• Published 20th Jan 2018
  • 729 Views, 43 Comments

Welcome to Equestria idiot - ThePhonyBronyPony

I was the luckiest man in the world till I was sent to a world of pastel colored ponies. Now my luck just seems to have run out.

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

My hooves were loud on the tile floor of the bathroom. I looked at the shower and muttered a few curses under my breath. The controls for the shower was all touch screen, so the lack of fingers was going to be a problem. I guess I could use the stylus that I normally used for signing online documents on the screen. I wondered if the soap I normally used would be toxic to ponies. It might be safer to just skip the shower. I realized I was procrastinating, so I went into my bedroom and grabbed the stylus.

I walked into the shower to find my normal shampoo and body wash was gone in its place was a tear free strawberry scented soap. I sighed and turned on the water, it was set to my previous setting. Warm water poured from the shower head soaking my fur and making it feel twice as heavy. I picked to soap up and started to scrub it into my fur. I noticed why it was tear free soap quickly. With such large eyes the soap got into them easier. Once I was covered in suds from head to toe I let the water wash them off. When I was clean I shut the water off and relaxed happy to let the warm air dry me. When I was dry and the air shut off I walked out of the bath room.

William stood at the balcony talking to somepony I couldn’t see. I walked toward the balcony to find out who William was talking with.

“-as long as it wouldn’t be any trouble.” William says as I slowly walk into view of who he was talking to.

It was another white unicorn with a purple mane and tail stylishly curled. The one pony I had hoped never to see in this new body.

“Not at all darling I am always happy to help in such a crisis. Says Rarity smiling.

It was probably the scream of terror that alerted them to my presence. I turned to flee, but before I made it five feet I was picked up in a glowing yellow aura.

“Miss, Feather, you can’t avoid this forever. Plus, you really must be presentable for the Princesses today.” William said in his ‘I know what’s best for you’ tone.

“TRATOR!” I scream and struggle in the magical grip as Rarity pulls out a brush. “YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS, WILLIAM!”

“It’s for your own good miss. I am sure that you will thank me later.” William says calmly. “Miss, Rarity please proceeded.”

Rarity starts with my mane. Brushing the hair into a semblance of a style.

“Stop struggling darling, you are going to look just beautiful for the Princesses.” Rarity says trying to calm my heavy breathing.

I seethe with rage. How dare they do this to me! I timothy Dark lord of the sith shall have my revenge. I think already planning their demise involving a volcano and miss led villagers.

Rarity finishes with my mane and moves on to my tail. I have stopped struggling now but am still pined by Williams magic.

“There now see darling, that wasn’t so bad was it.” The fowl demon spawn asked as she finishes her brushing. I don’t grace it with a reply so she just sighs, and says her farewells to the ‘Betrayer’.

Once she is gone I simply get up and walk out of the room. I make sure to avoid looking in the direction of the ‘Betrayer’. I wasn’t entirely mad about the brushing, as that would have had to been done soon enough. I was mad about who did the brushing. Rarity while she probably had the best of intentions, was like a dog. You feed her once and she will be back every day for more. Now I would probably be forced to go to the spa once a week, or even worse wear a dress! Once I let those things happen the next thing I know, I wake up one morning and cant find my man card.

As I walk down the hall I spy a mirror. Curious I look at my reflection. It wasn’t too different from the last time I looked in the mirror. I was still a yellow mare, with a blue mane and tail. Only this time my mane and tail looked decent, luckily Rarity hadn’t gone all out on the frou-frou. I groaned and decided I might owe Rarity an apology for the way I acted. However, that being said William wasn’t off the hook yet, and probably wouldn’t be for a while.

I continue down the hall and enter a room to my left. It was a simple living room. A couch sat in the center and a large tv hung on the wall. I sat on the couch and picked up the remote for the tv. I carefully pressed the power button. The tv turned on and went to a small list of available channels. I saw a few channels I recognized. One being a news station form earth, I hurriedly selected that one. I hoped for something about my disappearance, however they were talking about some political matter that was happening. I was tempted to leave and see if I could get onto the internet, but I didn’t want to risk leaving and missing information. My waiting was reworded and I turned up the volume when they said my name.

“The search for the Billionaire, Timothy Franks, has turned up nothing. Police suspect kidnaping however no evidence of fowl play has been found.” A young woman says looking to her associate.

“That’s interesting that you bring that up, Sandie, because a young man going by the name of Nathanial Franks claims to be Timothy Franks brother. Personally, I think this young man is attempting to claim a fortune if Timothy isn’t found.”

I sit there shocked. I had been searching for my younger brother, however my searches turned up nothing. It was almost like Nathanial never existed. So why now, why after all this time did he finally resurface.

The two people on the tv started talking about the newest trend, and my interest was lost. I turned off the tv and walked out of the room with a new determination to get back home.

This new discovery about my brother was bigger than my anger towards William. I ran down the hall towards my room. I poked my head in and looked around. William was nowhere in sight, so I rushed down the stairs very carefully, because its hard to walk down stairs when you have four legs. once I was at the bottom I walked toward the kitchen.

I was halfway to the kitchen when I heard the door bell ring. William popped out of nowhere to open the door. Outside stood the two Alicorn Princesses, their manes waving in the same direction.

“Your majesties please allow me to welcome you to the house of, lady Feather Luck” William says bowing low.

“Please dispense of the formalities, we are here for video games.” Luna says smiling. She walks inside fallowed by Celestia.

“It is nice to finally meet you, Feather Luck. My sister hasn’t stopped talking about these video games since this morning.”

“Princess Celestia the pleasure is all mine. I do have some business to discuss with you, however that can wait. Right now, I believe it is time to show, Luna the gaming room.” I say leading them towards my favorite room.

When Luna sees the gaming room she darts form game to game beating my high scores on all of them. meanwhile I try to explain to Celestia how to play Mario. Unfortunately, she just didn’t get it. When William asked if Celestia wanted something to eat. She went with him to find some cake. Leavening only Luna and me in the room. Luna stared at the giant tie fighter in the center of the room.

“Sorry, Luna but that game just broke recently.” I say unhappy that it will take far much longer to be fixed than I last thought.

“Alas, that game looked to be most enjoyable.” Luna sighs.

Luna and I play several more games together. If Celestia came back to check on her sister at any time I didn’t notice. Luna decided to buy many of my games, though I was sad to see them go I knew that I would need money before I got home.

Comments ( 4 )

Oh dear. Well, you should at least trust the butler right? Jussasec*scuffling*WHAT?!....NO JEEVES! I REFUSE! NO, I REFUSE...........................(half an hour later) that was Hell! No matter. Anyhow...PROPS ON GOOD CHAPTERS!:)

Thank you for the comments MORTAL I SHALL CONTINUE TO WRITE!:)

“There now see darling, that wasn’t so bad was it.” The fowl demon spawn asked as she finishes her brushing. I don’t grace it with a reply so she just sighs, and says her farewells to the ‘Betrayer’.

Oh no, a poultry poltergeist.

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