• Published 30th Apr 2018
  • 460 Views, 1 Comments

Sunset Rises - The Cowardly Christian

Sunset's word is burning and her friedns are murderd, a little colts dreams are dead... perhaps a twist of fate -and some napalm and hacksaws -can set things right?...nope, their fracked...

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:





On the 13th day of the 13th month of the 13th year...magic will return to the world...and the streets will run red with the blood of the (semi)innocent...unless the world is saved by the most unlikely of hero's...baking cupcakes?!

The title is '13/13/13' and it'll be coming to a bookstore or E-Book site near you! Xilbris is the publishing company. It's also now available at Amazon and BarnesandNoble



Above is a link to Inkitt.com for my book

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If you want to see more, go to my fanfiction account: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5874134/The-Cowardly-Christian-du911


Inspired by LordBrony2040


AN: I know it says "in-progress" but really I just don't like boxing myself into a corner. For now this is more of a one-shot that I might continue one day...but probably won't.
But, hey. Feel free to use whatever elements you want from this, if you want! Or maybe give me ideas?

Love me, flame me, review me

Sunset Rises


"True magic comes from honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity and kindness!" Shouts Sunset at the corrupted Twilight as she activated her strange device, filling her with magic.

Now in one universe, Sunset would triumph over Twilight, free her from corruption, save the world(again), and make another friend and they'd all go home happy...

This was not that universe...

...1 hour earlier...

At the nearby 'random building full of science junk corp.' an experimental anti-matter powered particle collider was going through the test phase. "Hey Bob, isn't it great how we can experiment on the forces of nature with no fear of consequence or disaster?" Asked the scientist to his co-worker happily.

Bob nodded gleefully, "I hear yah Frank! True, were dealing with dangerous stuff. But thankfully our thoughtful corporate masters have thought of everything! And spared no expense for safety! Nothing can possibly go wrong!" Then he chuckled, "Unless of course we were dumb enough to leave this bad-boy turned on when we went to go to lunch, and some 'magical' catastrophe happens to destabilize reality at the exact same time." He said sarcastically in good humor.

Frank snorted, "Yeah, what are the odds of that?" He teased. "Anyway, it doesn't matter. Since we ain't dummies, and were going to turn off this thing before we go to lunch." He pointed out.

Bob nodded, "Yeah...by the way. What should we do about those containers full of obsolete technology and newly discovered element Macguffin-ranium?" He points to said containers.

Frank shrugged, "Eh, who cares. The guy in marketing...'Chekhov G. Un', I think he said his name was? Sounds German- Anyway, he's confident that stuff like that will never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER significantly impact anyone's life in the future in any shape or form at all." He said confidently.

Bob shrugged, "Eh, your right. We'll just leave it for someone else to take- But enough dawdle, I'm hungry. Let's quickly input our codes to shut down the machine. I trust I don't need to remind you that we have to be the one's who do this. Since were the only one's who know said codes, and it's very important that we do so, not delay and are not suddenly killed before we input the very important codes...otherwise NOTHING will be able to shut down the machine."

Frank snorted dismissively, "Yeah, like we'd ever die! Especially only 3 days before retirement!"

They both nodded and began to input the code...only for someone to forward them a video. "Oh, neat! Let's immediately drop what were doing and watch it!" "Sure, why not? It's not like us doing so will have catastrophic consequences for the world or anything." He joked.

...Mal's whistle...

Frank frowned, "I don't get it- Those were the last words he'd say before he and his friends heads were looped off at their shoulders by a tall man with no face, slender arms, and a business suite...

The thing (somehow) smirked as the now unsupervised particle collider reached critical mass...at the same time he sensed that reality was beginning to unhinge...

"Just one last thing to take care of." He then fast forwarded one hour into the future...


Sunset gaped as the magical overloaded her body, starting to tear it down at the cellular level, She didn't understand how this all went wrong! She'd been seconds away from making everything right again! And then an explosion from the other side of town...just tore all of reality to pieces...her home...her friends...her world...all ripped to pieces...and soon she'd be gone too...

If she could cry- she couldn't because her tear ducts were being deleted by the cosmos...her friends were gone...never again would she enjoy Applejack's steaming hot applefritter's....never again would she be forced to try on hundreds upon hundreds of Rarity's new fashion line...Never again would she cheer on Rainbow Dash as she scores ANOTHER victory...never again would she be knocked over by an over-excited Pinkie Pie who would then drag her to yet another party...Worse...she never got to make things right with Celestia..the closest thing she ever had to a mom....to tell her...to tell her...


"Oh, for the love of- Enough with the soap opera already! Time to make a pest of myself!" Shouts the eldritch abomination as he arrives through the folds of reality and pauses all existence...

Slenderman whistled Mal's theme as he grabbed the frozen time Sunset...and chucked her through the now very unstable and about to shatter portal to Equestria...an Equestria that was currently in throes of a time loop set in motion by a malevolent pink unicorn...

He (somehow)winked at the readers, "I'm not coming back." He explained as he himself winked out of existence...

...many years earlier...In Equestria...

On a lonely, dusty road in the middle of the night...a small, blue colt sadly trudged through the night. "She's gone...no one takes me seriously...and even if I survive that third rate cesspit I call a school and graduate...the diploma I get won't be worth the paper it's written on...maybe my sister, mom and dad are right...maybe I should just accept my lot in life...and just settle for a job at the fish factory-


The colts eyes widened as the sky cracked open.....thunder and lightning streamed out like confetti- that kills everyone it touches -all the wide color spectrum of rainbow dances and form an exquisite borealis....finally two balls of fire streaked the heavens...one crashes in the palace of princes Celestia...the other...mere yards away from him...excited and full of curiosity...Dipper Pines ran happily to the crash site...completely unaware that his life- which in a universe that will no longer happen would've doomed an exceptional brilliant and unique colt to a life of mediocrity and anonymity -was about to change- (fingers crossed) -for the better...hopefully...


Oh, and apparently Princess Celestia is shocked to see her young apprentice enveloped by a- yada, yada, yada -fire ball falling from the sky, only to become older- blah, blah, blah -and an alicorn...but, meh, who cares?...
