• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 205 Views, 0 Comments

Perplexing doctrines - ERROR_IN_Zed_INPUT

  • ...

And so it begins, the end is in front of us. It surrounds.

Us. Falling. Eternally for a finite amount of time.

That in and of itself I know, makes no sense. But it does to me. Us.

It felt like we were falling for an endless amount of time. I can't guess hide 'nor hair about how long it may have been in what one might consider reality.
All I know is, in its unpredictable nature, it was peaceful. Tranquil.

I couldn't see my brother falling beside me, and, even, I'm not sure if I was falling the entire time. Just that halfway into eternity I completely lost the
feeling of free falling. But no other senses portrayed themselves.

Soon after, I began to see stars not mine own. Not the stars that shine in abundance around my planet, earth. But stars completely alien to what I remember.

I thought I was dead.

I felt no pulse, heard no breathing -- heard nothing in fact, smelt no smells except for that of a garden of lillie flowers. And I lost consciousness.
If this is what death is like...maybe it's not so bad...


I awoke to a scream. Shrill as the day.

I shot open my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, are you okay?"
I heard running coming from above me.

Why does your voice sound so familiar.

I coughed a couple times and slowly sat up. Groaning all the way with how sore my body felt.
"No, NO! You should let me take a look at you first before you try anything too extreme!" Spoke an almost harsh whisper-like voice emanating from behind me.

I chose to listen, mostly because it hurt too much for me to do anything beyond lie still. So I fell back on my back, sighing in defeat. She's right.
She walked up to my form, leaving me mostly encased in her shadow. Taking one of her hooves to poke at parts of my body, probably tryi--...


"Fluttershy..?" I said. I'm clearly dreaming. There's no way this can possibly be real.

She squeaked a little upon hearing her name and looked around almost frantically, trying to find the culprit of the pony that called her. I took one of my
hands and softly petted her snout after she looked back in my direction. She smiled, looking me in the eyes. Sighing and leaning into my hand, she seemed to calm.
After thirty or so seconds I slowly began to take my hand back. She almost looked disappointed. It was kinda cute.


Her eyes widened, "Y-y-you...you can..talk?" She asked, the last part coming out as but a squeak.

I sat up again, ignoring my body's protests against it and sighed. "Don't worry, my little pony...i wouldn't hurt you. Couldn't dream of it." Sighing again, I
began to stretch. She watched me warily. Looking ready to bolt at any movement I made. Funny enough she stayed exactly where she was, looking both fascinated
and afraid.

"A-are you hurt?" She asked, taking a half step toward me, hoof half in the air.

"No... I just need to stretch. I've been immobile for longer than I can say."

"Well... I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay." She said, sitting on the ground.

"Hey, I'm not gonna stop ya." I said, "I could use the company..."

After I finished stretching, she stood on all legs at attention. "So where is it you're staying at? I'd very much like to walk you back. I-if you don't mind that is."

"I... Don't rightly know." Her head turned slightly sideways in confusion. Oh god that's adorable.
"This is Avol, correct?" I asked, at her nodding confirmation, "Equestria, under the order of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, that has a mage and student
named Princess Twilight Sparkle, element of Magic. With five best friends, You Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash? Formerly living in
Canter lot as a foal, Twilight Sparkle was asked to move here by Princess Celestia in an attempt to get her to make friends."

She looked more and more terrified and curious at the end of every sentence.
I mean, I would too, should some random stranger list off half my life.

"Fluttershy, bearer of the element of kindness. Please, oh god please...don't tell me that this is real..."
At her dazed nod in confirmation, I sat back down. Now dizzy and emotional. Crying.

Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere, jumping from an invisible space portal that only she could apparently see. "So Fluttershy," Pinkie intoned,
"Have you met the Human yet?"

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