" Shouts Pinkie Pie to everyone's confusion.

Mable chuckled, "Right...sorry about this...but my creepy brother told me to bring you here-

"Dang it Mable, don't introduce me like that!"

The mane six's eyes turn as a lanky blue earth pony colt walks in-

Mable rolled her eyes, "You pay me to lure six fillies into a private place where no one else can see or hear...how is that not creepy?"

There is a chorus of 'You got that right', 'That is pretty creepy', and 'Eyup'. Said the fillies as they eyed the colt warily.

Dipper groaned, this was not beginning well at all...

"Look, I'm here to ask you for help-

"To prove I'm crazy!" Squeaked Mable suddenly in a fake Dipper voice that prompted giggles from the other fillies.


"AH! AH! Dad says you can't yell at me, remember?" Said Mable cheekily.

Dipper pulled at his mane frustrated, "Just...please...will you just let me do this?" He implored desperately.

Mable sighed, but reluctantly relented.

Dipper thanked her and turned back to the girls, "Right so I need your help to find and reactivate the Elements of Harmony."

Twilight gave him a weird look, "That old mares tale?"

Dipper shook his head, "It's real, and I believe Princess Sunset has gathered you here because she needs you to become friends to better harness it's power when your older to fight Nightmare Mo- MABLE I CAN SEE YOU MAKING THE 'HE'S CRAZY' GESTURE IN THAT MIRROR'S REFLECTION!" He shouted suddenly without turning around as the fillies giggle at said gesture.

"Sorry! I'm done! For real this time! I'm going into the corner now!" Says an apologetic Mable as she goes to do just that.

Twilight gives the odd colt a guarded weirded out look, "Riiight...It's not that we don't believe you..." Twilight pauses at that. "... I don't really know how to finish that sentence." She admitted finally.

Dipper groaned, "Look, I know how crazy it sounds-

"I'm not sure you do darling." Interrupts Rarity.

Dipper ignores this and moves along, "But I have proof!" He pulls out a cockroach.


Screams Rarity, Rainbow just laughs. "A bug, is your proof?"

"Who you calling BUG Maggot!?" Screams...the bug!?

Everyone is floored by this! "It talks?!" Screams the Mane 6 in horror...well, except Fluttershy, who squeals it in delight instead.

"Oh, my! I've never seen a talking bug before! Where'd it come from?! How dose it talk!? What dose it eat?!"

"Enough questions, Maggot! Dipper! Get these cadets in line! Their derailing the whole operation!"

"Sir, yes sir!" Shouts Dipper as he salutes instinctively!...Before feeling very foolish for doing so...especially in front of a bunch of fillies that were taking him less and less seriously by the second...

Dipper shakes his head, "Look the point is he has an eidect memory and can repeat everything he hears-

"What, like this lame conversation?" Teased Rainbow.

Dipper just smiles and nods to bug, "What, like this lame conversation?" Said Bug in a perfect replication of Rainbow's voice!

They were all stunned! "Okay...wow...that's actually pretty cool." Admits Rainbow.

Dipper smiles, finally glad that things were back on track. "Right, tell them what you heard in the princesses Quarters-

"CAKE! FEED ME CAKE! I DEMAND CAKE!" Bug screamed in Celestia's voice.

"No! The other thing! The other thing you heard in the Princesses quarters!" Shouted Dipper annoyed as the fillies giggled at the whole thing.

"OH! OH! SHINNY! GIVE ME MORE SHINNY! MOUNT ME YOU BEAST!" Moaned Princess Candace voice in pleasure.

This made everyone go bright red, "IS THAT MY BROTHER!?" Shouts Twilight horrified!

FINALLY, Dipper got Bug to give the correct recording of Sunset discussing their plans for the elements of Harmony...

The filly mane 6 each had their own reaction:

Twilight began to gabble excitedly about the princess trusting her with such an important duty-

Rarity wondered if her 'element' would clash with her ensemble-

Fluttershy quivered in fright at the whole prospect(Dipper saw this and went to comfort her)-

Rainbow Dash was crowing happily over how awesome she must be to have such an important role-

Pinkie was going on and on and on about how many parties she'd have to plan for finding elements, making new friends and defeating nightmare Moon.

Applejack response was the most grounded, "What exactly do you want us to do?" She asked suspicious.

"I don't know where the element are, but since your connected to them. I SHOULD be able to triangulat them using THIS!"

He pulls out-

"A toy?" Asked Twilight Skeptically.

Indeed, it was a child's play-rotary dial phone. Dipper sighed, "It was SUPPOSED to be a big, badass hypercube- He glares at Mable.

"I said I was sorry!" Exclaimed Mable.

Dipper sighed, "Look bottom line: I can use this to teleport anywhere, Mable grab my hand and the other side of the phone."

"Wha?" Asked Mable who'd been distracted by the Butterfly.

Dipper sighed, "Dang it Mable, this is important if your not touching me- or someone touching me -AND the other end of the phone not only will you not come with me, neither will the phone!"

Mable rolls her eyes but complies, Dipper carefully dials the correct number(which is a lot harder then it sounds due to his hooves)-


The Mane 6 gaped in shock and amazement as Dipper teleports from one side of the tent to another. Especially, Twilight; "You found a non-magical way to allow non-unicorn ponies to teleport!? That's amazing!"

Dipper couldn't help but blush a bit.

"You should tell people about this!" She exclaims.

Dipper sighs, "I'm kinda...too busy focusing on my current...'personal' project to think about that- then he snorts in annoyance -Besides waht Adult is going to take a little kid like me serious?"

Before Twilight could ask him to elaborate-

"ANYWAY! Come on over here! I'm confident I can use your Aura's to pinpoint the location of the elements!" Curious, the fillies gather around and place their hooves on the odd toy of power as directed, Dipper makes some adjustments...examines a few weird instruments he'd brought.

"There! Huh...a little interference...can't really tell where it is...but I can defiantly get us there! Or at least...NEAR there. Everyone hold hooves in a circle!"

They all quickly comply, "Alright, just to be clear. we quickly go there to see if it takes us directly to the elements, if not depending on where we are, we either search for them or come back and figure out a new way of getting the elements. That good for everyone?"

Everyone nods, though Twilight suddenly gets a thought; "Wait, shouldn't we tell the princesses where we-

"Mable! Do you have your hand on the other side of the phone!" Shouts Dipper quickly over Twilight.

"Wha- Oh, sure." Says Mable obliviously as she watched the butterfly again.

"Good, everyone hang on!" He exclaims and he activates it quickly almost in a panic.

Twilight tries again, "Wait, you didn't answer my-




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