• Published 10th Feb 2018
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My Little Pony: More Then Meets The Eye - Same2

After strange event all over equestria. Rainbow dash, Applejack, rarity, Fluttershy,pinke, and Twilight discover a dark secret can they keep it secret, or will it destroy equestria.

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S1 E5: Getting used to things


"Twilight its just a meteor shower" The young dragon said with a face of confusion.

"Last time i saw the meteor shower, it was when i had taken over that village" Starlight said with a sad tone.

she still had a giant suspension. She just hoped that this wouldn't bit her in the neck later.

"The names Jazz"

"Full out version?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh these are Prototypes" Jazz said as rainbow mouth dropped.

"No way, you must be lying" Rainbow said.

"Hey jazz, whats your cutie mark" Rainbow said to him very confused.

"Cutie mark?" Jazz said confused himself.

"Your special talent..." Rainbow said to jazz very confused about his reaction.

"Oh that, when i was younger i loved to make groups, one of my groups was that very logo. So it was my special talent, i do wish i could change it. Because my talent is more of a dancer" Jazz said.

" Anyway, After eons of war. Cybertron eventually died. And we left to find a new place to call home. Just didn't know the Con were gonna follow us."

"My suggestion is we come out of hiding and strike back..."


"I'm rachet" The Orange and white one said.

"I'm Ironhide" the big red one said as he clashed fist.

"I'm sideswipe" the other red one said.

"I'm Wheeljack" the white one said.

"My name is Optimus prime.''

he pushed Starscream back and jumped up and charged his blade at him, Starscream dodged and charged back as Optumis swung his sword so there blades met again. Starscream's blade met Optumis's chest as it scrapped it. Starscream turned his other arm into his blaster and blasted Optumis. Optumis ran back and Punched Starscream in the face sending him into a tree. Optumis walked up to him and turned his hand back into his blaster as he aimed at Starscream. Starscream Took his blaster and shot Optumis and then transforming and taking off.

"You failed me yet Again starscream!" Darkmount said as he threw Starscream at a wall. "I give you a small task, i wouldn't even cared if it was only one Autobot. But you failed me" Darkmount said in a rage as he started down Starscream.

"I'm sorry Lord Darkmount, Please spare my Life!!" Starscream pleaded.

"Fine" Darkmount said as he started walking away. "but I'm calling reinforcements" Darkmount said as the door shut to leave Starscream in a state of shock.

At Night on the Ark a mysterious vehicle approached Optumis. Twilight head peaked out.

"Here Optumis, this is a next gen Pony carriage. it hasn't been released yet, wait a few days. then your ready to go" Twilight said as she got out.

"Thank you Twilight, this will most certainly do" Optumis said before Beams came from his eyes, it scanned the car. In his eyes a model of the Carriage was seen.

Inside Ponyville Rarity was putting on makeup. Outside was a red Vehicle. witch was sideswipe who was inpatient.

"Uh, the only reason i agreed to this, was because your just like tracks, and i don't mind him" Sideswipe sounded annoyed.

"Huh, whos this tracks fellow?" Rarity asked.

"He just acts just like you, if he get scratched even once he cries. know what, scratch that you act like two cybertronians, Tracks and Knockout" Sideswipe told her.

"Knockout?" Rarity sounded confused.

"He's just like tracks, he cries and complains when his paint is scratch, His Motto is "YOU SCRATCH ME PAINT, THAT WAS A BIG MISTAKE" and "You scratch my paint, i scratch yours" Only reason is it is because his paint is pretty much always scratched" Sideswipe informed her. "Last time i saw him was at the battle of tiger pax"

"Battle of tiger pax?"

"That was the mission for the fate of cybertron, Autobots went to collect to Matrix of Leadership, The All powerful relic of Cybertron, created by Primus him self, the core of Cybertron, the One it deems worth becomes a prime. A few Bots decided to hold them off as the others went to the core, bumblebee was one of them, when he met face to face with the Leader of the Decepticons, he decide to challenge him, during the battle Bee jumped down to give the big Con a punch, but he was caught and was seriously damaged, he lost his voice. after Optumis got back, we rescued bee from the cons, thanks to ratchet he was fixed, but his voice was irreplaceable, so ratchet has to give him a bleeping voice" sideswipe told her.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry" Rarity said worried.

"Eh its fine, we've all gotten used to it, only downside is not everyone can understand him, and its easy Con teasing material" Sideswipe told her.

A red Vehicle was Going super fast with Aj on top.

"HAAHA, YES GO FASTER" Aj was screaming.

"Alright" Ironhide said as he went really fast, Aj was gripping to stay on. iornhide stopped ad transformed. Aj was screaming for her life as she neared the ground, right before she hit the ground a hand caught her. "Hahaha got you" Ironhide joked before Applejack kicked him. "Ow" Ironhide said as she had a smile on her face.

Pinkie was walking around in a forest near her house/bakery she came Across Wheeljack.

"Hey whelljack what are you doing?" Pinkie said with her natural smile.

"Oh scrap, why couldn't Swerve watched her. hi pinkie, I'm just practing my combat" Wheeljack said with a sarcastic tone.

'Oh cool" Pinkie said.

"Ugh" Wheeljack said as he walked away.

"where are you going?" Pinkie asked.

"Away from here, it was prime's mistake to pair me with you" Wheeljack said angrily before the transformed and took off.

At fluttershy's cabin she was caring for her animals like normal. Besides her was Ratchet and bumblebee.

"I'm a little confused why Fluttershy got two of us?" Ratchet asked himself.


"Eh i guess your right bee" Ratchet told bee. He saw Fluttershy petting a bunny. "What the" Ratchet said.

"Oh this is angel" Fluttershy told them.

"Okay um bee, your turn" Ratchet said as he transformed and drove off.


In cloudsdale Two Pegasus were racing each other. Both were tied as they both went really fast trying to win. as they neared the entranced Rainbow basially bossted herself as she reached the finish line. but right above her was jazz who won by a arm. when he landed he transformed back into the Pegasus.

"Cheater!!" Rainbow said furiously.

"Is called a advantage, and it seems i have a better one" Jazz said with a smirk as rainbow became angry.

A weird pony carriage was approaching a cave. It's door came open.

"Out" A familiar voice said as twilight got out and it drove in the cave. It transformed and Optumis prime looked at a rock. his hand turned into a blaster and he shot the rock open. inside was a rock of pure Energon. He transformed and drove back out. he opened the door as they took off.