• Published 26th Nov 2019
  • 205 Views, 0 Comments

Perplexing doctrines - ERROR_IN_Zed_INPUT

  • ...


I haven't had even a semblance of a "normal" dream in so long, I can't even remember how long it's been. My usual dreams usually only consist of what I
would consider my greater anxieties, even if my-own personal beliefs conflict with what I dream.

And it doesn't matter how relaxed I am when I begin to fall into the embrace of sleep, I usually, almost always have nightmares about one thing or another.
This night's dream, however, was a little different than what I would consider the broad range of "normalcy" for dreams that I usually have on a nightly basis.

Instead of being helpless to save someone's life for one reason or another, or me dying in another person's shoes with no chance for resolution, this one was
more demon-oriented, or inspired.

The dream started out like any other, with me staying at a friends house for what he might have considered an "experiment" of sorts.


He pulled out a belt, black, leather, with runes and markings written about it in a manner that seemed purposeful. Like they were there for a reason, and
preceeded to tie a bandana around his head, the belt going on last and acting as a ponytail of sorts, hanging down to the backside of him. The runes seemed
to have a faint glow against the dark contrast of the candlelit room, but only in peripheral vision.

"Alright, man, here's how it's going to be." He pulled out a knife and slit down his arm, a small but long incision that went from his elbow to his wrist, just
enough to get a trickle of blood to freely flow to the floor. Covering up the rune on said floor with a red hue.

"When this floor is covered in my blood, and I'm knocked out cold from blood loss, I need you to push this." He handed me a remote and pointed at the front
"This button. This will wake me up."

"I don't think I'm ready for this," I said, already feeling slightly woozy from witnessing his self-mutilation. He seemed perfectly calm for what he was about
to do. "You say that this is going to work, but I don't know what it is that you're talking about. What will work? Exactly what is it that you're going to do?
And why exactly should I not call the police on you for attempted suicide?"

"Trust me...you'll want to see this.."

I scoffed and turned around, already dialing the three selected digits and pushing call.

As I heard him mumbling in some indecipherable language that I couldn't understand, I turned around and my jaw hit the floor, my eyes fixated on his floating
form. The phone in my hand completely forgotten, dropping to the floor as the emergency personell answers with her normal rhetoric.

"You don't know what you're doing, man! You could KILL us BOTH!"

"That's a risk I'm willing to take."

"Not me!" His eyes widened as he realized what it was that I was fumbling for, the remote.

"NO! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'LL HAP-" I pushed the button and his screams immediately sang an ear screechingly high pitched scream.

"You... You MADE me DO THIS!"

Tears began streaming down my cheeks as the knowledge that 'I caused his pain' set in. Why...why did you have to do this. Why do you always have to be so
stubborn as to never listen to reason, especially when there'a logical conclusions that can be come to through simple thought and analysis.

After only seconds of hoolding down the button, the remote began to vibrate. Sending jolt after jolt of electricity up my arm making me unable to drop it.

You're going to cost us both our lives... I hope it was worth it to you.

My life began to flash before my eyes.

My mother. My father. My younger sister and my older brother. The happy, most amazing times we've had together. We never fought, argued, 'nor cried. We obeyed
our parents, we respected them. But most importantly...they respected us. From little youngsters, barely able to walk, through our less-than-angsty teenhood.
And then adulthood.

Mother crying as I graduated high school. The proud look in my fathers eyes as I read the letter for my acceptance into college. The bond of brothers as we
shared our first kill, as emotional as it might have been. The love of sisters as we related to everything about one-another. And I... I was about to lose it all.

But I'm not ready. This isn't something I can easily give up, I've WORKED. HARD. For the relationships that I've BUILT.

"No." I said. Cruching the remote with my one hand.
"It will not end like this."

The shocking pain still going through my system, I walked ontop and over the rune placed on the floor. And grabbed my brother's ankle.

"Your crazy ideas are not going to get the best of us, brother." I yelled. A stern look in my eyes.
"I will not let them."

As soon as his body fell back down to earth, our weight together, combined, proved to be too much.
And we fell to our doom. Through the house. Through the cemented basement floor.
And beyond.