My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Cheesecake

by Master Cheese Cake

First published

A newcomer moves into Ponyville. How will the locals react? What will it change?

A newcomer moves into Ponyville. How will the locals react? What will it change? Will it cause Equestria to explode? Chances are not likely. OC

The Newcomer Part 1

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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Episode 1: Newcomer Part 1

It was cloudy night in Ponyville, it was so cloudy in fact that it started to rain and that rain was wet. Fluttershy was in her house checking the animals were safely inside and tucked away. Then all of a sudden a knock on her front door and she quickly runs to the door to open it for the poor soul in the pouring rain.

The second the door opens she sees a pony that was completely odd in every way, he had a cape and a top hat plus he had an odd design on his fur, which are puzzle pieces of green and blue.

“Uh, hi,” Fluttershy greets.

The stranger didn’t say anything only walks closer to Fluttershy, scaring her. She backs up from the stranger.

“What are you doing?”

He moves closer.

“Please sir I don’t want any trouble.”

Then he reaches into his cape and that was when Fluttershy screams for her life as he pulls out a toaster.

“Hi, I’m Cheese Cake.”

“What do you want?”

“Well I just moved here and well it started to rain. I would have made it into town tonight but because of the rain I can’t, so I found this house and decided to ask permission to stay for the night until I can get to town tomorrow. The mayor told me to give a toaster to someone who lived here oooor was it a rose that I was suppose to bring.”

“Oh all you had to do was say so.”

“Yeah sorry I’m working on a new way to enter my play.”

“Here let me set up the guest bed.”

The Next Day…

Fluttershy wakes up to see if Cheese Cake had waked up yet. The second she walks in the bedroom she finds that he was gone, but had left his cape and top hat. She quickly takes it in her mouth and flies toward town to return his items. On her way to the town hall she was met by Rainbow Dash also heading to town.

“Hey Fluttershy, cool cape can I try it on.”

She lands in front of the town hall and drops the clothing on the ground.

“These aren’t mine Rainbow Dash. They’re for a guy I met…”

“Oh my ponies Fluttershy, who’s the lucky guy that you’re giving this to?”

“No it’s not like that…”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy I won’t tell anyone. I have to go, but you have to introduce me to this guy. *wink*”

Rainbow Dash flies away fast to complete her task of the day.

“It’s not like… that… huh.”

“What’s not like that… uuuh… I never got your name from last night,” Cheese Cake asks.

“Oh it’s um Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy, do you want to help me set up my house?”

“Uh sure, oh and here’s your cape and hat.”

“Fluttershy I left it there as a gift for you. I mean you let me stay at your house when it was raining.”

“Oh thank you, but I can’t accept this.”

“Well if you say so.”

He picks up his cape and top hat, “Let go set up my house.”

They walk to the edge of town and they find a huge box.

“Fluttershy if you’d please tap the box five times and step back as fast as you can.”

She does as he instructs and the boxes walls fall and starts to unfold into a house. Finally the last piece unfolds and a sign
with a picture of a cheesecake on the front.


“I know right all it took was five minutes.”

“How did you do it?”

“I used magic.”

“Uh, but you’re not a unicorn.”

“True nor am I a pegasus pony I am a regular Earth pony that invents things… uh things that well do things. Anyway I search the ends of Equestria to create things that help out modern day life. Oh and I make the finest cheesecake in Equestria.”



“Well Mr. and Mrs. Cake make the cakes around here. I just hope there won’t be a rivalry between you two.”

“No, worries Fluttershy there shall be no competition as long as I live...”

Then Fluttershy notices a bush slowly moving behind Cheese Cake while he makes his speech. Then Pinkie Pie pops her head out and observes Cheese Cake very carefully. Then she moves off to the side.

“Come now I will give you a tour.”

Cheese Cake move inside as Fluttershy follows she is intercepted by Pinkie Pie.

“Fluttershy I can’t believe you.”

“What did I do?”

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about your boyfriend. I mean seriously we’re like best friends and Rainbow Dash was the
one to tell me this news.”

“Well I n…”

“There is no excuse for not telling me and I tell you everything that I do like right now, I’m spying on the competition for the best pastries in Ponyville.”

“Well he does…”

“Huuuuuuh, I just had an idea you should spy on him for me and tell me what he has. Thank you so much for doing this. He’s coming back.”

Pinkie Pie races out of there and back to Sugarcube Corner.

“Ah, I see you admiring the sign and I know why. It’s because it took me the longest to make from the other parts of the

“How long did it take to make that?”

“Five minutes and the house took two minutes. Now let’s continue the tour.”

Pinkie returns and pops her head out. She waves her hooves in the air, does serious face and then stretches her mouth
waving her head back and forth letting her tongue flail out of her mouth.


“Remember spy on him.”

“That’s what that met.”

“No that was stretching of the day, now go.”

I have this on Fanfiction too, but my friend told me about his site, so I am posting here too or reposting.

The Newcomer Part 2

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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Episode 2: Newcomer Part 2

by Master Cheese Cake

“My kitchen… basement with inventions… safe for recipes… bathroom… guest room… paints room… library… huh I could have sworn I had more books here… oh yeah there all in my mixing room… mixing room…”
“Why are the books in the mixing bowl?”
“I’m trying to make a very great way to learn knowledge without having to read all you have is eat my cheesecake and then bam you get instant knowledge.”
“Is that even possible?”
“I don’t know I haven’t tried yet, but I bet it going to be good. Are there any questions?”
“Is there a souvenir shop I’d like to collect something?”
“Yeah here take my cape and top hat.”
“No, I just can’t.”
“Please take it you’re considered my best friend here… for now, no just kidding you’ll always be my best friend.”
Fluttershy could no longer argue and kept the cape and top hat. They walk into what looks likes souvenir shop and it was.
“Alright this is the end of the tour.”
“Thanks you for taking me on a tour of your cheesecake store.”
“You’re welcome anytime. Come back soon.”
Fluttershy pushes the door slightly opens the door and in rush many ponies to try this so called “cheesecake.”
Cheese Cake was making lots of money and in only the first day. Then came Pinkie in disguise and by that she only had the glasses with the nose and a moustache.
“Hello sir I would like to buy one of your cheesecakes and by the way I’m not from Sugar Cube Corner here to find out how to beat your food,” Pinkie says in here disguise voice. “I’d like chocolate.”
“Of course, here you go.”
“Thank you, sir.”
During the rush to get cheesecake Fluttershy had escape from the huge crowd and made her way outside. Just before she takes off back to her house she was caught by Applejack and Twilight.
“Hey Fluttershy,” Applejack and Twilight shout.
“Hi Applejack and hi Twilight.”
“We heard that you have a boyfriend, I’m so proud of you,” Applejack says.
“Congratulation Fluttershy,” Twilight adds.
“Actually it not…”
“We need to set up a party for you and him,” Applejack suggests.
“Well he not reall…”
“So, you made it all up?” Twilight confused.
“No, he’s real but we’re not in a relationship. Rainbow Dash never got to hear the full story from me.”
“Oh, wait I’ll be right back,” Applejacks says and run off.
“Fluttershy you need to speak up more, especially when it comes to Rainbow Dash.”
“I know.”
“Well come on let’s go.”
Twilight begins to walk toward Rarity’s house and Fluttershy follows. The second they both walk in it was a party for Fluttershy. While everyone was having fun Twilight thought of what she should write to Princess Celestia.

Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned that you should listen to your friends fully and not interrupt them when they are trying to talk. Otherwise crazy things can happen like setting up a party for a couple that didn’t exist or making things more awkward for those around them. We are also glad to include a new pony to the Ponyville Family his name is Cheese Cake, I haven’t met him yet, but I bet he is nice, sweet, and very kind.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

This was written way before so I made many mistakes and errors, so I don;t feel like editing the old ones.

Soul Mates?

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 3: Soul Mates?
By Master Cheese Cake

It was a normal day in Ponyville and everyone was doing their daily work, except Rarity and Rainbow Dash who were at the Sugarcube Corner eating and it was unbelievable because who eats at a cake shop.
“Hey Pinkie Pie,” Rarity greets.
“Hi Rarity, hi Rainbow Dash,” Pinkie greets back.
“We’re here to pick up a cake for Apple Bloom’s birthday,” Rainbow explains.
“Okey Dokey Lokey. I’ll see you guys at the party.”
“Alright Pinkie see you there.”
Both Rarity and Rainbow leave to set up the party for Apple Bloom until Rainbow Dash trips and stumbles into a seller’s cart.
“Hey watch where you’re going,” Rainbow exclaims.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to trip you with my toaster,” Cheese Cake says while looking at the toaster on the ground.
“What are you even doing?”
“I am trying to figure out what the hoove is wrong with this thing.”
“Well what does it even do?” Rarity asks.
“It cooks thing for you anything that is dough or cooks bread which is going to be the main purpose of this contraption.”
“Um, well we really have to go and weren’t you green and blue yesterday?”
“Yes, but I change my pattern and color every… (counting mind) three days because my cheesecake tells me to.”
“Ooooookay, let go Rainbow Dash.”
“Wait I want to see his machine do something,” Rainbow resists to leave.
“Rainbow you really want to upset Apple Bloom because you weren’t there to say happy birthday not mention your sister being her best friend.”
“Huh… fine.”
They take off to the Sweet Apple Acre to deliver the cake.
“You know Rainbow Dash he seems like a perfect match for Pinkie Pie.”
“I know right, he’s kind of random like her and acts almost like her.”
“I wonder if they are secretly like each other.”
“It’s possible, but what are chances, I mean they’re like rivals because of their businesses.”
“Do you realize what this means! Do you?”
“No, please explain.”
“It like that play of Raisio and Jelliet where two families that hate each other and the love of their children had a chance to stop the feud, but I never got to finish the book, but I hope it has a happy ending. Anyway we should help them fall in love and stop their rivalry and create the best cake shop in Ponyville which will attract all the famous ponies out there and they will discover me and…”
“Rarity you’re going crazy with your dream of being famous.”
“But it can work!” Rarity presses her face into Rainbows staring into her eyes with her crazy eyes.
“I think we should leave them alone Rarity.”
“What if their cake shop was united and it attracted the Wonderbolts and you can get a chance to hang with them and finally get your dream.”
“The Wonderbolts,” Rainbow says and strays into a daydream of her flying side by side with her heroes.
“Sooooo Rainbow Dash?”
“Let’s do it, but how do we get them together?”
“Don’t worry I have an idea.”
Rarity turns around and walks back to Cheese Cake testing zone.
“Watch out!” Rarity heard and then flaming pieces of bread fly past her face.
“You could have serious ruin my looks.”
“Sorry I didn’t know that the springs were that strong. What brings you back here so early?”
“Well I just wanted to invite you to a birthday party a Sweet Apple Acre. We just feel that you been left out from every fun event we’ve had since you arrived here.”
“I’ve been here for one day and one night so far.”
“That’s why we feel you are left out from our very fun events, so do you want to attend?”
“Well I’m pretty not busy today and the last thing to do today is brush the cabbage in my basement. I think I can attend.”
“Oh that would be wonderful Cheese Cake.”
Rarity returns to Rainbow Dash and continue their walk to Sweet Apple Acre.
“All we have to do now Rainbow Dash is make sure they see each other… a lot.”
Sweet Apple Acre Party Time
Applejack was escorting her little sister to the barn. The second Apple Bloom opens the door a loud “SURPRISE!” explodes from within. Apple Bloom speechless from the party and joins in immediately.
Twilight was talking with Cheese Cake about why he was here, “What brings you here Cheese Cake?”
“I was invited here by Rarity and I didn’t really have anything to do except help the neighbor put carrots on the roof because she wanted her house to get a tan or was it because her rabbit was on the roof.”
Twilight giggled, “It’s nice to see you come to the party.”
Rainbow Dash and Rarity were in the corner of the barn discussing their plans and back up plans.
“Okay I’ll go first,” Rarity offers.
Rarity walks up to Pinkie Pie, “Hey Pinkie Pie you should talk to him.” Pointing to Cheese Cake.
“Because he’s likes making cake like you.”
“That’s a good enough reason for me.”
Pinkie hops her way to Cheese Cake.
“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie and you’re…”
“Cheese Cake and you’re the one that works at Sugarcube Corner.”
“Yup that’s me.”
“Yes that it,” Rarity murmuring to herself.
“Okay see you around Cheese Cake.”
That’s when both Rainbow Dash and Rarity jaws hit the ground in disbelief.
“They only talk for like a second,” Rainbow Dash says with shock.
“This is not starting off good. Well it’s up to your Plan B now. Make it count.”
Rainbow Dash’s plan was simple, but yet the least chance it will work, “Hey Cheese Cake, did you know that Pinkie Pie likes you?”
“Yeah of course we just talked and I sense that she liked me as a friend especially with the businesses that we both carry.”
“No no, I mean she like likes you, but she’s too nervous to tell you.”
“Huh that’s odd this punch taste like this jelly which means that this punch has been either been drank out of or has been lit on fire then put down then lit on fire again and then an apple attacked the punch viciously with a haystack.”
“Good theory, but I drank out of it,” Pinkie Pie says from the other side of the snack table.
“Thanks I always think of the possibilities.”
“You didn’t of a barracuda swimming in the punch or maybe wizard turned it to ice and back into punch again.”
Three Hours of Theories Later…
Rarity and Rainbow Dash were sitting back watching as Pinkie Pie and Cheese Cake go on and on about the punch theory on how it tasted weird.
“You think it worked?”
“All I heard when I passed by was something about a wooden beam on fire crashing through a roof of a house that was already on fire and the ashes got into the punch.”
“Well Rainbow Dash it almost the end of the party we’ll see.”
Five Minutes Later…
The ponies of the party begin to leave and the sun begins to rest with it. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Cheese Cake all left and Rarity along with Rainbow Dash stay behind to follow Cheese Cake and Pinkie Pie.
“What you two doing here still?” Applejack asks.
“What are yooou doing here? Rarity asks back.
“I live here and this Sweet Apple Acre is it not. And what’s with you two sitting back here spying on Cheese Cake and Pinkie Pie.”
“Oh look at the time,” Rainbow Dash, showing her fake watch that she drew on her wrist.
They both left back to Ponyville, but slowly stalking Pinkie Pie and Cheese Cake. When they see Cheese Cake go with Pinkie Pie into Sugarcube Corner they knew their plan had worked. Now all they had to do is wait for the new couple to anew themselves. Rainbow Dash starts to come back from time to time to check up on them.
“What are they doing?”
“I don’t know I can only see their shadows. What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to finish this book to see how it ends and so far it going horrible I mean Raisio gets banish from the town and buys poison. Jelliet pretends to die to bring back Raisio, but he doesn’t know about her plan and I just hope that they’re both going to be okay.”
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!” Came a loud scream Sugarcube Corner.
Rainbow and Rarity rush in to the front door and up the stairs to find Mrs. Cake staring at Pinkie Pie on the floor with a knife in stomach and Cheese Cake dead as well with cheesecake crumb on his mouth.
“No, this can’t be how it ends,” Rarity searching to the end of the book to find out that they both die in the end.
“Pinkie Pie, why, why did we ever try to set you up with him? Now you’re both dead.”
“I don’t know Rainbow Dash you tell me,” Pinkie’s voice asks.
“I can hear her voice. Can you Rarity?”
“Well yeah I’m right next to you?”
“Oh my hoove you’re not dead Pinkie Pie?”
“Well yeah Cheese Cake and I just prank you two for trying set us up for love.”
“How did you know?” Rarity asks with shock.
“Well what do you think Cheese Cake and I were talking about at the party for five hours?”
“Uh punch?” Rainbow guesses.
“Nope we we’re discussing the prank in our own little code.”
“Is everyone okay? I heard screaming,” Twilight enters the room.
“Yeah Rainbow Dash and Rarity were trying to get Cheese Cake and me to fall in love.”
“What why?”
“Well… uh... they just seem like a perfect match for each other so we…”
“Wanted to make sure they were happy when they have to find a you know,” Rainbow Dash finishes their sentence.
“See you tomorrow,” Rarity says and swiftly leaves the building.
“Same here,” Rainbow Dash says and dashes out of there.
After the commotion settle down Twilight walks back to her house and begins to write the letter to Princess Celestia.
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned that even the closest friends may seem to be similar are not always soul mates. They are no such things as a perfect match only a very close match. It may be discovered by another and trying to help can possibly end in a disaster, but you must let the two figure it out for themselves and must not rush their time.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Hide and Seek

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 4: Hide and Seek

By Master Cheese Cake

It had been two weeks since Apple Bloom's birthday and that's really the only thing that was interesting. Twilight and her friends were just downright bored and had nothing really fun to do when they hung around for the past two weeks.

"Ugh, there's nothing to do," Rainbow Dash grunts.

"I know it been two weeks and there is nothing to do so far," Applejack agrees.

"Oh come on cheer up you guys, there has to be something that we can do," Twilight acting positive.

"What do you have in mind Twilight?"

"Uh… um… I know we can tell each other about books that we've read."

"Twilight, are you serious?" Rarity questions the activity. "I don't read anything unless it has to do with fashion and me."

"Maybe we can help have a picnic." Fluttershy suggests.

"No, I want to do something that involves us doing something that requires us to use skills," Rainbow adds.

"I know just the person to go to for this," Pinkie says with an ominous smile.

"Who?" They all say in unison.

Cheese Cake's Cheesecake Bakery

"Hello Cheese Cake?" Pinkie asks the empty bakery. "Hello anyone home? I said is anyone home!"

Twilight puts her hoove in Pinkie's mouth, "What if he's asleep?"

"If he was Twilight I'm pretty sure he wouldn't leave the front door wide open for a gorilla to come barging in and destroying the place."

"Where would a gorilla come from?" Applejack asks.

"Leave it Applejack. It will just lead to more Pinkie Pie puzzles," Rarity explains.

"Well what do we do now?"

"We should see if he is sleeping," Pinkie suggests.

"No!" Twilight jumps in front of the group. "What if he doing something important or we find something private about him or even worst and discover a deep dark secret…"

Twilight finally realizes that she is talking to herself and catches up to the group to find them looking through his stuff in his bedroom.

"Did you guys hear anything I said?"

"We stated walking after private things about him we might discover," Rarity informs Twilight.

"Hey guys look I think found something," Rainbow Dash calls from inside his closet.

"What did you find?" Rarity first on site.

"I found this chest."

"Oh, finally something interesting."

"Guys don't open that it's personal stuff. You guys wouldn't like if he dug through your stuff would you," Twilight trying to pull them out of the chest.

"Huh… you're right Twilight, fine we'll just go back to being bored," Rarity agrees.

"I guess we'll just have to find something else to do," Applejack

"There you go Rarity, now let's leave before he gets back."

"We all can go to the spa," Fluttershy suggests.

"Yeah… that sound great… great idea… yeah and we can party," everyone agrees.

Then a crash of broken wood and an "ah" came from behind them. They all find Rainbow Dash lower body hanging from the ceiling from smashing through it.

Twilight walks up to Rainbow Dash's tail and pulls on her tail with her mouth, "Rainbow Dash, are you okay? What happened?"

"Look in the chest."

"I told you not to look in it," Twilight closes it and froze because she saw what was in the chest, but could it be.

She reopens it to find Cheese Cake's head, "Boo!"

Twilight jumps back and crash into the others.

"Ha ha I got you good," Cheese Cake taunts while getting out of the chest.

"Hi Cheese Cake," Pinkie escapes the dog pile. "We're here to ask you if you have any idea on what to do for today?"

"We can do what I was just doing?"

"You mean scaring people half to death," Rainbow regaining her seriousness.

"No silly, hide and seek."

Pinkie in shock "Oh my gosh, how come I didn't think of that!"

"Who were you playing with anyways?" Applejack asks.

"Well I am going up with the best hide and seeker ever to walk Equestria."

"Who's that?"

"Me I am the best hide and seeker you've ever met."

"Well when you're hiding in the chest wouldn't that me you found yourself already," Twilight questions Cheese Cake's logic.

"Well it was dark and technically I didn't see myself in the chest, so I hid from Cheese Cake pretty good."

"Come on guys let's start the game!" Pinkie says with utmost excitement.

"First off, what are the rules?" Twilight asks.

Cheese Cake explains, "The rules are you cannot go past Everfree Forest, you have to tag the person and we need a seeker."

"What about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy? They can fly how would we ever catch them in the sky?"

"Don't worry I got that covered."

"Well since you know how to catch us all, that means you have to be the seeker," Twilight laughs deviously.

Every pony in the room stared at her like she was one of Cheese Cake's inventions except more like a crazy dragon; no actually they'd be running from a crazy dragon.

"Ooooookay, I'm going to start counting. Alrighty then 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6… 7… 8… 9."

101 seconds later…

"Ready or not, here I come."

The second he turns he bumps into to someone, "Fluttershy, you know I started counting like one hundred seconds ago right?"

"I know I just thought that you wouldn't find me and go crazy looking for me and Rainbow Dash, so I came back."

"Don't worry I'll find all of you. I'll give you another one hundred seconds to hide."


Another 101 hundred seconds later…

"Ready or not, here I come."

Cheese Cake walks outside and takes a look around to see if he can spot any of his friends anywhere, but he didn't see anything, so he began to walk forward past Twilight's Tree Library.

Twilight was hiding in her library and looking out of her highest window. She ducks as Cheese Cake scouts the area.

"Uh, Twilight what are you doing?" Spike asks.

Twilight falls from her bed, "I'm playing hide and seek."

"Who's the seeker?"

"Why should I tell you? For all I know you're actually his spy and you report to him when you find a hider huh."

"Why are you so cautious and yet crazy at the same time?"

"Well it all started back in kindergarten..."


"My friends and I would play hide and seek everyday and I would get picked every time and I was so mad, my entire kindergarten was searching. They always made me it and even if I wasn't it I would always be the first one to get caught. I would just be a seeker the whole time."


Twilight dug her face into her pillow crying from the terrible and painful memory, "I don't want to get caught first again."

"Okay, Twilight you can trust me."

"Oh thank you Spike, but you can't leave for this tree for any reason."

"Not even for…"

"Yes even if you want food."

That's when Spike gulps.

Sugarcube Corner

Cheese Cake wanted to start here for the search of the Pinkious Piacus in it natural habitat.

"Hi, Mrs. Cake," Cheese Cake greets. "May I go up to Pinkie Pie's room?"

"Yes I think she's up there, but I know she won't mind."

"Have a nice day Mrs. Cake."

"Why thank you."

Cheese Cake looks around her room to see if she left anything that could lead him to her and he did. He found a tiny drop of chocolate milk which means she's hiding under the bed. He looks under the bed and tags her.

"Aw man how'd you find me?"

"The chocolate milk that you spilt on your floor gave away your position."

"Oh yeah I forgot that that was the code for 'I'm under the bed.'"

"Now let's go find Rarity."

"Alright this is going to be fun."

Rarity's Boutique Shop

"Oh Rarity where are you? We know you're here," Pinkie warns.

Rarity had made a wall of mannequins around her pile of fabric which is inside a chest. Rarity could hear Pinkie calling her name and the intensity had increased every moment. Rarity was in a fixed position nowhere to run if they discovered her hiding spot.

"Calm down Rarity they won't find you," Rarity thinking to herself.

Then she heard tearing noises and crashes outside of the chest and thought, "What are they doing to my beautiful dresses? What are they doing to my workshop? What are they doing to my equipment?"

She couldn't take it anymore and jumps out of the chest, "Stop, please stop hurting my babies, my beautiful oh so beautiful dresses."

She finally opens her eyes and finds nothing wrong, but eyes staring back at her like she was a hydra.

"Wha… what… I heard crashes and rips of my dresses… what did you do and where did you put the mess!"

"Uh Rarity Cheese Cake and I were just about to leave and then you jumped out of the box. You know it's called hide and seek right, not jump out and turn yourself into the seekers."

"Yeah I think you exaggerated it all." Cheese Cake suggests.

"Oh hooves," Rarity curses.

"Where are we off to next?" Pinkie asks.

"We are off to Sweet Apple Acre to get apples that I needed this morning to make my Apple Legendary Cheesecake Sunrise Cider."

Rarity drooled a bit not too much just a bit when she heard the name, "That sound like the cake from across Equestria that's considered the best cake ever created. That means you're the one that created it I heard that when your tongue touches it, it will make you feel fantastic and make you more beautiful. I must have it."

"Yeah of course, I'll make it when the games over."

Twilight's Tree Library

Spike looked back to see if Twilight was paying any attention, so he could sneak out of the house and get some food. He didn't get to have breakfast this morning and this was probably the worst day for him to sleep in. He tip toes to the pedestal where he usually writes Twilight's letters to Princess Celestia. He glares back to check up on Twilight. She's still looking out the window for Cheese Cake. Spike makes a quick dash for the door.

"Spike, where do you think you're going?"

"Nowhere Twilight… uh I was just checking if the door is still in good condition."

"Oh I thought you were going to leave and that would have made me sad and you don't want to make me sad right Spike. Remember I want to be found last not first."


"Why don't you come up here and sit next to me and help me watch for him."


Sweet Apple Acre

Cheese Cake was talking to Big Macintosh about buying apples, but mostly bargaining was involved, "I'll give two free cheesecakes for four pounds of apples."

"Yep, here you go."

"Good doing business with you."


Cheese Cake regroups with Rarity and Pinkie Pie, "So, did you guys find Applejack anywhere?"

Rarity came from the barn, "No I've search in the barn and no site of her."

Pinkie comes hopping in happy as always, "I looked all over the apple tree farm and nothing, I thought she'd be there, but she isn't, which means she been abducted by the toaster you made. It's taking her back to the toaster world where they will feed her toast until she convert into Toasterjack."

"Oh come on Pinkie you really think that happened to her," Rarity doubts.

"No, just a theory I've been working on for Applejack if she ever goes missing in the future. I bet you can't beat that Cheese Cake."

"I already had one under my hooves. Applejack is kidnapped by the family in Horsyville and that where the blueberry family lives by the way. They say that when you get kidnapped by them you never look the same again, you know why?"


"They use magic to transform you into a blueberry tree!"

"Oh my goodness, Cheese Cake you're gooooood."

Rarity getting impatient, "Come one let's find the others, so you can make that cake."

"Well Applejack is in the cellar she made, Fluttershy is in there with her and Rainbow Dash is back in the Ponyville in my house."

"What, now we have to go back and I'm just not sure if I can make it."

"I'll carry you if it requires us to get back."

"That would be lovely."

Cheese Cake moves to the door that leads to the apple cellar, he walks into the pitch black darkness.

Applejack can see someone walking in the light of the outside world she slowly moves to the side and runs up the stairs, out of the cellar only to be tagged by Pinkie Pie.

"I got you Applejack. Now you're part of our team in the hunt for Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle."

"What bout' Fluttershy?"

"She's with you silly."

"How'd y'all know that?"

"I found Fluttershy," Cheese Cake calls from the cellar.

Five minutes later…

Back at Cheese Cake's Cheesecake Bakery Rainbow Dash was hiding in the same chest as Cheese Cake was hiding in, earlier that day.

"They'll never find me here," Rainbow laughing it up to herself.

Then the chest's top opens and all of the ponies staring at her.

"Found you."

"Dang it!"

Twilight's Tree Library

"Huh… Spike do you hear that?"

"Uh… no."

"Well I heard it and he's here."

"Twilight I think it's about time to give yourself up. You're becoming paranoid."


Twilight hears the door open and hides under her bed sheets.

"Twilight guess what you win!" Pinkie Pie announces with happiness.

"I did? I did, I did, I did. I'm finally the last one to be found. Yes for the first time I wasn't the first one to be found." Twilight jumping with joy.

"I hate to break this you Twilight, but I found you first," Cheese Cake explains. "I saw you up in your window when I went to go get Pinkie Pie, but I didn't tag you because of your sad back story."




"Chocolate milk!"

"Yeah I know right. Now I have to make that cake, so see you guys."

"See you later," they all say in unison.

They all laughed and talk about today's fun activity. They were so happy that they asked Cheese Cake otherwise they would have never had such a great time.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I won my first game of hide and seek; I'm so happy and so excited. I wish you were there to see me win. Oh and I learned that even if it is a competition you shouldn't get so sucked up into it where you go insane to win. It's about having fun and no matter what happens you are a winner no matter what.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Love is Painful Part 1

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 5: Love is Painful Part 1
By Master Cheese Cake

It had only been thirty minutes since the hide and seeks the ponies game ended. Cheese Cake was in his bakery where he was making his Apple Legendary Cheesecake Sunrise Cider. He checks up on his cheesecake and it was close to being done, so he took it out of the oven to let it cool. He opens his cupboard to grab a container of sprinkles and sprinkles the center of the cake and then takes his other decorating accessories and adds them on to the top of the cake in a nice fashionable order.

Two hours later…

Cheese Cake opens the refrigerator and pulls out his cheesecake to sniff it. He slowly places his head of the counter top to observe the cheesecake's surface to see if there were any impurities on it. Then after five minutes of cutting the cheesecake for the party he's hosting for the others, he sets out to go retrieve the others to party.

Seventy minutes later…

Everyone was having a great time with the music soothingly flowing through the room. Everypony has gotten to taste the cake and they all loved it especially Rarity.

"Cheese Cake my dear that Apple Legendary Cheesecake Sunrise Cider is absolutely delicious."

"Thanks for the compliment. Oh I was wondering if you can fix up my cape, it got a rip through it."

"Why of course. I can fix this up by tomorrow, so come by and pick it up… um say around eight in the morning."

"That sounds like a great time for me to drop by."

"Alrighty then, see you tomorrow."

Cheese Cake begins to clean his house of plates and washing them till they were sparkly clean. Then he took his time to get ready for bed.

The next day…

Cheese Cake rises from his bed and puts on his classic attire to work. He unlocks the door and crash. Pinkie hops right through the door and tackles him to the ground.

"Ow Pinkie, what are you doing here so early?"

"Well I really needed a cheesecake made?"

"Okay what flavor?"

"I need five strawberry cheesecakes please."

"Uh… don't you think five is a little too much?"

"No I think it the right amount of time… I mean right amount of for my party."

"If you're sure then, five strawberry cheesecakes coming up."

Cheese Cake went into over drive mode and made the batter, smashes the vanilla crackers to place as a platform for the batter, repeats this five times, and finally places all of them into the oven.

"Wow, you're so good at this."

"Well yeah I mean I've been doing this for like two months."

"Now just wondering are you in love with anyone right now?"

"Well… no."

"I would like to get you know way better and I think we'd make the perfect couple."

"Oh look at that the cheesecakes need to be refrigerated… be right back."

Cheese Cake removes the cheesecakes from the oven and put them in the refrigerator.

"I have to go right now Pinkie to pick up my cape you can stay till I get back."

"Okay, I'll wait for you even if it takes years."

Cheese Cake continues out his bakery and to Rarity's Boutique. The more he thought about it the more he realized something different about Pinkie just then, she seemed normal, too normal, but he ignored it.

"Alright cape, your dad is here to pick you up."

He enters the boutique to find Rarity sitting on the floor staring at him menacingly.

"Where have you been?"

"What do you me…"

"I was waiting for you and you come here late. (But) What were you doing, huh? Were you cheating on me? (Wait what?)I cannot believe you would do this to us, we had a great relationship together and you destroyed it. I think we can still make this work if you listen to me once and get a mane cut. You know what I'll do it myself."

Cheese Cake begins to back away from Rarity as she uses her powers to pick up the scissors, "Oh hooves, Rarity put down the floating scissors… Rarity no, no, no, no, I really hate floating scissors."

Cheese Cake manages to get past her and dives into her bedroom and slams the door, pressing his back against it."

"Whew that was a close call," Then the scissor impales the door and just above his mane, skimming the top of his mane. "Huh not that bad."

Then another set of scissors impale the door. Cheese Cake quickly surveys the room to look for an escape route. There it was the window, he dashes and jumps through the window. Not knowing there would be a fall he crashes.

"Maybe I should look next time before I jump," he speaks with himself.

He recovers and is confronted by Rainbow Dash, "Hey Cheese Cake how's it going?"

"Something is weird is going on."

"Oh and what's that?"

"Rarity she has floating scissors, FLOATING SCISSORS! She also thinks that we were boyfriend and girlfriend."

"What that ridiculous? Everyone knows me and you are together."

"I know, say what now?"

"Oh, what are we doing here when you're hurt from that fall? Let's go to my house, so I can give you a nice, relaxing cloud message."

She takes his hooves and in a flash they were already at her house in the sky. She set him down on a cloud and surprisingly he didn't fall right through it.

Cheese Cake was amazed at this, "What… how, how am I standing on this cloud?"

"I asked Twilight to charm that area this morning, so you're safe from falling to a horrible death. I'll be right back with the clouds to give you that nice message," she explains as she leaves the room.

Cheese Cake couldn't believe this, "Wait Cheese Cake you must be dreaming. Alright you're going to count to three and you're going to wake up. One… two… three… alright this means this is not a dream, but I need to get to the bottom of this. Stay here with Rainbow Dash to get a message and might have her go crazy like Rarity or go figure out what's going on. I'm going to take my chances with gravity."

Then he takes a leap out off of the one cloud he can stand on and falls toward the Earth.

"I really need to start thinking things throoough."

The ground got closer to him and then all of a sudden the ground stops getting closer. He could feel hooves on his hind legs; he turns his head upward to find Fluttershy's face and it was not a happy one.

"Hi Fluttershy, thanks for the catch… ow," he blesses as he is let go.

"How could you go out with another pegasus pony?"

Cheese Cake takes off towards Ponyville, "Sorry Fluttershy, but I have to go back to Ponyville."

"I really need to work on being more assertive," Fluttershy chats with herself walking back to her cottage in sadness.

Back in Ponyville…

Applejack was going around the town asking if they've seen Cheese Cake and finally she got what she wanted.

She jumps in front of the colt, "Howdy Cheese Cake…"

Cheese Cake couldn't slow down fast enough, "Why would you jumps in front of me?"

"Sorry it's just that I've been looking for you all day and I just wanted to see if you'd like to go on a picnic with me."

"Like a date?"

"Yeah sorta."

"I'm really sorry, but I need to do something."

"Okay then, how bout later."

Cheese Cake enters his bakery and jumps over the counter into the kitchen to search for something in the cupboard.

"Hey Cheese Cake," Pinkie greets from the same spot she was in ten minutes ago.

Cheese Cake tearing his way through the ingredients he uses to make his cheesecake, "Hi Pinkie, sorry can't talk right now I need to find something."

"Oh maybe I can help you."

"Ah ha I found it."

It was the sprinkles he used on his Apple Legendary Cheesecake Sunrise Cider. He places it on the table and tries to find the name of the ingredients that it was created with.

"Let see here… which one was it?"

"Which one's what?"

"I'm looking for the ingredient that is making you guys fall in love with me."

"I can't remember and now I have to go to Twilight for a book on these ingredients."

"Oh okay, are you sure, I mean that you could fall in love with her."

"Don't worry."

Cheese Cake takes the container and moves quick to the library. He knew he was going to regret knocking on the door, but it had to be done. *Knock knock*

The door flies open and he gets pulled inside. He is pinned to the wall and Twilight in his face.

"Hello Cheese Cake," she says with a seductive voice.

"I'd like to see one of your books on love ingredients."

"How ironic is th…"

Pinkie busts through the door, "Stay away from my colt!"

"No, he is my colt!"

Then Pinkie tackles Twilight and causes a skirmish between the two. Cheese Cake now has a chance to get the book; he quickly searches for this was getting out of hooves. He finds it under the L section and looks through it and compares it to the containers information.

"Alright the Luv Plant used to make Luv Sprinkles and other Luv products. It is recommended that it is used with two already in love creature to help the two fall in love without nervousness of admittance. They really need to put this information on the bottles. (He's mine Pinkie.) Let see… no… no… and no. (No he's mine.)Here you are the only cure for this is the Vul Plant which can only be found on Very Dangerous Mountain, it is very dangerous to climb and retrieve this plant."

Cheese Cake leaves the tree to recover his top hat and his cape. Then he looks down the road that leads to Very Dangerous Mountain and begins on a great journey to help his friend.

Love is Painful Part 2

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 6: Love is Painful Part 2

By Master Cheese Cake

Cheese Cake was about half way to Very Dangerous Mountain and he's been walking for five minutes. He had no time to stop for he needed to cure his friends from the Luv Sprinkles. After a walk he must ascend the mountain to the top and hope that there is a Vul Plant to counter out the effects. Then out of nowhere Spike pounces from a bush right in front of Cheese Cake stopping him in his trail.

"Hey, Spike what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?"

"I should be asking the same thing. What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?"

"I am looking for a way to cure Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy."

"Oh I was just looking for gems to eat and that's why Twilight was drawing a picture of you and kissing it."

"Well I'm going to Very Dangerous Mountain, so see you later."

"Wait did you say Very Dangerous Mountain? I heard that there are really high quality gem that are up there."

"Really Spike you want gems in a time of love crazy ponies looking for me and don't want to save them from the trance they are under."

"Uh I guess we could do that too."

"That is what I want to here."

"Alright then Cheese Cake to Very Dangerous Mountain to help save Twilight and her friends."

"Yeah you shouldn't be happy."


"Well I found this map in the book and been drawn by a pony that survive the treacherous obstacles in the mountain. There are caves, cave with spike, caves with flaming water and last but not least caves within caves."

"That sounds dangerous. Are you sure you can make it through that stuff?"

"Yes I have a lot of experiences with caves since I was a kid."

"Then we are set, let's go."

Very Dangerous Mountain…

Spike and Cheese Cake have made it to the base of the mountain and there was a cave just like the map say there would be.

"Okay we have officially made it to the base of VDM Spike."

Spike was shaking in fear of what is to come to reach the top, "What now?"

"We go into the cave and make our way to the top. This cave is known as the Jelly Cave and it comes with a riddle. Thou who enter this cave will face the something that will take thou somewhere, but shall not move if thou does not."

"What does that mean?"

"Well we'll have to see."

They both walk into the cave and after a few feet in the cave they find a huge empty room with a hole in the ceiling. It was empty all this space for nothing.

"Look there's another tunnel on the other side," Spike shows and begins to move to the other side.

"No, wait."

It was too late he had step on the floor and then walls of stone begin to build a labyrinth.

"This isn't good."

"The riddle says we have to keep moving, so that mean we don't think where we want to go we just run through it."

"Okay then, you can run through it and I'll hold on."

"Yup that's the plan."

Cheese Cake begins to run through as fast as he could he didn't think of which way to go he just takes chances and hope they lead to the tunnel. After of three minutes of running around he sees the exit, but had forgotten to keep moving the labyrinth begins to shift and he quickly rushes to the tunnel to dive into it before it closes shut behind them.

"Nice work Cheese Cake."

"Thanks. Okay this should lead us to the lifter as it says here thou who stands on this will be tested to truly see if thou have thy determination to get to thou goals."

"Why is this written in old English?"

"I think it may have to do something with the way we use to talk back in the olden days."

"So, this place is really old."

Cheese Cake leads them to another lit room and this time the room is circular and had weird huge hieroglyphic on the edges

Cheese Cake discovers more in the center, "What does this mean?"

"It's in dragon language it says that if you wish to ascend you first must descend to the heart of a fire."

"I think that mean you should breathe fire into that hole."

"Well that means there are gems down there."

"How does that work?"

"Well I like gems because my fire melts it down when I eat them and some rare gems can carry over the fire energy by transferring it to what every."

"I learned something cool today."

"If you didn't have me here then you would have to trap fire from a dragon and bring it here."

"I just keep learning things today."

"Alright here I go.

Spike breathes his breath into the hole and the scribes on the perimeter then the hieroglyphics lit up and begin to spin. The platform begins to rise toward the light slowly and the higher they got the smaller the platform got. Eventually they reached the top and there was a meadow of flowers.

Spike couldn't believe how many flowers there were, "Great how are we suppose to know which one is the flower."

"We'll split up. The flower is dark blue with a tint of violet on the edge of its three leaves and in the centre of the flower is green, but be careful because the Luv Plant is almost the complete same it's just that the plant has a red center."

"Let's begin the search."

Spike went left while Cheese Cake went right. They were looking at many flowers to check for the details that came from the book. Spike search at the base of a tree that manage to grow near the edge of the mountain as he peeks his head around it, his eyes caught something just sitting there. It was pony what is dark blue and her hair was flowing without the slight existence of wind. She had wings that blend in with her body along with her horn and her hair was of a blue and a transparent violet at the end of her hair. The cutie mark that lay upon her hind leg was a crescent moon.

"Hey Spike, I found the…" Spike plants his claw over his mouth.

"It's Nightmare Moon. We should back up and walk away, come on lets hurry before she see's us."

"I thought it was Princess Luna and why should we run?"

"Well because she's evil."

"I thought Twilight banished the evil from within or was that Pinkie talking about only eating the jelly inside a jelly donut."

"Well I know, but I'm not taking any chances. What if she finds us and knows who we are and finds a weakness to control us in the future?"

"That is very likely since she probably reads the letters to Princess Celestia."

"What is she doing up here anyways looking down for some reason?"

"Well that is the direction toward Ponyville and tomorrow is Nightmare Night maybe she wants to appear there on day dedicated to her name."

"Yes it is true," Princess Luna says with the voice of loudness.

"Ah, it's her run," In a second Spike has disappeared.

"Why thou fear thee?"

Cheese Cake making sure he can hear, "Well one thing is for sure is your voice and his friend Twilight Sparkle destroyed the evil within you supposedly."

"Why thou no fear thee?"

"Well because I know that you have changed from being evil and because I never actually met a princess before."

"Are thou from Ponyville?"

"Yes and why are you speaking in old English?"

"Well I don't know I've just been gone for about a thousand years and I don't know how things work now."

"Wait you know how to speak in modern English."

"Yes, my sister taught it to me, but I still have tendency to speak in that way."

"Well really if I were you I would just be yourself at the celebration. I have to go back now."

"Are thou… I mean are you going to be there to help me?"

"I'm sorry I can't be there tomorrow because I have to help one of Twilight's friends. Rarity needs help to go to Manehattan and get some supplies for the upcoming Celestmas where the legendary Santa Hooves deliver presents for not only Princess Celestia herself, but for all of Equestria."

"Oh okay well I hope I can see you again one day."

"I'm sure we'll meet each other in the future and remember to just be you."

Cheese Cake met up with Spike back at the bottom of the mountain and they begin to walk back to Ponyville to sneak past the crazed ponies.

"Sooooo, how'd it go with Princess Luna?"

"Well, she was lost on how to approach Ponyville for tomorrow, so I told her to be herself."

"Alright then see you back in Ponyville. I still want to look for gems."

"Alright see you."

Two hours later…

Cheese Cake cautiously sneaks around placing a slice of cake at the door of Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash was a bit of a challenge, but manages to get the cake to her. He was tired from today and when he got home he went straight to bed.

"Finally some peace *yawn* and quiet."

"CHEESE CAKE!" he heard from outside his door.

"This can't be good."

Rarity's Nightmare Night

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 7: Rarity's Nightmare Night

By Master Cheese Cake

Tonight is a very special night because it was Nightmare Night where ponies dress up and go around door to door getting loads of candy. There were only two ponies that were not in to this at least this year… actually there is only one pony who wasn't into this and that was Rarity. She never dresses up on this day nor leaves her house. That is why every year she volunteers to go out of Ponyville to get supplies for Celestmas decorations and the best materials are in Manehattan plus it was the closest city to Ponyville.

Rarity was walking in the streets with supplies on a cart looking for someone, "Where is he? I knew I should have gone alone, but he did offer and now he disappeared." She mumbles to herself.

"When I get my hooves on him I could just… just … uh just do something."

Rarity stops as she passes by a shop and enters. She approaches the clerk who is reading something.

"Excuse me but do you have any red and green streamers?"

He turns with book in hoof covering his face, "Yes we do. How much do you need?"

"I need at least one hundred of those rolls half red and other half green"

"Alright I'll even throw some white streamers in for free."

"Why thank you, but why?"

He slowly drops the book from blocking his face, "Well because Rarity I am your friend."

"Cheese Cake, how dare you leave a lady to carry all those supplies out there when you said you'd help?"

"Well I wanted to get here first, so I can ask my cousin if he'd give us a discount on all this stuff and to surprise you."

"Alright I forgive you, but you have to pull the cart the rest of the way. That means to the remaining shops we have to visit and back to Ponyville."

"Of course madam Rarity," Cheese Cake says with a French accent.

"So, what is the discount for these streamers?"

"Well it's free for you I already paid half for the one hundred streamers and he said I can have ten free rolls of white streamers with the purchase."

Then another pony enters the room form the backroom with a box, "Here you go Cheese Cake your order of streamers."

"Thanks Stream, say hi to your dad for me."

"Will do."

Cheese Cake and Rarity both exit the shop to go and continue their shopping in the west side of the city, As they walk they can see all the young ones have fun and joy as they get their delicious candy from door to door. He stops for a moment as he saw a pony wrapped in strips of paper which reminded him of himself when he was young dressing up as a mummy.

"Ah, those were some good times," Cheese Cake talking to himself.

"Come on Cheese Cake we don't have all night."

He quickly catches up with Rarity, "Hey sorry one of the ponies reminded me of when I went around wrapped in strips of paper getting candy. What did you dress up like when you were a little pony?"

"Um you know fairy princess and a princess that stuff."

"How come you don't dress up now?"

Rarity stops, "Look we're here."

"Ah yes the most important part of Celestmas decoration for the trees."

"Yep especially for the contest we're going to have in Ponyville for best tree decorations."

"Oh look pumpkin carving. I remember the time my family would make so many of those for the town we lived in. I can I please go and carve one."

"Fine you can go, but meet me at the edge of town after you're done carving okay."

"Yes ma'am."

Rarity went through the list of shops left they had to go to get the certain supplies for the holiday. After all the shops she had to go to, she went to the edge of town that would lead to Ponyville.

She waited for about ten minutes now and Cheese Cake hasn't showed up yet, but it's been actually been thirty minutes from her roaming of the city.

"Where is that colt? He does this again and leaves you here in the dark edges of the town."

Then a rustle in the bushes next to her startles her, "Hello, is anyone there?"

All of a sudden she hears deep voice of laughter surround her.

"Who's there?"

The bush rustles more vigorously time and then Cheese Cake reveals his head from the bush.

Rarity was embarrassed with anger and lectures, "Cheese Cake why you? I could tear off you head right now for doing this."

But more is revealed as his head floats and a pony with no head in a tuxedo walks out from the bushes, "Looks like I beat you to it my little pony."

"It's… it's the… the Headless Horse!" Rarity panics

"I see that you know my work around here."

"What did you do to Cheese Cake and please don't hurt me I'm… I'm too young and beautiful to have my head removed."

"He got too curious when he saw me walking away into the forest of the night and followed me, which was a mistake. And I'm sorry my dear, but your head would make an excellent addition to my collection of all the pretty ponies I have gotten in the past year."

"Well, I'm flattered, but no, no please spare me."

She closes her eyes and buries her head to the ground for this was her final sight of life, but then she opens her eyes when she hears giggling.

"Rarity it's just me Cheese Cake."

"Wait… wha… what?"

He unbuttons the tuxedo and reveals his face, "See its little old me."

"You… you… you crazy pony that's it we are no longer friends!"

Cheese Cake was surprised of this reaction he got, "Rarity it was just a joke."

"I'm not listening to you," she says and walks into the forest and back to Ponyville leaving the cart with Cheese Cake.

"I'm sorry," he says as she disappears into the darkness.

Ten minutes later…

Rarity just kept walking and didn't let him catch up what so ever, "That colt just drives me crazy, but he did say sorry. Oh Rarity what have you done? That's it I'm going back to apologize for such an outbreak."

Before she turned around the Headless Horse leaps out from the tree line, "I've been watching you and I want you head."

"Not this again Cheese Cake."

"I am not this Cheese Cake that you speak of. I am the true Headless Horse."

"Oh yeah prove it."

The Headless Horse had a tuxedo just like Cheese Cake, but when he buttons it he had no head.

"It's… it's the… the Headless Horse!"

Cheese Cake was pulling the cart back and following the trail that Rarity left from stomping the ground in anger. He was also having a conversation with his head that he carved from the pumpkin he used.

"Cheese Cake I don't know what to do now. Tell me how I earn Rarity's friendship back."

He grabs the lower jaw and moves it, "You should do something special for her like take her out to dinner."

"Yeah she does like fancy places maybe a fancy restaurant."

"I have a better idea Cheese Cake you should set up your bakery to become a super fancy restaurant where you can take her and apologize."

"Cheese Cake that a genius idea. Where do you come up with these ideas?"

"I just have the brains that can come up with creative ideas."

"Are you sure when I was carving you I didn't put a brain inside you head I took out all of the seeds though?"

"That's because I can tap into other ponies' brains."

"So, what you're saying is your psychic?"

"Yes, yes I am."

"What color am I thinking of?"

"You are thinking of golden brown toast."

"Oh my gosh you are psychic that's so cool and plus you give way better advice than my toaster all it does is sit there for five minutes and gives me toast. I always question its thinking I mean really toast is going to make everything better."

*Rarity screams*

Pumpkin Cheese Cake hears this scream, "Cheese Cake did you hear that scream? It sounds like Rarity she's in trouble."

"Yeah I did. Okay Cheese Cake you stay here with the cart while I go check it out."

"Roger that."

Cheese Cake runs through the forest and looks swiftly for Rarity. Then he crashes into something and both of them roll into a tree making the leaves pile up on top of them.

"Cheese Cake it's you. I'm so glad to see you."

"Yeah… ow… I think I sprained a hoof. What were you screaming about?"

She backs up as the Headless Horse rises from the pile of leaves, "Uh I was screaming about him."

He looks at the blob coming out of the leaves and then the tuxedo falls off to reveals a unicorn of light blue that had white hair with a cutie mark of a star wand with the flow of magic wrapping around it.

Rarity recognized this pony, "Is that you, Trixie or should I say The Great and Powerful Trixie."

"Hello Ugly we meet again."

"The last time I saw you. You ran from us because you weren't powerful enough to face a Usar Minor and boast your powerfulness to everypony."

"I've been improving my magic and then I'll be able to beat that friend of yours, Twilight Sprinkles."

"It's actually Sparkle," Cheese Cake corrects.

"Whatever. Sadly I can't stay to humiliate you in front of your friend, but I have more important things to do."

Then a smoke of cloud screens their view and Trixie disappears from sight.

"Wow, I'm guessing there is a history between you two."

"Yes, but let's get home and I'll explains on the way back. Hey where's the cart?"

"I left it with Cheese Cake."

"Yeah, but you're here."

"I know, but Cheese Cake got under control."

"Ooooookay, let's go back now shall we."

Thirty minutes later…

Rarity had finally finished explaining the whole story of Trixie to Cheese Cake and they didn't realize they were back in Ponyville where they were still celebrating Nightmare Night.

"Look Cheese Cake I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, the reason why I did break out was because when I was a little pony the other ponies would scare me Nightmare Night, so I could never enjoy it. That's why I never want to join in on this day, but you showed me there really isn't anything to be scared of now… well for except that," Rarity pointing to the pumpkin head.

"Don't worry, he only know every little detail about."

"Gee I wonder why?"

"I know why it's because he psychic."

"Okay well see you tomorrow," she takes the cart off his back and drags it back to her boutique. "Oh and I almost forgot *kisses him on the cheek* thank you for saving me from The Trixie."

"You're welcome."

Spike sees this from afar, "I knew I should have helped Rarity with that darn it. Maybe next year Spike, maybe next year."

Twilight notices them getting back and decides to tell them the news, "Hey Cheese Cake, Rarity, look who's here with us."

"Oh it's Princess Luna. How'd it go with her?" Cheese Cake asks.

"Well at first she was a bit scary, because she was still trying to adjust to the new world. She was being herself a little too much."

"Why what was she doing that was too much?"

"She was speaking with a very loud voice."

"That's it."

"She also had a little scary entrance to Ponyville."

"Well if she asks where I am tell her I am talking with my toaster and I am unavailable."


Princess Luna drops into the conversation, "Hello, Twilight who's your… huh it's you from yesterday. I just wanted to let you know that your advice for being me didn't work out so well. I always do dramatic entrances and it ended up scaring all of Ponyville plus speaking in my loud voice only helped them fear more."

"I have to go talk to… um… my toaster see you," Cheese Cake says and takes off.

"Wait hold on," Luna says and chases after him.

"What's that all about?" Twilight asks.

"I don't know," Rarity is confused as much as Twilight.

"I see you came back with the Celestmas supplies."

"Yup, and this year it will be beautiful."

"Hope so, so see you tomorrow."

"See you Twilight."

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today my friend taught me that I shouldn't stop something that I like just because of a little scare that was involved, but I should rather enjoy it or face it. I also learned that I shouldn't get so angry at something that is silly and friendly.

Twilight's Friend,



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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 8: Action!

By Master Cheese Cake

Ponyville was getting ready for the winter and for two more exciting holidays waiting ahead of them. Applejack was bucking apples down from the trees as fast as she could to insure that none of them are wasted during the winter.

She finishes a tree and begins to head back to her cellar where she will store them for the winter. Then she exits the cellar and closes it up for today. She had gone ahead of schedule and bucked two extra trees. She then notices Big Macintosh talking to another pony not from these parts of Equestria.

Two minutes ago…

Big Macintosh was loading apples on a cart to bring to town until he was approached by a pony that has the fur of snow and a mane of bright red along with a cutie mark that represent masks of different emotion.

"Hello, sir, but do you know where this Ponyville is?" she asks.


"Can you point me in that direction I'm becoming late?"

"Yep, just go that way and you'll be there in a couple of minutes."

"Thank you for the directions… I never got your name."

"It's Big Macintosh or Macintosh ma'am."

"Well thank you Big Macintosh. Say you want to come with me because it looks like you're ready to go too with all of those apples plus I would like some company for I am starring in a movie that is being filmed in Ponyville."

"Sure and I never got your name."

Applejack joins in on the conversation, "Howdy there I'm Applejack."

"Hello Applejack. I am Sharp View."

"What are you two talking about?"

"Oh I just needed directions to Ponyville to find the director of this movie I am starring in."

"That is dandy, right big brother."

"Yep," he says.

"Well my brother and I are headed to town now."

"I know I asked your brother if he wanted to go with me."

"Okay then we'll all go."

Big Macintosh starts pulling the cart to town and Sharp View continues to chat with him while Applejack kind of gets left out of the conversation.

Meanwhile in Ponyville…

The mayor had given the director of a movie permission to film in Ponyville, so it is wild busy as the ponies on duty set up the scenes, ready the cameras, getting some food for the food table, hanging the light up, setting up microphones and most important readying the actors and actresses.

The only person who was missing was the director in this rush and that was because he was talking to Cheese Cake.

"Cheese Cake I am asking you as my frère to take on the role of my missing actor," he says with a French accent.

"Why are you speaking with a French accent?" looking for something in the cabinet.

"Well because it makes me look sophisticated and tres fantaisie."

"I don't see how it makes you neither fancy nor sophisticated it makes feel like we're not related in any way."

"Well what about you with your pattern choice."

"Touché, but I have my very good reason to have my coat change patterns every three weeks."

"What is that?"

"I was cursed by a waffle."

"What…wait, wait, wait… you're trying to change the subject of all this. Please do this for me or my career will be over."

"I'm not even that good at acting. Why don't you get Sponge Cake to do that acting plus she a better actor than me."

"I don't have time to go back home and ask ma soeur for her role in this movie, plus she is has her own sponge cake business going on back home, so she is busy."

"I never understood why she liked sponge cake more than cheesecake, but still the answer is no."

"Well do you know anyone who might be able to take the actors spot?"

"Uh… yes, but it's risky."

"Why is it risky?"

"Well my brother it involves a certain pony that lives here and her name is…"

"… Rarity," he says after three minutes of looking for her near the set.

He sees the pony in the crowd trying to see what was happening, "See that unicorn right there with that stylish mane of violet and purple with the three diamonds on her hind leg."

"Yes I see her."

"She will be your best bet to play a role in your movie."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes just make sure there is no makeup in the area or she will take at least twenty minutes for her to get ready."

"Alright anything else I need to know?"

"No. Good luck on your movie Camera Cake."

"I told you to call me brother, brother you know I don't like that name."

"Sure brother," he corrects as he heads toward Twilight and Pinkie watching the movie being set up.

Camera approaches Rarity who hopping constantly to see what was going on, "Excuse me ma'am I was wondering if you'd like to star in my movie."

Rarity becomes speechless and she almost faints from what she hears, but then in Sharp View arrives, "Hey Camera, I think I found an understudy for the missing actor."

Camera saw him and he was perfect because he was male, red, and had orangey hair which meant he was perfect for the role, "Yes, yes that is the perfect person for this role."

"Come on Mac say the lines that I gave you."

"No, no do it Noodle, think of all the ponies in the world and their families..."

"Enough I have heard enough… he is perfect for the role."

"See you did it Macintosh you got the role," Sharp happy.

"What?" Applejack exclaims from the apple stand.

"What!" Rarity screams with furiousness.

"What?" Pinkie adds.

"Why did you say 'what' for?" Twilight asks.

"I don't know just getting in the moment."

"Ooooookay, so Cheese Cake your brother is a director. Why is he not in the cake business like you?"

Cheese Cake put his tea on the table, "Well it all started when he was born. My parents thought of what to name him. They already named me Cheese Cake and my sister Sponge Cake. They thought of Camera because that's when cameras began to appear all over Equestria, so one day he asked why that was his name and they answered because cameras were created at the time, which caught his attention to the contraption and that is how he became a director."

"Wow, that's an interesting back story, but how come you didn't want to take the understudy spot of the actor."

"I did enough acting in school."

"Oh, oh did you play as a grape in the play," Pinkie asks.

"No, but my sister did when we both volunteer in Camera's submitted play. Why did you play as a grape in school?""

"No, silly I played as a tree named Oaster and for some reason they didn't want me to be lead role when I obviously had it in the bag."

"Do you know why?"

"I just said it."

"I took the script and ripped out all the lead role's lines and put it in a bag and they said just I had to bag the role, so I did."

"Well I have to go make some cheesecake for the snack table, so see you ladies later."

Twilight and Pinkie continue their conversation and Cheese Cake walks back to his bakery to set out what he said needed to be done.

The day went on and as it did the movie started to complete itself scene by scene, take by take, and edit by edit. They said that in the morning the movie will be premiered especially for Ponyville for the generous privilege they gave to Camera to film here and they will be first to witness this before the rest of Equestria.

There was a party in celebration of the movie at Sugarcube Corner and Mr. and Mrs. Cake have cooked so much delicious treats for this party.

Cheese Cake was not at this party for he was testing his toaster in his basement. He plugs it into an outlet that he made for his bakery. Then he puts the bread in the two slots on the top and then presses the receiver down to retract the bread into his invention. The inside started to light up a bright red and he observe the toaster with precision.

He runs up stairs to retrieve paper and a quill, "The toaster is cooking the bread in a stable temperature. The receiver has been improved to hold down the bread until the cooking process is done. So far, so good, everything is normal and the cooking process is almost done, this is where the previous test has failed. The toaster should launch the bread that is now toast, up, but hopefully will not fall apart in the process."

The anticipation was killing Cheese Cake as he waits for the toast to launch up. Then it does and a smile grows on his face as his invention was a success.

He takes the toast and tastes it and then writes more about it, "The toast is evenly cooked on both sides and taste delicious. I must try this with butter. (Two minutes later). The toast does taste good with butter this will be officially named butter toast. Oh no I spilled sugar over the sample of butter toast that I have. I wonder what it tastes like. I have tried this toast with a mix with sugar and the taste has the perfect blend. This can become a new dessert must write it down for further experimentation of flavor."

This is all he did for that night, until he fell asleep on the floor.

The next morning…

Everypony crowded around the crime scene where the murder of Camera's detective movie was destroyed to pieces on the ground.

"No, why… why would the world do this to me?"

"It's okay we can make another one we still have the equipment," Sharp View trying to comfort him.

"Yes that could work and that gives me an idea. Where is…"

"I'm right here," Cheese Cake reveals himself from behind the crowd.

He had different attire on this time which happens to be Sherlock Hooves outfit.

"You're already here for the role; thank goodness I was worr…"

"No, I'm here to solve this investigation of the murder of 'The Crime for Noodles' the film."

"What?" everypony say in unison.

"Yes I will need everypony to move away from the crime scene."

"Come on Camera we need to start again if we're ever going to finish this film again," Sharp suggests.

"Please Cheese Cake find the pony who did this?"

"Don't worry I will, but first I will need a partner in this investigation. Who wants to be that person?"

Everypony disperse back to their jobs and the only one who was remaining was Twilight just standing there.

"I would like to try to be a detective."

"Alright we'll start with the crime scene."

"What do we have?"

"The film was repeatedly stomped to a pulp of metal and transparent plastic. There are no signs of imprints in the area and for all we know a unicorn could have crushed it with magic."

"Yes, it could have but look at the indents on the ground which suppose of a hoof crushing it."

"True we should take this to the spa and get it steamed to see if anything was left behind."

"Good idea."

The Day Spa

Twilight and Cheese Cake were waiting as the steam room well steams the film. After a few minutes Twilight lifted it out of the room and placed it on a table.

Twilight looks at the crush pattern and notices something, "Looks like the pony used a horseshoe to crush the film."

"Yes and there is a horseshoe stores here that sell horseshoes and that will be our best bet to find who bought it."

"Yes, but I think I've seen this horseshoe from a certain pony."

"Who are you thinking of?"

Rarity's Boutique

Rarity was sitting on her couch and was being asked question by Cheese Cake.

"Well, Ms. Rarity explains why did we found your horseshoe imprint on the film reel?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Are you sure? Because we double checked that you do own a horseshoe. We took a quick trip by the local horseshoe store and found a purchase you made for a horseshoe yesterday at seven in the night. What do you have to say about that?"

Cheese Cake could tell that Rarity was nervous, but she still showed confidence on the outside, "Well that could have been any pony that looked close to me, but I never went to that horseshoe store."

"Are you sure you didn't buy that horseshoe to smash the film because if I recall yesterday you were about to get the lead role and then Big Macintosh came in a stole it from you. You were so close to becoming famous and since you couldn't be in it then no one should see it especially since it was filmed in your hometown. That's why you bought it because you didn't want your beautiful hoof to get damage while smashing the film into a pulp."

"Okay… okay… okay I tell you why I bought it… Applejack said she needed a horseshoe, but she didn't have money at the time and I offered it to buy it for her. She said she'd pay me back this morning which she did."

Twilight jumps into the conversation, "A very unlikely story Rarity, but why did Applejack want it?"

"She didn't say."

"Hmm we'll keep in touch, but this isn't over."

Then they both leave Rarity to her work and begin to walk to Sweet Apple Acres.

"So, do you think she did it?" Twilight asks.

"Let just say she not ruled out yet."

"If we find the horseshoe in her boutique we can nail her."

"I'm pretty sure it's with Applejack, but if she hid it then we don't have anything to connect her to the crime."

Sweet Apple Acres

Applejack was loading her apple cellar with apples, but before she could get out the cellar she was intercepted by Cheese Cake and Twilight.

"Howdy Twilight, hey Cheese Cake what bring you two to Sweet Apple Acres."

"We are here to ask you some questions Ms. Applejack. Please take a seat," Cheese Cake answers.

"Ooooookay, what do you need to ask me?"

"A suspect in our investigation said that she bought you a horseshoe is this true."

"Yes it is true."

"What did you need it for?"

"Well Big Macintosh said one his broke one of his during the shoot the movie, so I as great sister went to go buy one for him."

"Are you sure about that statement? If I recall right your brother only wears horseshoes when he is only working. Why did he decide to wear them at the filming?"

"I don't know maybe he forgot."

"Hmm very likely, just one more thing and we'll be on our way. Where were you when you asked for that horseshoe?"

"I was… uh… um at the party at Sugarcube Corner when Rarity asked for it."

"When did you ask for it?"

"It was about… let see about six fifty-five in the evening."

Twilight whispers to Cheese Cake, "The timeline matches up with the time she bought it. It would have only taken them five minutes to get to the store and purchase it."

He whispers back, "I still need one more question."

"Okay Ms. Applejack one more question and then will be on our way. What did you do right after she bought the horseshoe for you?"

"I went to go and find Big Macintosh to give him it."

"Okay we'll be on our way."

"Alrighty then see you ponies later."

Twilight and Cheese Cake must now go looking for Big Macintosh.

"So, that completely eliminates our suspects, but at least we have a new one."

"Nope we don't have a suspect."

"What do you mean?"

"Big Macintosh couldn't have done it."


"He was with Sharp View at the party and never left."

"You weren't even there, in fact you were the only that didn't attend the party, so that gave you opportunity to do it yourself."

"What motive would I have and plus I was fixing the bugs on my toaster."

"Very unlikely story because we don't even see you working in your bakery and you knew where the film was because the director is your brother. I also noticed that your hoof is the same size as the indents."

Then they were cut off by the Cutie Mark Crusaders who look like they were in a rush.

"Where are you three headed to in such a rush?" Twilight asks.

Scootaloo starts, "We saw something last night when we were trying to get our cutie marks…

"Yeah we saw the person who smashed the film…" Sweetie Belle continues

"Well who was it?" Twilight asks.

"It was him," Apple Bloom pointing to Cheese Cake.

Twilight held her head high, "Ah ha I have witnesses that say you were there Cheese Cake, so why don't you just admit it now."

When she brings her head down Cheese Cake was gone, "Next time I shouldn't close my eyes and look up when I'm right."

Back in Ponyville

"How could this be? I couldn't have done it," Cheese Cake pacing back and forth in the bakery.

He goes into the basement and he finds something unbelievable. It was the horseshoe that was used to smash the film, "No this can't be. I couldn't have unless I slept walked and smash it myself."

Then he has a moment of realization of that night. He was looking through the window adjacent to Sugarcube Corner and he could see Applejack giving the horseshoe to Big Macintosh and him giving it to Sharp View who then gave it to his brother.

"It makes sense now, so it was you Camera who did it?"

"Yes you finally solved the investigation."

"You did it because you didn't like the movie and you've been filming me and Twilight going around questioning the others."

"Yes that is exactly what I did."

"I got to give you props I didn't see it till the last minute."

"Now I must go for my new movie is done."

Then his brother climbs out of the basement fast and locks him in behind and as Camera walks away he could hear his Cheese Cake hitting the door trying to get out.

"Huh, what the hoof, what happened?" Cheese Cake says when waking up.

"It was just a dream. What time is it?"

"It still midnight okay," Then he realizes the table of toast.

"Who knew that toast tasting would be, so crazy?"

"I do!" Pinkie Pie surprises him.

"Wha… Pinkie what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to eat you," then takes bite at his back.

Then he wakes up again in his bed, "Okay this better not be a dream."

"It was more like a nightmare from what I was seeing," Twilight explains. "When I came here to get you I found you in your secret basement and you were past out on the floor, so I put you in bed."

"Thanks, so how is the movie premiere at town hall."

"Great, but it been over for four hours and Camera is going Hoovywood to make copies."

"Oh great, ah pony no more toast for me."

"Yeah and along with all the Nightmare Night candy you got, you were really going for all the flavors."

"Yeah it tasted good with butter and I think I'm going to keep it that way."

Then they both laugh and then they leave to go on another adventure.

Level Up

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 9: Level Up

By Master Cheese Cake

Cheese Cake was at town hall discussing plans with the mayor of Ponyville for the upcoming holiday, Thanksgiving that holiday where you spend time with family and friends.

"Uh, mayor you called me?"

"Yes Cheese Cake, do you know what holiday is coming up?"

"Yes, Thanksgiving."

"Well here in Ponyville we always draw paper with names on them to see who will host the feast of the Pumpkin Festival with this holiday and since you're new here we all cast a vote to appoint you the position."

Cheese Cake pulls out a notebook from thin air, "Okay let's see I will need…"

"No, no, no Cheese Cake we'll supply the food, but you are to cook them that's all. I just wanted to give you a heads up that it's going to be in two weeks."

"Oh okay, but I going to have to upgrade my bakery into a restaurant."

"No, you don't have to do that either, we will set up the tables for your food."

"No, please I insist. I was going to start up a restaurant anyways I wanted to move a little further than cheesecake making and to be more diverse in the food business."

"If you insist…"

"Alright I'll have the restaurant up and ready before the deadline."

"Okay Cheese Cake good luck."

He went back to his bakery to fold it back up into a box.

"Hey Cheese Cake," Spike greets. "Are you moving out of Ponyville?"

"No, I just have to redesign my house in cube form and then I can reopen it into a restaurant."

"Oh, looks like you need a place to stay huh."

"Yeah, but I already know who I'm staying with."

"Who are you going to stay with?"

"I'm going to stay with Rainbow Dash, at least I hope so."


"Well because of her house I'm planning to study the details and try to make some of the architecture a bit similar with a hint of my designs into it."

"How are you going to stay up there?"

"Twilight has a spell for walking on clouds right?"

"Yeah they used it when they went to Cloudsdale once."

"That would become useful."

"Well yeah."

Cheese Cake goes and gets his spell to go and walk on clouds.

After, he strolls to Pinkie Pie to get a ride to Rainbow Dash's house, "Hey Pinkie I wondered if I could get a rife to Rainbow Dash's house."

"Of course I can, I have a hot air balloon."


She leads the way, "So, why are you going to Rainbow Dash's house anyway?"

"Well I'm staying with her while I change up my house to become a restaurant."

"You mean that block thing you're carrying with you."

"Yes this block thing."

"Well Cheese Cake I think you're going to need more wood and nails."

"It's a folding house that my father made, so you always have a house with you where ever you go."

"Oh, that's cool."

Then they both get into the balloon and take off to Rainbow Dash's house.

Five minutes later…

"Alright were here."

"Thank you Pinkie I'll be sure to make your favorite cheesecake when my house is up and running again."

"Make sure there is enough for Gummy."

"I would never forget."

Then Pinkie let's her balloon drift down to the surface and Cheese Cake knocks on the door.

The pony, who opens it, is Rainbow Dash who lives there, "Hey Cheese Cake, I got your message about the house. So, looks like you were picked to host the Pumpkin Festival this year."

"Yup and I need to get working on my house."

She glances past him, "What's that box behind you?"

"That's my house."

"Oh, well come in."

"Thanks for letting me stay here, while I modify my house."

"What are friends for? Oh I'll get some snack be right back."

Cheese Cake taps the box five times on the top and only one side falls down and unfolds a workbench and behind him was smaller cubes. He takes them and begins to move them around like a Rubik's cube.

Rainbow Dash was in her kitchen making a snack which was a spicy daisy sandwich with a glass of spicy water, "Cheese Cake is going to like this. 'Operation Pay Back' is in action." She says to herself.

When she comes back she finds Cheese Cake already working, "Here you go Cheese Cake a sandwich and a glass of water."

"Thank Rainbow Dash," Then takes bite from it. "Rainbow Dash how'd you know I like spicy food."

"Horse feathers," she mumbles. "Uh… you know ponies just know."

Then he takes a sip of water, "Spicy water too. Wow you know me well."

She couldn't believe he dipped his sandwich into the water and still ate it. Then she retreats back to the kitchen.

"Okay looks like it's time for plan B."

"What's plan B?" Cheese Cake asks.

"It's to get pay back on you for scaring me when you were in the chest."


"Horse feathers," Rainbow Dash curses. "How am I supposed to get you back now?"

"If it makes you feel any better I'll leave and I'll give you a list of all my fears."

"What? You're actually going to help me."

"Yes, exactly, but catch me off guard it makes it easier on you in the end."

Twenty minutes later…

Cheese Cake was walking around town with his box and looking for a place to stay along with the fear of Rainbow Dash knowing his fears.

"Okay let's see how am I going to arrange the tables? Should I do chair, chair, table or table, chair, chair, I think I'm going with the second option."

Spike runs into him, "Hey Cheese Cake, I thought you'd be at RD's house."

"Nope, there has been a change of plans it turns out she was eaten by a cinnamon toast thing."


"Yeah when I arrived it was gobbling her up and I couldn't save her."

"What are we doing then, we need to warn the others."

"No, it will cause panic and then Equestria will blow up in a fiery explosion that will cause catatonic hysteria for everypony."

"Nice theory on the world exploding if that happened, but I will make a better one than yours and Pinkie's."

"Good luck."

Cheese Cake set up his workbench right under Twilight's library and making sure Rainbow Dash can't get to him. He begins on rearranging the rooms on the interior of his house by changing the Rubik's cube up to different patterns, which is how the rooms are made.

"What are you doing?" Pinkie Pie asks.

"I am trying to fix my house up into a restaurant. Didn't you already asked that?"

"Yes, but it's always fun to re-ask question. How are you doing that with these cube things?"

"Well my father, Rubik Cake made these cubes with magic. And I just realized something, he's the only unicorn in the family, but anyway he used magic to create the 'Instant House'."

"Oh, oh can I help you?"

"Sure here," he passes a cube.

Pinkie Pie examines the cube and then begins to twist the cube like a mad pony, "Here the first one."

Cheese Cake takes it an sees what she has done, "Uh… you put the roof inside out, put the basement in the window, and put all the food supplies in the oven."

"No I gave you a new ceiling, also gave your basement a new perspective of Ponyville, and last but not least, making cooking easier. I mean I always leave my cooking supplies in the oven before I cook, so it's preheated before it's used."

"I'm surprise that the Sugarcube Corner hasn't burned down yet."

"I know right."

"Well I will give this arrangement a try."

"Oh, and I have a theory on this week topic. Rarity is captured by the Turkey Horsamane which is a turkey with the mane of a horse and then the Princess Celestia orders a cake to persuade the Turkey to stop eating ponies, but it does not take the cake for it is lactose intolerant and continues to ravage over Equestria until the balloons of Partya explode causing the rest of the world explode into confetti and everypony live happily ever after."

"I think that beats mine, all we need to do is hear Spike's theory and see who won the best theory of this week's topic."

"I hope I win my tenth first place ribbon."

"Maybe you will, or Spike will win his fourth first place ribbon."

"How many do you have?"

"I think nine of them."

"Looks like you're not catching up this week."

"Yup, you what we should do though… we should make a club of some sort."

"That's a great idea, but where would we host it at?"

"I have an idea," he says and takes a cube and begins to rearrange it. "This is where we can have the theory troupe."

"It's perfect and we can have cake and chocolate milk and more cake oh and even balloons."

"I think more cake would make ponies sick."

"Then we'll have candy instead."

"Yeah that could work."

"Alright let's finish this place up and get the party going."

Five hours later…

It was evening and Cheese Cake along with Pinkie had finished his new and improved house.

"Alright Pinkie tap the box and let it unfold."

She taps the box and the house builds itself up it covers more space rather than height and had preset tables out on the front of the building.

"That looks like a pretty good restaurant to me," Cheese Cake comment.

"It looks like a toaster strudel with a good haircut," Pinkie comments.

"Wow that look very stylish (Wait, when did you get here?)," Rarity comments.

"That looks pretty fancy shmancy to me (What?)," Applejack comments.

"I think its nice (Ooooookay)," Fluttershy comments.

"I think it's a great improvement (How long have you ladies been here?)," Twilight comments.

"I'm a male dragon," Spike rebels.

"Sorry," Cheese Cake apologizes.

Rainbow Dash now sees the perfect moment to get back at Cheese Cake. She drops a bucket of honey right on top of him and startles him.

"I got you Cheese Cake," she laughs.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Rarity yells.

"What… oooooh."

"Yeah you missed," Cheese Cake informs.

Rarity was coated in honey and furious that her mane was ruined knowing that it would take her forever to get all of the honey out of her hair, "You are going to clean my mane until it is completely honey free."

"It's Cheese Cake's fault he gave a list of his fears and… and I was trying to hit him, but I missed… so in a way it's his fault."

"Well it's actually my fault," Cheese Cake explains. "I had it all planned out before I even saw it coming, well actually I knew something was up when Rainbow Dash allowed me stay at her house. I thought it was too easy, but I took the opportunity to see what she was up to and it turns out she wanted to get back at me for scaring her when we were playing hide and seek. So, I gave a list of my fears and told her to catch me off guard, which she tried, but missed because of the winter wind breezing through Ponyville."

"I'm not seeing how it's your fault dear," Rarity disagrees.

"Well I wanted this to happen."

"Why?" Twilight asks with interest.

"I did because of a dream I had last night about me and Rarity falling in love. My family has had a history of seeing the future in our dreams and the only way to stop this, was to put many questions in your head that you will be asking yourself for many years."

"Why are you trying to stop the vision?" Rarity asks.

"I knew you were going to ask that."

"Tell me."

"No I can't."

"Why can't you?"

"Anyone want cake?"


"Sure I'd like some," Everyone says.

"What's going on?"

"Where'd Rarity go?" Fluttershy asks.

"I'm right here."

"Oh well looks like she left us hanging let's go and eat cheesecake and forget her forever."


Then she wakes up her bedroom and the sun just rising up to start the morning.

She looks around and finds Twilight sleeping on the edge of her bed, "Twilight wake up."

"Huh good morning Rarity," Twilight greets.

"What happened?"

"Rainbow Dash missed the honey bucket on Cheese Cake and landed on you. The bucket hit you in head hard enough to knock you out. We washed you up and put you to bed and we've been taking turns watching over you."

"I had the weirdest dream of what happen though. I knew exactly what happen except I was awake."

"So, you saw what happened to you."

"Yes it is weird, it was like a vision."

"Well some unicorns have had some experience with seeing the future, like Darcy Blind, Candy Hooveynee and even Star Swirl the Bearded had recorded some of these visions occurring."

"Have you ever had any visions?"

"No, but I have read stuff about it. Star Swirl wrote it down in a journal and after he had his vision that day it became true. He remembered a small detail that was in the dream which became true and decided to study this in unicorns which was unfinished due to other task he had."

Rarity gets out of bed and heads toward the door, "Well I need to talk to Cheese Cake right away."

"No, you can't," Twilight blocks the door with her body.


"Well because he is making toast and you don't want to disturb him do you?"

"He makes cheesecake and what are hiding from me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Move Twilight or I am force to take action that might get me dirty."

"Fine, but remember don't disturb Cheese Cake."

"Sure of course."

One minute later…

Rarity was outside of Cheese Cake new and improved house. She wants to know why they cannot fall in love.

It irritated her very much, so she marches into the restaurant and finds nothing, but pitch, blackness and then…

"SURPRISE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RARITY!" Everypony in the room shouts.

Rarity was absolutely caught off guard and was speechless, may even be beyond speechless.

"My birthday was yesterday though," Rarity confused.

"Yes, but we wanted to host it at Cheese Cake house," Twilight explains. "Since he was chosen for the host of the Pumpkin Festival he needed to change his house, so we had to delay your birthday party until now."

"I can't believe I forgot about my birthday."

"Just like me!" Pinkie exclaims happily.

"Where's Cheese Cake?"

"Uh, he's doing something," Applejack explains. "He'll be here in no time."

"I finally finished it," Cheese Cake yells from his newly placed basement.

He exits the basement with something covered on his back, "Oh and Happy Birthday Rarity."

"What's that?"

"It's my birthday gift to you," He pulls on the sheet. "It is a dress that Fluttershy and I made… and by that I made the poniquinn that holds your dress."

She then realizes the dress was on a poniquinn that looked exactly like her.

"The dress and the poniquinn look amazing. I thank you all for this."

The party went on till the afternoon and by that time Rarity had forgotten about the vision.

Which made Cheese Cake relieved.

If you have come this far then there are like 3 more episodes that I have written and posting here. The rest will probably Google Docs.

Fillysitting Is Easy?

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 10: Fillysitting is Easy?
by Master Cheese Cake

Twilight and her friends were getting ready to go to Appleloosa again because of a problem that needs to be resolve, which was a mysterious drought.

They were at the train station a bit of a way out from Ponyville and the sun just began to set to the west. Cheese Cake was loading the saddle packs for Twilight and Rarity, but mostly Rarity's things. They plan to stay in Appleloosa for a while because ponies can't fix a drought in a day. Can they?

"Thank you Cheese Cake," Rarity says and gives him some money.

"No, no, no, you keep your money Rarity," Cheese Cake insists.

"This is for Sweetie Bell if she accidentally destroys something in your house."

"Hey I don't break anything," Sweetie Belle disagrees.

"Don't worry, I can handle her… I think."

"Well if you say so. Remember be a good girl while you stay at his house okay Sweetie Belle."

"Yeah, yeah I know Rarity."

"Okay we'll be on our way."

"See you ponies whenever you get back," Cheese Cake says.

Twilight taps Rarity back, "We're going to run a bit late. One of the runners is running late, so we are not going anywhere until about ten o' clock is what the conductor said."

"Oh, can I stay with you until it's time to go?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Sorry Sweetie Belle you have to go with Cheese Cake."

"Okay fine."

"Oh and Cheese Cake can you please bring Opa to your house too. She needs to be fed and kept company."

"She's already there."

"When did you do that?"

"I did it before I carried your stuff here."

"Oh, well planned. Okay well tonight is also the night when Sweetie Belle meets up with her friend, the Cutie Mark Crusader to have a sleepover."

"Yes I've heard of these sleepovers from your rant about your sister being such a…" he stops as Rarity shows a sign of stop the sentence.

"Well you better be on your way."

Then Cheese Cake and Sweetie Belle leave the station and back to Cheese Cake's house. When they arrive Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were already waiting for them there.

"Hey Sweetie Bell," They both greet.

"Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, are you ready to get your cutie marks?"

"I'm ready how bout' you Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Yup and we're going to stay up all night right?"

Sweetie Belle looks at Cheese Cake with cute eyes, "Yeah of course, if Cheese Cake lets us."

"Yeah sure why not, but you have to promise me that you will not go outside unless you tell me."

"Okay, CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SLEEPOVER AT CHEESE CAKE'S HOUSE!" They all exclaim into his ears.

"Yup that's right. Okay I am allowing you to do whatever you want."

"Wow, you're the best fillysitter ever, but we usually do things outdoors to discover our cutie marks,"

"Okay, let me get my Sherlock Hooves hat."

As he leaves to retrieve his hat from the closet upstairs the crusaders discuss their plans.

"Are we set to go to Appleloosa?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Yup, I have my scooter," Scootaloo assures.

Sweetie Belle feels doubtful, "I'm still not sure if we should do this. We could get in huge trouble and get Cheese Cake in trouble."

"Don't worry I'm sure they'll be okay with it once we arrive at Appleloosa," Apple Bloom explains. "Besides I want to see my cousin Braeburn, I haven't seen him in a while and we get to do more things there that could give us our cutie marks."

"Okay if you say so."

"Alright guys are we ready to go?" Cheese Cake returns with his hat.

"Yeah," they say in unison.

They all exit his house and they run off and do what they do to try and achieve they're cutie marks.

Three hours later…

Cheese Cake was sitting on hay at the local restaurant and sipping tea as he watches The Cutie Mark Crusaders try making sandwiches.

He looks at a clock that hung above the entrance of the restaurant kitchen which told it was nine thirty.

"Okay Cutie Mark Crusaders, we have to go back now," he announces.

"Aw," they sign.

"It's okay you have all of tomorrow to try new talents."

They all head back and as soon they got back Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle race to the bed that Cheese Cake set up for them.

"Wow you really want to go to sleep that badly?" Cheese Cake asks.

"Yeah the sooner we sleep the more time we have to try out new things," Scootaloo explains.

"Oh that makes sense and if you need me I will be in the basement making another toaster."

Then they close their eyes and fall asleep while Cheese Cake removes the light from the room and closes the doors. He continues to his basement, now part of the window, and begins his work on another type of toaster.

He was putting parts together and writing down note on which part he uses. He also was getting tired because last night he didn't get that much sleep from making a toaster.

"Hey Opa," he greets as Opa walks in on him. "What are you doing here?"


"Well it's a toaster that I'm making that toasts things."




"Really, are you sure?"


"Yes? This calls for instant action."

Twenty Five Minutes Earlier…

Cheese Cake just left the guest room and the Cutie Mark Crusaders get up and are ready to go to the train station. They hope that the other runner didn't arrive yet and can still get on the train.

"Okay let's hurry before it takes off," Scootaloo rushes.

"Let's go."

They exit from the window and gallop to the train station as fast as they could.

When they arrive it was about nine fifty five. They sneak to the clerk counter to buy tickets because they could see Rarity in one of windows talking to the others.

"Hello sir, three tickets please."

He looks down to see Apple Blooms hooves place coins on the counter, "Aren't you all a little young to travel alone?"

"Well my sister is in that train and we're going with them."

"Well if you say so," Then he hooves them the tickets.

"Thank you," They say in unison.

They enter the cart section right in front of their sisters' and friends' cart.

"We made it. I told you this would work," Apple Bloom boasts.

"Yup, nice work Apple Bloom," says a voice.

"Was that you, Sweetie Belle?"


"Was it you, Scootaloo?"


"Then who was that?"

The curtain next to Apple Bloom slid open to reveal Cheese Cake laying there, "Surprised, I expect you to be."

"What… how did you get here first?"

"Well I learned Pinkie's technique to getting to location even if the other pony is ahead by a milestone which I have no idea what that is."

"Well I guess we have to go back, huh."

"No, are you crazy I wanted to go with them too, but I had to stay and watch Sweetie Belle," Cheese Cake explains. "Then you had this crazy idea about going yourselves that I could have never thought of, gave me a chance to ponysit you, while we go to Appleloosa."

"Wow, you really are the best fillysitter," Scootaloo confirms.

"We can make as much sound when the train starts moving, okay."

"Okay," they all say in a whisper.

Finally the trains starts to move toward Appleloosa and all of them begin to party. They had pillow fight, an eating contest of pie when a cart clerk came by with pie and all the possible fun you can have in a train. They did drawing contests, they laid pillows on the ground, so they could do stunts off the top bunk bed and the best part they were disturbing no one because they were no other ponies in that cart. Cheese Cake even started teaching them about theory making.

Two hours later…

Cheese Cake was now getting tired because it was midnight, "Alright I think it's time for bed for me."

"Aw, can't you stay up and teach us a little more about theory making?" Scootaloo begs.

"I will teach more tomorrow, but for me right now is sleep time," he says and slides the curtains to cover the bed.

"Well what should we do now?" Apple Bloom asks.

"We should go to sleep too I'm out of energy," Scootaloo says.

"Are you serious, Scootaloo? You're actually tired."

"Yeah, that hot cocoa really hit the spot."

Then the door to their cart opens and in comes Applejack still fatigue, "Hey can you keep the noise down over here. We're trying to get some sleep."

Then Applejack has a moment of realization, "Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Cheese Cake. No seriously why is there cheesecake on a plate on the floor?"

"Sorry that's mine," Cheese Cake says and drags it into his bed.

"Cheese Cake? Why are you all here?"

"Well they wanted to come with you ladies to Appleloosa to experience more types of activities hoping to get their cutie mark and I thought it was a great idea, so we came to the station and bought tickets."

"Well it's too late to go back now, but Rarity is going to be mighty frustrated that you brought Sweetie Belle with you."

"I sure she'll be fine with it."

The next morning…

"Are you kidding me Cheese Cake? I am not fine with this… how could you bring Sweetie Belle without talking to me?"

"They wanted to join in really bad and if I asked, the answer would have been "no". What's the worst that can happen here? I mean it's just a drought and I promise that I will keep them out of harm's way even if it means putting me in that position."

"Fine, that's makes me feel a bit better about this, but still anything could happen, so Sweetie Belle has to stay in town with you at all times."

Sweetie Belle rebels, "But…"

"No buts. Look sis I love you, but for all we know there could be something dangerous causing this drought."

"Like what?"

"A dragon or some ice monster thingy that could cause us the weather to be freezing and send us into an ice age making life unbearable."

"Nice theory," Cheese Cake compliments.

"Yes I know that club of yours is helping."

Applejack notices they have arrived and announces, "We're here. Are you ready to meet your cousin again Apple Bloom?"

"Cousin Braeburn is the best!"

The trains stopped and they exit to be welcome by the still enthusiastic Braeburn, "Howdy there and welcome to APPLELOOSA!"

"Cousin Braeburn," Apple Bloom greets with excitement.

"Cousin Apple Bloom, how's my favorite cousin?"

"Great, but I'm still on a mission to get my cutie mark."

"Just keep hanging in there and I'm sure you'll get your cutie mark."

"And cousin Applejack, how could I forget you? Give me a huge."

Applejack gives him a hug, "Howdy Braeburn, so how's it been since your compromise with Chief Thunderhooves?"

"Been great, but this drought has been getting the both of our homes a bit of down fall."

"Remember don't let her out of your sight Cheese Cake," Rarity assures and puts on her saddle pack.

"Yeah don't worry. I will follow her like a cheesecake holding onto the crust for dear life."

"Okay Sweetie Belle stays with him and don't touch anything, eat anything, or talk to anything except Cheese Cake."

Sweetie Belle points something out, "You just said I can't eat anything, but Cheese Cake as in him."

"Okay eat something, but nothing dangerous."

"Look Rarity, I know that you care for me, but don't you think you're going a little too far with protecting me."

"I have to go, they're leaving right now and they're going to need my help," she states and leaves with the others.

"And by that she'll probably do nothing. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are so lucky they get to go to the drought."

"Cheer up, for all we know there really nothing cool that is causing this drought. You want to draw horse drawn carriages."

"Yeah maybe that will be my cutie mark… of a canvas… with a carriage on it."

"Now that you say it that way, it seems too boring, oh I know we can go and look for treasure in the desert."

"That's great idea."

Meanwhile at apple orchard…

The others were investigating the cause of the drought near the apple orchard. The river that flows through the area had gone dry and they were following it northward to find the spring.

"Rarity, don't you think you're over reacting to Cheese Cake actions a little too much?" Twilight asks.

"No, he took her here without permission."

"Yes I know that, but he's responsible, sure he's random sometimes, but he would protect your sister like you would. He also did something that could help your sister finally gain her cutie mark."

Twilight had not realized that the posse stopped in their tracks for they stumble on a hydra that was sleeping right in front of the neck where the water flows through.

This hydra was different for it had six heads and it was a vivid red.

"How are we going to get that thing to move?" Applejack whispers.

"Fluttershy reason with it," Rainbow Dash whispers.

Fluttershy walks closer and starts to reason with it, "Okay… huh…"

"No, don't," Twilight warns. "This is a six headed hydra they are more aggressive than the one we encountered in the Everfree Forest."

"Then how are we going to get the water back?" Braeburn asks.

"We could just ask it, maybe it's not as aggressive as you said it will be Twilight," Spike suggests.

"Okay, but everyone get ready if it starts to attack," Twilight says.

Everypony starts to back up as Twilight is about to ask it to leave except Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy because they have wings.


Then it roars loudly at the little pony that disturbed its nap time and now it sees it lunch buffet right in front of its home.

"RUN!" yells Braeburn.

"Follow the riverbed we can take it back to Appleloosa," Applejack instructs.

The giant creature lifts itself up and pursues the fleeing ponies.

Twilight scoops Spike onto her back and continues her gallop to safety, "Spike send a message to Cheese Cake."

"Uh I don't have a quill or paper and what would that do?"

"He said he has taken care one of these before and maybe there's a way he stop it that we could use it."

"We still have a problem no paper or quill."

"Wait. Rarity!" she calls.

"What?" she responses.

"Do you have your scarf in the saddle pack?"

"No, but I have a hat. What do you need it for?"

"I need it to send a message."

"No, that hat is one of a kind."

"Well it's either getting your hat destroyed or you getting eaten by that hydra."

"Fine," she opens her pack and passes it back to Twilight.

"Okay Spike, use your claw to write hydra and send it to Cheese Cake."

Spike does as she said, "Whoops I spelled HYRDA wrong."

"No time just send it."

He breathes his fire and the hat disappears like any other message.

Meanwhile in the middle of the dessert…

Cheese Cake and Sweetie have found a carriage full of gems in the middle of the dessert. Cheese Cake was coaching Sweetie Belle on how to find gems with magic.

"Okay, concentrate on the gems and picture them like they are everywhere and you should be able to see them in certain areas."

She does as he instructs and it worked she could see the gems in the ground, "Wow that's so cool they're everywhere. Hey what's with the hat?"

They both look at the hat like it's a six headed hydra chasing ponies.

Cheese Cake takes a closer look at it, "What in Equestria is a hyrda and what with the six?"

"I think it's supposed to be HYDRA with six heads."

"That can't be good."

"Well yeah they're in danger. What should we do?"

"You head back to Appleloosa and I'll go help them."

"What can you do that I can't?"

"I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anypony."

She begins to recite the Pinkie Pie Promise, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"Okay…" he starts and whisper into her ear.

What she heard was unbelievable and her pupils dilate because of so much disbelief.

Back in the river bed…

They were all still evading the hydra that was still in hot pursuit of its lunch.

"Applejack I'm getting tired," Apple Bloom announces.

"Okay, hop on my back."

She attempts to speed up, but ends up slipping and lies on the ground. Applejack runs back as the hydra attempts to eat her sister. She covers Apple Bloom with her body and she opens her eyes, surprised she was gobbled up yet.

It was Rainbow Dash who held its jaw wide open, "Go while you still have a chance."

She picks up Apple Bloom and throws her on her back and takes off.

"Great Rainbow Dash now you're doomed."

Then all of sudden she is thrown out of the jaw of the beast. She quickly recovers and looks at the thing that saved her life. What she saw was a shock and awe to her, it was a Pegasus coated in ice in a geometric pattern.

It turns its head to see if she was okay, "Are you okay?"

She was speechless because what he was… was just not real, "What are you?"

He didn't answer as the hydra attempts an attack, but he leaps back and stomps both of his front leg into the ground, which created a wall of ice around the lizard and then his wings become parallel over his head causing a beam of light to shoot into the wall.

Then a blinding white light causes any living thing to look away and then it was gone along with the hydra and the mysterious Pegasus.

"Who was that?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"I don't know, but whoever it was, is powerful in magic and could fly. Maybe it was Princess Celestia in disguise?" Twilight suggests.

"No, it couldn't have been it was a colt and Princess Celestia wouldn't have put on a disguise."

"Spike, did you send that message to Princess Celestia or Cheese Cake?"

"I pretty sure I sent it to Cheese Cake, but there a chance in the panic that I sent it to Princess Celestia," Spike answers unsurely.

"I think we should unblock the water and then head back to ask Cheese Cake," Applejack suggests.

They follow Applejack suggestions to clear the boulders that dammed the water into a lake where the hydra was building a nest for itself.

After the huge boulders were cleared the water rushes down and continues what it has been doing for years, flowing. Then they all head back from this crazy day and hoping to get some answers from Cheese Cake. They search everywhere and eventually found him and Sweetie Belle in the Salt Block.

"Ah, I see you all made it back alive," Cheese Cake greets.

"Yup, because the help of a certain pony," Twilight explains. "Did you happen to get a hat?"

"Yes, I bought a cowboy hat to add to my collection," he says and puts on that hat.

"No, the one that Spike sent to you?"

"Oh, that one, yeah I got it and by the way you spelled HYDRA wrong."

"That was Spike."

"Hey I was in a panic mode, okay," Spike makes an excuse.

"Anyway was that you who helped us?"

"Nope, that was my friend," Cheese Cake says and sips some salt water and then spits it out.

"Who was he?" Rainbow asks demandingly.

"His name is Ice Storm or at least his superhero name is. I don't know his real name."

"How did you meet such a handsome stallion?" Rarity asks.

"Uh, I was fighting off a hydra one day and he swept in to help me with the giant creature."

"Why were you fighting a hydra?" asks Scootaloo.

"Alright I will tell the story. I was walking on a stormy night to Ponyville and I had to cross through a swamp. I heard a growl from the water below my feet then POW if sprung from the ground, causing a wave of muddy water sending me under the surface of the mud. Then I avoided it for awhile until I ran out of air, but by that time I was already eaten…"

"Wait, wait, wait, you were eaten?" Twilight asks.

"You didn't let me finish… okay I was eaten by it but I struggled in its throat causing it to gag and cough me out. Then he arrived and froze it, then puts the lizard to sleep. He talked to me and told me if I ever needed help I will send him a message with a crystal from his wing. So, when you sent the message I sent that message to him and he came straight to me, so then I told him where you guys were."

While they were talking, Rarity and Sweetie Belle were talking.

"So, what did you do today?" Rarity asks.

"Cheese Cake took me to go treasure hunting in the dessert."

"Oh, how much did you two find out there?"

"Follow me."

Rarity follows Sweetie Belle outside to find a whole carriage full of gems.

"How did you find all of these?" Rarity surprised.

"Well Cheese Cake taught me how to find them with magic."

"How did he know how to teach you that magic… hmm?"

"I don't know, but he knows how to."

"Hmm… something tells me there more to Cheese Cake then we know."

"Why do you keep going… 'Hmm'"

"Hmm… I don't know."

The Mane Reveal Part 1

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 11: The Mane Reveal Part 1
By Master Cheese Cake

Fourteen years ago…

It was fine day in Cloudsdale and two little fillies were watching the Best Flyer Competition that was going on in the coliseum. Princess Celestia was even there to pick out the best flyers to become a group that will be known as The Wonderbolts. They watch as these flyers perform the most outstanding tricks with the obstacle course set up for them.

"Wow look at that one Spitfire," Cheese Cake says.

She turns her attention from another flyer to the one flying in between the cloud bushes and spirals off the last one, causing it to drag up with the pony making a trail of her flight route, "That is so cool."

"I wish I could do that."

"Maybe we will one day."

"Yeah and I'll become the best."

"No, I'm going to be the best."

"You're both in trouble for leaving class," an instructor announces.

"Hey dad, please don't punish Cheese Cake I dragged him along with me," Spitfire pleads.

"Fine, but you little missy are going to do thirty laps around the obstacle course."

"Okay, see you later Cheese Cake."


"You son are lucky that you both left at the end of the today otherwise you wouldn't have gotten free this time."

"Yeah luck."

Then he goes and supervises Spitfire as she does her laps.

"Mane, her dad is really strict on her."

Four years later…

It was another great day in Cloudsdale where they are hosting the Best Flyers Competition again. This year the new talented group of flyers now known as the Wonderbolts, are the judges of recruiting the pony or colt that will be an addition to the team.

Cheese Cake and Spitfire were going together because they both practiced a routine before they entered this competition.

They were already in the coliseum flying in a circle causing the clouds that were already in the centre to start following the wind currents they made. Then they both fly up toward the atmosphere to regroup and spiral down, but Cheese Cake breaks off as he gives Spitfire a boost and as she made contact with the very center cloud a sonic boom was created causing the clouds to form a floor.

Everypony in the area cheer for the two of them as they leave through the curtains.

"How do you think we did?" Spitfire asks.

"I think we did awesome."

"Yes you both did awesome," Soarin' agrees.

Spitfire is surprised, "Oh my horse feathers you're a Wonderbolt."

"Yup and we have decided that you two are now Wonderbolts."

"Did you hear that Cheese Cake?"

"Yes, yes I did."

"Alright let's get you guys suited up."

They all leave and Cheese Cake stays behind to take one last look at the stadium. Before he could walk out of the stadium he was caught by Princess Celestia.

"Hello young flyer I truly love your performance."

"Thank you your highness."

"I must say I have never seen a sonic boom before, but it was outstanding to see yours.

"Actually it was Spitfire's sonic boom."

"Yes, but without the boost she probably couldn't have done it."

"True, but she worked harder than I did."

"You're not a regular pegasus are you? What's your name?"

"What no… what are you talking about?"

"You know I can take you in as a student."

"No, that's okay."

"I still haven't gotten your name."

"It's Cheese Cake your highness."

Nine years later…

The Wonderbolts had just finished an air show and Cheese Cake was eavesdropping on his friends talking about a fan problem.

"Hey Soarin', the fans are thinking of evening the numbers of our members."

"So, what you mean is basically we have to kick somepony out?"

"Yeah, we asked which one of us and most of them said Spitfire."

"I don't like this sometimes the fans are too demanding."

"Yeah I know I don't like it either, but…"

Cheese Cake then reveals himself to them, "Look I'll leave The Wonderbolts, but you cannot tell Spitfire anything about my reason for leaving, promise."

"Are you sure Ice Storm? You're really willing to give up one of your dreams?"

"Please call me by my real name and yes, Spitfire wanted this more than me. She worked harder for this dream than I did."

"Don't worry we'll keep it a secret, but what will you do now," Soarin' assures.

"I'm going home and work maybe in my parents' cheesecake business," he explains as he is taking off the suit. "I also need you to buy me time if you can. Oh, here I won't need this."

"Are you sure? I mean this has many memories."

"No, I think it's best that I don't have memories lying around my house."

Then Cheese Cake walks though many cities to get home because he didn't want Spitfire to spot him in the air.

Three days later…

Cheese Cake finally made it back to his hometown Fillydelphia, where his parents held the most successful cheesecake business in all of Equestria. He sees his house and is glad to be able to see his family again.

He checks through the windows to see if anyone was home and everypony was home except for Camera who was out shooting a movie probably. They were talking to Spitfire, who was probably asking for where he went.

He waited till she was finish talking to his family and then he walks inside to see his family in relief that he was okay.

"Cheese Cake we were so worried when Spitfire came by to tell us that she couldn't find you. At least she can stop worrying, you should go…"

"No, I can't."

"Why not dear?" his mom asks.

"Because mom I don't want to hurt her feeling by explaining why I left The Wonderbolts which would make her feel bad. It's a lose to lose situation"

"What, you left the Wonderbolts?" his dad in disbelief.

"Yes, but I'd rather not explain it and promise me that you will not tell her that I was here."

"Just to let you know son we're not mad, but what will you do now?"

"I going to move away from here and help spread the cheesecake business perhaps."

"You don't have to do that. Why not just stay here?" his sister, Sponge Cake begs.

"Well I want to see the world and this place is where she lives too, so best for me to leave."

"Wait before you go I need to give you a few things," his mother says.

His mother leads him to dad's work room. Inside this work room was a box, "This son you are going to need."

"So, I'm going to need a box?"

"It's an instant house that your father made with magic, just tap five times and it opens into a house."

"But, honey it took me a long time to make that," his father complains.

"He is going to need it dear."

"Oh and I'm going to need some paint to disguise myself."

"No, that would ruin your skin, but luckily I made a suit that covers your whole body and you can paint on it."

Sponge Cake confused, "Mom, I thought that was for me."

"He needs it more and sorry, but you can't stick your wings through it."

"It will be fine it will help with the disguise."

Nine months later…

Cheese Cake had been traveling around Equestria in search of a new home and he couldn't find one that was perfect. He is now in Manehattan looking around, but it was a little crowded for him and there look like there is no space for him to setup.

He stops outside of a café to get some information and maybe some tea.

He enters and approaches the pony behind the counter, "Hello, um I'd like some tea and do you know if there are any other nearby towns."

"Okay, some tea and… sorry, but I don't know if there is any nearby towns, sorry."

"Well thanks anyway," then takes off.

"Hey, what about your and he's gone."

Cheese Cake looks for the local Pony Express to get information if there are any local towns around.

He enters the building when he finds it, "Hello anypony here?"

"Yep, right here," the colt hops out of a pile of scrolls and letters.

"Oh, you look busy I could come back later."

"No, no this, this is just hours of me making art on the floor, so what can I do for you?"

"Well I just wanted to know, how many local towns are around here?"

"The closest one from here is Ponyville. Why?"

"I am looking for a place to settle down."

"Well I'd have to say that that is the best place for you to settle down at sir. The reason is that there have been many interesting things happening over there."

"How interesting is it over there?"

"Very interesting like a four headed hydra, parasprites, and even the Princess Celestia has many visits there. Oh and I heard that the town was fighting over one doll yesterday, it's pretty crazy."

"Do you mind if I send a message to the mayor?"

"No, of course not buddy."

Then Cheese Cake begins to forge his letter to the mayor of Ponyville and hooves it to the colt.

"Alright see you maybe sometime in the future. Oh do you know what direction it is in?"

"Yes, just head toward Canterlot and you should be there in no time. See you too my friend."

He then takes the cart towards Canterlot to finally set up cake.

Two hours later…

Cheese Cake was now walking in a swamp of some sort and then the water started to rise to his left. It happens to be a hydra that the other ponies encountered. One of the heads move in for the swallow, but it stops half way because it just fell asleep, just like that.

He continues his walk toward Ponyville and the rain begins to crash down harder. He sees a light up ahead and hopeful that the pony living there is nice, so he thought give the pony a toaster.

He leaves the box cart in the front yard and approaches the door to knock on it. He takes a quick bite from the lawn because it's been days since he had any food. He waits as the thump of hooves come closer to the door and then the door opens. It was a Pegasus pony like him.

"Uh, hi," Fluttershy greets.

Cheese Cake starts to choke on the grass and he tries to tell her that by walking forward.

"What are you doing?"

He moves closer to show that his throat is clogged.

"Please sir I don't want any trouble."

Then he reaches into his cape and that was when Fluttershy screams for her life as he hit his back and the grass went down to his stomach, he then accidentally takes out his toaster, "Hi, I'm Cheese Cake."

"What do you want?" Fluttershy asks.

"Well I just moved here and well it started to rain. I would have made it into town tonight but because of the rain I can't, so I found this house and decided to ask permission to stay for the night until I can get to town tomorrow," He explains and making excuses. "The mayor told me to give a toaster to someone who lived here oooor was it a rose that I was suppose to bring."

"Oh all you had to do was say so."

"Yeah sorry I'm working on a new way to enter my play," Cheese Cake making more excuses.

"Here let me set up the guest bed."

Then Cheese Cake follows her to the guest room and he stays in there for the rest of the night.

The Mane Reveal Part 2

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 12: The Mane Reveal Part 2

By Master Cheese Cake

The Present Day…

Cheese Cake wakes up and his head hurt a lot for some reason. He notices that this was not his house, but it was the very first room he stayed in the night he came to Ponyville.

Fluttershy sees him waking up, "Oh, you finally woke up."

"What happened and why does my head hurt?"

"Well when you came by to get some nice herbal tea mix. I asked if you needed help to cook for The Wonderbolts today. That's when you hyperventilated and passed out and also hit your head on the counter top."

"Why and when are the Wonderbolts coming here anyway?"

"Well don't you remember, Rainbow Dash told you she invited them to your restaurant? Oh and they're coming around three in the afternoon."

"No I don't remember her asking that."

Yesterday, Monday 6:00 PM

Everypony went to Cheese Cake's new restaurant because it was the grand opening. Cheese Cake had talked to the owner of the restaurant into giving a reserve table for his friends. This was surprisingly easy because the owner usually doesn't allow reserved tables.

"Hello ladies and Spike what would you like?"

Twilight goes first, "I'd like to try the buttered toast with sugar."

"Oh, oh I'd like that too," Pinkie orders.

Rarity takes a deep breath, "I would like some salad with slices of tomato that are stack on top of each other as even as possible and they need to be under the lettuce with a boiled egg cut in to twenty pieces. The yoke needs to be in the center of the plate make sure they are not touching and the rest of it on the side."

"Ooooookay is that it," Cheese Cake assures.

"Yes that will be it."

"What will you be having today Applejack?"

"I would like to try the caramelized apples with apple syrup and the apple cuts in peanut butter."

"How about you Fluttershy, what do you want?"

"I would just like the carrot soup."

"Made with my carrots," Carrot Top announce from another table.

"Last but not least, Rainbow Dash?"

"I want the rainbow nachos with extra heat."

"Do you have any gems?" Spike asks.

"Yes, yes I do have gems.

"Alright I'll be right back with your food."

Rainbow Dash remembers her question, "Hey Cheese Cake, can I invite the Wonderbolts here to eat tomorrow?"

"Yeah of course," he says as he enters the kitchen.


Three second ago…

Cheese Cake just finishes taking his friend's orders and as he was walking into the kitchen DJ Pon3 asked something.

"Hey Cheese Cake, can you help me fix my disk spinner it broke again?"

"Yeah of course," he says as he enters the kitchen.

He forgot something, "Oh I have to do some stuff this week, so maybe next week."

"Oh of course just come by anytime, I'm quite busy myself this week."

"Alright, that sounds good to me."

Back to the present day…

"Oh no, she must have mistaken what I said to Pon3."

"Well its okay with you right?"

"No, I am not."

"Why are you not okay with it?"

"Uh… well…"

Twilight enters through the front door, "There you are Cheese Cake where have you been? I've been looking for you all over Ponyville."


"Why… because Princess Celestia is going to be here in a hour and remember yesterday I asked if we could host another brunch party at your restaurant today."

"Since when did I say that?"

Yesterday, Monday 6:40 PM

Twilight just finish her stack of toast with sugar and she was in love with Cheese Cake's food, "That was delicious."

"That toast was gooooood," Pinkie expresses.

"Truly is, this salad he made was in perfect condition," Rarity finishes her last bite.

Rainbow Dash was jugging down a lot of water and fanning her tongue, "He wasn't kidding about that extra heat with my nacho."

Fluttershy only drank half of her soup, "I like his carrot soup."

"Remember it was made with my carrots," Carrot Top exclaims.

Applejack had a happy apple meal, "Never in my life have I ever tasted apples like that."

Spike didn't comment for he was asleep on the hay.

"Ah I see you all finished your meals," Cheese Cake walking by. "Who wants cheesecake for dessert?"

"Oh I do," Pinkie exclaims.

Twilight remembers about Princess Celestia being free tomorrow, "Oh Cheese Cake can we host a brunch party for Princess Celestia here tomorrow because she's free tomorrow."

"Sure of course, we can."

Back to the present day again…

"Oh yeah now I remember. I must have hit my head hard on that counter top."

"You haven't even started cooking and if she comes here knowing there is no food then Equestria will explode."

"Don't worry I got it covered."

Cheese Cake runs home and begins to cook all of the food that will be necessary for Princess Celestia visit.

After all that was done it was about ten o' clock and that gave him enough time to prepare a hiding spot for when Spitfire arrives with the Wonderbolts.

Twilight comes in to check on progression, "How did you get all of this done?"

"You know, multitasking."

"Yeah I know, but for a regular earth pony that's pretty good."

"Yup that's right for a regular earth pony hehe."

"Well at least I don't have to worry anymore, now we just have to wait five more minutes until the princess arrives."

Then the door opens and Princess Celestia enters the building and the guards stay outside to make sure the right ponies enter.

"Princess you're five minutes early," Twilight surprised.

"Well I really wanted to try his cheesecakes that you've been talking about in your letters to me."

"Of course the cheesecake, which flavor we have all sorts of flavors."

"Anyone will do."

Cheese Cake slices a cake and takes it to her, "Here you go your highness."

"Wait a second you're that colt at Cloudsdale aren't you?"

"What no…that's that's impossible I don't even have wings."

Twilight got more worried that Cheese Cake had done something wrong, "Uh… Cheese Cake what's going on?"

Princess Celestia had heard of that name before, "So, you are the young flyer that I met back then, Cheese Cake I can still recognize those eyes."

"Anyone can have a name of Cheese Cake?"

"I think time to let go of the secret," Celestia advises.

"Yeah… I guess you're right. Alright I am actually a Pegasus, there I said it."

Twilight, one hundred percent confused at this point, "What?"

"What?" voices coming from behind a set of tables.

"How long you've been there?"

"Well we've been here for a while now," Rainbow Dash explains. "Yeah I wanted to check out the place to make sure that The Wonderbolts visit would be a great experience and I ended up hearing that Cheese Cake is a Pegasus."

Rarity reveals herself, "Is it true?"

He takes off his head coat to reveal his real coat that was a bit golden brown, but more toward golden, his mane was dark blonde color and had no specific style, and his eye color was the same which was blend of blue and green.

"Oh my cupcakes it's an imposter, who are you and what have you done with Cheese Cake?" Pinkie interrogates.

"Pinkie it's still me."

"Then prove it, when was I born?"

"You never told me when you were born."

"Yes exactly because you are an imposter."

"Okay, anypony have a dramatic reacting left?"

"No not really."

The brunch party started and everypony was surprised to see Cheese Cake with wings and his real coat when they came in. His friends were still asking questions about everything, but that's a whole another chapter.

Following In His Hooves Steps

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 13: Following in His Hoof Steps

By Master Cheese Cake

The sun started to rise and brighten the sky with orange, the birds awoke and began to chirp, the atmosphere was perfect for a wonderful day. Twilight opened her eyes as the sun’s light entered through her window. She got out of bed and went downstairs to start her daily task by cleaning her saddle pack to take with her to the Pony Express where she expected new books on magic to arrive.

She stepped outside in the snow that had been building up over night and continued to the post office. About midway to her destination she heard a loud scream coming from Cheese Cake’s house. She immediately turned around and ran toward his house. When she arrived to the front door, it was already unlocked. Quickly she rushed to his bedroom, and as she entered the room she found Cheese Cake on the floor in a panic because there was a mare standing on his bed.

Precisely two minutes and thirty nine second earlier...

Cheese Cake was still asleep in his bed and the heat of the sun hitting him in the face made him want to get the rest of his body heated, he rolled to the other side so that his mane could get some of that heat, but he could feel something warm in front of him too. He opened his eyes to meet another set of eyes that were violet. He instantly freaked and screamed for there was an intruder in his bed, he fell out of bed to gain distance, but he then realized who his perpetrator is and what she was doing here. Actually he had no idea what she was doing here.

“Hi Cheese Cake,” The mare greeted, stretching her limbs.

“Sponge? What are you doing here?! Specifically, what are you doing in my bed?!”

“Well you should really make a guest room for ponies like me.”

“I would have, if you told me you were coming down.”

“Oh yeah I thought I forgot to do something.”

“Do mom and dad know you are down here?”

“Uh... about that see I kind of ran away from home.”



“This is bad, you know how worried they might be.”

“Don’t worry I left a letter explaining everything.”

Back in Fillydelphia...

Cheese and Sponge Cake’s were looking for Sponge Cake who mysteriously disappeared since yesterday. They’ve checked everywhere for a sign of where she could have gone, they’ve looked in the kitchen, the bathroom, Cheese Cake’s old room, the shed, the living room, the dining room and then the kitchen again, but nothing.

“Dear I’m getting worried for Sponge.”

“I know honey we’ve checked everywhere.”

“Have we’ve checked her room yet?”

“Huh, now that you mentioned it, no we haven’t.”

They then decided to go upstairs and check Sponge’s room. They find a note on her mirror and her father proceeds to read the note to his wife.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am leaving home for I am bored and I want to see my brother again I miss so him, so I have left to visit him wherever he is. I hope I get to see Camera too in my journey. I will occasionally visit home, but I feel it is time for me to leave the nest and into the skies and into my own nest.

Love your daughter,
Sponge Cake

“Our daughter has seem to grown up faster then we expected honey.”

“Well we knew this day was coming.”

Back in Ponyville...

“Sponge, are you even sure they’ll let you stay here and even travel on your own?”

“Yeah I’m pretty sure of it.”

Then the bedroom door is kicked open by Twilight.

“Cheese Cake are you okay?” Twilight asked. “And who are you?”

“I am Sponge Cake the sister of Cheese Cake and Camera Cake, daughter of Rubik Cake and Pineapple Cake.”

“Oh I thought you were some crazy person ready to attack Cheese Cake.” Twilight joked making Sponge chuckle. “Anyways, I have to go pick up my new books. So, I will leave you two to catch up.”

“No wait I want to come with you. I already know everything there is to know about my brother.”

“Oh okay.”

Sponge took a jacket from Cheese Cake’s closet and set off with Twilight to retrieve her books and to meet the colts and ponies of Ponyville.

“Alright see you two later,” Cheese Cake waved his hoof.

He waited for until he heard the front door shut. Then he jumps from his window down to the front door and lays down in the snow to see if the coast was clear. And it was, so he proceeded to follow Twilight and Sponge under the grass under the snow.

He follows them to the Pony Express where Twilight will acquire her books and when she did they continue to the local outside restaurant for breakfast. He just waited and waited as Sponge began to meet the others as time past. If only he could hear what they were talking about. Then he felt something lean up against his side on the left.

Then he heard a voice that he hadn’t heard since Nightmare Night, “Well, well, well if it isn’t Twilight Sparkle and the pony that stole my show. Now that the Great and Powerful Trixie is back with more magic, let’s see how you match up to me know Twilight Sparkle and pony who stole my show.”

Cheese Cake was now very curious on how his sister stole her show. So, he asked, “How did my sister steal your show exactly?”

“Well, talking snow hill with eyes if you must know she used magic when she’s only a Earth pony. Impressing the crowd, but I guarantee you that she was only using trickery to get that attention. Wait a moment... a talking snow hill with eyes!”

“Take this.”

Then he heard a familiar sound when a unicorn’s horn is about to be used, “No wait.”

But it was too late and he was throttled through the air an into the table of all of his friends and then through the restaurant’s walls.

Five seconds ago...

Sponge was sitting at the table with her new friends and all of them were getting to know each other, then something flies by quickly smashing tipping the table over and left an outline of what it was through the walls of the restaurant.

Twilight looked at the source of the objects direction to see Trixie, “Trixie?”

“Hello Twilight Spar...”

“Are you crazy you could have killed us?!” Rainbow Dash already up in her face.

“Well, how else was I going to get your attention?

“I don’t know how about approach the table next time.”

Twilight and the other confront her as well.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“I’m here to redeem myself from last times weakness and I’m also here to get get my revenge on... hey where is she?” Trixie noticing that the mare that stole her show was gone.

Sponge was in the wreckage looking for a brother who was apparently good at smashing through thick wooden pillars and brick walls. She exits through the last wall to find her brother front half under the dirt. She concentrated on his body until he started to glow and then plucked him out of the ground.

“Cheese, are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m okay... maybe a little head damage... and spine damage... actually never mind I just realize that all of my body is damaged.”

“I’ll be right back with a pack of ice.”

“You do that... I’ll be here.”

Then he brought up his head to see if she was gone, then he got up and left.

“Where is who?” Rainbow Dash demanded from Trixie.
“The earth pony that was with you just a moment ago.”

“I’m right here,” Pinkie Pie announced.

“No not you...”

“Applejack?” Twilight guessed.

“NO! She’s about your height, has red mane and tail, light brownish hair, and has violet eyes.”

“Sponge Cake is who you want revenge on?”

“Yes, I want to challenge her to challenge.”

“I like challenges!” Sponge appeared out of nowhere.

“Where did... good meet me at edge of town tomorrow afternoon then will see you are a fake.”

Then a plum of smoke appears before their eyes and Trixie was gone.

She has gotten better.

Challenging Romance

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My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 14: Challenging Romance

By Master Cheese Cake

Everypony in Ponyville were waiting at the edge of town for Sponge to show up and for Trixie to unveil the challenge she proposed to Sponge yesterday. They were waiting so anxiously that they were waiting for three hours. Then finally Sponge Cake arrives and makes her way to the front where Trixie had been waiting for seventeen minutes.

Trixie crunched her eyebrows.

"You sure took you time."

"Yeah well, I was visiting by bro in the hospital. Hey that kind of rhymed."

She giggled to her words.

"Whatever. Anyways to the challenge. Whoever knows the most spells win and to prove it you have to perform it."

"Okay, may the best pony win."

"I plan to dear."

Then her horn glows and then poof a cloud of violet smoke explodes in Sponge's face. They all waited for the cloud to dissipate and her mane changed to pure milk chocolate. Sponge looked up with her mouth wide open and broke a piece off and ate it.

"Um... this is really good for a chocolate mane."

Then poof the spell duration ended and now Sponge was eating her own hair. Everypony was confused on why she was still chewing on her hair and Trixie was disgusted even more than every other pony.

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, why not, my hair taste delicious. It's probably from the strawberry shampoo I used this morning and a bonus I got a sweet new haircut."

Trixie face hoofed.

Is there anything in the world that can make this mare angry? Looks like Trixie going to have to step up her game.


Cheese Cake was laying in the hospital bed reading the newspaper and it felt great to be lazy. He grinned to himself because he's faking his injuries, he lying to everypony, and if they ever found out they'd probably be mad that they gave him a mountain of gift for no reason.

Now that I think of it, this is a bad idea.

Then Nurse Redheart came in with some medicine for the pain which he didn't endure.

"So, how are you doing Cheese Cake?"

Redheart smiled.

"I'm doing fine, still some sore muscles and aching in my lower back."

"Well don't worry you'll heal up in no time."

Then she fed him a spoon of medicine, gave him another warm smile and then left him in solitude.

Yeah, literally "no time" at all.

"Hi, Cheese Cake."

He heard a familiar voice from the door. He slowly turned his head toward the door to find out that it was Rarity. Standing there with a huge present, well actually it was on another colts back that was struggling to keep it balanced.

"You can set it down here darling."

Then the colt fell on his stomach and now tries to escape the weight that burdens on his back. Rarity lends some magic to take it off of his spine.

"Okay you can go now."

"We have a deal right?"

"Yes you get a free tuxedo and a free dress for your marefriend whenever requested."

"Woohoo! Hope you get well Cheese Cake, see ya." cheered the colt.

Rarity waltz over to Cheese Cake's bedside and carefully laid the heavy package on his lap.

"Uh... Rarity you didn't have to get me this you know I have plenty of them already."

He pointed to the mountain to wrapped gifts in the corner of the room.

"Oh nonsense Cheese Cake, you deserve it after all you went through and beside I made it myself, so it's super special."

She smiled.

"Are you sure you want me to have it?"

"Why of course I wouldn't have had that lovely colt deliver it with such caution. It would make me so sad if you didn't take it, because I only spent days and days on it.

"But it's only been one day since the accident."

She formed her super sad sad face. The one with her eyes watering a bit and her lips all droopy.

Curse her extremely cute sad face.

Then Cheese Cake unwrapped the rectangular object on his lap. Rarity could feel her heart racing and she filled up with so much excitement as her friend unwrapped her super special present.

Cheese Cake was now at the cardboard section and then he held his hooves on each side to the cap and thought what could be in here that's so heavy. He thought to himself.

What could possibly be in here that weighs so much? It probably some kind of contraption that she put together, plausible. Tons and tons of chocolate, well she does know I like chocolate, but there's no smell. Maybe a costume, nah no way that could have this weight. Oh no... please be wrong, please be wrong, please be wrong...

He began to remove the cap of the box and it had tissue paper to cushion the present. He slowly moved the tissue paper out of the way and there was bubble wrap so he moved that out of the way as well. Then there happens to be styrofoam there and he lifted that to find...

I was right.

Oh I hope he likes it and the message.

He finds a picture framed of the group with him in it, it was really nice picture and he is going to hang this up as soon as he is released from the hospital, but there was another thing on the bottom that definitely caught his eyes.

It was made of red roses, in the shape of a heart and had a message in the middle that read "I love you." His suspicions were partially correct. He suspected only the message, but not the awesome picture that came with it.

Don't freak out Cheese you can tell her that you're not interested in her. Lay her down easy.

Now that I think of it maybe this present wasn't such a good idea I mean seriously Rarity what were you thinking telling him that you love him you should have asked him to go out on a date first. I bet he's freaking out right now. Now it's probably going to be awkward for the rest of our lives. Unless he feels the same way. Please feel the same way.

Okay time is running out now Cheese you have got to respond now or it will be awkward and then she'll cry, maybe. Should I say yes or no, Cheese you don't love her say "no" tell her the truth. No Cheese say yes and spare her pain and sorrow be a good samaritan. Lying is not the way, eventually the truth reveals itself, so do it now and get it over with. No, lie you would be saving yourself from months and months of mourning.

Oh hoof, he doesn't feel the same, he's probably thinking of a way to set me down gently. This was such a bad idea why did I do this. I should have waited and even ask him on a date or even spied on him more to confirm it was true. It's okay Rarity if he doesn't love you that's fine I'll have to accept it, don't cry, just act in the correct manner when he tells you.

Then all of a sudden Cheese Cake faints.

This is definitely not good... HE JUST FAINTED... oh my gosh oh my gosh, well I better leave and let him rest.

She placed the picture back into the box and rewrapped it. She quickly walked out with her gift in a panic.

Cheese Cake opened his left eye slightly to see if Rarity was gone. Then he opened both eyes and sat up.

Okay Cheese you managed to get more time, but you need formulate an answer.


No don't lie don't listen to this guy.

Oh I know how about I act like I don't remember this moment and let her restart.

Well that better than lying to her.

Yeah, but when she does the retry he is going to lie to her.

Are you?

No, I only hoping that she asks me on a date first and well maybe something special will happen. That is truly great idea.

Huh, not a bad idea it actually is better than lying.

Why do I have three though different thoughts?

We don't know, you think of us in your head and we exist because of it.

Oh well it was nice talking to you guys.

Yeah us too.


A/N: NEW: Okay I finally remember to add the notifications that some sentences are thoughts and stuff so yeah.


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Episode 15: Anomaly

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were bored of the competition between Trixie and Sponge. The only thing that was really interesting to them in that whole event was the fact that Sponge was an earth pony that knew how to use magic. And after that it was just spell after spell an endless, repetitive game. Well... until every spell had been conjured up.

The Crusaders had marched back to Rarity's Boutique and been trying to get another cutie mark. That involved mixed media art which was harder than it seemed because they destroyed every ponnyquin in the whole shop. They attempted to create something totally cool but ended in complete failure.

Then Rarity barged through the front door and came running through her shop. The Crusader thought for sure that she would be a volcano blowing its top, but instead turned out to be a rain cloud soaking the ground. She quickly ran toward her room dropping a huge box first and then smashing the door to her room shut.

"Uh... what just happen?"

Applebloom scratched her head.

"I think my sister had something bad happen to her."

Sweetie Bell walked up to her sister's bedroom door.

"Rarity, are you... okay?"

"Go away! I want to be left alone."

"Ugh... come on sis you can tell me."

The door opened quickly and Sweetie Belle was dragged in spontaneously.

"Well what do we do now?"

Scootaloo looked at Applebloom.

"Well this is a private moment between sisters, so let's just go... and listen to what they're talking about."

Both Scootaloo and Applebloom put their ears on the door to eavesdrop on the two sisters, but the conversation was practically inaudible.

Rarity was already in her nice, comfortable, soft, fluffy, furry, plush, fantastically fabulous robe. She had already gone through three tissue boxes and had plenty more in stock. Sweetie Belle was waiting until her sister stopped crying.

"Rarity, are you going to talk to me?"

She continued with her sobbing.

Rarity is probably never going to stop crying.

She looked at pillow her sister's tears were soaking up.

Yup, this is going to be a long day.

Back at the challenge

The Great and Powerful Trixie and Sponge Cake were neck and neck with their spells that the score tracker had left to get a triple digit counter. However, Trixie was starting to hesitate longer in between turns and Sponge seemed to be at the ready. This was such an intense event that vendors from local stores started selling snacks and refreshments. They even got an announcer to narrate this little showdown.

"Oh and looks like Trixie pulls the old chicken out of the hat trick, but Sponge retaliates with the pull the hat out of her mouth trick, and oh it looks like it's Trixie's wizard hat. This is simply astounding folks never seen a long standoff of magic tricks since the game between Star Swirl vs. The Trickster."

The announcer lifted the cup of water and took a long guzzle of water. Then he goes back to his job.

"I swear this game could go on for another three hours folks, so find some comfy seats and grab some snacks because this is going to be one hoof of a match."

Twilight was chewing some popcorn. She had been here since the challenge started and now it kind of irritates her because now Trixie knew more spells than her, along with Sponge being an earth pony who knows how to use magic urges her to begin research, but she didn't want to be rude and step out.

I could just step out for a moment. I mean no one's going to notice right? And plus this isn't something that is really important, but Sponge is my friend and I want to be here and support her. Oh! I know I'm going to make an excuse to the others and go and perform a quick research on the matter. Yes, an excellent plan. Okay here I go.

"Hey, guys I'm going to go to the bathroom be right back."

She smiled and took off toward her library.

Wow Twilight, really… the bathroom. What kind of excuse is that? You could have come up with something better, like say I don't know... never mind I got nothing.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Spike running and calling at her.

"...Twilight, can you get some gem on the way back?"

"Sure, I'll stop by Rarity's to see if she has any extra gem when I done with the re... restroom."

Then Spike started heading back to the group and Twilight continued her way to the library. The moment she opened the door she started pulling books off the "G" section in hoping of find a book on genetics of colts and ponies. The books float through the air and to her. She looked at the cover to find her book. Then she found it. The Study of Genetics of All Life 27th Edition, a book on all things relating to the genetics of colts and ponies... and everything else that is known relating to life.

She turned the book over and looked through the index of it for "P" for "ponies". She found the section and moved her hoof to guide her eyes carefully. Then she found the what subject she needed "genetic anomalies, Ponies, 1-214" and then she flipped the book to the cover and started there.

Then she remembers the excuse she made. She had to get the gems back to Spike and make another excuse otherwise it will attract suspicion. So, she packs her book into a saddle pack along with some quills, her notebook, and several bottle of ink before leaving to meet Rarity.

Rarity had finally calmed down enough that Sweetie Belle could understand her conundrum.

"... so... I tol... him... tha I love... him."

"There only one question I have for you. Who is he?"

"Che... Cheese Cake."

She blew her nose into a tissue.

"Huh, never thought he'd be your type sis."

Rarity inhaled through her stuffy nose.

"But he's so dashingly handsome and funny and... nice and charming and nice."

"I know that's your type, but he has his randomness and that doesn't fit you at all."

"Well... he just caught my heart."

I just don't understand, my sis is usually attracted to only other ponies such as herself or other with great standard, but Cheese Cake doesn't fit the puzzle. Sure he's great, but also sometimes acts so immature or random. Maybe I shouldn't judge I basically act the same way every day.

Sweetie Belle came out of her head and noticed that Rarity was writing in her diary. She barely sees what she was writing, but she could see all the picture of Cheese Cake that she pasted in her diary.

Wow... that's a lot of pictures of Cheese Cake in that diary of hers. What's up with that? Hoof I'm really curious now. Ugh... there has to be a reason why she likes him. Wow... I'm really desperate. Eh, but a mystery is a mystery. No pony can resist.

"Hey um Rarity, may I please see your diary?"

"No... never you can't, it's too personal!"

"Okay then... can you answer this question? Why do you love him?"

"Like I said he's charming, handsome, and ni..."

"No, is there something else than his looks or personality."

"Why does it matter? You know what? I don't want to talk anymore. Get out."

She picked up Sweetie Belle, opened the door, and threw her out with the other crusaders.

"What was that all about?" asked Scootaloo.

"Sorry Scootaloo that's stuff is between me and my sister."

Sweetie Belle dusting herself off.

"I think we should all just leave you guys. I've never seen her so broken up before."

"Are you sure? We haven't finished with our art yet."

Applebloom pointed to the remaining ponnyquin.

"Yeah I don't think mixed media art is our thing."

They all start walking toward the door.

"Oh come on Sweetie Belle tell us something."

Scootaloo stopped her from walking any further.

"No I will not betray my sister's trust."

Then walked around her and opened the door. She was surprised to find Twilight there.

"Uh... hi Twilight."

"Oh, hey Sweetie Belle is Rarity home?"

"No... no she isn't home right now."

"Uh ye..."

Sweetie Belle plunged her hoof into Scootaloo's mouth.

"We were just leaving."

Twilight stepped aside and let them carry on with their business.

Hmm... interesting. Why would Sweetie Belle lie to me like that?

Twilight then just notices that they left the door opened. She poked her head through to see the mess the Crusaders left and called to Rarity.

"Hello Rarity, are you here? It's me Twilight."

"Go away I just want to be alone."

"Why, what happened?"

"Please just go away."

"Okay... well if you need me I'm going to the hospital to ask Cheese Cake something."

Twilight exited and shut the door behind her.

Wait, why does Twilight need to ask Cheese Cake something? Unless... she going to ask him out first. No no no... wait she doesn't seem to have a crush on him, does she?

Rarity! What are you doing, don't just lay there while she takes your colt.

You're right I should be out there right now salvaging my chances, not letting them be permanent.

Rarity was now motivated and ready to retry. She was ready to ask him out on a date.

A/N: Chapter 16 might appear tomorrow... maybe. Oh and I noticed that I didn't edit the thoughts or bold-ed some thing in Ch. 14 because I forgot that this website makes you do it manually when you copy and paste.