• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 549 Views, 7 Comments

Shadowed Moon - Dimond Rainbow

What if the dark sides of Luna and Stygian lived lives separate from their other half? What if Luna and Stygian had a relationship before their madness and banishment? this is about what could happen. READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION!!

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A foals lullaby

Nightmare moon barely made it back to her room, before a painful contraction hit bringing her to her knees.

"Moon!" Shadow yelled Diving to her side, as she lay on the floor in pain. He teleported her to their bed, since she did not make it that far.

"If you don't get ooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww out! I will tear you to shreds! You did this to me and if ooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I get out of this thing in one piece you will not make it ooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! in one! Piece!" She growled. He did not waste any time getting out.
She moaned in pain, this was peachy, just peachy. She thought painfully.

Something did not fell right around the castle; an evil air was all around but Stygian and Luna were the only ones who felt it.

"Do you feel that Luna?" Stygian asked the princess.

"Yes, a dark aroura..." Luna said.

"Where could it be coming from though?" He asked.

"I do not know... But we must keep our guard up, but do not share this with our- my sister." Luna stated walking off towards Star shine's room to tell the filly good night like she had done since the filly started staying at the castle.

Stygian chuckled. "Wouldn't dream of telling her M'lady!" Luna blushed through her dark coat, something in how he said that made her feel giddy.

Star shine was in her room brushing her mane and tail, by herself , like she had done for years...

She hummed a song that was just in her memory, but no one knew it but her.

"Hmm-hmm hmm hmm-hmm
My little Moonbeam
My lucky star
I'll love you no matter where you are
though the distance maybe far
I'll love you no matter where you go."

Luna stood outside her door, she was going to tell her good night when she heard her singing. That song, something her father sang to her as a filly before he left, never to return.

She sang the second verse as did Star shine.

"My little Moonbeam
my lucky star
More precious to me
than Diamond, Emeralds or rubies."

She opened the door lightly and walked in towards Star who was crying.

Star knew she was adopted, and the song made her feel as if her mother was there, her REAL mother, but she felt that way around the princess too.

Why she did not know why, maybe it was because she was a princess, or because she had that maternal air to her, or just because she had been so kind to her, maybe it was all those things, but with the Princess and Stygian she felt safe, at home, and over all, loved.

"My little Moonbeam
my lucky star,
I'll love you forevermore...
Forevermore..." The princess and Star harmonized on the final verse of the song Luna let a few tears of her own fall.

Star shine turned around to face Luna.

"Where did you hear that song...?" She asked shakily.
"I don't know... I think my mother taught it to me... my real mother." Star whined trying to stop her tears.

"Nopony knows that song, other than myself..." Luna said.


Luna cradled the few week-old filly in her hooves.

She was flying to a cavern to hide her until the battle with her sister was over.

"I don't want to leave you my Star shine... Mommy loves you..." Luna said, recalling a song her father sang to her, it was the last thing he said to her.

"My little Moonbeam
my lucky star
I'll love you no matter where you are
though the distance may grow far
I'll love you no matter where you go.
My little moonbeam
my lucky star
More precious to me
1than Diamonds, Emeralds or Rubies...
My little moonbeam
My lucky star
I will love you forevermore...

Luna let tears fall as she tucked the now sleeping filly in, this would be the last time she would see her daughter for 10,010 years.

End flashback.

Nightmare screamed in pain as a contraction raked through her body. "Nnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

The pain she was going through burned through her, making her sweat.

Oh, did she want this over but no amount of pushing, grunting, cursing, and screaming brought the child out from inside her.

"Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah..." She panted, this was a whole new meaning to labored breathing She did not know how long she had been in labor, but it hurt, it hurt oh, so, much!

Outside the room Shadow paced franticly listening to Moon, his love, his wife, his lover, screaming her voice Horse.
(Terrible joke I know, but COME ON!)

"Why won't she let me in there!" He asked no one since he was alone the only sound his hooves shuffling, wings flapping nervously, and Nightmares screams.

Nightmare screamed louder than ever as she tried to push her child into the world. But to no avail, her foal seemed to want to stay put inside.

She groaned, her body strained beyond what she had ever known, and her fur matted with sweat, not even being trapped on the moon was this bad.

As Luna comes back to reality she hears Star Shine say. "Princess Luna, are you all right?"

Luna comes back to the present and says. "I'm fine Star but I need to talk to Stygian for a while. We'll have your lesson tomorrow."

Star Shine a little disappointed says okay.

Luna teleports herself to Stygian's living quarters. He is surprised to say the least. He cannot remember when he has seen Luna look so worried.

"Luna what is the matter? Are you still worried about the dark force?"

Luna panting from the extra effort of teleporting halfway across the castle said. "Yes. But that is not the strangest thing. I heard Star Shine singing a song that only I know! And afterward I had a vision of holding a foal like her before I went to face my sister as Nightmare Moon! But she has a FAMILY how could this be true?!"

Stygian thinks for a moment then spoke. "You told me that when you told your sister that you wanted to take Star Shine as a student, she was less than thrilled. Perhaps you should ask again what was wrong. And the whole truth this time."

Luna thinks about this for a moment than says. "Only if you come with me Stygian. I always feel better when you're around."

"As you wish M'lady." Stygian replies with a dashing smile.

They Teleported to the throne room which was empty, save the few guards.

"Sister might we have a word with you... Privately?" Luna stated, not requested.

Celestia felt her breath hitch. Luna and Stygian stood next to each other, with firm looks.

Celest nodded to the guards, she could not hide it forever as much as she wanted to, she would have to tell her sister sooner or later, guess it would be sooner.

"Luna, Stygian. I believe it is time to tell you something I should have told each of you at your returns... I was scared, and I didn't tell you but..." Celestia took a deep breath.

Nightmare screamed ever so loudly as she finally felt the foal pass out from inside her.

Her breaths were deep and hard. She might have not known a lot about child birth but wasn't the foal supposed to be moving, or whining?

She Looked up and down her slightly smaller form, past her cutiemark and down where the foal lay at her hindquarters.
It laid there unmoving, unbreathing...

"No..." Nightmare choked back a sob. "No... Please no... Don't be... Please... No, no, no, nononononononononononononononononononoononononnononononononononononono!" The queen of night sobbed.

Author's Note:

What will Celestia say? How will Luna, Stygian and Star Shine react? What is happening with Nightmare's foal? Feel free to review guesses but continue reading to find out!

right what has happened to their foal?! And what about the song? Why does it mean so much to Luna?