• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 407 Views, 12 Comments

Welcome, to Equestria - Mocha Star

When a dream is actually a nightmare, how can a Brony cope with a nightmare come true.

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Draft of chapter 1

Author's Note:

Rough draft, gonna get it finished and posted with future chapters, but this will give you an intro to what's ahead.

This, this is my story. There are many like it but this one is mine and hopefully unique enough to keep your attention so that you know to not come to Equestria!

This story, it’s not happy. It’s not fun. It’s not sad. Well, it’s sad, but isn’t that just life, or death, in general?

You know what, forget it, just whatever.

I was a brony. Keyword, was. Got my dream, the dream of so many others and it was, still is a freaking dream. One Luna can’t fix, and dammit at this point I’d take a wet dream about my mom than waking up in Equestria just to die again.

I woke up and my body hurt. Not like some kind of full body ‘I was beaten’ or something pain, but I hurt in spots. Also, it didn’t feel right. Or sound right. The world around me, I mean. I was camping, sure, but I was certain I was in my tent when I fell asleep, I mean, did I really drink that much?

No, I only brought a six pack and downed three over four hours sitting around the fire with my girlfriend. It was when I stretched that I noticed the change in my body. My legs were all legs, it’s a totally different feel that one notices immediately. Just the way they move is different in equines, but the forelegs feel like legs and the hind legs feel, just weird. Like, walking on those bendy metal prosthetic legs.

After the initial shock of being an equine wore off I looked side to side at my body and I was red. Kinda oxidized blood or brick red, with a white tail. I know the feeling of a grin, even if it is at the end of a muzzle, and I used my voice for the first time in a whoop!

I brought my hooves under me and forced myself up, flipping rear legs over my head and landing very firmly on my hips -that are far more exposed in quadrupeds, mind you- and felt a pain like no other shoot through my hind quarters.

I yelped and held back tears of pain for several minutes, at least, before I tried again, slowly. Hind legs are about three times as strong as forelegs, by the way. I stood too fast and paid the price with a fractured hip on my first time standing.

So, now standing was painful, but manageable, barely. Next, came walking.

By the way: Fuck learing to walk again. It’s stupid, pointless, and why the hell couldn’t I just know? Nope, lifted my right foreleg first and face planted into the brush. Oh yeah, heh, I woke up in a wooded area with exposed tree roots. Didn’t I mention that? It was also morning and I had none of my camping stuff. I was naked, alone, in a new body, all that.

So, I got back to my hooves, leaned to balance my weight to the left, and my hip screamed in pain, thus my second forward fall. Third time, balanced to my right and the pain was a dull throb as I lifted my left foreleg and moved it forward, placing it down with a sigh as I moved my right foreleg.

Left front slipped forward and I did a nice pratfall onto something that jabbed me enough to make me cry out in pain. Could’a been a rock, I dunno, didn’t care. I got pissed and stood again, made the same mistake, only my left foreleg went right and I landed on it with all my weight.

It was between me and the hard object and broke at the humerus bone. Yeah, I cried like a man for a while before I finally cursed my body and being wherever I was. I got up on three working legs and moved my left rear leg, then my working foreleg, then right rear leg.

Yay, progress.

My belly rumbled and I had to pee, so I figured ‘what the hell’ and let the pee flow, turns out it’s a lot and it splashes when it puddles across one’s underbody.

Hunger, no prob, right? Plants everywhere, equine is herbivore, me eat, they plant food, oog-ug-ug.

Tasted like crap. Not literally, but it was awful. I ate berries of a bush, closest I could reach. Then a couple leaves from that same bush and nearby ones. Some old leaves off the ground until I cleared a slight path, then vomited heavily. A lot. Everything I’d eaten plus stuff I ate before I went to bed.

Meat, jerky I think, came out in bits and pieces, as well as some steak from dinner. ‘Worst is over’,” I thought. Fuck me if those aren’t the words of doom itself. I moved past my mess, my body cramping and burning as I stumbled nearly a hundred feet before I farted and learned I had the runs, really bad.

My body was flushing all the meat and whatnot from my system, and it was doing so violently.

I couldn’t squat, couldn’t control my movements, and, oh yeah, I forgot I had a tail, brown now from dock to tip.

I was a mess, and then vomited again.

Yeah, herbivores aren’t immune to poison berries, I realized, just poison oak. So, there I was, lost, alone, sick, probably dying, and not a couple hours into my adventure in Equestria.

Oh, joy, the fun I had had, though, right? How ‘bout no. I even called out Discord’s name for help, then every goddess I knew from the show pre season 8. I barely made it another fifty feet before my legs gave out a final time and no matter how much I tried I couldn’t move again. Broken leg, might as well have broken my hip, and, dysentery slash anaphylaxis.

I suffered for the rest of the day with bowel emptying gas that felt like razor blades and random squirts pooling under me and dry heaving nothing to a little blood until just before I fell asleep as night began to creep upon the sky.