• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 550 Views, 7 Comments

Shadowed Moon - Dimond Rainbow

What if the dark sides of Luna and Stygian lived lives separate from their other half? What if Luna and Stygian had a relationship before their madness and banishment? this is about what could happen. READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION!!

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Flash backs and confliction

Flashback 9,998 years ago

Stygian snuck inside the castle in the moon light, to see his lover.

"Sir Stygian." Luna said with a curt nod. "M'lady." Stygian said kissing her hoof. Luna giggled and nuzzled her lover gently.

The two of them walked around the garden, which was aglow with night life, dear, fireflies, owls, possums, etc. "You make such lovely nights Luna, Just like you." Stygian said. "Thank you Stygian..." Luna blushed madly.

The olden customs meant the kiss on thy partners lips is saved for marriage.

The two of them spent much time together until...

Stygian tried to show the ponies of Legend a new spell but it the ended up being cast out.

Luna was flying gleefully through the skies, with the most joyous of news.

"Moonbeams, lucky stars, Oh, we shall love thee forevermore! ~" Luna sang as she glided through the skies flipping over and twirling around with grace.

As she neared the town that Stygian lived, a dark beam shot up into the sky and Magical energy spiked.

"what t'was that?" She asked aloud.

She flew back to the castle, if Celestia saw her out of the castle without guards she would be in a heap of trouble. When she landed, there was a commotion in the throne room where her sister sat on her throne talking with Lady rose.

She waited in her room for her sister to inform her of the news if she ever did.

"Dearest sister Luna? May we come in?" Celestia asked gently. "Thou may come in Sister." Luna said as she stared out on her balcony.

Celestia told her sister about the Pony of shadows, and how he had been trapped in Limbo, with the ponies of legend.

Luna held back her tears then flew out into the night sky, and flew wildly till she could no longer fly anymore, the young mare was tormented by this, her love was gone but, was still with her... within her.

End Flashback, different Flashback

It had been 9,991years since Luna was banished to her moon, deep within a cave in the everfree, a Filly stirred, in her soft bed by the sound of rocks crumbling.

Celestia glided into the cavern, she had wondered what was in there for years and Decided to go inside the cave.

When she entered she saw her sister's horn righting, in old equestrian. translated, it read.

'When you are old enough you might understand this, I am leaving you here for you own protection, if all goes to plan I shall return for you please forgive me for what I do. I shall always love you, my dear daughter Star shine, your father Stygian and I will always love you and one day we will all be reunited.
I love you forever My Lucky Star,
Your loving mother Luna.'

Celestia blinked and re-read it multiple times, then she heard a small whine.

She landed and looked around the dark room, she ignited her horn and looked around until she found the route of the sound. A filly.

She gasped and walked closer to the infant, who fussed inside the crystal cradle.

She leaned in and picked up the filly in her magic, her eyes were just like her long-lost sister, Luna's, eyes.

"You must be Star shine..." She said gently, although Luna was better at illusion spells Celestia could tell the foal had wings. She couldn't leave the filly here alone, even though she best be almost 10,000, because of all the markings and the date Luna had written, was only a few weeks before she turned into Nightmare moon, but this filly didn't even look a year, or act it for that matter.

She flew out of the Cave and into the night air, she looked up at her sister in the moon. "Oh, Luna what have you hidden?" She asked the moon gently.

She glided down to a small Town called Ponyville. She put on a cloak and tucked the Filly in a basket with a blanket, and a note with her name.

She took off after leaving the filly there, she would Return for her, when Luna came back, and have her little sister explain about the whole thing, mostly the filly.

A stallion named Rock Layer had taken a shine to the Filly, and he and his wife could not have a foal of their own, and Salon, his wife, liked the filly as much as her husband.

In turn they adopted the Filly, giving her everything she could have ever wanted, a family, toys, love, a house to stay, but not a home.

After a year of learning how to talk, and such, her first word had been 'Luna', she said the only word she knew before they began teaching her, in a sentence.

"Mama... I... am... Star shine...that...is... my...name..." The filly said shakily.

At first her parents were confused but, they had no clue of her past, perhaps it was her name.

The filly was teased by many for she was still not that fluent of a speech, But Twilight taught the filly everything she asked about the stars, and helped teach her new words.

Many other foals teased her and picked on her, but her difficulty speaking was only part of it. She would stay up at night, something her parents found out quickly.

Her room was painted dark blue, with stars painted around the room in constellations, all accurate, and painted by her.
Her walls also had posters of Princess Luna, and star charts. She had many dolls 92% of them were Luna.
And she read many, many, many, MANY books on stars or anything that mentioned Princess Luna, and a telescope near the small balcony in her room.

Many years later the princesses were there for a celebration, Star shine stood at the edge of a crowd, just as Princess Celestia walked past.

Celestia stopped dead in her tracks. She could have sworn that she was looking at a smaller version of her sister.
The Princess shook her head and smiled at the filly as she continued along the route.

Yet another flashback right before Luna took Star shine as a pupil.

"Sister, we-er I have decided to take on a pupil like you have done!" Luna said one morning over breakfast.

"Really Luna, would you like to use my school to pick out a student?" Questioned Celestia, taking a sip of tea. "That will not be necessary! I'd like to take a filly from Ponyville as my student, her name is Star shine!" Luna said, Celestia spit out her tea so hard it covered Luna.

"Eh-am Star shine?!" Celestia asked wide eyed. "Yes, that is what I said, She's quite talented! And she is only 9!" Luna said drying her coat with a napkin.

"That is quite interesting Luna, does that name sound Familiar to you in any way?" Asked Celestia. "Not really, I met her over the eclipse, but no it's not ringing any bells... Why?" Luna asked raising an eyebrow.

Celestia's eye twitched a bit and she sighed. "No reason, it's just an interesting Name."

End flashback

Star shine sighed as did the Princess who looked out over Canterlot from the princess's balcony, both mares had been remembering things from there past, Star shine recalled the many dull years she had spent in the cavern it was fuzzy but she knew she was an infant. How did she recall that?

She had no clue how long she had been in there but, it made up her first memories.

Luna in turn had been recalling the moments before she turned Evil.

It was odd, unfamiliar to her and blurred. She did not understand it but she at the same time she did, well at least she understood it happened before she had turned into Nightmare Moon.

Speaking of her wicked half for the past almost three years she had felt as if Nightmare was no longer part of her.
That worried her, greatly. If Nightmare was no longer part of her, where was she?

Something similar worried Stygian.

He had still felt Shadow deep inside him, but before the Eclipse he felt as if they had become disconnected...

But Star and Luna were the most puzzled about this, each saw the other, as blurry as it was, in their memories.

"Ah, Star shine, how might your studies be going?" Celestia asked the filly as they met in one of the many halls.
"Great! Luna is an amazing teacher! I've learned so much, I promised I'd meet her in the gardens, I've got to go! Also, before then she wanted to talk to you!" Star said trotting off.

"Sister?" Luna asked.

"Yes Luna?" Celestia said. "Why didn't you want me to take Star shine as a Student?" Luna questioned.

Celestia stayed quiet.

Luna walked off.

Celestia felt conflicted.

She decided to write her old mentor, Star swirl the bearded.

Dear Star swirl,
I am in challenging situation, over nine years ago, I found a filly in a cave.
According to the writing and a spell on her, she is my sister's child. But she seems to have no recollection of the filly, she's taken her on as a student, but the child is also Stygian's.
Neither seem to know about the other, it seems I am the only one. I am worried Luna will find out and turn to darkness once again, or worse Star shine will, once she learns that she is her daughter.
This is all so confusing! I'm writing for your advice, please respond as soon as you can, for once something is not in my control or power. I do not know what to do!
Sincerely a very worried,

She sent the letter off in a puff of golden smoke.

Author's Note:

Oh me oh my! so many flash backs! and why are they recalling such things? as I guess some of you might be asking What ever happened to the mare form the moon and Shadow? ARE THEY EVEN ALIVE?! Of course they are!

How is Celestia going to respond to Luna's question? How will Luna and Star Shine react to the truth? What happened to Nightmare Moon? Continue reading to find out! But feel free to review guesses.