• Published 10th Feb 2018
  • 1,729 Views, 10 Comments

My Little Pony: More Then Meets The Eye - Same2

After strange event all over equestria. Rainbow dash, Applejack, rarity, Fluttershy,pinke, and Twilight discover a dark secret can they keep it secret, or will it destroy equestria.

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S1 E6: Meeting the Princess


"Twilight its just a meteor shower" The young dragon said with a face of confusion.

"Last time i saw the meteor shower, it was when i had taken over that village" Starlight said with a sad tone.

she still had a giant suspension. She just hoped that this wouldn't bit her in the neck later.

"The names Jazz"

"Full out version?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh these are Prototypes" Jazz said as rainbow mouth dropped.

"No way, you must be lying" Rainbow said.

"Hey jazz, whats your cutie mark" Rainbow said to him very confused.

"Cutie mark?" Jazz said confused himself.

"Your special talent..." Rainbow said to jazz very confused about his reaction.

Cybertron eventually died. And we left to find a new place to call home. Just didn't know the Con were gonna follow us."

"My suggestion is we come out of hiding and strike back..."


"I'm rachet" The Orange and white one said.

"I'm Ironhide" the big red one said as he clashed fist.

"I'm sideswipe" the other red one said.

"I'm Wheeljack" the white one said.

"You failed me yet Again starscream!" Darkmount said as he threw Starscream at a wall. "I give you a small task, i wouldn't even cared if it was only one Autobot. But you failed me" Darkmount said in a rage as he started down Starscream.

"I'm sorry Lord Darkmount, Please spare my Life!!" Starscream pleaded.

"Fine" Darkmount said as he started walking away. "but I'm calling reinforcements" Darkmount said as the door shut to leave Starscream in a state of shock.

"Here Optumis, this is a next gen Pony carriage. it hasn't been released yet, wait a few days. then your ready to go" Twilight said as she got out.

"Thank you Twilight, this will most certainly do" Optumis said before Beams came from his eyes, it scanned the car. In his eyes a model of the Carriage was seen.

"Uh, the only reason i agreed to this, was because your just like tracks, and i don't mind him" Sideswipe sounded annoyed.

"Huh, whos this tracks fellow?" Rarity asked.

"He just acts just like you, if he get scratched even once he cries. know what, scratch that you act like two cybertronians, Tracks and Knockout" Sideswipe told her.

"Knockout?" Rarity sounded confused.

"He's just like tracks, he cries and complains when his paint is scratch, His Motto is "YOU SCRATCH ME PAINT, THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE" and "You scratch my paint, i scratch yours" Only reason is it is because his paint is pretty much always scratched" Sideswipe informed her. "Last time i saw him was at the battle of tiger pax" "That was the mission for the fate of cybertron, Autobots went to collect to Matrix of Leadership, The All powerful relic of Cybertron, created by Primus him self, the core of Cybertron, the One it deems worth becomes a prime. A few Bots decided to hold them off as the others went to the core, bumblebee was one of them, when he met face to face with the Leader of the Decepticons, he decide to challenge him, during the battle Bee jumped down to give the big Con a punch, but he was caught and was seriously damaged, he lost his voice. after Optumis got back, we rescued bee from the cons, thanks to ratchet he was fixed, but his voice was irreplaceable, so ratchet has to give him a bleeping voice"

downside is not everyone can understand him, and its easy Con teasing material"

"Hey whelljack what are you doing?" Pinkie said with her natural smile.

"Oh scrap, why couldn't Swerve watched her. hi pinkie, I'm just practing my combat" Wheeljack said with a sarcastic tone.

'Oh cool" Pinkie said.

"Ugh" Wheeljack said as he walked away.

"where are you going?" Pinkie asked.

"Away from here, it was prime's mistake to pair me with you" Wheeljack said angrily before the transformed and took off.

It transformed and Optumis prime looked at a rock. his hand turned into a blaster and he shot the rock open. inside was a rock of pure Energon.

At the Ark Twilight was with Pinkie, pinkie was on the edge of crying.

"I cant believe he just left you there" Twilight told her.

"He was really mean" Pinkie said with the saddest face ever. They heard a Revving sound as wheeljack appeared. his vehicle spun and he transformed and landed on his feet and he started walking.

"Hey Guys" Wheeljack said as he got sour looks. "What?"

'Wheeljack" A familiar voiced echoed.

"Aww scrap"

"Wheeljack, why have ive been told you abandoned pinkie pie" Optumis asked his with a serious tone.

"You want to know, you really do? You paired a childish pony with a serious scientist/warrior. and you want to know why i left her. you make me laugh prime" Wheeljack said as he stared at Optumis.

"If i haven't had something to do, i would lecture you more then you ever thought, i have a meeting with the princess to discuss a treating. but since you cant do your job, i will take all of them with me" Optumis said as he transformed. he opened his door. "In now" Optumis said as they all got in before taking off.

"You really messed up this time Wheeljack" Sideswipe said as he got a death glare from wheeljack.

Optumis drove to canterlot. he entered the city as the locals didn't really mind him. he knew the next generation carriage was released already. when he reached the castle. He was met with tones of guards. He entered the castle as he was directed to the Princess's room. He saw the Princess, She was taller then the others. She was white with what looked like a rainbow hair. she was a alicorn. witch Twilight explained to him. When he pulled up he opened his door. The others got out.

"What are the others doing here? i was just expecting Twilight" Celestia asked with a cofused tone.

"Well about that, one of them abandon pinkie, so he brought all of us" Twilight explained.

"Alright, Optumis is it? you may proceed" Celestia said before Optumis transformed. He bowed.

"I am pleased to meet you Princess Celesita" Optumis told her.

"You may stand" Celestia said as optumis got up.

"Starscream" Darkmount said.

"yes my lord" Starscream asked.

"Reforcments are here. we attack in 1 hour" darkmount said.

"Yes sir" Starscream bowed.

"So how did you get here" Celestia asked.

"Were from the planet Cybertron, our war destroyed cybertron, as a last resort we loaded up the ark and left Cybertron, The Decepticons followed us in a vessel of there own, the Nemesis. As we entered a new Galaxy The decepticons finally caught up to us. The boarded our ship, we took our stand. both ships were seriously damaged, and we crashed on equestria" Optumis said.

"Okay, may you please list your team" Celestia asked.

"Of course. My team has made tight bonds with Twilights friends. except for one. First my Music lover Jazz, in his spare time he loves to dance. and he great in battle, Next is my Scout Bumblebee. Though he lost his voice he still fights at his hardest and what he believes in. Next is Sideswipe, He is really sure of himself, but he still fights for the cause. Then is my medic Ratchet, Even though he can be cranky at times, he still cares for all of the Autobots, He tries his best to fix them when damaged. Next is Ironhide, my first lieutenant and Weapons specialist. He considers himself the Muscle of the team. Finally my Scientist and warrior Wheeljack. He says the reason he left was because Pinkie was too childish" Prime said. Celestia was gonna say something before getting interrupted by a explosion.

"What the?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm going to go see what it is" Celestia said as she ran outside followed by the others. When they got outside they saw several guards.

"What's going on?" Celestia asked.

"I don't know, these things just started attacking us and ponyville" A random guard answered.

"Decepticons!" Optumis said with a surprised tone. He saw a missile coming at him. It hit right in front of them this exploding.

Author's Note:

I hope this one wasent to boring, i wrote this in one sitting and on a time scale, lets see if i can get Episode 7 out today, no promises.

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