• Published 7th Dec 2011
  • 2,234 Views, 8 Comments

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Cheesecake - Master Cheese Cake

A newcomer moves into Ponyville. How will the locals react? What will it change?

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Challenging Romance

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 14: Challenging Romance

By Master Cheese Cake

Everypony in Ponyville were waiting at the edge of town for Sponge to show up and for Trixie to unveil the challenge she proposed to Sponge yesterday. They were waiting so anxiously that they were waiting for three hours. Then finally Sponge Cake arrives and makes her way to the front where Trixie had been waiting for seventeen minutes.

Trixie crunched her eyebrows.

"You sure took you time."

"Yeah well, I was visiting by bro in the hospital. Hey that kind of rhymed."

She giggled to her words.

"Whatever. Anyways to the challenge. Whoever knows the most spells win and to prove it you have to perform it."

"Okay, may the best pony win."

"I plan to dear."

Then her horn glows and then poof a cloud of violet smoke explodes in Sponge's face. They all waited for the cloud to dissipate and her mane changed to pure milk chocolate. Sponge looked up with her mouth wide open and broke a piece off and ate it.

"Um... this is really good for a chocolate mane."

Then poof the spell duration ended and now Sponge was eating her own hair. Everypony was confused on why she was still chewing on her hair and Trixie was disgusted even more than every other pony.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, why not, my hair taste delicious. It's probably from the strawberry shampoo I used this morning and a bonus I got a sweet new haircut."

Trixie face hoofed.

Is there anything in the world that can make this mare angry? Looks like Trixie going to have to step up her game.


Cheese Cake was laying in the hospital bed reading the newspaper and it felt great to be lazy. He grinned to himself because he's faking his injuries, he lying to everypony, and if they ever found out they'd probably be mad that they gave him a mountain of gift for no reason.

Now that I think of it, this is a bad idea.

Then Nurse Redheart came in with some medicine for the pain which he didn't endure.

"So, how are you doing Cheese Cake?"

Redheart smiled.

"I'm doing fine, still some sore muscles and aching in my lower back."

"Well don't worry you'll heal up in no time."

Then she fed him a spoon of medicine, gave him another warm smile and then left him in solitude.

Yeah, literally "no time" at all.

"Hi, Cheese Cake."

He heard a familiar voice from the door. He slowly turned his head toward the door to find out that it was Rarity. Standing there with a huge present, well actually it was on another colts back that was struggling to keep it balanced.

"You can set it down here darling."

Then the colt fell on his stomach and now tries to escape the weight that burdens on his back. Rarity lends some magic to take it off of his spine.

"Okay you can go now."

"We have a deal right?"

"Yes you get a free tuxedo and a free dress for your marefriend whenever requested."

"Woohoo! Hope you get well Cheese Cake, see ya." cheered the colt.

Rarity waltz over to Cheese Cake's bedside and carefully laid the heavy package on his lap.

"Uh... Rarity you didn't have to get me this you know I have plenty of them already."

He pointed to the mountain to wrapped gifts in the corner of the room.

"Oh nonsense Cheese Cake, you deserve it after all you went through and beside I made it myself, so it's super special."

She smiled.

"Are you sure you want me to have it?"

"Why of course I wouldn't have had that lovely colt deliver it with such caution. It would make me so sad if you didn't take it, because I only spent days and days on it.

"But it's only been one day since the accident."

She formed her super sad sad face. The one with her eyes watering a bit and her lips all droopy.

Curse her extremely cute sad face.

Then Cheese Cake unwrapped the rectangular object on his lap. Rarity could feel her heart racing and she filled up with so much excitement as her friend unwrapped her super special present.

Cheese Cake was now at the cardboard section and then he held his hooves on each side to the cap and thought what could be in here that's so heavy. He thought to himself.

What could possibly be in here that weighs so much? It probably some kind of contraption that she put together, plausible. Tons and tons of chocolate, well she does know I like chocolate, but there's no smell. Maybe a costume, nah no way that could have this weight. Oh no... please be wrong, please be wrong, please be wrong...

He began to remove the cap of the box and it had tissue paper to cushion the present. He slowly moved the tissue paper out of the way and there was bubble wrap so he moved that out of the way as well. Then there happens to be styrofoam there and he lifted that to find...

I was right.

Oh I hope he likes it and the message.

He finds a picture framed of the group with him in it, it was really nice picture and he is going to hang this up as soon as he is released from the hospital, but there was another thing on the bottom that definitely caught his eyes.

It was made of red roses, in the shape of a heart and had a message in the middle that read "I love you." His suspicions were partially correct. He suspected only the message, but not the awesome picture that came with it.

Don't freak out Cheese you can tell her that you're not interested in her. Lay her down easy.

Now that I think of it maybe this present wasn't such a good idea I mean seriously Rarity what were you thinking telling him that you love him you should have asked him to go out on a date first. I bet he's freaking out right now. Now it's probably going to be awkward for the rest of our lives. Unless he feels the same way. Please feel the same way.

Okay time is running out now Cheese you have got to respond now or it will be awkward and then she'll cry, maybe. Should I say yes or no, Cheese you don't love her say "no" tell her the truth. No Cheese say yes and spare her pain and sorrow be a good samaritan. Lying is not the way, eventually the truth reveals itself, so do it now and get it over with. No, lie you would be saving yourself from months and months of mourning.

Oh hoof, he doesn't feel the same, he's probably thinking of a way to set me down gently. This was such a bad idea why did I do this. I should have waited and even ask him on a date or even spied on him more to confirm it was true. It's okay Rarity if he doesn't love you that's fine I'll have to accept it, don't cry, just act in the correct manner when he tells you.

Then all of a sudden Cheese Cake faints.

This is definitely not good... HE JUST FAINTED... oh my gosh oh my gosh, well I better leave and let him rest.

She placed the picture back into the box and rewrapped it. She quickly walked out with her gift in a panic.

Cheese Cake opened his left eye slightly to see if Rarity was gone. Then he opened both eyes and sat up.

Okay Cheese you managed to get more time, but you need formulate an answer.


No don't lie don't listen to this guy.

Oh I know how about I act like I don't remember this moment and let her restart.

Well that better than lying to her.

Yeah, but when she does the retry he is going to lie to her.

Are you?

No, I only hoping that she asks me on a date first and well maybe something special will happen. That is truly great idea.

Huh, not a bad idea it actually is better than lying.

Why do I have three though different thoughts?

We don't know, you think of us in your head and we exist because of it.

Oh well it was nice talking to you guys.

Yeah us too.


A/N: NEW: Okay I finally remember to add the notifications that some sentences are thoughts and stuff so yeah.