• Published 20th Jan 2018
  • 729 Views, 43 Comments

Welcome to Equestria idiot - ThePhonyBronyPony

I was the luckiest man in the world till I was sent to a world of pastel colored ponies. Now my luck just seems to have run out.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I dreamt I was on a sandy beach in the middle of summer. I relaxed resting my head on a bundled-up towel. The sun was shining and the crash of the waves was soothing. Kids laughed and played in the sand, I opened one eye curious to see what they were making. It appeared that they were making sandcastles. I reached down and picked up my coconut drink and took a sip. The sun was warm, and I relaxed. I dug my feet slightly into the warm sand, and closed my eyes.

Suddenly gunshots rang out my eyes flew open. A few of the kids dropped to the ground. Mothers rushed to their children. The mothers who saw their children were fine picked them up and ran away, leaving the devastated mothers alone, with their children slowly staining the sand red with blood. I got up in a flash wiping the sunglasses off my face, my adrenalin pumping.

There was a road and a line of buildings behind the beach. I dart towards the buildings already knowing what I would find. I clench my hands into white knuckled fists. I run into an ally to be greeted by a bald guy in a white tank top, he wears a gold chain around his neck that I am sorely tempted to use like a garrote to strangle him. Instead I merely slam my balled fist into his jaw. He stumbles back surprised, I grab him by the shirt and pin him against the brick wall of the ally. Some cuss words were exchanged; however, I won’t repeat them now.

“What the heck were you thinking?” I growl and press him harder against the wall.

“Hey man chill it was only a couple of kids. Besides what else is a guy supposed to do for fun?” He says grinning.

“More like ruined families. Just because we don’t have families doesn’t mean you can ruin others.” I say with righteous anger.

“You have more of a family then the rest of the gang. Maybe your too soft for this gang, maybe you should leave.” He snarls.

“Yah well I will! I am done with this gang find a new scout.” I punch him in the face one more time and walk off.

As soon as I leave the ally I notice that I have turned into a pony again, so has everypony else on the beach. Quickly night fell, like in the matter of seconds.

I look around a bit shocked. I had had this dream multiple times before but it never went like this.

“Some, Nightmare, definitely unusual however we imagine each mind is deferent.” I turn to see Best Princess aka, Luna standing beside me on my left.

“Princess Luna! What brings you here? Besides the fact that dreams are part of your domain.” I ask barely restraining myself from hopping around in a circle screaming, Luna is in my dream. However, I am still not a brony.

“Well we must admit saying goodnight to us made us happy that somepony remembers us, and our night. We decided to give our greetings and welcome thee to Equestria.”

“Hey I have an idea one moment.” I focused on changing the dream slightly and a building to my right, that once was a dentist office was now an arcade.

“What is an arcade?” Luna asks, Gesturing to the sign.

“Oh, you’re going to love this.” I say grinning. We walk inside and I order some tokens. I give a half of them to, Luna and I carry my half in a bag. I have to use my mouth to carry it, whereas, Luna just levitates hers.

We walk to a skeet ball machine and we both insert tokens. After explaining the game to Luna, we both roll our balls. I make The ten hole and Luna gets the fifty. We continue to play the game till we run out of balls. Then we walk over to a packman game I play a round to show Luna how, then watch as she crushes my score.

“Hazzah the fun has been doubled!” Luna calls as she eats a blinking ghost.

Eventfully she dies and she walks over to a new game. I stare at her score in disbelief as she has easily beat the highest score on the game!

“Feather, what prey tell what is this game, it says it is Big Buck Hunter?”

“Uh Luna you might not want to play that one.” I say wishing I had remembered to leave that one out when I created this arcade.

“Oh, Feather thou jest surely. We wish to play this game. She inserts a coin and picks up a gun with her magic. The game starts and she watches the animals go by, and when she points the gun at a deer the game announcer tells her to pull the trigger. She does, there is a bang and the dear falls dead. “Feather what fowl contraption is this?!” she shrieks dropping the gun and stumbling back.

“A game I told you not to play. But don’t worry it is all virtual, and it is a dream. It isn’t real.” I say unplugging the game. “Come on I think it is time for this dream to end. Don’t you?”

“Yes, well it was rather good to meet you, Feather. We hope to return to this arcade soon just maybe avoid that game.” She smiles.

“You should come visit me I have a real gaming room, you would love it.” I say as the dream begins to fade.

“We shall take thee up on thine offer. Goodbye feather, may you wake rested.” With that I woke up.

“Finally, I don’t have to wake you up miss.” Says William sliding back the curtains so that sunlight fills the room. “Odd I got a letter from the princesses. They are going to be coming for a visit today.”

“That was quick.” I say getting out of bed and walking to the breakfast table. Today it was grapefruit and toast with jam. A cup of steaming tea sat on the table as a replacement for my usual coffee. I normally would complain at the lack of coffee but I decided not to. William had already done a lot for me. The past few days and I had no money to pay him with.

“What was quick?” Asks William as he makes the bed.

“Luna coming for a Visit. I would have imagined she would have waited a day or two.” I say grabbing the tea and taking a sip.

“The power should be restored by noon.” William says as he takes the book I was reading last night and returns it to the shelf.

“Good I will show Luna my gaming room.” I say digging into the grapefruit. Breakfast was good but I still missed meat, though some people have been vegetarian their whole lives and are perfectly happy, maybe I could do the same.

Feeling more optimistic I decided to get it over with and take a shower. After all I had to bathe at some point. Dreading the task ahead I went into the bathroom and closed the door