• Published 10th Feb 2018
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My Little Pony: More Then Meets The Eye - Same2

After strange event all over equestria. Rainbow dash, Applejack, rarity, Fluttershy,pinke, and Twilight discover a dark secret can they keep it secret, or will it destroy equestria.

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S1 E4: Meet the team


"Twilight its just a meteor shower" The young dragon said with a face of confusion.

"Last time i saw the meteor shower, it was when i had taken over that village" Starlight said with a sad tone.

she still had a giant suspension. She just hoped that this wouldn't bit her in the neck later.

"The names Jazz"

"Full out version?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh these are Prototypes" Jazz said as rainbow mouth dropped.

"No way, you must be lying" Rainbow said.

"Hey jazz, whats your cutie mark" Rainbow said to him very confused.

"Cutie mark?" Jazz said confused himself.

"Your special talent..." Rainbow said to jazz very confused about his reaction.

"Oh that, when i was younger i loved to make groups, one of my groups was that very logo. So it was my special talent, i do wish i could change it. Because my talent is more of a dancer" Jazz said.

" Anyway, After eons of war. Cybertron eventually died. And we left to find a new place to call home. Just didn't know the Con were gonna follow us."

"Ill show you tomorrow because fluttershy is still hurt. Now i believe you need to rest" Jazz said as he left the room followed by the others. One by one they fell asleep. Rainbow was up and she saw jazz.

The monster approached the other one again.

"Sir, the soldier we sent out, his life signal just shut off" The monster said to the other one.

"Ugh, no doubt the Autobots are making there first move" The big monster said as it started to walk away from the screen.

"My suggestion is we come out of hiding and strike back..."


The next Morning Rainbow was the last to wake up as they left. Behind the building the heard a "PST" when the went behind they saw Jazz and Bumblebee. Jazz And Bumblebee transformed and Everyone got in Bee's carriage as they left.

They entered the everfree forest. They came to a stop.

"Whats going on?" Twilight asked.

"The cons crashed here too. We need to be careful" Jazz said as she eyed around. "Move slowly" Jazz said as him and bee started to go again. They past some trees and they saw a giant Rock. But it wasn't it was orange. Like the one she saw in the sky that night. They entered and the first thing they saw a monster like the others but it was orange and White.

Another one stepped up, it was Red and black. With cylinders on its arms.

"Hey Rachet when are those life form suppost you ge-" A red monster said as he walked up then seeing them.

"I still don't get why we have to interact with them. Cant we be what we are. Robots in disguise" Another said. It was White with red and green stripes. Its head was black with blue eyes.

"Well you ruined the moment sideswipe" the big red one said.

"Scrap you iron hide" Sideswipe said.

"Um excuse me" Twilight said as they all look at her.

"Aw scrap" The white one said.

"Who exactly are all of you" Twilight asked.

"I'm rachet" The Orange and white one said.

"I'm Ironhide" the big red one said as he clashed fist.

"I'm sideswipe" the other red one said.

"I'm Wheeljack" the white one said.

"so who is the leader?" Twilight asked.

"Hes not here right now , but he just came in" Rachet said as they all looked towards the entrance to see a strange vehicle approaching them. it was red and blue and it had cylinders in the back.

The vehicle pulled up. when it stopped it started to change shape. the back became legs. its stood up as to pieces came out and hands shot out. the top was spinning around when it came down a head popped out. All of them were a little shocked.

"My name is Optimus prime. i am the leader of the autobots" The new robots said.

"And your in a war with the deceptions blah blah." Rainbow said. she heard a slight "Rainbow". no doubt.

"it is alright. i have dealt with soldiers who act the same way" Optumis said.

"Well why don't you have any equestrian modes?" Twilight asked.

"Because they haven't found anything 'suitable" Jazz said with quotations.

"Agreeing with jazz. i cant find anything i woud suit. but i don't like the idea of identity theft" Prime said as he looked at jazz with a disappointed look. Twilight was about to say something before she was interrupted by a giant beeping noise.

"What the?" Rarity asked.

"Blerp-ble-blerp" Bee said to the confusion of all of them.

"Energon sensor, already" Rachet said.

"And darkmount and the decepticons are already there" Prime said. "Jazz, bumblebee, Wheeljack, ironhide, sideswipe, and rachet. lets roll"

"Um excuse me?" Rachet said confused.

"If were dealing with many decepticons. we may require a medic" Optumis said to rachet.

"Who will watch the ship to make sure they don't wreck anything" Rachet said to Optumis.

"HEY!!" Rainbow yelled obviously offended.

"I will" Jazz said.

"Very well. AUTOBOTS, TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT" Prime said as he pointed to the entrance were they all ran except for jazz. they changed into weird modes. except for bumblebee, he was the pony carriage. optumis jumped and turned into his vehicle mode.

'Ahh that's my favorite part of the missions" Jazz said.

Taking off at high speeds was Optimus, Rachet, Ironhide, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, and sideswipe.

"Rachet, Where is this energon mine?" Optimus asked.

"According to the Energon tracker, about 3 clicks north" Rachet responded.

"Understood" Optumis said.

They were all hanging around. Jazz was just walking around holding a few objects. Applejack and Dash were holding a arm wrestling contest. Jazz put down the objects and looking at the screen.

"Whats that?" Twilight asked.

"Oh this is teletran One, the autobots system" Jazz said.

"Cool" Twilight responded.

Optumis and the other Autobots were approaching a cave entrance.

"Stop" Optumis said as he transformed. "This is the first energon signal we found, we need to be careful. Bumblebee check it out" Optumis said as Bumblebee started to drive in to the cave. Bumblebee Tranformed and saw the entire mine. He gave a signal as the others before they came over. They looked down to see many deceptions drones, Vehicons.

"A Major miner facility, looks like they haven't found any more mines" Optumis said as his hand turned into his blaster. The others hands turned into his blasters. Sideswipe hand turned into his favorite blaster the scattershot. A vehicon spotted them.

"AUTOBOTS!!!!" the miner said before he dropped his miner tool and his hand turned into weapon. the others did the same. the drillers turned there drillers into attack mode. they all started shooting at them.

All of the blasts were coming at the were coming. Optumis were blasting back as he decided to slid down.

"Scrap this" Wheeljack said before his gun turned into his arm and he pulled out his sword before jumping and stabbing a random Vehicon. Ironhide used his arm cannons to kill certain vehicons. He saw optumis running and his put his hand down. then when he stepped on Iron hides hand. he threw his hand in the air. Optumis Killed all the Driller Operators. When he landed he continued going.

"Autobots, after this we take the spare Energon" Optumis said as they all headed for the Energon.

"Lord DarkMount, this is energon mine 1. we are under attack, i repeat we are under attack" The vehicon said before getting stabbed by wheeljack.

"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK, I REPEAT UNDER ATTACK" The vehicon said over the com as Darkmount got mad. He pushed down a button.

"Send him in" Darkmount said. A decepticon walked in.

"Yes Lord Darkmount" The decepticons said.

"The Mining facility is under attack, i want you to asset them" Darkmount ordered.

"As you command Lord Darkmount" The Decepticon said as he bowed. then getting up and leaving.

At the Mining facility the Autobots were taking the spare energon. When they transformed Bumblebee put the energon on there roof. after everyone got the energon bumblebee transformed and took off with the others.

"Did we get all the energon?" Optumis asked.

'Yes" they all said.

"Good" Prime said as they kept going. when they entered a Valley of tree they started getting blasted at.

"What the!" Iron hide trying to dodge the blast.

''The seeker, Bumblebee take my energon, ill deal with him" Prime said as Bumblebee transformed and ran to him. he grabbed the Energon and threw it in the air then transforming and catching in as he drove off. Optumis slowed down as the mysterious flying thing shot a missle at some rocks. after the last Autobot got threw it collapsed. Optumis Transformed and slid as he turned. The flying thing started to fly up. the four wins became Two as it Transformed and landed. It was Grey and light Black. it's legs looked like high heels. Its head had a red spike and red eyes. with a Deception Symbol on it's chest.

"Starscream" Optumis said with a angry tone.

"The very one Prime. i got message that you were at the mining facility. and now i Can Scrap you" Starscream said with a sinister smile. Optumis hands turned into blasters. "Oh i will enjoy this" Starscream said as his arms turned into guns. They Traded shots, Optumis was shot in the side. His Gun turned back into the arm, then turning into a blade. Starscream followed as there blades met. "I get to scrap to leader of the Autobots. i love this"

"This is for CliffJumper!" Optumis said as he pushed Starscream back and jumped up and charged his blade at him, Starscream dodged and charged back as Optumis swung his sword so there blades met again. Starscream's blade met Optumis's chest as it scrapped it. Starscream turned his other arm into his blaster and blasted Optumis. Optumis ran back and Punched Starscream in the face sending him into a tree. Optumis walked up to him and turned his hand back into his blaster as he aimed at Starscream. Starscream Took his blaster and shot Optumis and then transforming and taking off. Optumis looked at to big wall of rock and blasted at it. "Ratchet i believe i cant find a way back to the Ark"

"Huh?" Ratchet asked in the ship.

"The wall is to Heavy, it wont move" Optumis said.

"That's the only way. how are you gonna get here?" Ratchet asked concerned. Twilight just disappeared to Ratchet surprise. "What the" Rachet said as she appeared with Optumis.

"Well that was new" Optumis said as they plates on his face disappeared revealing a mouth.

"How the heck did you do that?" Sideswipe asked.

"Oh this, i can teleport" Twilight replied.

"Just like Skywarp, we may have just evened the odds" Wheeljack said.

"Well I'm glad we could help" Twilight said with a big smile as she teleported to the others.

"You failed me yet Again starscream!" Darkmount said as he threw Starscream at a wall. "I give you a small task, i wouldn't even cared if it was only one Autobot. But you failed me" Darkmount said in a rage as he started down Starscream.

"I'm sorry Lord Darkmount, Please spare my Life!!" Starscream pleaded.

"Fine" Darkmount said as he started walking away. "but I'm calling reinforcements" Darkmount said as the door shut to leave Starscream in a state of shock.