• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 4,009 Views, 77 Comments

Amator Solis - SPark

Princess Celestia is Ember's favorite client. But when Celestia invites Ember out for tea to talk about something important, she brings up the topic of dating, and Ember can't help but fear that Celestia will stop seeing her.

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Comments ( 39 )

o yay a thing

ello there

Hooray for a Cadance with serious backbone! Very well played.

I adore this story and everything in the Emberverse :heart:

Light and laughter,

This was realy good


I liked it!

(Cadenza's threat there seemed a bit unnecessary, but that's family for you, I guess? Has anyone ever had that actually happen to them?)

Well, from our point of view, we all know Ember is a decent person. From Cadance's point of view Ember is largely unknown. So I think to her it felt necessary.

She could've just checked her profile on OkCadance.

It’s family’s Job to scare the hell out of perspective mates for their siblings.

Yeah, the "Shovel Talk" just makes me roll my eyes these days. It's such a dead horse trope; even the comical over-the-top versions are unfunny.

Is this actually a thing in the US?

I don't know.

All I know is that I seem to be the only one left who knows what "OkCadance" refers to.


Since there's no Dad figure to make an appearance with the typical "Dad Stare" when someling' goes courting Celestia, Cadance will have to step in.

Cadance would be the appropriate person to do that, since she's had some bad experience with changeling queens herself, and I like how she went on about it. Still, it did come across as a bit cliche.

I'm relieved that Ember kept Far out of the picture, but that does make me wonder all the more what he is to her and the story. Just a friend, it seems.

...That was a good place to end it, but I can still hope for more.

I want there to be more! I just can't commit to it, as I have five billion things to write and never enough time or energy. But I have ideas, so eventually this may have a sequel/get updated with more.


Celestia shipping is usually weird, and while I've seen her shipped with a reformed (or a nearly dead but desperate) Chrysalis (and sometimes as a changeling herself), I can't say I've seen her shipped with an OC queen.

I want to hope for more, but Celestia is such a weird character to write for (without tearing her from her throne or going back in time a millennia) that I don't want to ruin a good thing.

Another great chapter to Ember's story. My imagination couldn't help but add some flash to Far Gaze's reaction at the end.

And with that she was gone, leaving a faint taste of scorched air and deadly sincerity behind her.

"Wow. Celestia was right, she's kind of terrifying when she's angry."

And hot! You forgot about hot and sexy!

Ember grinned despite herself. Quiet, you.

I mean it! She’s got that whole ‘you be good or I’ll make you suffer like you’ve never suffered before’ vibe absolutely GOING ON! Stallions love incentive like that.

Ember facehoofed. Far Gaze—

I mean it! You think a little ozone and lightning won’t get a male to do his best? To exceed every limit he put on himself to perform his duty beyond his utmost? **Sigh** No wonder she’s the Princess of Love.

Ember rolled her eyes and shook her head. Stallions…so simple.

Ha ha ha ha. I'm not sure Far Gaze would react that way, given he's borderline asexual, but it's an amusing image.

Oh, no doubt. Far Gaze has a very...sedate demeanor. He would be much more likely to appeal to Ember’s emotions or her intellect to help her recover from the shock of a credible threat from the alicorn.

If Ember is in her earth pony form, I recommend letting the reader know.

How is work progressing on the book? Do you have cover art yet?

I do! It's the editing that's holding things up. It was posted entirely without any, and in places it shows, it needs some pretty heavy overhauls.

I loved it! An absolutely amazing peice.

I appreciate that this lampshades her fumble last chapter, and -- as usual for you -- is very adult about working it out. Which doesn't mean there isn't room for shenanigans! The castle infiltration went just about like I expected it would -- which is to say, she learned why it was a crazy idea, but sometimes you can't get anywhere without a little crazy.

Especially with love.

Thank you again for bringing out such awesome relationshipping in your writing. (He says, as he wraps up his writing break and goes back to his entry for the cheating contest. :derpytongue2:)

The cute one.

My buddy is waiting until his daughter is old enough... He's got a lovely twohander that he's looking forward to giving a demonstration with.

So, what does Far think of all this? I thought he was essentially Ember's one true love?

Either way, a toast! To Sunbutt and... Sexbutt? Hrm... No, there's got to be a better nickname for Ember. Either way; opposites working out! Yay! :pinkiehappy:

Also, here's hoping we get to see Cadance and Ember hanging out at some point. I'm a sucker for Cadance's interactions with changelings, especially where they come from relatively equal starting points (IE, one isn't lording over the other. But that is always the fear that makes the interactions delicious!).

Far and Ember are quite polyamorous. If I get a chance to expand this I actually want to develop Far's character quite a lot more! But there's always too much writing to do and never enough time.


"By the way, Princess, if you really want to date me, then I suggest you get used to having this stallion around."


Loved the ending on this! It's always the sweet ones you gotta watch out for!

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

I hate the cliche where "person x tries to intimidate person y for having the audacity to date their friend"

Wait, what. I remember reading this when each chapter came out but how the hell did I not upvote it? I'm fixing that right now. Your Ember series needs all the love, pun not intended.

Thank you! I needed some cheering up today.

You're welcome! And if you need any more cheering up, it might interest you to know that the plushie I got from you a few years ago is my favorite thing to cuddle to bed. It makes a great comfort object.

Awww, that's awesome! :pinkiehappy:

This was cute and fluffy and now I want more :yay:

That was sweet and at times hilarious with the utter disaster of Ember's attempt to ask Celestia out.
I just... really dislike the ending with Cadance. If Cadance wants this whole thing to fail, she's just done her part in bringing that about. If not she's not the brightest - but, being the Alicorn of love it would be fitting for her to get way too emotional in matters of Alicorn love. Alicorn love most likely feels like a blowtorch to her senses, much like it's often almost overwhelming for Ember... as she said, love has driven ponies to madness. I guess she has Shining to get her down to earth again.

I like the detail of the palace guard Ember sees on the way in, and how he is actually one of her clients. Not only does this help show just how wide the scale of Ember's clients is, but it's also kind of funny to have a royal guard who's basically got a crush on their former boss. Although I do agree that Shining Armour is definately quite something.

The princess of food approves! 🎉

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