• Published 5th Apr 2018
  • 482 Views, 21 Comments

He Is The One - Loyal Defender

Young Loyal Defender wishes his life would just change from the boring mundane life of living on his own, to something more exciting and happy...little does he know, his wish is about to come true.

  • ...

The Impossible Cake Baking Challenge

"Tell ya what. I understand you're busy with the animals, but I'll see if I can find a sweets shop in town and I'll buy us a nice treat." Loyal said, after the hug ended, as he got off the couch.

Fluttershy smiled. "That sounds good. Oh, Sugarcube Corner is an excellent place to go for sweets! And Pinkie Pie works there, too!"

Loyal nodded gratefully, and headed out to Sugarcube Corner. He quickly noticed a giant posted outside..

"A cake baking challenge of super duper impossibility! They say nopony's ever managed to bake the cake! But y'know they also say it's supposed to be the most delicious cake there is in the world but I mean that's such a ridiculous claim, y'know? I mean how can they know how delicious it's supposed to be if nopony's ever even MADE it before?" The pink pony smiled at Loyal before going towards the kitchen.

"Hansel and Gretel all over..." Loyal commenced, before heading inside. Upon opening the door, smells of cinnamon and sugar attacked Loyal's senses. Ponies were gathered at tables. Some kept eating, not noticing Loyal. Others looked up and gave a friendly wave, before continuing talking or eating. Loyal noticed a giant poster plastered onto the wall. It read:


Admission is free, because really, who wants to pay expensive prices for an impossible challenge?"

"A cake baking challenge, huh? Sounds good to me." Loyal said, as a familiar pink pony approached him.

"Yup! They say nopony's ever beat it!"

"Well, I'd be able to find out. I'm willing to enter the challenge."

Pinkie gasped. "Wait! You'd be willing to enter the challenge?! That's GREAT news! I mean I was already thinking of entering it myself because ponies have told me how great of a baker I am but I mean I don't really expect to be able to make the cake on my own, because it's such a challenge but I don't really care as long as I have fun! But if we do end up being able to make the cake that's even better, 'cuz there'll be cake! And not just any cake, cake that's supposed to be super delicious! AND super big! Huge and delicious! Hugelicious! What could be better?!" Pinkie lifted her head up from behind the kitchen counter with an empty cupcake tin on top of it, a huge smile on her face, gesturing to the back. Promptly, Loyal followed Pinkie in.

"The only issue wouldn't be eating the cake, but moving it!" Loyal laughed.

As Pinkie got out a giant cookbook, she flipped to the page with the recipe on it.

"One giant egg, one giant sack of flour, one pile of sugar, one big stick of' butter....one marshmallow?" Loyal thought. He looked around, until he saw most of the items in the corner

"Where'd you even get a giant egg?!" He said.

Pssh..." Pinkie waved one hoof in front of her as she tilted her head back. "Where do you think I got it? From a giant CHICKEN of course!

Loyal looked at her in confusion, but shrugged it off, bringing the items over. "Step one: Put the eggs and butter in first.

Loyal knew this was not how to make a cake,but who was he to disobey instructions?

Loyal put the eggs and butter in first.

"Step Two: Put the Flour, sugar, and Marshmallow in, too. Even though this sounds absurd, it's best to do."

Loyal did so, feeling unsure.

"Step three, put it in the giant oven."

"Giant oven?" Loyal questioned.

"Giant oven? Well I don't think we have one of those... but I know how we can GET one! Assuming Twilight knows a spell to make things bigger, of course. I think she does. She probably does."

Loyal noticed a small red button to the side, and he pressed it. The ground shook and opened up to reveal a giant oven.

"Well, that's convenient. CaN you help me get the stuff in?" Loyal suggested.

Pinkie nodded and did her best to help lift the cake into the oven.

Loyal shut the giant door, and pressed a button to turn on the oven, turning a knob to a certain degree, and flicking a simple switch to turn on the light.

"Say....why IS the challenge impossible? It seemed easy..."

"It's not making the cake that's impossible! It's BAKING the cake that's impossible! Everyone always winds up with an exploded cake, but I don't see why that could-" Pinkie stopped mid-sentence. "Ohhhhh, waiiiiit.... Thaaaaat's why.... When you heat up marshmallows, they-"

Pinkie didn't et to finish her sentence, because....


Cake batter spat out everywhere. It was like a giant tsunami.

"WHY DIDN'T ANYPONY PUT THAT ON THE POSTER?!" Loyal shouted over the commotion

Pinkie began licking the cake batter off of her hooves. "My guess? To trick the ponies in the competition! Well that's no fun! But having cake batter everywhere is fun. But you know what's even more fun than that? Making. This. Cake. You get started over again! I know where I can find another giant egg!"

Before Loyal could say anything, the burnt marshmallow landed in front of him It was failed, bent, and swollen up. Loyal couldn't help but burst out laughing after snickering, trying to hold back a laugh.

"The marshmallow.....su-survived! Oh, that's too funny! I can't breathe!"

Pinkie, meanwhile, was out, on her way to the aforementioned giant chicken in order to get another giant egg. Wherever in Equestria THAT would come from.