Shadowed Moon

by Dimond Rainbow

First published

What if the dark sides of Luna and Stygian lived lives separate from their other half? What if Luna and Stygian had a relationship before their madness and banishment? this is about what could happen. READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION!!

What if the dark sides of Luna and Stygian lived lives separate from their other half? What if Luna and Stygian had a relationship before their madness and banishment? and if they had Older siblings? This is a story about what could happen. this is a collab with myself and Redwallover28!

Also this is part of my What Could have been world same as Blazing shimmer

We (Redwall and myself) hope you enjoy this tail!

Celestia was sad and confused. Her beloved sister Luna turned into a Alicorn of nightmares, calling herself 'Nightmare Moon' and she had had to use the elements of harmony to stop her from plunging the world into a forever night.

She was unsure of what to do next when she noticed a secret chamber and inside the chamber was a shrine. Inside the shrine was many picture and love notes.

Celestia found a diary of her sister saying that she had fallen in love with the Pony of the Shadows, or Stygian as he had been known before giving into the darkness.

NOW Celestia understood the reason behind Luna's madness. After all, when Starswirl and the other ponies of disappeared so had Shadow. But since no pony (including herself) had known of Luna's relationship. But knowing that she were gone she let the room. She hid the room with a very strong illusion spell, nopony would enter this room, ever, if she had a say in the matter.

Celestia would have preferred to burn everything, but it was not hers, she could only hope Luna no longer held feeling for the demon.

1,0010 years later

Celestia Held the sun in place as her newly returned sister Raised the moon if front of the sun, creating the first eclipse in 1,0100 years!

Everypony put on there glasses so not to damage there eyes, but if they didn't have them on, they would have seen the dark beam of light shoot from the moon, and into the everfree forest.

Strange feelings

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Chapter 1:

Celestia and Luna had just finished the first solar eclipse in 10,100 years!

A bright light shot down from the moon and into the everfree, but nopony paid mind to it.

After the excitement of the eclipse died down, Stygian walked up to Luna and says. "The eclipse was beautiful Luna."

"Thanks Stygian even back in the day, you always knew what to say to me to make me feel special." Luna said.

Stygian gets nervous and says. "But did you feel as I did, that some dark force was coming during the eclipse?"

Luna nodded and spoke."You felt it too huh? We'd had better watch out for anything suspicious."

Stygian agrees, but neither tells Celestia or Starswirl of their worries.

A young filly around 9 with teal eyes, a grey coat, and a teal and lavender mane, she was a unicorn.

"So what did you think of the Eclipse Star shine?" Twilight asked the filly as she walked her back to her foster home, the tall filly beamed and said:

"IT WAS AMAZING! IT WAS LIKE NIGHT TIME DURNING THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY! IT-IT I'LL NEVER SEE ANYTHING AS BEAUTIFUL IN EVER!" Star shine smiled wide as Twilight waved to her as she left, then a rock hit the back of her head making her head snap around, only to get hit in the snout with another rock.

"HEY!" She snapped at the group of colts and fillies she went to school with.

"Hey guys, The night owl is awake must because of the pretty lights!" Blazing torch chortled.

"A freak like her couldn't understand how AWESOME the day is, she spends all her night up, looking at the stars and moon!" Sunny daze Guffawed.

"I don't spend all night up! At least I have some common decency!" Star growled only to get a few more rocks chucked her way, but she didn't feel anything, and the 'Kool Kolts' had went silent.

She opened her eyes and her jaw went slack.

She was surrounded by a white shield, and the magical Arora belonged to the one any only Princess Luna.

The others bowed low, but Star shine just stood awe struck, frozen it that moment.

Her room was filled with star charts and posters of the Princess, even a doll or two, even though she would deny it.

"What is the Meaning of this Children?" Luna stated firmly, she had been going to the cloud chariot that was waiting but the commotion drew her attention.

"We-we uh they uh..." Blazing gapped.

"he, uh they..." Even Little chatty Sunny shut her muzzle.

"You all should be ashamed of yourselves! Tis wrong to pick on other because of differences!" Luna said, right after she finished the group of foals raced off.

Star Shine shook her head and couldn't believe her eyes or ears, the princess, her hero, had stood up for her! Her a simple orphan! "I... Uh... THANKS!Er Princess." Star bowed low and mentally face-hoofed at how casual she had spoken to the co-ruler.

"No need to Bow." Luna waved a hoof and Star rose slowly.
"What might your name be My little pony?"

"Uh... Star shine Your highness..." She said wide eyed.

"It is nice to meet you Star, how often do they tease you?" Luna asked as she walked the filly the rest of the way home.

"Everyday, but I'm used to it, Nopony wants to hang out with the freak who knows more about the stars than most scholars..." Star muttered.

"You enjoy night time, yes?" Luna asked.

"Are you kidding I don't like night time!" Star paused and Luna's face fell slightly.
"I LOVE NIGHT-TIME! ALL THE STARS THE GENTLE GLOW OF THE MOON! I LOVE NIGHT! If I could I would be up all night!" She reared back.

Luna chuckled at her enthusiasm, she at one time was like that, but she was much older. But something about this Filly seemed so similar to her yet she couldn't put her hoof on it.

Star waved Goodbye to the princess and ran up to her room, She talked with the princess as if she was a long time friend not the co-ruler of her home and bringer of the night. But it felt so natural, when she bowed it felt so odd, so forced. She just didn't get it! Neither did the princess, both mares were vexed by it but let it slide.

It landed in the old Castle of the two pony sisters. But this was not anypony, no this was the infamous Nightmare moon!
But she was not the only pony who was inside the old, crumbling, Castle. No, the pony of Shadows, Shadow was living in the ruins.

The Stallion walked slowly to the mare. No longer was she clad in armor, she could be considered bare, her starry mane flowed loosely, and her eyes were wide in fright, and her breaths ragged.

She backed away from him, as he crept closer to her, not uttering a word, his shadowy form silent.

"Stay back!" She growled trying to fire up her horn, but it fizzled out. She gawked at her horn, although she didn't have Magic it was still sharp.

"You... Are the most beautiful Mare my eyes have laid on, I must have you as my queen..." Shadow breathed.

"Your WHAT?!" Nightmare yelled in pure rage.

After she calmed down, He led her to a room, Luna's old room.

"I must ask you to reconsider..." Shadow said as Nightmare ran a hoof along the silken sheets on the bed.

"Fat chance." She scoffed.

He walked out defeated, but the battle was not over, at least not yet, not until he said so.

That morning, When Nightmare Moon awoke, she went to comb her mane.

(Why would she do that it's like non-existent?!)

When the brush did not come up to her mane, she opened her eyes and gawked at her reflection.


Just then Shadow walked into the room, he was an Earth pony as well.

"What the Hay did you do to me?!" Nightmare screeched making the king back up.

"Well I figured you wouldn't want to stay cooped up, so uh, I figured that we might be able to go to different towns..." Shadow said he no longer looked shadowy, but instead had a dark grey coat, black mane and red eyes, with a shadow as his cutiemark.

Nightmare's coat was black but slightly lighter, her mane was long blue and purple streaked, her teal eyes shined, and her cutiemark was still a moon but the usual splotch was just a little darker than her coat.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Nightmare held the brush like a weapon in her hoof pointing it at him.

"Calm down, it is not permanent!" Shadow snapped at her angrily.

"I Nightmare Moon! Demand you return me back to my former glory! Or I shall de-!" She roared only to have a hoof placed on her lips stopping her rant and for some reason sending shivers up her spine.

"I did not do this to harm you or over power you, I did this to get to know you!" Shadow moved his hoof from her ajar mouth to her chest and continued.
"I want to get to know the you inside..."

Nightmare Moon gulped and stared at his eyes and he stared back at her.
She blinked and looked away, thankful her coat was dark enough to hide her blush.

Shadow walked out of the room with Nightmare in a dazed tow, her mind racing.

When their eyes met it was like a match had been lit.
What is this feeling I am Feeling? {Nightmare studied the ground as they walked}
How can I tell her how I feel? {Shadow glanced back at Nightmare who had just looked up}
How did this happen to me, {She looked down quickly but still glancing up at Shadow from the corner of her eye}
I thought that I was untouchable
But how did he touch my heart?
When did this start
Are these true feelings of my heart? {He walked on through the forest his mind racing trying to Identify his Feelings}
What is this feeling that is making me soar? {the forest around them seemed to come Alive as they walked in the direction of a town, unknown to each}
When did I have a heart
How is this thing possible!
I don't know what to say it must be{They looked at each other for a second with soft expressions}
No, I cannot love
Not when you're a nightmare such as I... {Nightmares head snapped away and she hung her head, with eyes closed}
I haven't a heart
This is impossible
But then why do I feel this way? {Shadow glanced back at her but shook his head and looked forwards}
What is happening to me?
Why is it just a simple glance
Is making my heart dance? {She glanced up at him but looked away trying to clear her mind of these thoughts, but her blush raged on}
]What is this feeling that is making me soar?
When did I have a heart
How is this thing possible! {They each were lost in their own thoughts but could not stop glancing at the other}
I don't know what to say it must be
How is she drawing my eye?
Even with my hooves firmly on the ground {He shifted his wings uncomfortably}
Why do I feel as if I fly?!
He is making my head spin
What kind of spell am I weaved in? {Nightmare had a thoughtful look on her face}
What is this feeling that is making me soar?
When did I have a heart
How is this thing possible!
I don't know what to say it must be
How am I feeling my heart race?
When did I last think a thing Beautiful?
What is it I am feeling
When did this feeling start
How do I feel as if I have a heart?
What is this feeling that is making me soar?
When did I have a heart
How is this thing possible!
I don't know what to say it must be
]Love~~~~~~~~ {Their eyes met briefly but their gaze was broke by the bustle of Trotingham as the music fades out into the noise of the city}

They stayed close to each other as ponies rushed past or got into brawls.

"I can't Believe how much Equestria has changed over the past thousand years..." Nightmare murmured as Shadow led her through the throngs of ponies.
Neither of them did but, this was the world they were thrown back into.

One month passed and Nightmare woke up as a Pegues.

And the duo traveled to Cloudsdale, as a very close pair.

Once again, another month passed and this time they were Unicorns!

They hadn't gone to Canterlot, the risk was too high lest someone recognize them, they went to Vanhoover.

And after that month was over they woke up in Shadow's chambers snuggled closely together, and returned to their original forms.

Over the past three months they had grown close, very, very, very, VERY close!

So much so they had shared a few short brief kisses, hugs, and of course their favorite Cuddling.

Over the course of the rest of the year they fell more and more in love.

Pupil and pregnacy

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Nightmare fixed her mane as the moon rose up and muttered curses under her breath as the brush caught on snags.

"Would you like some help Moon?" Shadow said, using the nick-name he had given her since 'Nightmare Moon' was a mouthful.

"Yes, that would be wondrous!" Nightmare said magicking the brush over to him.

As he brushed her mane, making her make content hums, He began a conversation.

"How long have we been together?" It was a simple question, Moon cracked open a slited eye and looked back at him.

"Almost a year, in a few days." She murmured with a content smile growing across her muzzle.

"Hmm, and we have been close for most of that time, So, Nightmare Moon," Shadow got down on one knee (or what ever you call it when a pony proposes!) and Took her hoof in his own, levitating a sliver ring with a sapphire in the middle. "Will you please accept my proposal? And be with me forever more, for the rest of our immortal lives?"

Nightmare looked at him tears welling in her teal eyes, she nodded vigorously not daring to open her mouth lest she let a sob out.

Shadow Slipped the ring on her horn, and stood up to properly kiss her.

Star shine adjusted her telescope as the moon rose.

Just as she finished putting it in place to view the full moon.

"Ther-!" Star blinked a letter in white magic appeared in front of her face. "Wha?"

She opened the letter slowly and it read.

Dear Star shine,
How might you be? I have come to understand in our few letters that you are quite captivated by the night. I would like to invite you to Canterlot, like my sister, I would like to take a pupil, and when this thought came to mind, you were at the forefront.
It is your choice though, if you choose to decline I shall respect your wish, but I truly hope you accept my offer.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Princess Luna.

Star shine blinked and read and re-read the letter multiple times.

"She... Pupil...Me...? unnnnnnnnnn..." Star fainted on her balcony, in the cool summer night air.

Her mother Salon came out when she heard the thud and read the letter near her daughter.

She gasped, then moved her daughter to her bed.

"Rock Layer, look!" Salon said passing him the letter. "Whoa!" He muttered as he re-read the letter.

When she came too the letter was on her nightstand.

She went down stairs letter in her magical grasp. "Hey mom, dad. I got a letter from Princess Luna... I believe you should read it." Star shine said passing it to her parents.

"Hmmm this is interesting..." Rock said as he took a sip of coffee.

"Yes, the true question is 'do you want to go?' I mean it is your choice after all." Salon smiled.

"Well do you want to go Shine?" Her father asked.

"Of course! I mean this is princess Luna! I've always loved her and-"
she wrote a letter in response, accepting the princess's request. "-a chance to train under her would-would be... AWESOME!" Star squealed.

"Then what are we doing holding you back!" Her father said handing her a bag of bits.

"You mean it?" Star asked and both her parents nodded. She gave them huge hugs. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!"

She almost galloped to Twilight's castle, Once she got there she was out of breath.

"Twilight! Guess! What!" She gasped at Twilight who opened the door.
"Um what?" The alicorn asked the 9-year-old.
"PRINCESS LUNA WANTS ME TO BE HER PUPIL!" Her voice was so loud it rivaled Princess Luna's royal Canterlot Voice.

"Really? That's great!" Twilight said giving the filly a hug. "I've got to get going or else I'm gonna miss my train!" Star shine said as she walked to the train station.

She got on the friendship express, and went to Canterlot.

When she got to the station, Stygian was waiting there for her.

"Ah Star shine! It's Good to see you." The male unicorn said.
"Good to be here." Star shine said, they left for the palace.
Stygian was Princess Luna's magical adviser.
"Um so, did Princess Luna tell you why I'm here...?" Star asked nervously. She almost felt as nervous around Stygian as she did the Princess. "Yes, you're here as her pupil." He said as they entered the castle walls.

Her parents smiled wickedly as Star shine left, if she was successful like Twilight she would be Famous, and that would mean they would also be famous! Just like they wanted.

It wouldn't be long till she was and then they would be famous, adopting that dumb little filly was a good Idea.

Deep within the everfree Nightmare and Shadow laid in a field snuggling next to each other.

They had just been wed, well as wed as you get when you're living deep within the everfree.

Both of them had never felt happier.

"Ah, Star shine!" Luna said and then let out a long yawn. "Pardon me, but we just awoke for our evening duties... I'm glad that you accepted my offer, I truly am looking forward to teaching you."

"As am I looking forward to learning!" Star chuckled nervously. Somehow being around the two of them felt right but there still was this nagging feeling in the back of her head.

Over the course of three months Things changed, Star shine, Stygian, and Luna became a close Trio, almost like a family and Luna and Stygian had begun to grow feelings for each other.
And Nightmare and Shadow were expecting. But not a package or visit, but a foal!
Nightmare grumbled as Shadow brought her an assortment of food.
"It can't be that bad..." Shadow said gently. "Wait till you get pregnant, and then we'll see how bad it is!" She hissed.
Her cravings were kicking in, full force.

Star shine was practicing a spell, a luminous spell.

"ARGH!" Star shine yelled as she failed the spell once again. "Calm yourself Star shine, you shall get it soon enough." Luna soothed, the sound of her voice did just that, the young mare did not understand how it calmed her in an agitated state, but she was not complaining.

"Right..." She tried the spell once again and did the spell.

"I DID IT I DID IT!" Star shine cheered, her volume close to that of 'the royal Canterlot voice'. "You did, well done Star!" Luna smiled proudly. Star smiled widely, the princess' words filled her with pride.

Flash back, 10,010 years ago

The ponies of legend had just banished the pony of shadows, and became trapped in limbo.

"So, now what?" Lady Rose asked Celestia who had just been briefed on how the pony of shadows and the ponies of legend had became trapped in limbo. "I do not know... I shall consult my sister in this matter and... get back to you." Celestia said.

Celestia informed her Sister Luna who took the news harshly.

Luna ran off in tears.

She locked her self in her room, and cried the rest of the day.

'not now...' thought the young princess of the night sadly. She had planned on telling her lover that eve, but now he would never know about the filly, not ever. 'Now my child shall grow without the love of a father... this is all my fault...'

The months passed quickly, Luna resolved the problem of her growing midsection with many illusion spells, but there still was the fast approaching problem, her foal would soon be born, how was she to hide THAT from her sister?

And all to soon a filly was born from Luna, She had a blue coat much like that of Luna's, Teal eyes and a levered streak in her mane and tail much like her mothers but the color that stood out in her mane the most was the dark teal much like her fathers.

Luna's hormones did nothing to help her anger towards the ponies of legend, and after her daughter was born she vowed revenge, she would finish what her love had started.

She took the filly to a cavern hidden from the world by her magic, Her daughter would be safe there, then afterword's she would come back for the filly.

She placed her in a soft crib, much food was stored in the room in case things didn't pan out how she wanted, the filly wouldn't hunger. She looked at the filly and kissed the sleeping child's forehead, casting two spells one to hide her wings, the second to keep her sleeping until the fighting was over.

She gazed back at her daughter lovingly before taking off out of the opening.
it would be the last time she saw the filly for the next 10,009 years.

end flashback Nine months later.

Nightmare's midsection had bulged out to almost comical sizes!

"This is so annoying... When will this damn thing be over!" She growled as she walked around the castle.

The foal she bared gave a series of sharp kicks to her side and back, almost bringing Nightmare to her knees.

A splashing noise was heard from behind her, she gulped as the foal kick wildly inside her sharply.

"Oh, no, no, no, No, No! NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONNONO!" Nightmare groaned and made swift steps toward her chambers, why was she so worried you might be asking yourself, well her water had just broken, she was in labor.

Flash backs and confliction

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Flashback 9,998 years ago

Stygian snuck inside the castle in the moon light, to see his lover.

"Sir Stygian." Luna said with a curt nod. "M'lady." Stygian said kissing her hoof. Luna giggled and nuzzled her lover gently.

The two of them walked around the garden, which was aglow with night life, dear, fireflies, owls, possums, etc. "You make such lovely nights Luna, Just like you." Stygian said. "Thank you Stygian..." Luna blushed madly.

The olden customs meant the kiss on thy partners lips is saved for marriage.

The two of them spent much time together until...

Stygian tried to show the ponies of Legend a new spell but it the ended up being cast out.

Luna was flying gleefully through the skies, with the most joyous of news.

"Moonbeams, lucky stars, Oh, we shall love thee forevermore! ~" Luna sang as she glided through the skies flipping over and twirling around with grace.

As she neared the town that Stygian lived, a dark beam shot up into the sky and Magical energy spiked.

"what t'was that?" She asked aloud.

She flew back to the castle, if Celestia saw her out of the castle without guards she would be in a heap of trouble. When she landed, there was a commotion in the throne room where her sister sat on her throne talking with Lady rose.

She waited in her room for her sister to inform her of the news if she ever did.

"Dearest sister Luna? May we come in?" Celestia asked gently. "Thou may come in Sister." Luna said as she stared out on her balcony.

Celestia told her sister about the Pony of shadows, and how he had been trapped in Limbo, with the ponies of legend.

Luna held back her tears then flew out into the night sky, and flew wildly till she could no longer fly anymore, the young mare was tormented by this, her love was gone but, was still with her... within her.

End Flashback, different Flashback

It had been 9,991years since Luna was banished to her moon, deep within a cave in the everfree, a Filly stirred, in her soft bed by the sound of rocks crumbling.

Celestia glided into the cavern, she had wondered what was in there for years and Decided to go inside the cave.

When she entered she saw her sister's horn righting, in old equestrian. translated, it read.

'When you are old enough you might understand this, I am leaving you here for you own protection, if all goes to plan I shall return for you please forgive me for what I do. I shall always love you, my dear daughter Star shine, your father Stygian and I will always love you and one day we will all be reunited.
I love you forever My Lucky Star,
Your loving mother Luna.'

Celestia blinked and re-read it multiple times, then she heard a small whine.

She landed and looked around the dark room, she ignited her horn and looked around until she found the route of the sound. A filly.

She gasped and walked closer to the infant, who fussed inside the crystal cradle.

She leaned in and picked up the filly in her magic, her eyes were just like her long-lost sister, Luna's, eyes.

"You must be Star shine..." She said gently, although Luna was better at illusion spells Celestia could tell the foal had wings. She couldn't leave the filly here alone, even though she best be almost 10,000, because of all the markings and the date Luna had written, was only a few weeks before she turned into Nightmare moon, but this filly didn't even look a year, or act it for that matter.

She flew out of the Cave and into the night air, she looked up at her sister in the moon. "Oh, Luna what have you hidden?" She asked the moon gently.

She glided down to a small Town called Ponyville. She put on a cloak and tucked the Filly in a basket with a blanket, and a note with her name.

She took off after leaving the filly there, she would Return for her, when Luna came back, and have her little sister explain about the whole thing, mostly the filly.

A stallion named Rock Layer had taken a shine to the Filly, and he and his wife could not have a foal of their own, and Salon, his wife, liked the filly as much as her husband.

In turn they adopted the Filly, giving her everything she could have ever wanted, a family, toys, love, a house to stay, but not a home.

After a year of learning how to talk, and such, her first word had been 'Luna', she said the only word she knew before they began teaching her, in a sentence.

"Mama... I... am... Star" The filly said shakily.

At first her parents were confused but, they had no clue of her past, perhaps it was her name.

The filly was teased by many for she was still not that fluent of a speech, But Twilight taught the filly everything she asked about the stars, and helped teach her new words.

Many other foals teased her and picked on her, but her difficulty speaking was only part of it. She would stay up at night, something her parents found out quickly.

Her room was painted dark blue, with stars painted around the room in constellations, all accurate, and painted by her.
Her walls also had posters of Princess Luna, and star charts. She had many dolls 92% of them were Luna.
And she read many, many, many, MANY books on stars or anything that mentioned Princess Luna, and a telescope near the small balcony in her room.

Many years later the princesses were there for a celebration, Star shine stood at the edge of a crowd, just as Princess Celestia walked past.

Celestia stopped dead in her tracks. She could have sworn that she was looking at a smaller version of her sister.
The Princess shook her head and smiled at the filly as she continued along the route.

Yet another flashback right before Luna took Star shine as a pupil.

"Sister, we-er I have decided to take on a pupil like you have done!" Luna said one morning over breakfast.

"Really Luna, would you like to use my school to pick out a student?" Questioned Celestia, taking a sip of tea. "That will not be necessary! I'd like to take a filly from Ponyville as my student, her name is Star shine!" Luna said, Celestia spit out her tea so hard it covered Luna.

"Eh-am Star shine?!" Celestia asked wide eyed. "Yes, that is what I said, She's quite talented! And she is only 9!" Luna said drying her coat with a napkin.

"That is quite interesting Luna, does that name sound Familiar to you in any way?" Asked Celestia. "Not really, I met her over the eclipse, but no it's not ringing any bells... Why?" Luna asked raising an eyebrow.

Celestia's eye twitched a bit and she sighed. "No reason, it's just an interesting Name."

End flashback

Star shine sighed as did the Princess who looked out over Canterlot from the princess's balcony, both mares had been remembering things from there past, Star shine recalled the many dull years she had spent in the cavern it was fuzzy but she knew she was an infant. How did she recall that?

She had no clue how long she had been in there but, it made up her first memories.

Luna in turn had been recalling the moments before she turned Evil.

It was odd, unfamiliar to her and blurred. She did not understand it but she at the same time she did, well at least she understood it happened before she had turned into Nightmare Moon.

Speaking of her wicked half for the past almost three years she had felt as if Nightmare was no longer part of her.
That worried her, greatly. If Nightmare was no longer part of her, where was she?

Something similar worried Stygian.

He had still felt Shadow deep inside him, but before the Eclipse he felt as if they had become disconnected...

But Star and Luna were the most puzzled about this, each saw the other, as blurry as it was, in their memories.

"Ah, Star shine, how might your studies be going?" Celestia asked the filly as they met in one of the many halls.
"Great! Luna is an amazing teacher! I've learned so much, I promised I'd meet her in the gardens, I've got to go! Also, before then she wanted to talk to you!" Star said trotting off.

"Sister?" Luna asked.

"Yes Luna?" Celestia said. "Why didn't you want me to take Star shine as a Student?" Luna questioned.

Celestia stayed quiet.

Luna walked off.

Celestia felt conflicted.

She decided to write her old mentor, Star swirl the bearded.

Dear Star swirl,
I am in challenging situation, over nine years ago, I found a filly in a cave.
According to the writing and a spell on her, she is my sister's child. But she seems to have no recollection of the filly, she's taken her on as a student, but the child is also Stygian's.
Neither seem to know about the other, it seems I am the only one. I am worried Luna will find out and turn to darkness once again, or worse Star shine will, once she learns that she is her daughter.
This is all so confusing! I'm writing for your advice, please respond as soon as you can, for once something is not in my control or power. I do not know what to do!
Sincerely a very worried,

She sent the letter off in a puff of golden smoke.

A foals lullaby

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Nightmare moon barely made it back to her room, before a painful contraction hit bringing her to her knees.

"Moon!" Shadow yelled Diving to her side, as she lay on the floor in pain. He teleported her to their bed, since she did not make it that far.

"If you don't get ooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww out! I will tear you to shreds! You did this to me and if ooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I get out of this thing in one piece you will not make it ooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! in one! Piece!" She growled. He did not waste any time getting out.
She moaned in pain, this was peachy, just peachy. She thought painfully.

Something did not fell right around the castle; an evil air was all around but Stygian and Luna were the only ones who felt it.

"Do you feel that Luna?" Stygian asked the princess.

"Yes, a dark aroura..." Luna said.

"Where could it be coming from though?" He asked.

"I do not know... But we must keep our guard up, but do not share this with our- my sister." Luna stated walking off towards Star shine's room to tell the filly good night like she had done since the filly started staying at the castle.

Stygian chuckled. "Wouldn't dream of telling her M'lady!" Luna blushed through her dark coat, something in how he said that made her feel giddy.

Star shine was in her room brushing her mane and tail, by herself , like she had done for years...

She hummed a song that was just in her memory, but no one knew it but her.

"Hmm-hmm hmm hmm-hmm
My little Moonbeam
My lucky star
I'll love you no matter where you are
though the distance maybe far
I'll love you no matter where you go."

Luna stood outside her door, she was going to tell her good night when she heard her singing. That song, something her father sang to her as a filly before he left, never to return.

She sang the second verse as did Star shine.

"My little Moonbeam
my lucky star
More precious to me
than Diamond, Emeralds or rubies."

She opened the door lightly and walked in towards Star who was crying.

Star knew she was adopted, and the song made her feel as if her mother was there, her REAL mother, but she felt that way around the princess too.

Why she did not know why, maybe it was because she was a princess, or because she had that maternal air to her, or just because she had been so kind to her, maybe it was all those things, but with the Princess and Stygian she felt safe, at home, and over all, loved.

"My little Moonbeam
my lucky star,
I'll love you forevermore...
Forevermore..." The princess and Star harmonized on the final verse of the song Luna let a few tears of her own fall.

Star shine turned around to face Luna.

"Where did you hear that song...?" She asked shakily.
"I don't know... I think my mother taught it to me... my real mother." Star whined trying to stop her tears.

"Nopony knows that song, other than myself..." Luna said.


Luna cradled the few week-old filly in her hooves.

She was flying to a cavern to hide her until the battle with her sister was over.

"I don't want to leave you my Star shine... Mommy loves you..." Luna said, recalling a song her father sang to her, it was the last thing he said to her.

"My little Moonbeam
my lucky star
I'll love you no matter where you are
though the distance may grow far
I'll love you no matter where you go.
My little moonbeam
my lucky star
More precious to me
1than Diamonds, Emeralds or Rubies...
My little moonbeam
My lucky star
I will love you forevermore...

Luna let tears fall as she tucked the now sleeping filly in, this would be the last time she would see her daughter for 10,010 years.

End flashback.

Nightmare screamed in pain as a contraction raked through her body. "Nnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

The pain she was going through burned through her, making her sweat.

Oh, did she want this over but no amount of pushing, grunting, cursing, and screaming brought the child out from inside her.

"Hah, hah, hah, hah, hah..." She panted, this was a whole new meaning to labored breathing She did not know how long she had been in labor, but it hurt, it hurt oh, so, much!

Outside the room Shadow paced franticly listening to Moon, his love, his wife, his lover, screaming her voice Horse.
(Terrible joke I know, but COME ON!)

"Why won't she let me in there!" He asked no one since he was alone the only sound his hooves shuffling, wings flapping nervously, and Nightmares screams.

Nightmare screamed louder than ever as she tried to push her child into the world. But to no avail, her foal seemed to want to stay put inside.

She groaned, her body strained beyond what she had ever known, and her fur matted with sweat, not even being trapped on the moon was this bad.

As Luna comes back to reality she hears Star Shine say. "Princess Luna, are you all right?"

Luna comes back to the present and says. "I'm fine Star but I need to talk to Stygian for a while. We'll have your lesson tomorrow."

Star Shine a little disappointed says okay.

Luna teleports herself to Stygian's living quarters. He is surprised to say the least. He cannot remember when he has seen Luna look so worried.

"Luna what is the matter? Are you still worried about the dark force?"

Luna panting from the extra effort of teleporting halfway across the castle said. "Yes. But that is not the strangest thing. I heard Star Shine singing a song that only I know! And afterward I had a vision of holding a foal like her before I went to face my sister as Nightmare Moon! But she has a FAMILY how could this be true?!"

Stygian thinks for a moment then spoke. "You told me that when you told your sister that you wanted to take Star Shine as a student, she was less than thrilled. Perhaps you should ask again what was wrong. And the whole truth this time."

Luna thinks about this for a moment than says. "Only if you come with me Stygian. I always feel better when you're around."

"As you wish M'lady." Stygian replies with a dashing smile.

They Teleported to the throne room which was empty, save the few guards.

"Sister might we have a word with you... Privately?" Luna stated, not requested.

Celestia felt her breath hitch. Luna and Stygian stood next to each other, with firm looks.

Celest nodded to the guards, she could not hide it forever as much as she wanted to, she would have to tell her sister sooner or later, guess it would be sooner.

"Luna, Stygian. I believe it is time to tell you something I should have told each of you at your returns... I was scared, and I didn't tell you but..." Celestia took a deep breath.

Nightmare screamed ever so loudly as she finally felt the foal pass out from inside her.

Her breaths were deep and hard. She might have not known a lot about child birth but wasn't the foal supposed to be moving, or whining?

She Looked up and down her slightly smaller form, past her cutiemark and down where the foal lay at her hindquarters.
It laid there unmoving, unbreathing...

"No..." Nightmare choked back a sob. "No... Please no... Don't be... Please... No, no, no, nononononononononononononononononononoononononnononononononononononono!" The queen of night sobbed.

What happens after a truth is revealed

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Star swirl walked into the Throne room and looked to a Worried Celestia, not to long after Twilight sparkle entered the room.

"You wanted to talk to us about something?" Twilight asked. "Y-yes... It's about Luna... and... Stygian..." Celestia said shakily.

"What might it be?" Star swirl asked looking towards the princess.

Right before Celestia could speak, Luna and Stygian teleported into the room. "Sister I need to ask about Star shine... I feel as if there's something you're not telling me, and I want to know no matter what it is!" Luna stated.

"I shall answer your questions... This might be hard to grasp everypony but... I truly am sorry..."
Celestia's horn ignited and she used her magic to show what she saw during all of this.

Flashback Celestia's POV

I walked in my sister's old room, I had just banished her to the moon. I stepped on a stone, making part of the wall roll back.

What I saw shocked me, inside was a shrine, letters, love notes, and magical Pictures lay all around.

I now was shocked beyond Shocked, these all said one thing and one thing only. My baby sister loved Stygian, who had turned into the pony of shadows... 'no wonder she went mad...' I thought.

I walked out of the room sealing the hidden room off from the world.

End flashback.

Luna stared at her sister mouth agape.

Twilight's face was much like the 'O_o' or :twilightoops: emoji.

Star swirl was stone faced, not sure what to think, his student, and his assistant were once in love.

Stygian was trying to wrap his head around the whole thing and once he did, his cheeks flushed deep crimson.

"But that is not the strangest of the whole thing... There is a reason I didn't want you to take Star shine as a student... I feared that if you did the truth would come out, and now I see that it has..." Celestia sucked in a deep breath and played another Memory in their minds.

Flashback Celestia POV

I descended into the cave, for years I wanted to explore it, and here I was!

But when I landed and lit my horn, something caught my attention.

'that's Luna's hoof writing...'

'When you are old enough you might understand this, I am leaving you here for you own protection, if all goes to plan I shall return for you please forgive me for what I do. I shall always love you, my dear daughter Star shine, your father Stygian and I will always love you and one day we will all be reunited.
I love you forever My Lucky Star,
Your loving mother Luna.'

I staggered back a bit, very taken aback by this. 'my sister had a foal with the pony of shadows? This is not happening, no, no, nope!'

My attention was drawn by the faintest whining sound, I turned around and found the source.

"So, you must be Star shine..." I picked the filly up and rocked her back and forth until her small cries were hushed.

I flew out of the cave and looked towards my imprisoned sister. "Oh, Luna what have you hidden..." I flew to a small town and left the filly at the orphanage with a note, on it I had written her name, I used my mouth to write this, not wanting somepony to recognize my hoof writing.

I looked back at her and then took off.

End flashback.

Twilight fainted from the news, the Daughter of Luna had been living just a few blocks away from her for years!

Star swirl's expression hadn't changed in the slightest.

Luna's eye were wide, it all made sense to her now.

The song, her love of night, her looks, the memories.

Stygian looked at Luna as if asking. 'is she mad?' But Luna's face said otherwise.

"So, let me see if I've got this all... I and Luna had a romance at one time, from that came a foal, and Luna's banishment... then you found our foal, Luna returned, and you tried to what? Just sweep this under the rug?!" Stygian asked outraged.

Celestia sighed. "Yes."

Luna's breathing was long deep breaths and sweat dotted her forehead.

"Why?" was all she could ask, as her body trembled.

"I'm sorry... I should have told you sooner... then this mess could've been avoided..." Celestia said.


Luna's blood boiled hot, and she yelled so loud it woke Star shine.

The 9-year-old teleported across the castle and into the throne room, not believing her ears.

"Tell me it isn't true what you did Princess...?!" Star asked shakily. "It is all true..."

Star shine looked at Luna, then to Stygian. She sucked in a deep breath and looked to Luna, her mother.

"I understand why you did that..." She tried not to cry and said. "Mother." A smile crossed Her lips as well as Luna's. "And I'm not mad at either of you... Father! So... this means... I'm an Alicorn?" Star shine asked shakily.

Luna brought her and Stygian into a bone crushing hug. "Yes! Yes... My darling... Daughter!" Luna sobbed, although the words seemed odd, they felt Right.

With that Luna dispelled the spell and wings became Visible on Star shine's back.

After the tight hug Star shine stepped back and ruffled her feathers, it felt oddly right.

"No wonder I could never sleep on my back comfortably!"

Everypony Chuckled at Star shine's joke.

"So, does this mean I'm a princess now? Because I don't what I'd be princess of..." Star said. "Yes, I do believe you were one from birth... But what you are Princess of is unknown... For now, I'm glad to have you back!" Luna said hugging the girl once again.

"Perhaps the Princess of Stars?" Stygian said.

"Dunno... Right now, even as a Princess I don't really want to be Princess of anything." Star said.

"Am I forgiven for my past mistakes?" Celestia asked head hung low. Star shine did her best regal walk towards Celestia and cleared her throat putting a hoof under Celestia's chin and tilting it up.

"My first royal Decree is that you are not too beat yourself up over this! Any of you! I shan't have it auntie!" Star shine smiled widely, Celestia smiled and stood to her full height.

"As you wish." They all bowed making Star giggle.

"Come we shall tell the Castle staff in the morning, for now, I'd like to spend some quality time with you." Luna said nuzzling the filly.

"As would I, I'd love to get to know my daughter Better." Stygian smiled.

Celestia watched them go with a smile, as they walked out Luna draped a wing over them and pulled them all the closer to her.

"I believe you made the right decision without my Aid Celestia..." Star swirl said, although she was much older than him, he still saw her as a young mare.

"I think so..." Celestia smiled, the most genuine smile she'd ever had.

Poor Twilight was still out cold until Discord dumped a bucket of ice cubes on her, waking the poor mare.

Deep in the Everfree.

'No' seemed to be the only world that left Nightmares lips, as she cradled the still foal in her hooves, her tears falling freely.

She gently cleaned the foal off, hoping something would bring the new born back but nothing worked.

So, Nightmare just laid there and let her tears fall from her eyes. They trailed down he muzzle, some dripping onto the foal.

Its coat was Lavender, and its mane was navy blue and a darker lavender.

A tear trailed down Nightmare's muzzle, and landed on the foal's nose.

It twitched in her hooves, and shook a bit letting out a small whine.

Nightmare gazed down at this life she had brought into the world, now realizing it was a filly, a filly who whined and fussed, but ever so slightly.

She rocked the foal gently in her hooves, it's whines turning into coo's. "You scared Mama..." She whispered as a smile spread across her muzzle. 'she hadn't been dead! Just sleeping...' Nightmare thought but then the Filly did something that made her heart sieze.

The filly yawned and rubbed one eye with her little hoof cutely, her lips smacked, and she slowly opened her eyes and stared up at her very messy mother.

Her eyes were not red or teal, glowing or slits. They were as normal as eyes got, and Icey blue Shining as the stars themselves.

Shadow slowly entered the room, and stared with wonder at the filly.

"What shall we call her?" His voice broke Nightmare from her trance. "...Star..."

"hmmm... It does fit her doesn't it." He whispered as the filly drifted back to sleep.

Moon Nuzzled the top of the Filly's head near her horn.

Nightmare held the filly for a long while, and then she awoke once again, still quite as ever. Her gentle fussing melted the Nightmare's heart.

After the filly nursed and put to bed in the cradle her father had made via spells.

It was large and looked like a crescent moon, with a light red lacey shawl over it, with black pillows and deep blue blanket.

As Nightmare laid the filly down in the very large bed, big enough for the foal to grow and move.

She placed a kiss on her head, and leaned against Shadow, as they watched their tiny Filly sleep.


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Twilight Looked at the princess and then back to Star swirl and then the door where Luna, Stygian, and Star shine left.

"Wait... what... just... happened?!" Twilight asked.

Celestia chuckled and said. "That my Twilight sparkle, is a happy family."

She sat there looking between the Princess, Star swirl, and the door.

"So... for the past few years... I have been living next to Luna's daughter... Celestia's Biological niece... and she looks younger than me but is actually... 10,009 YEARS OLD!?" Twilight thought, and would have fainted once again had Discord not dumped more ice-cold water on her.

"DIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSCORD!" She yelled at him, this made Celestia Chuckle, but had they paid more attention to her they would've seen the small blush on her cheeks.

After Luna, Stygian, and Star shine had made it back to Star's quarters, all the while being in a bone crushing wing hug from the princess of the night, all that time was not wasted just walking, no they talked the whole time!

"So... You've studied the moon and stars since you were?" Stygian asked.

"Ha-ha Since I was 3, maybe sooner, but that's as far as I recall." Star shine giggled.

"Truly?" Luna asked as they sat near the Fire place.

"Yeah, it makes sense why I like the night and You so much mom!" Star smiled. "So, when are we going to tell Equestria about... Me?" Star shine asked fluttering her wings a bit.

"The day after tomorrow. I know you'll be fine, First the castle staff and then, Equestria." Luna said.

"Ok... wait should I tell my...Foster parents?" Star asked, letting out a yawn. "I believe you should, I'd think they'd like to see what a fine young mare you've become!" Stygian smiled at the young girl.

When Star Shine awoke the next morning at first, she thought that everything had happened the night been a dream.

Princess Luna her mother? Princess Celestia her aunt? It seemed so unreal. But when she got out of bed to stretch herself she realized that she had WINGS! She was an alicorn! And more important she knew who her parents were! But she also worried. What would Salon and Rock Layer say? True, they were not her biological parents, but they had raised her. She did not want them to think that she was ungrateful. She decided to ask her mother and father what she should do.

It was early morning and Luna & Stygian were having breakfast with Celestia. Star swirl and Twilight were still there, and Discord was laughing about the whole affair. Star Shine listened to what he said.

"I mean seriously Celestia why would you keep your niece a secret from her own mother? It is so laughable! Didn't you ever think that having the child around might have helped her adjust to modern life?" Discord said laughingly.

"Discord that is ENOUGH! I was still a bit unstable and confused when I returned from my banishment! I firmly believe that my sister did what was BEST!" Luna talking in not quite the royal Canterlot voice but close. "sort of." she added softly.

"I agree with Luna." Stygian replied calmly "She was just adjusting to life in the modern world. A child she could barely remember would've been difficult to handle."

"I agree with both mother and father." Star Shine says boldly. "I have heard of you mister Discord, as well as seen what you've done in Ponyville, and I must say that I would not have thought that you would talk about my aunt or parents in that way."

Discord was shocked by the boldness of the foal, while Twilight and Star swirl were both laughing at how bluntly Star Shine had talked to Discord.

"Well, I must say that Star Shine has certainly inherited her parents boldness." Twilight remarked.

"Indeed so young Twilight." Star swirl replied. "And her mother's talent for the night. Perhaps she will be taking on duties as another princess of the night."

"Please don't refer to me as 'princess'. I asked that last night. I maybe an alicorn but I certainly don't feel like a princess." Star Shine said looking down

"I felt the same way when I first became a princess." Twilight kindly said. "But now that your wings are no longer hidden by a spell it won't be long before other ponies find out."

"Well, before we do anything else, can I find out how you and father met mother?" Star Shine asked hopeful.

"My lucky star, I wish I could answer your question for you have a right to know. But I have only just remembered that I had a relationship with Stygian and got pregnant by him with you. But unfortunately, that is all I remember."

"And unfortunately because of my madness I was banished before she told me about it." Stygian explained. "And I am just beginning to remember our relationship myself. But unfortunately, not exactly how we met."

"I do." Star swirl said.

"As do I." Celestia says, her voice full of remembrance. "Although at the time it seemed more like a young crush."


Star swirl was in a schoolroom inside the old castle (which would later be known as the castle of the two sisters) teaching young princesses Celestia and Luna. Celestia had a light pink Mane & tail and Luna had a light blue mane & tail. They were not quite old enough to have enough magic in their bodies to have them floating in an invisible wind. Star swirl was explaining the mechanics of moving the sun and moon when a scrawny little unicorn came in.

"Star swirl pardoned the interruption but I have-"

"What is it Stygian?! Can't you see that I am teaching my students?!"

"Yes sir. But you had asked me to research what I could about the monsters known as the 'sirens'. Well I have, and this should help you and the other pillars of harmony defeat them." Stygian says meekly although while speaking he had hardly taken his eyes off of the younger alicorn sister.

This however, went unnoticed by Star swirl but he said in ungrateful voice:
"Well, I needed this information...but don't make a habit of interrupting my LESSONS! Celestia, Luna, we'll have to continue this lesson later!"

At that Star swirl left. Stygian bowed to both royal sisters while giving Luna a rare happy smile. This had caused Luna to blush, while her sister gave her a playful shove. After which Stygian left.

End of flashback

"Of course, there is more to the story than that, but I believe you ought to wait until your parent's memories are fully recovered to tell you." Celestia says finishing her narrative. Star shine nodded.

"And I regret my behavior back then." Star swirl said.

"You were pompous back then." Retorted Discord with arms crossed and a smirk.

"Discord please." Star Shine said. "Anyway, I think that we ought to tell my adopted parents what is going on."

She then wrote them a letter, not wanting to make an awkward situation worse.

When the letter landed on the kitchen table both ponies looked at the letter they hadn't heard from their 'daughter' in a good few months.

They opened the letter and read.

Dear Salon and Rock layer,
I'd like you to come to Canterlot, you need to see this in pony! But I'm going to tell you now. You'll never guess! I'm the daughter of Luna! I'm not making this up, I'm not nine actually! I'm 10,009-years-old! It's all confusing but I am happy thank you for raising me into the mare I am now!
Please don't think that I don't care about you anymore, or still don't consider you my parents! You'll always be mom and dad to me! I hope to see you at the announcement ceremony tomorrow afternoon!
XOXO, Your loving daughter,
Star Shine!

They stared at the letter, and looked at each other, their chances of becoming famous had just been dashed! No way would they go to this announcement!

Star shine paced around nervously near the throne room.

"Twilight what did you do when you were crowned? I mean come on you've been an alicorn for a lot longer than I have, so to speak and I... I'm so nervous!" Star shine said, her wings ruffled on her back.

Celestia, Star swirl, and Stygian were back there as well, but none of them could calm the young girl down.

Luna then walked back. "We are ready, are you ready Star shine?"

The young girl didn't stop pacing, until Luna place a stun spell on her. "Hmm? What?!" She asked.

"We're ready." Luna said again dispelling the spell.

"We are?!" Star shine asked, her panic rising and pacing resuming.

That is until she bumped into something warm and Fuzzy, her mother. Luna looked down at Star shine with a gentle smile, she nuzzled her forehead and whispered. "You'll do fine, just be yourself, besides there aren't that many ponies out there. It's all right." Luna's word comforted the filly who took a deep breath then said.

"Ok, I'm ready!" Star shine said stomping her hoof on the floor.

Luna walked out followed by Stygian, her sister, Twilight and then after all of them Star shine. "-And now, I'd like to welcome my daughter!" The crowd fell into hushed murmurs and Luna saw the need to Clarify. "She was born to me and Stygian, before my turning into Nightmare moon, and was hidden from the world until my sister found her, she was left with a kind family in Ponyville and raised until now, but from now on she shall live in the castle with myself! And now my daughter... Star shine!" Luna said.

Star shine gulped, and walked out, onto the stage.

"Um hello?" She said waving her hoof towards the crowd.

Sweat beaded down her forehead and she then said. "It's nice to meet you all! I Ummmmm Know some of you know me, as a unicorn! But it turns out, I was an Alicorn from birth, and well I don't want to be treated better just because, now we all know that Luna is my mom... So, I'll do my best to be the best princess I can be!"
She sighed after she finished, and the crowd, as slow as it started, began stomping their hooves and cheering, as well as chanting her name.

She walked down and sighed, later would be the larger announcement.

And it came all too soon, Star shine had gone to her room to freshen up, but when she didn't come back after an hour, they began to grow worried.

Stygian slowly entered the room, so not to startle her.

"What's the matter Shine?" He asked seeing her staring at herself in the mirror.

"Do you think, I'm going to be a good pony, a good leader father?" She asked, as he walked closer he saw the tears on her cheeks, he might not have had the same connection that she and Luna shared but, he had only just found out about the filly less than a week ago.

"Of, course you are!" He said sitting next to her.

"But what if... something makes me go... evil..." She whimpered.

"No, no! you'll never be evil!" He said, putting a hoof to her back.

"You can't say that!" She snapped at him and sobbed letting her head rest on the table. He just gently hugged her, hoping to make it better.

After a little she stopped crying and fixed her mane, they went down to the main Fourier.

"Ok, are you ready?" Luna asked as they came into view.

"Yes, I'm ready mom!" Star shine said trying to put on her best face, but Luna saw through it.

She said nothing as they carried on with the announcement.

"-and now my Daughter Star shine!" Luna said, the filly walked out onto the balcony, and smiled.

"Um hi everypony! I am Star shine! And it's nice to meet you all, I promise you all, I'm going to try and be the best princess I can be! So... Ummmmm Thanks..." Star said holding her breath as the ponies looked at each other.

She bit her lip, but then the crowd broke out into loud cheers and claps.

This made the royals smile, and Star shine let out a sigh.


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Of all the ponies in Equestria were happy the day that Star Shine's lineage was announced but her adopted parents were the most unhappy of all. They had high hopes that Luna would eventually send Star Shine on some kind of Equestria saving mission with Twilight and her friends. Maybe even have her ascend to alicornhood like Twilight had though some great need.

But no, not only was Star Shine a born alicorn, she was also princess Luna's daughter. There was no reason they could see of expecting gratitude from someone who had turned on their own sister. Everypony knew that Luna had been Nightmare Moon at one time, in and some ponies minds she could become her again. While mulling over this a thought came to Rock Layer.

"You know Salon, that the castle in the everfree forest is still abandoned."

"And as well as it should be! That place is teeming with Timberwolves and all sorts of wild creatures!" Salon answered

"My point is, if we could dig up some dirt on both princess Celestia and Luna we might be able to force them into stepping down. Then we take Star Shine back and train her to fight dragons and other creatures that make our land a disgrace."

Salon thought about this for a moment then said. "But ponies love both Celestia and Luna. Especially princess Twilight. Won't they fight back?"

"There are still some rouge changelings around. We could bribe one of them to kill Twilight and her friends. They are always after love, so we could tell them that once the Mane 6 are out of the way we'll assign them to the royal court. So, they can feed off the love ponies give to Star Shine. But once they finish the job we'll poison them with a dagger." Rock Layer said this plan so calmly that it scared Salon. However, she couldn't help but admire her husband's confidence and cunning. They started gathering supplies to head for the infamous everfree forest.

Later that day while Luna was trying to rest, she had a terrible nightmare. Nightmare Moon was coming out of the castle of the two sisters to kill her, and steal her child. Nightmare's voice was cold and inspired fear.

This is what the figure said, it their bone chilling voice.

"You thought that I was gone? I will be coming to deal with you Luna. Don't get to comfortable with that child of yours, she will not have you long. The world is not big enough for both of us! Your sister will be gone as well! I don't wish for the night to last forever anymore, but I think that I would be a mother to the child than one who has been out of her life for 10,009 years!" She said one last thing as a sick joke "Sweet dreams Luna, Sweet Dreams!"

Luna awoke screaming. "No!"

Stygian hadn't left Luna alone. He was sitting by her bedside and he said in a concerned voice. "Luna what is Wrong?! Did you have a nightmare?"

Luna wept openly. "It was Nightmare Moon! She said she was back! And that she was going to get rid of me and take our child!"

Stygian a little unnerved by this said. "Actually, I have heard similar things from Shadow, my worse half. I didn't tell you right away because I didn't understand it, but now that I do I think that we should talk to your sister and Twilight. Because if they really are back, there's is definitely going to be trouble."

All of the sudden Star Shine appeared in her mother's room. She was crying. That stopped any present problems of her parents for the moment. Their daughter needed their attention and they were going to give it to her.

"My Lucky Star what is the matter?" Luna asked in a tender voice beckoning the foal over to her side, which the filly ran to.

"Rock Layer and Salon didn't come to my coronation." Star Shine said through tears. "I know that they are not my parents, but I thought that they would come to my coronation because they made me who I am today."

Luna felt sorry for her child. It was obvious that something was going on with those parents.

Anyone would have thought that despite the fact that the foal was not their own they would still come to important events of the child's life. She decided that she would ask Twilight Sparkle about them. All the same she tried to calm the child down.

"You said that they own a repair shop of clocks, knives, and other things, maybe they had a large order to fill." Luna suggested, whipping her daughter tears away.

Stygian caught the look that Luna gave him to back-up her speech.

"That's right! Ponies are always breaking things. They probably were just too busy to come on such short notice. After all, you hadn't written to them for 2 months." Stygian said stroking her mane.

"That's true." Star Shine sniffles. "But I don't want to sleep alone tonight. Can I sleep with you mother please?"

"Well I have some duties to perform tonight, but I will cancel them. You are more important to me."

So that night Luna and Star Shine slept in the same room for the first time in over 10,000 years. And it was the most peaceful sleep either had ever had in a long time. But if Luna had known that Rock Layer and Salon were heading for the everfree forest meeting two great evils she would have been terrified.

"ARGH!" Salon said as she tugged her mane free from a tree.

Once it was free she tumbled forwards and Right into her husband, which sent them tumbling down an embankment. Once they stopped rolling, there they laid in front of the
crumbling castle of the two sisters.

They got up and cautiously walked in.

Much deeper in the castle, Moon cooed over Star who was just babbling, week-old nonsense, but to the black mare it was the cutest thing ever.

Shadow who kept watch over his Family, from Timber wolves, Hederas, Manticores, etc., etc.

He saw the two ponies entering the castle, he watched them should they come to close to where his family hid, he'd show them, but if not, he'd not draw attention to himself, or more importantly, his family.

"Rock, what are we looking for exactly?" Salon asked eyeing the castle interior worriedly.

"Anything with something that could ruin the image of the Princess'! A photo, book, letters, ANYTHING!" He hissed.

And so, they did, they found nothing in the Library, Celestia's room, the archives, art room, and then when they spilt up, He decided to Follow the mare not knowing if her weakness was feigned.

But, Rock strayed from the path he had been taking, and moved closer and closer to Star's Nursey, where she slept alone, and unprotected.


After he looked around the room, he took notice to the filly. "Well, well, well, did our naughty Princess have another brat?" He chuckled silently to himself.

"Step away from the crib!" Nightmare ordered making him spin around to face her.

"N-n-n-nightmare M-m-moon?!" He gasped backing up.

Her eye twitched, she wanted to pummel him to dust but something about him told her not to.
After he regained his composure he said. "You're just what I've been looking for!"

"Sorry I'm taken." She deadpanned.

"No, I don't want you! I want your help in defeating the princesses!" He smiled wickedly. "Ok, and what's in it for me? Hmm?" She prompted.

"I'll let you rule Equestria! But that is if you can help me first..." He chuckled rubbing his hooves together like a madman, er mad-mare... no... you know what I don't know he rubbed his hooves together like a Mane-iac. NO! ARGH! Like some crazy person!

Flashbacks, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

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Stygian gazed lovingly at Luna, and Star shine. Luna's daughter, His daughter, their daughter!

He still couldn't believe he had a daughter with Luna and both of them had missed out on most of her life. that filled him with dread, they each had missed her first word, first steps, first everything!

But he had missed it all and had no clue of her existence! He felt terrible for letting himself fall to that low and missing out on his own daughter's life, but it all was in the past and here they were now, sleeping beside him.

To him they were the most beautiful mares in the world, and as memories of his and Luna's pasts came back, that felling grew tenfold.

Star nestled closer next to him and he smiled. "Good night my daughter."
and with that he let sleep take him.


Stygian sat in the gardens looking up at the nighttime sky.

He had interrupted Star swirl's Lesson with the princesses! The princesses! The only Alicorns left! The two beings who controlled the sun and moon!

He was sure he would be punished, but none came to him.

As he stared up at the lovely stars, his thoughts drifted to Lu-Princess Luna. Her short but cute waved blue mane, her teal eyes. His thoughts went just to the point of being almost inappropriate, at least with the princesses.

Luna was walking around the gardens staring up at her night sky, which no pony seemed to care for. 'another beautiful night gone to waist...' She thought.

"AHK! HEY!" Stygian said as Luna stepped on his ear, as she wasn't paying Attention to where she was walking.


"P-princess Luna?! I am so sorry!" Stygian tried to stand and bow but ended up tripping over his own hooves and falling onto Luna.

Both blushed crimson at this.

They stayed like that for a while before tearing their gazes from the others and standing up.

She smiled gently at him. "What brings you out this eve?"

"Just thinking, I like the night it's so much calmer, quieter and... So... So..." Stygian looked away.

Luna looked away from the sky and to Stygian.

"So, what Stygian?" Her head quirked to the side gently.

He stayed quiet for a minute then looked at her and quietly said.


They both blushed but stared at each other.

A few months later their kindship grew to love, and Luna desired to ask him to the Gala.

"But Tia! He's a good pony!" Luna protested.

"True but he's also a scribe Luna! We're expected to marry someone of higher status, not a scribe!" Celestia stated firmly but Luna had a counter attack ready.

"Oh, come I know that you are inviting that 'Discord' or what ever his name is thing! He's not even pony, but Stygian is!" Celestia's cheeks grew red at the mention of her secret love, Discord, she levitated a ticket to Luna and stormed out of the room.

Luna happily gave the ticket to Stygian.

The night of the Gala Luna stood at the front of the ballroom waiting for Stygian, Celestia was off dancing with some strange Unicorn.

She turned around when Somepony tapped her shoulder.

"Might I have this Dance M'lady?" Stygian asked, the suit he wore made him look like a prince, or at least to Luna.

And so, they did, being the center of attention the whole night.

A few years later

Luna and Stygian had been together for years, even considering courtship, But each time Luna would ask Celestia she'd say 'Luna, think of what the nobles will say! We must be careful to whom we wed!' Luna would always leave in a huff afterwards. Once again to tell her love that they'd not be able to Marry.

But over the months they grew tired of waiting for Celestia to approve of them.

Nervously they shared their first kiss.

And from that kiss came more.

And from months of those kisses, lead to one whole night of Bliss, for both parties.

Then Stygian said he was going to show a spell to the ponies of Legend soon. "Please don't leave!" Luna begged once again. "I must, but I promise to Return right after M'lady..." Stygian said as he walked the road away from Canterlot.

Luna bid him a teary goodbye not knowing it would be the last time she'd see him for over 10,000 years!

But not the last Time she'd feel him, no, deep within her, weather or not she knew a life was beginning to form, a life formed from her and Stygian.

End flash backs

Star shine snuggled deeper into her Pillow, her soft, warm, fuzzy pillow.

Luna giggled, she had tried and in vain to wake Star shine from her slumber, but each time the girl would snuggle closer to Luna, she didn't have the heart to forcefully wake her.

So, the girl slept like that, snuggling into Luna. Luna gently kissed her daughter's forehead above her horn.

Star shine squirmed a bit and blinked sleepily. "mom?" She croaked, Morning Star was a very tousled mess.

"Yes, my lucky Star." Luna asked looking down at the girl's sleepy eyes.

"Uh, your wing hug is kinda making it hard to breathe!" She squeaked. Luna hadn't realized that she'd kept her daughter in her wing grip the whole day, but after hearing this she folded her wing back to her own side.

The pair made their down stairs to the dining hall, where quite the sight was.

Celestia and Discord sat on cotton candy clouds, across from each other, laughing, giggling and so on.
But that wasn't what struck the mother daughter duo as odd.

As they were laughing, they would give the other a bite of chocolate Cake, as sweet as it was, Star shine Didn't need to see such an act and Luna promptly covered her daughter's with a dark blue wing.

"Ahem." Luna lightly cleared her throat but neither her sister or the Chaos lord took notice to this.

Luna put a wing in front of Star shine, who kinda wanted to see what her auntie and Mr. Discord were doing.

"EHEM!" Luna said a little more loudly, yet their gazes stayed fixed on the other.

"I'd cover your ears..." Luna whispered over to her daughter who plugged them then Luna sucked in a deep breath.

Luna's Royal Canterlot voice did the trick literally snapping the two of them out of it. Discord did Snap the two of them apart, from an almost kiss.

"Uh-uh... Good morning Luna... Star shine... Stygian." Celestia said in a shade of crimson, as well as the lord of chaos.

Luna had to giggle at her Sister, not long after she, Star shine, and Stygian were seated Star swirl entered the room and sat down, did they begin eating.

"Guess what Mr. Star swirl!" Star shine asked while giggling.

"I've no clue." He replied.

"Auntie and Mr. Discord almost kissed!" the young fill giggled some more.

"I... I uh see..." Star swirl said looking around the table. Both Celestia and Discord blushed deep, deep, deep, deep red. Stygian wore a look of 'oh, how I wish I could un see that' and Luna just looked Star with a 'why'd you tell him' look.

All of these faces were too much for the girl, and she doubled over in laughter.