• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 407 Views, 12 Comments

Welcome, to Equestria - Mocha Star

When a dream is actually a nightmare, how can a Brony cope with a nightmare come true.

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7th Heaven, or hell. Let's see...

I knew I had a horn before I got up and snorted in frustration. Bright stars, cool evening, always a full moon. Why always full? I got a good idea then.

“Fuck this shit, I’m just gonna walk that way and see what happens.”

I began to think of simple spells. No incinerating myself this time. Light, that was easy. I thought of a little ball of light and let it creep through my mind and then horn. I stopped and winced, but it lit up and didn’t hurt at all.

“Whoop! Woo-hoo! I did it, magic! The power of the gods is at my disposal and I-” I looked to my right as a rustling made a creature known. “Fuck me,” I managed as I turned to gallop but my left rear leg was bitten into and I fell chest first onto the ground. The light died… just before I did.

I watched the new monitor as a two headed beast crunched my bones in its teeth.

Well, that was a bit better! At least it pounced and crushed my back sending me into shock before it crushed my head so I wouldn’t fight back. Heh, and I didn’t have to suffer with being eaten from the tail to my head while aware.

I watched a new portal open and with an exasperated sigh, or what seemed like one, I passed through and was morbidly curious to find out how I’d die this time.

Sunrise or sunset; pretty. A forest. Cliche. Earth pony on cue. Stand and hop. Okay, getting the hang of this. Plant hooves, lean forward, pull hind legs in, kick them out!

I grinned as I pulled off my first defensive or offensive move.

I reared and kicked my forelegs down like I was pedaling a bike and landed. I had a certain way to at least annoy my next attacker.

“Whoop! Come get me, fuckers,” I called and started a nice walk, feeling my muscles move and legs shift in their unique quadruped way. I made it to the edge of the treeline and saw apple trees. So many apple trees. There was only one place I could be and I whooped again starting to gallop and came across the crusaders clubhouse.

I squealed with giggles and found it was a bit tricky to walk up the ramp but made it to the patio and looked in the window.


I opened the door and took a step in and felt something hit my head. I was ready to die so I didn’t run or anything, but the dripping wasn’t blood. It was honey. Yummy honey! I’m gonna get mauled by a bear, million dollars it happens.

I looked around the interior and it was a bit more spartan than I expected except for a wall of photos of ponies. I guess they’ve already gotten their marks and aren’t spending as much time in here. Poo.

I went to a pile of cushions and lay down on them. They were so soft and the first comfort I’d experienced since I’d been arriving. Maybe a swarm of bees! That’d be about right. Ten to one odds.

I listened and looked around the small house, just enjoying the time I’d spent alive already before I got up and sighed. Here comes my fate.

I left the clubhouse and walked in the direction of where the farmhouse was, or so I figured. I thought of learning to fly next and while lost in thought I heard a thump in the distance. I couldn’t help but smile and make my way towards it and ducked behind a tree when I saw her.

Applejack. In the fur. Beautiful and soft. Firm and strong. Exactly how I imagined her. Now! Now I die! … Huh. Well, you’re cooking something up!

I rounded the tree and shuffled my way to the mare who took notice and watched me warily. She spoke a greeting in a language I couldn’t understand with sounds I couldn’t make as a human and would have to learn as a pony. I hung my head and sniffled.

A real sniffle and pout formed as I sat and let all my emotions flow. She’ll buck me, maybe. A tree will fall. Rainbow will crash into me at full speed. Just kill me now before I tell best pony I can’t understand her.

I whimpered at the thoughts and how I welcomed death so quickly and let the tears fall. I wept openly and it wasn’t manly at all. I felt what I thought was a strangulation at first but then noticed it was a hug. A hug from Applejack to a pony she didn’t know and it was real.

She said something I knew was soothing and I hugged her back, crying into her coat for several minutes. If I die now, please don’t let her see. I couldn’t come back if she had to see a pony die like I’ve been dying.

I finally hiccupped as I wound down and calmed, letting her go and smiling to her. I was ready to die. Maybe my language would be considered evil or some bullshit. But I had to try.

I hung my head and closed my eyes. “Hi, I don’t speak your words. I’m sorry.” I grimaced, ready for the end to come and instead she just tapped her hoof on the ground to get my attention. She said her name, slowly while pointing to herself. I watched and tried to copy her words and I did pretty well.

She laughed when I got close on the second try and offered me a foreleg. I looked at it and didn’t know if it was help up or a hoof bump so I reached mine to her. She hooked her wrist, is it a wrist? She hooked ours together and helped me up and waved me to follow, giving me a kind smile.

She spoke again and started a short conversation while waving at the trees, then stopped mid sentence and looked back to me. She said, what I imagine was, ‘you can’t understand a word, can ya, Sugarcube?’

I just cocked my head and then looked around her then pointed. “Apple trees.” She looked at me and then where I was pointing. “Apple. Tree.” I went to a tree and picked up an apple from the ground. “Apple.” Touched a tree. “Tree.”

She got it and brightened up, taking the apple from me with her hoof and then said the word. I copied it easily and quickly and got a smile from her.

I’ll choke! That’ll be it. Take a bite and Snow White this fucker.

She took a bite and offered it to me. I took it in my hoof and bit into it. It was crunchy, sweet, a hint of sour. I chewed it all up and swallowed it, enjoying the sensation as it moved down my very long throat until it disappeared from my feeling and entered my stomach.

Allergies! Hives, honey. Get it?! Bring it on, baby!

She smiled and patted the apple in my hoof. A word indicated she wanted me to eat it and boy did I. Three bites and even the stem was gone, chewed and swallowed. I even licked my hoof while she looked at me with concern. She trotted to a nearby basket full of fresh apples and offered me another and if I was gonna die soon, I was gonna die with apples in me.

Each apple was amazing and four bites as she passed them to me.

I didn’t notice it but I was crying by the third and when it was gone I was way gone, too. Just a blubbering mess, so bad she scooped me onto her back and quickly trotted back to her house where she placed me on a couch and covered me in a blanket.

I noticed Apple Bloom come into the den and speak, then Granny Smith came over and placed a hoof on my head. I did wince away from her touch which sent a new wave of worry through them.

I couldn’t understand a word they said and just laid my head on my forelegs while they doted on me. I finally fell asleep to the soft sound of Granny Smith’s singing voice which was way more beautiful than I’d ever have thought from such a crotchety old mare.

I felt something tingling over me and opened my eyes to see purple. I scampered back and realized I wasn’t ready for death and to make it known I turned and tried to leap from the couch, got tangled in the blanket, fell and felt a sting of pain on my tongue.

Great. Bit my tongue off and’m gonna bleed to death. Fuck me.

A flurry of panic and worried conversation swarmed me and I felt my mouth forced open. A loud scream from the filly sent my heart to d’aww and I wished her away, to not watch me die.

A flash of purple, the feeling of vertigo, a singed hair scent with pain in the center of my head, and I was in a white room. A very obvious hospital. Shouting. Clopping of hooves. Many hooves. Then a happy dream flashed into being.

I woke up from dancing in skittles rain on my belly and alive.

Alive! What the funky cold Medina?!

A hint of grey in my peripheral and I looked over. It turned orange and I smiled for the first time in I don’t even know how long. “Thank you,” was all I could say and she smiled back to me.

She spoke in her language and I’m certain she assured me of my well being. I watched as she moved closer and tapped the bed and said the word. One word at a time? This isn’t gonna work, I need paper and… hands. Well, gonna learn mouth writing now.

I motioned the actions of writing and she nodded. She turned away and came back with a notepad and pencil. Not a quill, thank whatever god.

I drew an apple and wrote, very terribly, the word in English beneath it with an ‘x’ under it for her. She took the pencil from my mouth with deftness I couldn’t understand using her hooves and scribbled two characters beneath my word. “Huh. Pictographs. I can work with that, it’s like Chinese, only simpler.”

She passed the pencil back and said the word again, pointing to the first then second character. It made so much more sense that time so I just moved on to other things I thought of. From generic pony to even cutie marks. Each word so far carried less than three characters and each carried some of the same characters and sounds which was solid gold to me.

I even pointed to her and wrote her name, to which she was very puzzled and wrote her name beneath it. “Sva-ga-ta? Well, that’s totally different than what I was expecting. Here, how about this,” I wrote her name in Equestrian in English and said it aloud.

She nodded and tapped the words with enthusiasm then took the pencil.

She wrote, in freaking English, ‘Ya understand?’ Well, it was actually ‘Eu On⁌ r⑀ta⁌’, but the connotation was there. We had a difficult but realistic way to communicate. I grinned and nodded. I wrote out my alphabet on a new page, front and back because the paper wasn’t exactly 8x10 standard and she wrote the Equestrian version on her own after I did.

We traded and looked them over with a moment of contemplation. I drew a very shitty Twilight Sparkle Cutie Mark and tapped her letters then the mark.

Applejack got it and motioned for me to wait, which I did after she left. Misapplied medication. Overdose. Taken to surgery and cut up, good taken out and replaced with new that I reject. A fucking meteor crashes into Derpy and it reflects off her and right into my freaking eye, boiling my brains.

Shit, I have real issues now.

A while later I’m brought a meal and I ate it, cautiously. Twilight came in a while after that and after glancing between the alphabets she hopped into a flapping hover while obviously enjoying the moment.

She landed, blushed, and took the pencil in her magic, frowned at it, then used it to write ‘I am Twylyt. Wo am yu⁋’

I looked it over and sighed curtly. I made up a name on the spot and wrote it in. ‘Waiting Fall.’

She looked it over and shrugged. “Maybe talk we do. Speak word lost land.”

“I speak English, but maybe there’s a connection. You’re Twilight Sparkle. That’s Applejack. Right?”

She grinned and squeaked. “Me word you. You word fast. Good. Me word fast. Me Setting Sun Rising Moon Between Time With Stars Lighting Horizon With Glittering Flashes Light.”

I stared at her for a minute, or maybe a few seconds. “Too long. Twilight Sparkle.”

She rolled her eyes. “Short words. Lost Words. Teach me?”

I smiled and nodded. “To the start of a beautiful relationship.”

She blushed and took a step back. “No mate. Apologies.”

I snorted. “Uhh, no. We have deal.”

I raised a hoof and she sighed, rolled her eyes at herself, and bumped her hoof to mine. “Much gooding. Teach us other,” she grinned and turned to talk to Applejack. A few animated motions mid speech later and both smiled at me.

Yeah, if I die I’ll be okay knowing I at least spent a while happy.

Dear journal,
Entry 185
Day Lucky 777!
Date 105/336/1004NE

Two years alive and well. I’m almost over the paranoia of dying at every moment and have officially survived a Pinkie Pie party! It was my birthday, or the closest we could figure so I took advantage.

It was a communal birthday since there’s a twenty day period where all ponies are birthed twice a year and I chose the early spring. I love fall and all, but it still doesn’t do it for me.

So far this week I’ve worked at the farm and had lunch with my official special somepony’s. Never imagined Lyra and Bon Bon would take me into their herd but once there was my uniqueness, Lyra was all over me with questions and even took over my language training. I still have a lot to learn but I’m faster at learning than I thought because I can hold a decent conversation now, in freaking pony. Even the nicker-stop-whinney sounds that are used to denote importance of a sentence at the start.

That is confusing as all fuck, but it’s cool cuz I’m still maintaining my english through writing and teaching Lyra and Twilight.

Bon Bon makes the best desserts and Lyra takes care of meals and I’m living the easy life while they take care of their stallion. I get plenty of exercise through sports and farmwork, but that’s about all I do. I’m thinking I’ll give in and have, ya know, do IT again. The first time was just confusing since I’m not a pony and doggy style is just weird as a pony.

Pony style?

Well, it didn’t work out and I had to rely on other techniques ever since. I need to freaking release inside a freaking mare’s juicy taco!

Wow, I just wrote that. That’s dirty talking here. And I can barely translate some of the things I used to say when I was a human but when I do manage something it’s enough to quiet the guys’ gossip circle for a while. None of them ‘speak like mares’ outside the bedroom. Whatever. I’m gonna go for it.

I have the primal urge and two mares calling me to bed. I wish my past self luck! Or future self.


I rolled over in the morning and felt limbs around me. Two mares holding me tightly. I smiled at the memory of what’d happened and looked to the mare against my front. Bon Bon, smiling in her sleep. I can only imagine Lyra’s doing the same as I am; reveling in the sensation of fulfilment. Only both these mares’re filled, I’m pretty drained.

I snickered at my joke and felt Lyra hug me tighter before she whimpered and turned, rolling off the bed and trotting to the bathroom quickly. “You made so much in me. Good stallion,” I could hear the happiness in her voice, “if Bon Bon is full you may have foals!”

I smiled at the thought of actually living here. In this world. Children, family, probably getting a job, talking with the stallions about goings on. Just, yeah. I can totally not-die and I’d be the happiest guy ever.

Another roll in the sheets with both mares was the last thing I did before they left and I went back to bed to sleep after all that action.

I didn’t know the magic powered stove was broken in the on setting and kept getting hotter. The fire started and I was tangled in sheets when I noticed the fire and sadly got to burn alive as I panicked my way into the hallway instead of out the window to certain safety. I actually saw clouds being shoved into the windows to put out the fire but I couldn’t breath so I didn’t get to experience too much happening because I actually suffocated and burnt to near death.

Well, I guess the burning alive was icing on the death cake.

The next few flashes of memory were pain, agony, blurred voices, and panic before I officially died again, as told by where I ‘woke’ up.

Comments ( 7 )

becoming an expert in death and how to die painlessly is gonna be a useful skill I bet studying magic, survival, and medicine might have to be a good goal

Heh... I'd think so, but pain is universal. :derpyderp2:

yes, but too much can blind you and make you mad depending on the pain may be as the different species he teach his flesh killers a painful lesson maybe as a unicorn he is a bomb next time? if your gonna die then make it a fight or serious struggle

Luckily, this isn't that kind of story.

o that poor stallion.

Well eep!! Interesting concept consider me hooked.

Omg, I forgot all about this story.
I'll get a couple more chapters done, thanks for the comment/reminder!

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