• Published 5th Apr 2018
  • 482 Views, 21 Comments

He Is The One - Loyal Defender

Young Loyal Defender wishes his life would just change from the boring mundane life of living on his own, to something more exciting and happy...little does he know, his wish is about to come true.

  • ...

He Was The One

As Loyal and DIamond entered Ponyville park, they both sat down. Loyal hugged Diamond closely, really happy to see her.

"You know, like I said, it's good to see you again...I'll bet you missed me..."

"Oh, I did."

"What was it like?"

"It was like I was missing someone who's become a big part of my life is what it was."

"You know....besides the girls...you were the first ever true friend I ever knew...technically, you were the first true friend I ever met....before that..." Loyal stopped there, and sighed. "You know, it's funny....before any of this...I had absolutely no friends...I just...lived all on my own. I was friendlies..alone....and sad. My parents had passed or years back, and it still hurts thinking about it..."

"Oh, gosh, that's so tragic..."

"It's also the reason I never left my home for those next three years..because it hurt seeing all the faces of the neighbors my parents used to greet. It upset me. So, by staying locked in that house, I never had to see a world of hurt."

"Oh.... gosh... That's... I'm so sorry...."

"It's not your fault....I guess it's how life was set for me...what about your life? I imagine it was good before, yes?"

"Err.... Not... Not really. Mom always wanted me to be just like her."

"Sounds bad..."

"Yeah, it was pretty bad... Mom had me wrapped around her hoof, and I was... not the nicest little kid..."

"How mean were you?" I asked, finding it impossible for this kid to have an evil past.

"I... um... well... I used to only have one friend. And I don't even think she used to like me that much."

"...Silver Spoon?"


"So, you AND her used to pick on ponies, right?" I guessed.

"Y-yeah.... We did..."

"SO, how'd you have a change of heart?"

"Apple Bloom and her friends... They helped me out. They wanted to be friends with me. It made me realize... I don't want what my mom tells me I want."

"So, they redeemed you with friendship."

"That's about the size of it, yes."

"Well....I'm glad I met you, Diamond...you seem like such a nice filly..." I said, hugging her closer.

"Hehehe, aww, you're just saying that..."

"No, I mean it. I've never met a nicer group of friends than you, the girls, the CMC, or anypony else..."

"I'm guessing you've never met anyone like me, right?"

"...Yeah. I haven't."

"I really hope I never have to leave this world...I can live happily here...."

"I hope you never have to leave either! You're the one who gave me the courage I needed to get out of that house."

"Heh, I bet your mom was mad as heck back there seeing us leave. But you know....running away from somepony like her...it was the right thing to do."

Loyal sighed happily, and began stroking Diamond's mane. It was a natural reflex with ponies. He didn't know why, but it just...felt good.

"That... feels nice...."

"Does this happen often with ponies?" Loyal looked down and saw Diamond's content expression. "I'm gonna guess not."

There was silence for a few minutes. Until...

"So....Diamond, have you been on any...adventures lately?""

"Me? No."

"Oh....okay..." Loyal said, continuing to stroke Diamond's mane. She lay on Loyal's lap and eventually fell asleep. Loyal lay back and relaxed for a few minutes. It wasn't long before a familiar pink Unicorn approached the two.

"Oh, hey Starlight. What have you been up to?"

"Oh, y'know, just working on friendship lessons with Twilight. She says we're probably going to be having Celestia over for dinner sometime."

"That's nice. Not too long ago, I met Celestia...but....Celestia had some bad news for me..."

"She says an evil villain is returning to Equestria soon....and gave me some special armor." Loyal looked next to him, but didn't see the armor. "OH, no, I must have left it at Rarity's! Starlight, could you be a friend and get it for me? I'd do it myself but...Diamond's sleeping on me."

"Oh, sure! I can do that!"

AS Starlight headed back to Rarity's, she knocked on the door, but no reply. Starlight looked for a sign, but no 'sign' of one existed. Maybe Rarity was in a rush, and couldn't put the sign up. Starlight headed inside, and found the armor. She lifted the armor with her magic and headed back towards the park. Loyal saw her returning. "Oh, hey again! Was Rarity home?" I asked.

"I think so? Is this it?"

"Yep! That's the armor!" I said, placing the armor onto the tiny spot next to me. "So, Rarity wasn't home is what you're saying? You don't sound so sure."

"Yeah, she wasn't there... I don't know where she went either. She didn't leave a sign."

"Hmmm...that's not like her...she never leaves without letting everypony know..."

"Come to think...I haven't seen any ponies wandering around the park, either....what's going on?" I questioned.

"Well, that's... odd.... I wonder where they went...?"

"Hmmm...I'm gonna go check in town...can you watch Diamond for me?"

"I suppose I can do that....just don’t wind up like the rest of this town.”

I could trust my close friend who seemed rather vulnerable and out in the open to stay safe....couldn’t I?

Everything felt normal....the skies were clear, there was no chaos or trouble, it seemed peaceful and quiet....but it seemed TOO quiet....Loyal walked through the entire town, trying to see if any ponies were around. But there was nopony. Loyal then searched in each of the Mane 6's homes. But even THEY couldn't be found. Not even Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon could be found, which really worried Loyal.

Where had everypony gone? It was almost like everypony had vanished. As Loyal went back to Sweet Apple Acres, and walked through a grove of apple trees, he heard voices coming from up above. He looked up to see a tree house. It was painted yellow, with some little shutters and a tidy roof. The voices sounded...familiar.

Loyal walked up the ramp that led to the door of the treehouse, and knocked on it (it, being the door).

Starlight carefully paced back and forth, her eyes on Diamond Tiara.

"Hello?" Loyal called. "Is somepony there?"

"Who's there?!"

"Uh...it's Loyal. I'm glad you haven't disappeared on me...all the others have..."

"Uh.... Y-Yes...?"

Loyal entered the clubhouse to find the three fillies, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo huddled in a corner.

"Are you three okay? Did something happen?" I asked, thinking about how nervous they sounded just now. It worried me. It's like...like they saw something...

"Something... something's going on...."

"What's going on? Where is everypony else?"

"We don't know! We were hoping you did!"

"Well the only ones who are still here are Starlight and Diamond Tiara."

"Well that's not very reassuring...

"It's still better than US being the only ones remaining, right?"

"So...how long ago did you notice everypony was missing?"

"A while... AJ wasn't there this morning..."



"Where could they have gone...?" I pondered. What happened to everypony? Where did they go? "Should I just get Starlight and Diamond to come here?"

"That might be a good idea, yeah..."

Loyal nodded, left the tree house, and ran back to the park. "Okay, good news! The Cutie Mark Crusaders are still here! It's best we go to them." I said, thankful Starlight and Di were still here. "Now, come on! They're waiting on us." I said, beginning to head back to the treehouse.

Starlight and Diamond nodded and stood up to follow Loyal.

I led the duo back to the treehouse, and let them in. "Well...seems we're all here.." I said.

Apple Bloom smiled. "It's so good to see a friendly face."

"Now..we gotta figure out what might've happened when everypony disappeared...did any of them say they were headed anywhere before vanishing?"

Sweetie Belle blinked. "What...?"

"Do any of you have any ideas where the others might have disappeared off to?"

. . . . .

Seeing as how I wasn't getting a lot of answers, I still pitched in with my own thought.. "I think I might have a guess as to where they are..."

"...Where... do you think they are...?" Apple Bloom asked, hoping he wasn't going to say what she thought he was going to say.

".....The Everfree Forest." I answered, feeling like AB wasn't gonna like my answer.

"...Oh, is that all...? I actually go there more often than I'd like to admit... Visiting Zecora is something I like to do." Apple Bloom responded.

"Yeah, um, I get the feeling he's not saying they went to visit Zecora," Scootaloo said.

"Scoot's right...and besides, this is ALL of Ponyville we're talking about. It's not like EVERYPONY would go to visit one zebra. To be honest....when me and Dash went in earlier....we found this small village, known as...Sunny Town. Apparently, all the ponies there were blank-flanks. They thought of Cutie Marks as a kind of curse....and they tried to kill anypony with a Cutie Mark that came to their village...we narrowly escaped them, but I have a feeling they might have something to do with everypony vanishing...or perhaps it's the work of Ghaan. Either way, I think it's obvious what we need to do now." I said, getting the feeling they knew exactly what I was gonna say.

The three small fillies trembled with anticipation.

"We need to head into the Everfree to find everypony. It's our best, and only, shot." I finished.

The three fillies sighed. "Are you sure?"

"Got any better ideas?"

"W-Well... no..."

"Keep in mind...you have two strong protectors by your side. Starlight, and me."

Loyal grabbed his armor, pressed the button on the helm, and it magically snapped onto his body.

"So...are we all ready to go, or do you need some time?"

"Well... I guess we're ready... We don't have much to get to bring with us..."

"Then let's go." I replied, heading down the ramp, and towards the forest.

Starlight and the fillies looked at each other unsurely, and stood up to follow him. I mean, what were THEY going to do with so many ponies disappearing? They needed to go with him to avoid vanishing, too.

I soon stood in front of the Everfree Forest. It seemed a lot darker and spookier than it last seemed. I took a deep breath and headed inside. Starlight and the others followed closely behind. "Does this forest change every time somepony enters it?" I asked.

"I don't think so," Starlight said. "I think it just feels that way..."

"Oh....well, alright.." I replied. After several minutes of walking, I eventually found the path to Sunny Town. I looked through the bushes and listened. But no sign or sound of ponies crying for help. I then heard sounds coming from off to the side of the forest. I followed it and..

Eventually, the forest path led me to a clearing in the middle of the forest. But I could NOT believe what I saw. There was a giant strange, cube-shaped machine in the middle of the area. Around the area was....the ponies of Ponyville! Even the Mane 6 had been captured and put into cages that seemed unbreakable. Ponies were shouting for help, some were curled up, and others were crying. So this is where everypony had ended up! They were all kidnapped! But who could have done this? My question was soon answered when a red puff of smoke appeared in front of the giant cube. No....it couldn't have been...

"Long time no see, Loyal Defender.." A sickeningly familiar voice rang out, silencing all the ponies. "I'll bet you thought you saw the last of me....oh, no, you didn't. I vowed the day you 'defeated me', that I would return! And I have. For months, I developed this plan to get the ultimate revenge on you! I just needed the right time! And last night was the perfect time! It took a lot of work capturing all of these ponies, but it was worth it. Don't worry, I don't intend to harm any of them, not even your friends. I just captured them all so they could witness your defeat, and DESTRUCTION! For you see, behind me lies a special machine known as the 'Empowerment Cube'. It wasn’t easy getting this done, but it was oh-so fun possessing different ponies to build this. It gives the user unbelievable power and strength, even enough to demolish everything! I was just waiting for you to show up, so that I could finally rid this world of the one who stopped my ultimate plan before. AND I WILL!"

Ghaan turned around, and phased inside the cube. The cube rumbled violently, before the top opened up, and out of it came....another form of Ghaan. He was big and red, and had black devil horns. His eyes were empty except for red glowing irises. (No, it wasn't Tirek). His lower half still remained in the cube, which must have been what powered him up as long as he was in there. When he spoke, his voice was slightly deeper, and more demonic. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME NOW? NOT SO WIMPY AND SMALL ANYMORE, AM I?! IN FACT, WHY DON'T I SHOW YOU MY REAL POWER?!" With that being said, Ghaan fired a laser from his mouth that I tried to avoid, but it quickly caught up with me, slamming me hard into a tree.

Starlight gasped as Loyal was slammed into the tree. 'Is he okay?!' The fillies flinched, tears beginning to form in their eyes.


"NO!" Starlight leapt in front of Loyal and threw up a shield as powerful as she could muster. "I won't let you!"

The laser struck, but Ghaan was shocked to find that it didn't penetrate Starlight's shield.


"S-Starlight..." I said weakly. "You...you saved me.."

"It's... what friends do."

Starlight smiled and did her best to help Loyal up.

As Loyal got up, Ghaan felt a sharp pain in his body. "GAHHHH! WHAT IS THIS RIDICULOUS SENTIMENT ABOUT?!" Ghaan tried firing another laser, but much to his surprise, a shield protected the two, and it wasn't Starlight's magic. I was bewildered as well. "Starlight....what is this?"

"I... don't know..."

I looked around. Everypony had been captured, even the Mane 6. What could I do? I'd never done much of anything without any of the girls at my side. Even the CMC looked frightened. All hope seemed lost...until I realized something. In the past, I had shared a special bond with Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie (sort of), Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Princess Twilight Sparkle. But he I that something was missing...someONE. Then....it hit me. I needed to share his feelings with....Starlight Glimmer. It had been obvious for so long, and now that I realized it...it was time to finish what I had started. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and turned to face Starlight.

"Starlight....I know things seem bad...I know it seems nothing can be done....but there is still hope. There is still a light that we can help shine down upon us. In the past, you've all been there for me, and I've been there for you. Because you were all at my side, I felt like nothing could bring me down....like I could take on any challenge and obstacle thrown at me. But now I realize it wasn't them being there that made me stronger....it was their BONDS...their friendship. We've been good friends for a long time, Starlight, but our friendship isn't complete....not without our own special bond."

I held my hand out, for Starlight to take. "Take this, Starlight....show everypony we can truly be unstoppable when we're together...that we're not afraid...that we can take on anything thrown our way..."

Starlight stared for a moment before nodding and placing her hoof in his hand. "I believe in you."

As Starlight did so...something incredible happened....something magical. Slowly, Starlight and I slowly were lifted up into the air, and out of the shield. We were still protected...by love...by friendship....then, I was moved away from Starlight, and in front of Ghaan. I was confused at first...but then, I knew exactly what to do.

I turned to look at Ghaan, and spoke. "You may think you've won, Ghaan....but believe me..you're wrong. You've had it wrong ever since you were created! Ruling and destruction doesn't make you stronger. Having your friends and loved ones by your side makes you stronger. Friendship comes from honesty..."

At that moment, a magical aura glowed around Applejack, then shot an orange beam at me.


Then Fluttershy...


Beams shot from Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, and Twilight...

"And, thanks to a loved one, Starlight Glimmer...she's learned from many of her mistakes, though sometimes, her past can come back...she's learned to accept it...thus making her the Element of.....Remorse!"

A powerful beam shot out from Starlight.

"You can never win, Ghaan....because the magic of friendship will always prevail! And nothing will ever stop it!" I exclaimed, and knew exactly what to do. I thrust my arms forward, and the beams bounced at me, and off different parts of my armor, and onto Ghaan. Ghaan's body slowly began to glow different colors, and his body began to twitch and shake. "WHAT....IS.....HAPPENING?!" He exclaimed, as one part of his body blew off, then another....then another....

"You can never prevail, Ghaan...because not even you can stop....THE MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP!" I held my arms up for a moment...before throwing them forward to finish Ghaan off. Several chunks of his body blew off, until just his head remained.

All he could say as his last words was...

"Oh, bu--" *BOOOMMM*

As the dust cleared...there was no sign of Ghaan. He...had been defeated at last. Everypony was silent for a moment, before they all began to cheer. The unbreakable cages vanished like magic, freeing everypony.

Everypony around began cheering as Diamond, the CMC's, and the Mane 6 all ran to Loyal, lifting him up above them.

When we got back to Ponyville, everypony was tackle hugging me, and the next thing I knew...I was in a pony pile. I tried to hug as many ponies back as possible, but I couldn't hug them all. I tried, believe me.

Everypony cleared through, when Princess Celestia came, as did Luna.

"I'm very proud of you, Loyal." She began. "You not only gained the courage to trek through the Everfree Forest when you knew trouble lurked, but you also managed to save all of us from the work of a villain nor my sister or myself could defeat, even with powerful magic. We're proud to call you the official hero of Equestria..."

"Thank you, Princess Celestia.." I said, and bowed politely.

"Although, there is a bit of...unfortunate news, as much as I hate to be a burden." Luna replied.

"Unfortunate news...?"

"My sister and I recently discovered that Loyal is needed...in yet another universe...one I'm quite certain some of you are familiar with."

"Wait, what? But....what about..."

"No need to worry, Loyal...you'll see your friends again once said problem has been resolved...but it may or may not be a long time, depending on how big the problem is..."

"So....this is goodbye..?" I asked.

"Only for now, Loyal....after all, everybody knows that out of any hero to save the day....YOU'RE THE ONE." Loyal suddenly remembered what those words were. Those words were what he heard before he was transported here. I knelt down to the girls, and hugged as many at once as possible. "I'm going to miss you girls so much..." I said.

Starlight sighed sadly as she hugged Loyal. She looked around a little bit... "...Hey... Where's Diamond...?"

"Tiara? Oh... she said she was going somewhere... She wouldn't say where... why...?"

"She probably had some business....but at least she knows she can count on this hero to be there for her..."

Twilight nodded. "I'll say. Thank you, Loyal. I don't know what we would've done without you."

I didn't understand this "going to a new universe" thing...but I had a feeling it was a big deal. "You can let us know when you're ready..." Celestia notified. "Take as long as you need to."

So, I used that time to spend time with each of the girls. I baked the Impossible Cake with Pinkie, made a quilt with Applejack, designed some new human-like clothes with Rarity, created special potions with Twilight, chilled with Rainbow Dash, and fed some animals with Fluttershy. Starlight...we hugged, for like, 20 minutes. She really was going to miss me.

As I stood in front of Celestia, I realized something. Everything I did with the girls...all those things I made were for me...

"Are you ready..?" Celestia asked.

"WAAAAIT!" Said a voice. I turned around to see Spike running down the field, and up to me. He held something in his hand, and held it out to me. "H-here.." He said, sounding out of breath. "I....made....this....for....you...." He said. I took it, and looked at it. A golden locket. I opened it up, and....it was a picture of me and the girls...

"I'll cherish it....always," I said.

"Loyal...?" A meek voice called out.

I turned around to see Diamond standing there. "Hello...Diamond..." I said, kneeling down.

"I...." She breathed a sigh. "I'm sorry. I've been hiding from you."

"I don't blame you....I'd hide, too, if I found out I had to leave..."

Diamond nodded. "I didn't want to face it... I hoped maybe if I didn't... it would go away... But..." She looked up, a teary smile on her face. "Apple Bloom told me that hiding from my problems won't make them go away. She said I can either face them while they're still small... or let them grow and grow until I can't handle them myself..."

"I don't want to let that happen. I don't want to need ponies to help me for the rest of my life. You taught me to be brave... to hide from my problems would... would be going back to the way I used to be..."

"It's good you faced them when you did..." I said, gently kissing her on the top of the head.

"I'm really going to miss you..."

"I'm going to miss you too..." I replied, hugging Diamond tightly. She was the most special to him. She was the very first friend he'd made since he got here.

Diamond shed out a tear. "Goodbye, Loyal..I'll wait for you.."

I turned back to Celestia, and nodded. She nodded in response, and lowered her horn. A golden aura began to glow, and an aura surrounded me. I turned to face everypony one last time.

"Thank you, everypony....I'll never forget any of you..." I said, as I cried a bit. But I let the tears run. It's what a man would do.
And with that...I was gone in a bright flash, fading to once again reveal nothing. It was official - I had left Equestria.

"What a great guy... I'm so glad we had a chance to meet him...I just hope we'll see him again soon."

And truer words couldn't have been spoken....deep down, the Mane 6 knew....their hero would return.

After all...he WAS.....loyal.

But Loyal's journey was FAR from over...

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

This was the finale I wasn't too proud of. While this seems rushed, keep in mind, this was before I planned things out completely.

Comments ( 9 )

Meh. Not exactly a lot of meat on the proverbial bones here.
Nobody likes a brown-noser (or kiss-ass, depending on your region's slang).

Comment posted by Loyal Defender deleted Apr 20th, 2018


Hey, this was my first story, give us both a break! Nopony's perfect, and I tried my hardest! At least he APPRECIATES I tried, unlike you.

So point out where I was wrong. That guy was being a kiss-ass.

He was NOT. Some people find certain stories very fascinating, just like I do. There's no right or wrong way to like stories.

Ah the pinkiepiehugs from legends of equestria is finnaly here... >.< its pritty obvious of your username... Now on to the story at hoof.... It needs more structure more feel... This fic just doesnt have that.

Did you not read the author's note in the first chapter making it obvious this was when I was still an amateur in writing?

that is true but, you could at least fix it befor posting it.

And suddenly make it look like my pro had gone back to amateur in writing? It's better to see how one has improved than improving EVERYTHING.

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