• Member Since 26th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Comments ( 20 )

Gonna be a little less "kind" this time:

This is rubbish. Plain and simple. You took no advice from the first one and released a sequel that is equally as unedited and rubbish. Being smut does not mean it has to suck. There are perhaps more spelling mistakes in this one than the first one. Get a proofreader and edit before you publish the crap. I didn't rate your first story, but this time you kind of earned this thumbs down.

I could Ignore you, I could block you, but instead i'm just gonna say this

your advice is not helpful to me. I tried looking for an editor. I tried looking for a proofreader. i found no one maybe if I started out writing something with interesting subject matter like you did I would have attracted more interest, maybe would garnered more of a following among witch I could find an editor

but if you can find me an editor and/or proofreader who is willing to work on the stories I've written be my fucking guest

Ignoring criticism or blocking criticism is basically admitting you should never write in the first place. I'll be blunt, there are people way harsher than me and way less forgiving than myself. If what I say bugs you so much, you should literally stop writing entirely. People criticize my stuff too, but I put on my big kid panties and take the criticism into thought.

The fact that you're getting so rude about it kind of shows you cannot handle criticism. If you can't handle criticism you really should stop writing. I mean that not as a bitch, but as an honest piece of advice because you will get plenty in your path as a writer. You have to learn to deal with that. You can't get mad at critics and tell them to basically do the work for you. It's not my job to find you an editor or proofreader, that's your job.

That being said, don't make it about me, because this isn't a personal attack. I'm telling you that I gave you good advice last time and you published more unedited rubbish without even making an honest effort.

Know what's free and doesn't require you finding anyone? Grammarly. Go install it. It will actually catch a lot of the mistakes in your story right out of the gate. I have it installed on my Microsoft Word and my web browser myself.

Don't make excuses. If you want to write, then make improvements, not excuses.

i'm sorry your right. I shouldn't have attacked you. I just thought I was getting better in terms of story writing. and then you tell me this story is worse. I kinda took it personally and i'm sorry for that. I never ignore anyone who's genuinely trying to help but it didn't seem to me like you were at first. but thanks for your advice

I don't really mince my words because it doesn't help. People I find will cling to the few good things people say and avoid the bad. Sometimes we need to hear the bad and acknowledge it.

This site is full of people who will help you, I'm sure you can find someone.

you know I used to think I could take negative criticism fairly well. clearly, that's not really the case. I guess its just my nature to take in positive criticism and roll with that .By Odin I need to grow out of that

You'd think in Equestria they would support LGBT (mostly cause the show portrays mares as dominant and pretty sure they don't do harems) they could support incestous relationship. Plus with Scribble Notes they could have threesomes

thanks, I like your work too

You were right in your first response. You should ignore people like Mist. Should a story be edited and proofed? Yes. Is it always available or absolutely necessary if the story is perfectly readable? No. Just warn readers ahead of time this is unedited and only self proofed and publish your horse words on a fan site. If it's easily readable that's the only true absolute necessity. This doesn't mean stop trying to find that refinement just don't let not finding it stop you.

Nobody tells a starting pony image artist well good try but you should never show your artwork before it's been triple checked by better artists. I'm tired of seeing this absurd standard applied to only the written word. If it's readable and the mistakes don't destroy immersion then I'm glad it's out there to read. Yes strive to be more professional and get better but as long as you are up front about what you are posting as a FAN on a FAN site and it's not bad enough to violate any site standards more power to you.

I really enjoyed these stories. I admit I'm biased. I have a thing for incest but that said I was immersed and enjoyed reading about Vinyl and her brother even with the mistakes. I sincerely hope you keep writing. Hopefully with an editor if you can find one but writing still even if not. Trust me I understand the difficulty in finding that help. I have helped my sister write probably nearly 100 stories over many genres and lengths. We have yet to find and editor or proofreader so most will stay on a different site that since it focuses on art doesn't have nearly as many like Mist.

Comment posted by Lavender_Raindrops deleted Feb 28th, 2018

thanks, man
I hope your sister gets more recognition for her work in fact I would be interested in seeing it if you don't mind

What? No.

You are giving him advice that is setting him up to fail. A majority of the people on this site do not respond well to an unedited story. I am giving him advice that will help him reach a bigger audience and get his work appreciated.

Telling people to not care if their work is even following the proper english rules is basically setting them up for dislike city. Also there are a lot worse people than myself, I was actually pretty tame in my critique.

By all means though, if you wish to remain in dislike town where you currently are, ignore my advice and listen to this clown. After all, his whole 0 stories published shows how he can put his money where his mouth is. I actually publish stories and take criticisms to heart to modify my stuff and improve and as a result I have stories that people enjoy and I don't have huge amounts of dislikes. However if you feel better listening to this guy instead, be my guest.

That's why you have to go to another site to get your stories any love isn't it? Because you can't meet the standards of this one.



I Appreciate both of you guys advice and I am not going to ignore either of you, I find some value in what you both told me, except for Silver_Lining's suggestion to ignore Mist's advice, and Mist calling Silver_Lining a talentless clown. I am perfectly capable of finding wisdom from people who are trying to help while not blindly doing what they tell me to do.

but anyway I need to get some sleep. tomorrow's my birthday I would appreciate not wakeing up to find a flame war erupting in these comments especially on my birthday thank you.

Yeah dont worry about a flame war. I learned long ago not to even engage people like him. I haven't and never will read any comment he makes to me. Its why my previous comment and this one is directly to you.

*Reads the last line*

Aren't you from the Jesus book.

Could we get a sequel? plz? hopefully, she goes the preggo route!

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