• Published 14th Feb 2018
  • 1,105 Views, 3 Comments

Aria Baking - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

Aria Blaze asks Pinkie Pie for some help baking for Valentine's Day

  • ...

Fudge Brownies

Pinkie Pie sat in the living room to alone, humming to herself. A lollipop was stuck in her mouth as she sucked on it, occasionally chewing on the thick paper handle. A pencil shifted from finger to finger as she stared at all the papers strewn about on the coffee table in front of her.

Valentine's Day was fast approaching. It was a day where couples would celebrate being together and express how much they mean to each other. It was a day where single people would be more likely to work up the nerve to tell others that they were attracted to them.

It was also the day before all of the leftover candy was sold at a discount, which was Pinkie's favorite part, but beside the point.

Pinkie had no interest in a romantic relationship at this time, and knew others who felt the same. Her own sisters were good examples, since Maud and Limestone were both more interested in their jobs than romance at this time. Marble might have been interested, but Pinkie was not allowed to interfere (Marble had gotten a legally binding and notarized contract saying just as much, wanting to find someone on her time and in her way). Still, she also knew that there were people out there who were interested in being in a relationship, of having someone to celebrate the holiday with. And some times, those people needed a little push to find that. Nothing too aggressive or forceful, of course. Just a little nudge here, an opportunity there, and letting nature take its course.

Which was what she was currently working on. Spread out in front of her were information on everyone she knew, regardless of relationship status, activities both for singles looking for someone and for couples, and lists and lists of ideas on who would like what and how to get them where and when for things to work out. Most of it was all hypothetical, though, trying to figure out the maximum amount of people she could help and make happy without knowing everything that might happen. Even if she somehow could expand her abilities to know everything, that sounded like it would be very boring very fast.

The sound of someone beating down the door hard enough to shake the house drew Pinkie Pie from her thoughts.

"I got it!" she announced to the otherwise empty house as she popped up and made her way for the door.

Just as she reached it, a chill ran down her spine.

Opening the door, saw the familiar scowling face of Aria Blaze. It was not a face that she had been expecting to see. The last time the two had seen each other was when Pinkie and her friends defeated Aria and her allies at the battle of the bands. And judging from the angry look on Aria's face, she had not entirely gotten over it either.

But she had not tried to punch Pinkie the moment they saw each other, so that was a plus. Maybe this was a chance for them to mend some fences, and maybe come a step closer to being friends.

Besides, if Aria did try anything, Pinkie had a pocketful of sweet she could use as explosives, and all the girls on emergency speed dial. Throw some sprinkles in Aria's face, run for the bathroom, and call Sunset Shimmer. That was a plan.

"Hey, Aria," Pinkie said, putting on a big, friendly smile. "What brings you here?"

"I'm already regretting this," Aria grumbled, her purple eyes looking away. She moved forward, reaching a hand out toward Pinkie, then stopped. With a scowl, she clenched her hand and brought it down to her side.

"Can I come in?" she asked through clenched teeth. "Please?"

Well if she's trying to be nice, then she's not going to try and hurt me, Pinkie decided. She relaxed a little as her smile became a little more genuine.

"Sure," Pinkie chirped out. Stepping aside, she held the door wider, and motioned inside. "Come on in."

With a sigh, Aria Blaze stepped into Pinkie's house. Her brow furrowed and eyes narrowed as she looked around, taking in the house around her.

"So, what brings you to Casa de Tarta?" Pinkie asked as she shut the door.

Whirling around to face Pinkie, Aria raised a hand, pointing a finger at the other girl's face.

"First, let me make this clear," Aria snarled out. "You can't tell anyone that I was here, or a single word of what I say to you." She leaned in, eyes narrowing. "Got it?"

Despite the threatening, Pinkie could not help but find it cute. She knew how people were enough to figure something out. Whatever was going on, Aria was embarrassed about it. Aria was putting on a brave and tough front to hide it, but was actually scared and nervous. It was so cute that Pinkie could not help but giggle a little.

"Sure thing, Ari," Pinkie stated. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye, I Pinkie Promise that I won't tell anyone that you were ever here, and anything that I hear."

She was a little proud of homonym ending.

With a sigh, Aria took a step back. Her arms crossed over her chest as she slouched down some. Once again, she looked away, refusing to make eye contact with Pinkie Pie.

"I heard you were good at baking," Aria stated. Her face turned bright red. "And... I... need...yourhelp." The last two words were blurted out so quickly, that most people would not have been able to hear what had been said.

Pinkie, however, was most definitely not most people.

"Aww," she cooed out, eyes wide. "Does someone have a crush and want to tell them on Valentine's Day?"

"Shut up!" Aria yelled. "It's not like..." She stopped. "I mean... it is, but not..." She took a step back. "It's just..." Aria wrapped her arms around herself, less as a crossed motion and more like she was hugging herself. "Just..." She sighed. "Just, don't." Her cheeks had changed from her pale purplish pink, to a deep, bright red.

The sight made Pinkie feel a little sorry for Aria. If Aria was anything like Limestone, then she had a hard time expressing herself in ways other than anger and aggression. It in no way indicated that she was incapable of feeling them, but was not sure how to handle them, or express them in a healthy manner. Although it was probably worse for Aria, seeing as -- according to pony princess Twilight Sparkle -- she had been like that for at least a thousand years.

With the thought of Aria in terms of her own sister, Pinkie reacted accordingly. Stepping forward, she wrapped her arms around Aria and pulled her into a hug.

This did not lead to immediately getting punched or elbowed.

"Anyone ever talk to you about personal space?"

"All the time," Pinkie replied, grinning. Admittedly, it was a bit of a problem for her at times, but sometimes, a person just needed a hug, whether they knew it or not.

Finally, she broke the hug.

"So, did you have anything in particular in mind?"

Aria rubbed at her elbow and licked her lips.

"Actually... yeah," she answered. "I was thinking of making fudge brownies with cream cheese frosting."

"Oooh," Pinkie replied. "That sound fun and tasty." And was also a lot of work. Not too much for Pinkamena Diane Pie, of course, but it would take some effort.

There was, however, one problem.

"I don't have all the ingredients for that, though," she stated. "We're going to have to go to the grocery store and pick up some supplies."

"What?!" Aria cried out. "No!" She grabbed a hold of Pinkie. "I can't have people see me grocery shopping." She started shaking her. "Especially not for baking supplies. Someone might recognize me."

After the shaking had stopped, it took a little longer for the shaking in Pinkie's head to stop as well.

"Well, we don't have everything here," Pinkie stated. "And you can't stay if I'm not here. So, either you come with me, or have to go wait somewhere else until I get back."

A thought occurred to her.


"Unless?" Aria asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I could ask someone to go get them for me, and we could pay them back," Pinkie suggested, "but, they would want to know why, and probably want to hang out for a while."

Aria stared at Pinkie a moment before sagging and looking down. She then threw her head back and let out a long, loud groan of frustration.

"Fine!" she huffed out. "Let's go to the stupid store, so we can get the stupid ingredients to make the stupid brownies, for stupid Valentine's Day!"

"Feel better?"

"No," Aria answered. "Let's just go. Sooner we get there, sooner we get back, and the sooner I can be out of here."


After a mostly uneventful trip, the two returned to Pinkie's house, Aria carrying the grocery bags. While the trip had been successful in terms of getting what they needed for baking, but not so much in terms of getting Aria to open up. Any attempt by Pinkie to make conversation were met with scowls, eye rolls, and on one occasion, a growl of "Do you have an off-switch or something?"

As they unpacked everything and set it out on the counter, Pinkie decided that it was the perfect time to ask one question that she had been thinking about for a while.

"So, how much baking have you done?"

Aria froze, standing there for a long second with the milk in her hand.

"None," she answered, slamming the carton onto the counter. "Normally, I would just use my magic to coax some poor idiot into doing it for me --" turning, she glared over her shoulder at Pinkie "-- but somebody destroyed our amulets and magic, so I can't do that anymore!"

"Oh, gee," Pinkie said in a flat voice, "it almost sounds like people wouldn't like the idea of mind controlling sirens from another dimension trying to take over their school and brainwash the entire student body. Who would ever have guessed?"

Several seconds passed in silence as both stood there, stunned by what Pinkie had just said.

"Heh," Aria huffed with a smirk. She returned her attention to unpacking. "Guess you got a little bit of a spine after all."

Pinkie figured that was meant as a compliment.

"Alright," Aria said. "What do we do now?"

After that, things seemed a little more relaxed. Aria did not exactly become what Pinkie would call friendly, and certainly not more talkative, but she was a little less surly. Also, whether it was because she had relaxed or simply because Pinkie was the expert at baking between the two of them, Aria started following Pinkie's directions as they started baking. Pinkie did the bulk of the work, but Aria did as she was told, and was actually pretty helpful.

It was not long until they had a pan filled with gooey, chocolaty, fudge brownies cooling. All that remained was to make the cream cheese frosting. Pinkie let Aria take the lead on that, only giving directions when necessary.

And took advantage of the time to clean the last of the yummy chocolate batter from bowl and spatula.

Once the frosting was thoroughly mixed and spread across the tops, all the remained was to let it set until it was ready to be cut.

"So," Pinkie said, "while we wait, how about a game of Candy Crushers?"

"...I call Peppermint Fist..."

"Hah! You'll be no match for my Lady Licorice!"


Valentine's Day

Aria Blaze sat upside on the couch, dual ponytails splayed out on the floor, staring in the direction of the television, which was on, but not really being watched. Like so many other channels on this day, the one that was currently on was showing some romance movie or other. Aria did not really care, and from what she did catch, she did not really need to. It was a pretty generic: a "plain" girl who is "shy" and "klutzy" (really an attractive actress who is marginally popular without being snobby about it, and trips only once in the entire movie which is during a very convenient moment); she ends up meeting and literally then figuratively falling for a guy; the guy is good-looking, friendly, and rich, but can't really express himself emotionally; so he likes the girl back, but has a hard time letting her know; and the entire movie is them trying to get together, while the plot tries to keep them for doing so until the run time had been filled. Whole thing will probably end up with them kissing just before the credits.

Aria was hoping for some last minute twist, though. Like one of them turned out to be a psycho killer, or brain sucking alien disguised as a human. Heck, she would even be satisfied if they pulled a "Crying Game" or something. At least then, it would not be mindless romantic drivel.

During the make-over scene turned clothes montage, the front door slammed open.

"I'm home!" announced a peppy, upbeat, and annoying voice.

"I'll alert the news media," Aria snarked, still staring at the TV.

After slamming the door shut, Sonata Dusk made her way into the living room. A wider than usual grin covered her pale blue face as she held up the grocery bags above her victoriously.

"Are you ready for our special Valentine's Day dinner, Ari?"

With a groan, Aria threw her head back more and rolled her eyes.

"Don't say it like that, Sonata. Makes it sound like it's a date or something."

"Aaahhh," Sonata cooed as she leaned forward. "You know you love me." She then puckered up and kissed the air.

"Yeah, yeah." Aria looked away and crossed her arms, her pink face turning redder. "Whatever helps you, doofus."

Her gaze shifted to the shopping bags.

"Shouldn't you, I don't know, take those to the kitchen, or something?"

Sonata blinked then looked down at one of the bags in hand. She lifted one up and let out a little chuckle.


Turning, she continued on toward the kitchen.

"By the way," Aria called after her, "a package arrived for you. It's on the table."

A high-pitched squeal of excitement filled the air as Sonata ran for the kitchen as fast as she could.

From another part of the house, another door opened.

"Did I just hear Sonata?" asked a deeper, more seductive feminine voice.

"Yeah," Aria answered. "She's back from the store and--"

The rest of her statement was forgotten as a second, louder, ear-piercing squeal echoed through the house.

"Dagi!" Sonata called out as she ran through the house again, now carrying a box in her hands. "Dagi! Look!" Grinning wide, she held the box out in front of her.

"Yes, Sonata," Adagio Dazzle said slowly, wrapping an arm around her to hold up her towel. "It's a box. With your name on it."

"Right!" Sonata shouted hopping up and down. "A box. With my name on it. On Valentine's Day! Do you know what that means?"

"The state decided to send you all the renewed restraining orders in one bulk package?" Aria suggested.

"No!" Sonata snapped. "You know that when we get restraining orders, they come in official looking envelopes that we have to sign for." She huffed. "You're the one that gets them the most."

"Meh," Aria replied with an attempt at shrugging.

"Another Valentine package from your secret admirer?" Adagio asked, raising one orange eyebrow.

"Exactly!" Sonata cheered, hopping in place again. Her eyes went wide as she brought the box closer to her face. "I wonder what they sent me this time."

"Well, maybe you should open it and find out," snapped Aria.

"Oh, right."

Bracing the box against her with one arm, Sonata brought her razor-sharp nails down, slicing into the tape and through the cardboard. With a single yank, she ripped the tape and tore the cardboard, pulling the entire top off and tossing it aside. Reaching inside, she pulled out a piece of paper. On it was a picture of Sonata, surrounded by heart with writing on it.

To: Sonata,

A touch of sweetness in this bitter world.

"Aww," Sonata cooed out.

Reaching back in, she pulled out a package wrapped in red cellophane wrapped with a pink ribbon. Untying the ribbon, Sonata opened the cellophane and looked inside.

"Brownies!" she gasped out. Pulling one out, she took a big bite. A moan of pleasure escaped her as she chewed.

"Oh, just great," Aria said as she moved to stand up. "Now I'm going to be stuck babysitting Sonata on a sugar rush." She let out a huff. "Probably have to carry her to bed after she crashes, too."

"You're just jealous," Sonata shot back.

"Me? Jealous?" Aria snapped. "Of what?"

"That I have a secret admirer, and you don't," stated Sonata, sticking her tongue out at Aria and making a loud raspberry noise.

"Sonata?" Adagio cut in. "Did you put the groceries away, or simply leave them in the kitchen when you got distracted by the box?"

A gasp escaped Sonata as her eyes went wide.


She headed back toward the kitchen, box still in hand. Aria watched her go before turning away and flopping down onto the couch. Not long after, Adagio joined her in the living, taking a seat in her chair. Her pale yellow arms crossed her chest, holding the towel in place. Lips pressed thin, her raspberry colored eyes narrowed as she stared at Aria.

"What?!" Aria finally snapped, turning to glare at Adagio.

"You know," Adagio said slowly, "we have moved six times since her 'secret admirer' first started sending these Valentine's Day packages, and not only is there no return address" -- her eyes narrowed further -- "but there's not even a post mark either."

"So her --" Aria made finger quotes "-- 'secret admirer' --" she unquoted "-- is more a stalker. Is it really that surprising?"

Adagio let a huff and shook her head.

"Look. A secret admirer can't stay a secret admirer forever. Either they're going to have to stop sending her gifts and let her move on, or come forward and deal with how she responds, good or bad." Adagio then leaned forward. "And the sooner, the better."

"Don't you have a date to get ready for or something?" Aria growled, glaring at the television.

"Fine," Adagio replied, throwing up her hands. "I gave my advice on the matter." She stood up. "Whether you take it or not is up to you."

With that, she headed to her room to get dressed, walking in front of Aria in the process.

Aria glared at Adagio until she left the room. Grabbing the remote, she changed the channel to try and find something more interesting than the stupid romance.

What annoyed her the most was that -- as was always the case -- deep down, she knew that Adagio was right.

Author's Note:

For some reason, I was on a Dazzling kick recently, and came up with this. The surprise of who Aria was baking for may not be the most original, but I hope it was at least entertaining to find out.

Also, I now think Candy Crushers would be a great fighting game, and Pinkie would totally be a girl who has a game where all the characters are candy themed.

Comments ( 3 )

Aw...that was a sweet story. I liked it.

Aria really needs to confess sooner or later though...

This had a lot more wit than I expected, and didn't end with a love confession, for which I was enormously grateful. I really liked how Aria was still hugely snarky around Sonata and did the whole thing anonymously, I was hoping the surprise would turn out to be from her to Adagio, just to mix things up, but I think you pulled the usual SonAria thing off better than many :twilightsmile:

One thing I would say is that the first couple of sentences have a bit of repetition in them - 'lollipop' would avoid 'sucker' and 'sucked' together, and there are two 'herself's in the first bit.

Good job with the story, thanks for writing :twilightsmile:

This was great. The characters and their banter was perfect. Loved that Marble basically put a restraining order against her sister to prevent Pinkie meddling in her love life. Minor editing issues aside, a very enjoyable read.

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