• Published 23rd Jan 2018
  • 344 Views, 1 Comments

Brothers of Prophecy - Sonic Rainboom Dash

can two legends stop the world from being engulfed in darkness? and how do they fight with powers unlike any the ponies have seen before? Want to find out? than step inside and take a read. You, too, will find that there's more to the two than looks.

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Courage in the prophecy: Part 2.

“Hahahahaha! You fool!” Nightmare Moon laughed, looking at the purple unicorn foolish enough to try challenging her. “Now you shall never see your ‘princess’ or the sun again. My night shall last, FOREVER!” thunder clapped as Nightmare Moon brought her forehooves down of the inert elements.

Meanwhile, in another location, a pair of crystal statue finally shattered into pieces letting the occupants inside eventually move around. They were, of course, the figures belonging to the two brothers. The taller one became weaker as his healing power cut off. He slammed into the ground on one knee as he growled in pain and weakness. His clawed hands were dug into the crystal base they rested on. He looked over at his brother and whispered one word in anger, “Go!”

Glancing back at his downed brother, Isaac nodded, taking off fast than a certain blue pegasus can fly, breaking the sound barrier in 2 seconds. Manipulating gravity, Isaac prevented the shockwave that would usually form from such a feat. The taller warrior remained where he was for the moment growling in frustration. Adam’s head ached with pain as he slowly put a great claw up to his helmeted head. He wished this pain would go away and his weakness disappear. It would be a bit longer before he would be back up to average strength. He watched as his brother disappeared into the distance. And then before he could move again he glowed with light before with a shattering noise his form glowed white and then broke into pieces to reveal another hairless minotaur where the great warrior had been.

Back with Twilight, she was trying to catch a break as she dodged another bolt from nightmare moon, wishing that the stupid elements weren’t just stupid rocks in a stupid castle.

Her friends were being kept from reaching her as the shadows coalesced into strange creatures that launched themselves at them. Her friends were forced to fight these nightmarish creatures and were unable to reach Twilight herself. Nightmare Moon laughed at her, “Do you not see? The elements no longer exist! You have lost!” she shouted, firing a much more massive beam than she had before.

Twilight knew that she wouldn’t be able to dodge the beam, and with how exhausted she was from dodging spells, she knew that this was the end. Closing her eyes, Twilight thought back to her fillyhood, remembering the two beings that saved the princess in her time of need. She chuckled a bit and called for their help, even though she knew they were an actual foals tale. “Please, help me,” she whispered.

The blast from Nightmare Moon came right towards her at high speed only to be deflected up through the broken ceiling as a pillar of reflective crystal grew up from the ground. Nightmare Moon growled as she looked around for what had stopped her death ray of power. “Who dares to stop this foal’s proper punishment? Who dares stand against me?” She yelled before her eyes spotted what had done it. They widened in surprise as the Nightmare yelled in fear, “No. You’re supposed to be trapped in that crystal for all time and eternity.”

Opening her eyes, Twilight opened her eyes, wondering who Nightmare moon was yelling at before they bugged out. The before her was A being wearing crystal armor that covered it from head to hoof. On its back was various sets of different crystals, along with crystal wings. Each crystal was embedded within a feather on each side, some even covering the entire wing. In its hand was a staff that was topped with a rose quartz gem, along with many different gems of equal or higher value. She could even see a diamond that was once said to be lost to time; the Argyle Phoenix. An ultra-rare pure red diamond that was supposed to grant the holder eternal life. Twilight was shocked that the tale of the brothers was just as valid as Nightmare Moon. “Isaac Clarke.”

Nightmare Moon howled in fury at the appearance of one of the accursed brothers. She stamped her forelegs into the ground which sent spikes of darkness rippling across the floor towards him. They held much power and force and broke through the pillar of crystal he had made appear just a moment before. They raced towards him to run him through and finally rid the world of him. “Die! Like the coward you are!”

Isaac just waved a hand, and five of the crystals on his back lit up. Two of the gems, one a sunstone, the other a yellow ruby, caused a bright flash that destroyed the spikes of darkness; While the star sapphire, fire ruby, and opal, all lit up and sent out their respective elements. The star sapphire shot out a torrent of water, wrapping around the stream of fire being produced by the fire ruby, creating a superheated cloud of steam.

Nightmare Moon teleported away from the cloud of superheated steam only to be slammed into a wall from the force that the opal had let out. She yelped in pain as she was pushed deep into the wall. After the energy stopped, she opened her eyes in shock and slowly worked herself out of the wall before glaring up at Isaac. She charged her horn and then fired off a spell that consisted of one of Isaac’s most significant weaknesses. When the spell hit the ground before Isaac a spider that had a demonic look to it appeared before him. The spider looked up at him as it clacked its mandibles and came close to him.

Despite the fear in his eyes, Isaac stood his ground. Because if he tried moving out of the way, Twilight would take the brunt of any attack from Nightmare. Waiving his hand again, three gems on his staff lit up. The rose quartz, moonstone, and emerald all launched different attacks. The moonstone reduced the gravity around the giant spider, while the quartz and emerald started a powerful earth strike. The quartz sent a boulder the size of Twilight’s head, while the emerald sent off a set of earthen spikes.

The spider was smashed into a lifeless body by the boulder that hit it in the face and the spikes that impaled it through the middle. Nightmare Moon growled as she yelled, “Stop cheating with your crystal magic whelp!” She fired off a series of rapid spells which created more of the deadly spiders that surrounded him. They moved in, and one managed to catch onto his leg, and its mandibles crushed the crystal armor there before burying themselves in his leg injecting deadly poison into his veins.

As soon as the venom hit the veins, it started melting into a crystal puddle. The poison moved so quick that Isaac vanished before he could scream in pain. “Hahaha! Finally, that accursed brother is no more!” Nightmare moon shouted gleefully, before freezing into place when she felt a hand on her withers.

“Yea I would be if I was fighting with all my strength and you were overcoming it. But then again, I’m just the distraction.” as soon as Isaac finished that line, the left wall caved inward, revealing a new creature. The creature was none other than the legendary Pokemon Mewtwo. One of the strongest Pokemon there was in the Pokemon world. And right behind it was another hairless minotaur, Although this one had brownish black hair with blue eyes. There was a cap on his head that had Luna’s cutie mark on it of all things. And he was wearing a shirt that was a replica of the Digimon frontier fire warrior’s shirt. He was also wearing regular blue jeans. He came on in through the hole, “Sorry I’m late. Had to recover after all.” He snapped his fingers, and Mewtwo disappeared with a flash of light as he pulled a device out of a holder on his hip. He twirled it around to face them, “Now let’s get the real party started!”

The device was, in fact, the d-tector from Digimon Frontier. Thanks to the fact that Digivices were somewhat everyday items for children visiting the digital world he was able to get his hands on one. A ring of fractal code appeared on his right hand as he held the device in his left. He grinned, “Unity Execute! Unified Spirit Evolution!” He smacked the ring of fractal code to the device, and a cocoon of data appeared around him. They could hear him yelling in the cocoon before it burst apart to reveal the Digimon known as EmperorGreymon. He swung his sword around and posed, “Emperorgreymon.” He held his sword in front of himself and held it by the cross hilt as he shouted, “Dragonfire Crossbow!” A gold part that outlined his sword split apart, and the hilt moved back away from the blade as a large bolt of fire appeared in the middle of the sword. He pulled a trigger on the handle, and the flash of light zoomed from the sword and impaled Nightmare moon right through the side with burning Dragonfire.

Isaac tsked and muttered “showoff” before activating his gravity manipulation, canceling out gravity around him, “You keep her busy, but don’t kill her. We already know what would happen if you do.” he shouted, before disappearing down the stairwell to retrieve the five other ponies.

EmperorGreymon shouted back, “I know. Just go already.” He turned to see that Nightmare Moon was coughing up blood as the blood also poured from the wound in her side where the bolt of Dragonfire had been. He could see that the injury was slowly healing which caused him to narrow his eyes. He moved forwards at high speed flying across the ground and slammed into Nightmare Moon with his armored body. He knocked her repeatedly in the head with the flat of his sword, especially when she tried to retaliate by casting a spell. She finally grew so frustrated she kicked outwards at him with her earth pony strength and sent him hurtling into the ground with such force that he left a crater in the ground.

The Digimon groaned in pain as he slowly got back up off the ground. He still was nowhere near his old full power, and it was already becoming hard to hold his current form. He glared up at Nightmare Moon and fired another bolt from his sword which skewered her yet again and made her collapse to the ground again before he knelt down on the ground nearly out of energy.

Nightmare Moon herself was screaming in pain and agony as the Dragonfire once again seared her flesh and insides. It finally dissipated after a minute leaving her writhing on the ground in agony as she coughed up more blood.

Twilight watched in both awe and fear watching the brothers fight. She was amazed how they seemed to work in complete unison, even when using different tactics. Isaac appeared to be the type to force his opponent into wasting energy on attacks the use a lot of energy; then switch with his more ruthless brother. Before pondering why they didn’t want to kill Nightmare moon, seeing that she was trying to bring eternal night, but she suspected there was more to what was going on, Twilight heard the shouts of her friends. At that moment, Twilight’s eyes widened when she realized just why the Elements didn’t activate was because she didn’t have her new friends with her, and how the helped her. She remembered the honesty the Applejack showed when she was about to fall off a cliff, the kindness Fluttershy showed to an angry, injured manticore cub, the laughter Pinkie brought when the illusion of living tree threatened to scare her away. She remembered how Rarity cut of her tail to fix a sea-serpent’s mustache, and how Rainbow didn’t leave her friends, even when she was offered her dream on a silver platter.

Adam himself felt the other ponies drawing near. And that some of them were injured by the monsters they had fought. He activated his second power of healing empowerment which in turn caused him to grow strong himself. He felt a rush of new energy fill his body which allowed him to stand back up. He had ended up reverting to his human self when he ran out of power a bit earlier. He held up the d-tector again as he switched a data chip inside of it for a different one. He grinned, “Time for the finale!” The fractal code surrounded him again before he shouted, “Grand Unity Execute! Grand Spirit Evolution!” He was surrounded by the data cocoon as he changed into a new Digimon The cocoon grew large, larger than the castle itself as it moved outside of it. The cocoon then broke apart to reveal the new Digimon as it roared its name, “Examon! Royal Knight!” It looked down at Nightmare Moon and kept its lance gun pointed at her in case she tried to get up and move.

Isaac facepalmed as he just muttered, “why does he always like transforming into the Digimon that can cause way too much destruction.” Entering the room, Isaac heard Twilight finishing up explaining that the elements can’t be destroyed like that.

Using a smoky quartz crystal, Isaac vanished from sight, keeping Nightmare moon in view, in case she tried anything. Nightmare herself had healed back up entirely again thanks to her dark power but having the tip of a giant lance gun right in her face kept her from moving at all. She just glared at Twilight and her friends before glaring up at Examon and muttering, “Dirty Cheater!” before realizing something. They may have five of the elements; the sixth hasn’t appeared. “But you don’t have the sixth Element, the spark didn’t work,” she yelled, feeling her power building, preparing to cut her loses, before a bright light appeared, forcing Nightmare to block the light with her wing. When it dimmed, Nightmare moon’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks, as she watched the final element activate and fired the rainbow towards her. “NOOOOOOOO!”

The rainbow surrounded nightmare moon in a tornado-like fashion before with a bright burst of light it vanished. Exmon de-digivolved back into Adam, who shortly after collapsed exhausted. Celestia herself appeared a bit later as the small blue alicorn that was Princess Luna woke from her unconscious state. Celestia gave her time-honored speech about how they were meant to rule together and asked Luna for her friendship. Meanwhile, Adam was just snoring away in the small crater that being Examon had created with a foot. Adam’s snores were so loud that Isaac would be able to locate and extract him no problem.

“Come on you big lug. Get your ass in gear, cause this was just the beginning. We still have two more seasons to go, before ‘he’ returns.” Isaac said, canceling out the gravity around Adam and flying off to a cave close to Zecora’s. Once they were in the cave, Adam woke up with a start as he glowed and his form shifted once again to that of BlackWarGreymon. The form that he preferred to be in most of the time. He rumbled, “What happened?”

“You exhausted your powers again. Quit turning into Exmon unless the situation calls for him. Now come on. We need to be ready for the little search party you know miss purple smart would start if she doesn’t have answers.” Isaac said, using the crystals to fortify the cave.

Adam rolled his eyes as he stood up in his giant form and started to expertly pile rocks in the front of the cave to make his upgrades to the defense of the cave. He replied, “Eh. It was worth it. Examon rules! Besides that, it’s not like any search party can find us unless we want them too.” He kept on piling stones into a stone wall. “What do you think Twilight and the others are doing right now anyway?”

Little did they know, but a particular pink pony’s perplexing Pinkie sense went off as if someone just challenged her to find them, before shaking her head and returning to the party and just waiting for the next chapter before throwing the welcome reception.

Back in the cave, Isaac shivered when he felt dread. “Hope Adam didn’t just make things harder for us,” he muttered.

Adam continued with his rock wall silently for a bit before he spoke up again, “Eh knowing them they are probably throwing a celebration party right now or just continuing with the celebration in the first place. Phhhh. At least things can’t get worse for us right now!”

Isaac’s eye twitched when he heard Adam say that, as Isaac himself something similar when he bought those serums. “This is going to be a long day.” he sighed, before heading to his new crystal bed. As he walked, he used his crystals to drop a pile of rocks on Adam, finally having little petty revenge for making him sit on that ice-cube of a pony in the frozen north.

Adam turned back to Isaac when that happened as he just blinked at him. He then chuckled and laughed, “You do realize when I’m like this rocks like those don’t affect me. I’m wearing freaking Chrome Digizoid armor. Your rocks are nothing compared to it.” With that, he turned back to his work not paying any more attention to Isaac.

“Go sleep on the ceiling,” Isaac shouted, before cutting the gravity on Adam and sticking him to the ceiling, before turning over and going to sleep.

Adam shrugged and put his arms behind his head before dropping off to sleep comfortably. It didn’t matter where he was as he was used to sleeping in his armor all the time. And so the day passed for them as the ponies continued with their Summer Sun Celebration, neither side aware of the encroaching darkness that threatened to end the peace the princess worked hard for.

Author's Note:

we are almost ready for them to enter the displace worlds, so pm me or greymon with crossover tokens soon

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