• Published 5th Apr 2018
  • 482 Views, 21 Comments

He Is The One - Loyal Defender

Young Loyal Defender wishes his life would just change from the boring mundane life of living on his own, to something more exciting and happy...little does he know, his wish is about to come true.

  • ...

Learnin' The Ropes

Applejack nodded as she sat down at the table. Nearby were three small fillies - one orange, one white, and one yellow. The orange one looked over at Loyal with wide eyes, her mouth agape. "Scootaloo, it's rude to stare." The orange filly looked away, muttering an apology before turning to the yellow filly beside her.

Loyal just sat in the back of the kitchen, away from the others. He just wasn't ready to interact yet. This went on until dinner was over. The others went upstairs, but Applejack sat with Loyal in the kitchen.

"I knew one of them would look at me like that....I'm just not ready to interact with them...how am I going to be able to have things settle down between all of us?"

"Now, now. There's no reason to worry! I'm sure Scootaloo was just in awe of you is all. We don't see many things like yourself around these parts, and the children just love new things! Well, except for Sweetie Belle sometimes. But she didn't seem that afraid of you, really."

"I guess you're right...." Loyal decided to try and think of something to take his mind off of itt. "Say....where exactly am I going to be sleeping?"

"Now that's the question, ain't it? Well, I suppose one of us could always sleep on the couch down here and let you have one of our rooms. Worked for Fluttershy. As for Diamond Tiara, she can share with Apple Bloom. That's what the kids do when they have sleepovers, anyhow."

"I'll take the couch. It's better for you to sleep in one of the rooms.."

"Well, if you're sure. I'll just go grab a spare blanket and a pillow for ya, alright? Make yourself at home."

Loyal nodded, and AJ went to grab a pillow. Loyal explored a bit, until he found the couch. "Doesn't look too uncomfortable."

Applejack came back down the stairs a moment later, placing a spare pillow and blanket on the couch. "There you are! Are you sure it's okay? We'd hate for you to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome here."

"It'll be fine. I've slept on pure spring mattress before and slept fine."

"Alright, well, we're all upstairs if you need anything." Applejack climbed back up the stairs to head to her room. A little while later, Diamond Tiara came down the stairs.

"Hey, you doing alright?"

"Yeah...just thinking."

"Hey, don't worry, okay? We'll figure out what's going on. I promise. Look, if anything happens and we need to go, I'll be upstairs in Apple Bloom's room with the others, okay?" Diamond smiled at Loyal.

"Okay." Loyal lay down on the couch. "I should probably try to sleep...goodnight, Di..."

"G'night, Loyal." Diamond Tiara hastily climbed back up the stairs, returning to Apple Bloom's room to enjoy some time with her friends, before falling asleep sometime later.

Loyal eventually fell asleep.

He had a dream that he was alone....he could hear ponies shouting for help. He tried running toward them, but he couldn't move...then...he heard the voice again... "You're the one..."

That was the last thing Loyal saw before waking up.

"Girls! Breakfast in 10!" Applejack called, before coming downstairs. "Mornin'! You sleep well?"

"Sort of...."

"What do you mean 'sort of?' You have a bad dream or somethin'?" Applejack asked, as the fillies all piled down the stairs. Diamond Tiara threw a smile in Loyal's direction before following the others into the kitchen.

"Well.....it was one of those dreams you have that's just like the one you had before....and it contains some kind of meaning you don't understand yet...in my dreams, I hear this voice, saying ""you're the one'. I'm still trying to figure out what it means..."

"Hmm. Well, don't worry. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually!" Applejack followed the fillies into the kitchen. Breakfast was basically apple food again, but Loyal didn't mind. He enjoyed apples.

After breakfast, Applejack went outside to work. "Hey, AJ? Is there any work I could do?"

Applejack thought for a moment. "Hmm... Well, the apples seem to be growin' alright... Pigs could use a wash, but I think AB and the others are going to be doin' that... Maybe you could help me rake up the fallen leaves."

"Okay. Sounds good."

"Right." Applejack went into the barn, and came out with two rakes. "Come with me." She then began trotting into the orchard.

"You know, all my life I've lived just relaxing...but it feels so thrilling actually turning it around, actually doing real work. I'm not implying I'm lazy of course...I just don't normally actually do hardworking stuff like you probably do...how long have you been working like this?"

"Oh, ever since I was Applebloom's age, actually! Took me a bit to realize this was my calling in life, but ever since then, it's been me and Big Mac running the orchard here. 'course Granny Smith and AB help out, too, but Granny's gettin' on in age, and AB's got her own little thing goin' with her friends on the side.

"Sounds like you enjoy working here."

"Sure do! This farm is the backbone of Ponyville when you get down to it. This is where our town got its start, back when Granny was younger, and ever since, it's been one of the largest apple farms in Equestria. It helps that this is what we call home, of course. But livin' quietly amongst the trees, the sun high in the sky most days, good friends close by... Can anypony ask for more than that?"

If I'm honest, and I am, I'd say it don't get much better than this." Applejack chuckled. "Rarity'd beg to differ. She just isn't one for this kind of work. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate her help when I need it, though."

"No....it sounds like such a nice life...I've always wanted to live a peaceful life...and now that wish came true....I bet you wished for the same thing, didn't ya?"

Applejack chuckled. "Strange as it might sound, when I was a foal, I wanted to go live in the big city with my Aunt and Uncle Orange. I did for a while, but it just wasn't for me. But then, I saw a big rainbow streaking across the sky, and it seemed to be pointing right to Ponyville. When I saw that rainbow, I knew - this was where I was meant to be.

As luck would have it, that same rainbow helped all my best friends find their destinies, too. Twilight says it was a sign, that all of us were bound by fate, since before we even met."

"One rainbow brought you together...?"

"Well, it was a special KIND of rainbow. It was a strange event called a Sonic Rainboom. Basically, Rainbow Dash flew really, REALLY fast, earned her Cutie Mark, and caused something that helped the rest of us earn OUR Cutie Marks."

"Sounds like a sort of butterfly effect...something caused her to end up flying at top speed, causing her to perform a Sonic Rainboom, causing different events to happen that somehow brought you together. It's either a butterfly effect, or kind of domino effect. Right?"

Applejack was about to speak, when a small voice nearby spoke up.

"Actually, the Butterfly Effect typically refers to a phenomenon that can be caused by time travel. More specifically, changing events in the past. It describes a situation in which a small, seemingly insignificant change to the past can cause tremendous, often disastrous changes to the future, which would seem to have no relation at all - the death of a butterfly, for example, causes Equestria to never be founded." Applejack glanced over to see Sweetie Belle standing nearby, a small smile on her face. "What? I know things. I spend time with Twilight. I learn these things!"

"I didn't even expect that from someone so young.."

"Everyone's always surprised when I know things." Sweetie shrugged. "Applejack, we finished cleaning the pigs. Apple Bloom wants to know if there's anything else we can do to help out this morning."

Applejack smiled. "If you girls think you can clean the dishes, you're more than welcome. Otherwise, I think Big Mac's got a hang of the rest of the chores this mornin'." Sweetie nodded and ran back to her friends.

"As I was about to say, you're more or less right. Dash's Sonic Rainboom set in motion a series of events that lead to the rest of us finding our destinies, which would ultimately lead us all here, where we all met. It wouldn't be years yet before we would meet Twilight, but when we did... hoo, boy, did things ever change for the six of us..."

"Do you think I'd ever be able to befriend your friends?"

"'course you could! Everyone here in Ponyville loves makin' new friends - 'cept Spoiled Rich of course - none more so than Pinkie Pie!"

"Who's she?"

"She's Ponyville's own personal ray of sunshine! It takes a lot to get her down, and she prides herself on her ability to make anypony smile, no matter how low their spirits are!"

"Wow...sounds important. What does she do when she meets somepony new?"

"Well, she'll go into a daze of joy for a bit, then start planning them a party to welcome them to town. She's super good at plannin' parties! Planed my sister's Cute-CeƱera, and that had to be something extra special, because it was for her two best friends, too!"

"Anything else for me to ddo'?"

"Huh." Soon after, Loyal finished raking up the leaves.

"I think Big Mac probably has the rest of the chores all set for today. We work as a team around here, y'know? But if you could do me a favor and go make sure our hats and bows closet is stuffed, that'd be great. Just... do be careful. We have a LOT of hats and bows."

Loyal nodded, headed inside the house, and searched until he found a closet marked "Bows & Hats". He took a deep breath, opened the door, and....

Applejack heard a loud crashing sound come from inside the house.

Applejack came inside. "Uh, is everything alright? I heard a loud noise up there!"

Applejack came upstairs, into the room Loyal was in, to find a large pile of hats and bows on the ground.

Loyal managed to push only his head out. "Why do you have so much headwear?" He said, before his face accidentally fell into a Stetson hat.

Applejack chuckled. "It's our signature look. The hats are all mine, and the bows all belong to Apple Bloom. She rarely ever goes anywhere without one!"

"Isn't this kind of overdoing it with how many you own?"

"Some might say that. But AB loves her bows, and I work in the sun all day and never know if anything's gonna happen to this one, y'know?"

"You must really care about her..."

"Apple Bloom is one of the most important ponies in the world to me. Not just because she looks up to me, but... well... Mom and Dad haven't been around since she was a baby... We've all done our parts raising her, but... I just feel like we have a special connection, y'know?"

"I know that feeling, all right.." Loyal said, and struggled to climb out of the pile, but failed.

"Um.....I'm stuck."

Applejack chuckled. "Here, let me help you out of there." Applejack offered Loyal her hoof.

Loyal grabbed onto it. "You sure you're strong enough to pull me out?"

"Well, let's find out, huh? 'sides, Big Mac probably can if I can't."

Applejack pulled with a strong tug, sending Loyal tumbling out.

"Hey, it worked! By the way, who's big Mac?"

"He's my older brother. Strongest pony in Ponyville!" Applejack walked over to the window and looked out. "When I was still just growin' up, he took care of most of the Applebucking during Applebuck Season by himself. Now he doesn't have to, since I've grown, and AB's growin' too, but he still could take care of the whole orchard himself if he had to."


"Applebucking. Every year around the beginning of Fall, when the apples are ripe, the family gets together and bucks all the apples out of the trees, so we can sell 'em, make apple cider, y'know. It's the time of the year when the most apples are ready for the pickin'!"

"...would you mind demonstrating this..applebucking? It's kind of hard imagining it."

"Fair enough!" Applejack turned around and began climbing down the stairs. "It's really not the most excitin' thing in the world to watch, but I'm more than happy to demonstrate!"

Loyal followed Applejack until they reached an Apple Tree outside with ripe-looking apples.

"There ain't much too it besides..." Applejack reared up one back hoof. "... giving the tree a swift, firm kick, like SO..." ...and thrust it at the tree, with enough force to knock many - if not all - of the apples that hung from the branches into the baskets below.

One apple landed on the rim of AJ's hat, causing it to fall off, revealing AJ's hot-looking golden mane.

"AJ....you're mane...it's so..."

"What, this old thing?" Applejack asked, chuckling. "I actually don't put too much effort into my mane. Ain't much sense prettying myself up if I'm just gonna be runnin' around in the sun, wearin' a hat all day, now, is there? Apple Bloom, though, she always does her mane up pretty. Heaven knows why. Maybe she's trying to look like the cute little flower she is."

"It glistens like a golden stream at sundown...." Loyal commented, not realizing what he just said....

"Aww, shucks, well that's a kind thing of you to say!" Applejack smiled.

Just then, a loud shriek could be heard coming from the fields.

Applejack looked up, startled. "That sounded like it came from over there! C'mon, let's go!" She broke into a strong gallop in the direction of the shriek.

Loyal followed Applejack, leading both ponies to the edge of the fields, where Applebloom was corners by a pair of wolves....they were made...of wood?

"What are those things?!"

"Timberwolves!" Applejack gritted her teeth together, before picking up a nearby pebble and lobbing it towards the Wolves with a powerful kick. "You monsters stay away from my sister!"

The pebble smacked the side of one wolf, and they both turned towards Loyal.

"Why are you looking at ME like that?"

"Uhhh...how dangerous are these wolves?"

"Yeah, we probably want to run. APPLE BLOOM, GET BACK TO THE HOUSE! NOW!"

Loyal picked up a nearby boulder, and lobbed it at a timberwolf, breaking it's hind leg. IT whimpered in pain, then slightly backed away.

"Not bad! Keep the pressure on, these things don't back down easily, 'specially since they can just keep getting back up..." Applejack picked up another rock, this one larger, and lobbed it at the Timberwolves, as well.

Loyal tossed a big rock at a wolf, breaking it. "Get back up: what do you--"

Just then, the wolf magically restructured itself into a wolf again.

"Oh...that's just cheating!"

"Tell me about it! There's no fightin' these things! The best you can hope for is to distract them long enough to get away before they realize where you went...

....Unless maybe you could set them on fire. But, well, Fluttershy'd have a COW if we did that."

"Call me stupid for what I'm about to do if you like..."

After one wolf was destroyed, it didn't get back up. Loyal took this as a chance to finish off the other wolf. Loyal backed up, then charged with all his might, forcefully headbutting the wolf into a tree, breaking it to tiny bits.

"I decided to actually use my head!"

Applejack stared for a moment before smiling. "Huh... Never thought of doin' somethin' like that before. Now let's get out of here before they get back up, and maybe they'll move on back into the Everfree Forest!"

Loyal nodded and he and AJ headed back into the house.

"Is everypony lalright?" He asked the fillies, who he found were huddled in a closet.

Apple Bloom shakily nodded her head. "Are they gone?"

Applejack nodded. "c'mere, Apple Bloom. They didn't bite you, did they?"

Apple Bloom tried to walk forward, but stumbled. Loyal noticed there was a cut on her left hoof.

"She's been injured..." Loyal said, gently holding her hoof up. "Just needs some ointment and a bandage, and in a few days, it'll be good as new."

Applejack nodded. "C'mon, little sis, let's take care of that for you," she said, as she helped her sister up the stairs.

Loyal turned to Sweetie Belle. "You're not hurt either, are you?"

Sweetie shook her head. "No, I'm fine... Just a little scared..."

"Don't worry, the wolves are gone....let's just say I...used my head."

"See?!" The little orange filly next to Sweetie Belle piped up. "I told you he was cool! I could tell just by LOOKING!"

"Say, you're the little filly I saw last night..."

"Yeah, I'm Scootaloo! I took one look at you last night and I thought, 'Woah, I've never seen anything like him before!' New things are cool!"

"Except when they're not. Remember Tirek?" Sweetie asked.

"Okay yeah, Tirek turned out pretty nasty..."

"And the Changelings! Oh, and that time those vines showed up in town..."

"I GET IT, Sweetie Belle."

"You mean this town has actually been in danger? Seems impossible....it looks so peaceful."

"Well, normally, yes, but ever since Twilight moved to town, some awfully nasty things have been happening," Sweetie said. Suddenly, her hooves flew up. "Oh, but it's not her fault if that's what you're thinking! Twilight actually helps put a stop to it. And, to be fair, Tirek was in Tartarus and got away one day when Cerberus ran off. As for the mysterious vines, Discord planted those before Twilight was even born."

"Yeah, and the Changelings attacked in Canterlot anyway."

"Except when the queen came back and kidnapped us, Scootaloo."

"You two have been through a lot, but you stayed tough enough to make it this far. That's great!"

Sweetie smiled. "We really have. We spent a whole year together with Apple Bloom trying to find our Cutie Marks, but it paid off in the end!"

"Yeah, and that's on top of the things that tried to take Equestria by storm!"

Diamond Tiara smiled. "You three are very strong and very brave. I should've known so much better than to behave the way I did. Maybe if I'd followed your example, I could've stood up to my mother so much sooner..."

"Well....it still worked out, didn't it, Di?"

"Yeah! Besides, if it wasn't for your old behavior, who knows if the three of us EVER would've found our Cutie Marks?" Sweetie patted Diamond Tiara on the back.

"Seems the three of you share more than just friendship...you almost share a special bond..."

"A special bond? I mean, our Cutie Marks are all largely the same... And we DO have to work together as a team... And we DID all get our Marks at the exact same time in the exact same place, for the exact same reason..." Sweetie mused.

"I think you guys had a special connection since before you even met!"

"Hmmm..sounds a lot like something I heard not too long ago..."

"Did I hear you talking about what I told you earlier?" Applejack asked, as she brought Apple Bloom back down the stairs.

"hinted at it."

"The good news is Apple Bloom's gonna be fine. Bad news is, she's gonna have to rest for a while, so that means no playin' outside until she's better. Sorry girls."

"You know...kicking tail out there actually felt kind of good....makes me feel somewhat like a hero."

Applejack chuckled. "Well, you definitely saved OUR tails, not to mention my little sister's! Thanks again!"

Loyal nodded. "Speaking of, good news is,nopony else is hurt."

Just then. an elderly tone rang out. "Is someone else here..?"

"That sounds like Granny Smith!" Applejack said. "Granny? Is everything okay?"

A lime-green old pony entered the room "Ohh....yes, yes, I'm fine..don't worry your pretty little heads about me..."

She slowly approached Loyal at a hilariously slow pace.

"Now...who's this young feller?"

Diamond spoke up. "This is Loyal. He's, um, lost, and he helped me to stand up to my mom yesterday."

"You mean that prissy little pony you belong to? Well, why arent'cha with her?"

Diamond sighed. "I ran away. My mother is very demanding. She puts SO MUCH stress on my back to be like she is, but I don't WANT to be like she is. I'd much rather be like you guys are. A close, tight-knit little family who loves each other."

"Hmmm....well...sounds like quite the pickle..well, y'all can stay here as long as you like..."

Diamond smiled at Granny Smith. "Thank you, that's very kind. I just hope she doesn't come looking for me..."