• Published 18th Dec 2017
  • 2,481 Views, 14 Comments

Fast Car - P-Berry

A brief look into how Delta Vee's life was before her daughter was born.

  • ...


Winter was gradually picking up the pace as snow continuously trickled from the sky, covering more and more of the bustling city of Las Pegasus in its white blanket, the stiff breeze blowing it into all directions and creating a true snowsquall outside.

She couldn’t help but crack a smile as she looked up from the notes lying spread out in front of her, out through the window where the world slowly turned white. Strange as it may sound, it was something she had never quite seen before, at least not in such dimensions.

She really wasn’t too fond of the cold and the icy wind, but the snow itself seemed to speak to a certain little part of her – the little filly inside her that had never really seen this much snow, if you will.

Really, it spoke against all reason and maturity inside her, but in this second, the desire to go out there; to build a snowpony, make a snow angel or just catch some of the flakes with her tongue was overwhelming. She knew that it was a strange thing to think for somepony who had just finished college, and that she would get more than just a few bewildered looks for running around in the snow like a little foal.

And still, she wouldn’t care. Not in the slightest.

However, all she had to do was lower her head ever so slightly, and all thoughts about going out there and enjoying the snow were –ironically- buried under a literal avalanche as it once again became clear to her just what she had been doing all day – or rather, what she had tried to do all day, but still not made any progress.

In fact, it was the exact same thing she had done for the past week now, and she still wasn’t any further than the day the problem had occurred to her.


The word seemed to echo in her head, over and over again as if to taunt her. It was the same thing Jet Stream had brought up two months ago, and to which the two had still failed to deliver an answer to this day.

It was awfully simple, really. An object that left the atmosphere had to re-enter it at some point, and if the speed of re-entry were too high, all that would end up landing was a pile of dust.

Naturally, the obvious alternative would be to simply reduce that exact speed, though that was far easier said than done.

Delta Vee closed her eyes, rubbing her temples in deep thought. Not having left the house in nearly a whole day was starting to get to her, and she was having trouble thinking straight.
Not only that, but especially during the last week or two, it seemed she had wound up with a nasty gastrointestinal virus or something. At least that would explain why she had spent what felt like half of the past week hanging over the toilet, vomiting out what little she had eaten.

She shuddered at the memory, ruffling up her feathers. Yes, she liked the snow, but this stupid ‘season of colds’ could go and screw right off. At least in this regard, she definitely was looking forward to spring.

She made a face, scrunching up her nose. Better not to think about it at all, or else she might just end up having to make a run for the toilet again.

Instead, she lowered her head again, her eyes resting on that very same notepad Jet Stream had been using all those months ago, and which had since been converted into their official notebook where they kept all sketches, thoughts and diagrams that were related to their shared vision.

Now however, just like earlier, she was stuck on one page, clueless as to where she should go from here; stuck with the same problem, no matter how she looked at it.

She could feel her body tense up, clenching her teeth in frustration as her eyes drilled into the paper, somehow hoping to find the answer somewhere in those tightly filled pages.

However, just as her mood was about to tilt over, she could feel her ears perk up as the door behind her got opened, and steps she knew all too well came walking into the room.

Instinctively, she wanted to turn around, but was cut short as she could feel a set of light beige wings wrap themselves around her body ever so gently.

“Missing me yet?” she heard his voice come from behind her as he leaned over her, gently rubbing his head against hers.

And just like that, her gloom was blown away, and she could feel her guts become weightless as an unreasonably wide smile grew on her face.

“Always.” She gently cooed back as she felt him lean forward and turned her head, nuzzling him over her shoulder.

“Winter isn’t messing around this year, huh?” Jet Stream said as he raised his head, his look going out the window next to Delta’s desk where the snowfall had been increasing constantly over the past half hour or so.

Delta joined him looking outside, then gently nodded her head. “Yeah.” She said briefly, unable to miss how a certain part of her mind wanted to go out there and roll around in the white mass, simply to fully appreciate something she had so rarely seen in her life.

All the same, she could feel a new damper being put on her mood as her eyes trailed back to the notepad in front of her. She swore she could see it collecting dust from not being touched in almost a whole day.

However, she was distracted as she heard the stallion in the black turtleneck sweater turn around, his tail swiping her side and causing her to look up.

“Still poring over that speed problem?” he asked her nonchalantly, his look seemingly focused on something at the opposite wall that Delta failed to see.

Reluctantly, she nodded.

“Hmpf.” Jet said, gently shaking his head, “No wonder you’re treading water. I couldn’t find inspiration in a room this dull either.”

“…what?” Delta asked, cocking an eyebrow as now her look went over the wall the two were looking at. She couldn’t quite figure out what his point was. In fact, the wall in her room had seen a constant influx of content ever since she had met him.

It was a thought that caused her to smile again. Ever since first setting hoof into her place and commenting how it looked more like bare brickwork rather than a real home, Jet Stream had always given her smaller gifts every now and then – posters and photos depicting their shared passion, little trinkets for her desk, or – on days where she was feeling truly downcast - a stuffed animal.

It was a foalish side of her, really. She knew that stuffed animals were something she as an adult shouldn’t be having, but regardless, she couldn’t deny the surge of happiness that seemed to run through her whenever she saw him with yet another one. Somehow he seemed to always sense when she would need it most, and mysteriously have just the remedy at hand.

Thus, as time had gone by, the walls in her room had gradually filled with these presents she had gotten from him. Never had she thought that she’d be enjoying something as mundane as a photo on her wall, or even a toy sitting on her shelf, but the fact that they had all been presents from her special somepony just made them so… well, special. Up to the point where she’d probably rent an additional room rather than having to part with one of those very special belongings.

However, her thoughts were cut short as she heard the sound of hooves walking around her, followed by something being placed on her wooden desk, and she turned around to find her coltfriend looking at her with a sheepish grin.

“What did you-“ she wanted to ask, but fell silent as her eyes spotted the red rose standing on her desk in a small glass of water.

“Just thought you could use some color in here.” She heard him explain behind her before he once again put a wing around her, “You know, to brighten up your day a bit.”

“T-thanks…” she stuttered a bit helplessly. For a second she was worried she might have forgotten an anniversary or something, but the fact that this… this stallion would give her a rose, just like that; with no intentions other than seeing her smile… it pulled at her heartstrings, no doubt.

“No need to thank me.” He said, smiling briefly. “I just wanted to see that look in your eyes again.”

Delta just smiled at that, feeling herself blush ever so slightly. He sure could be a charmer sometimes.

“There, that’s what I mean. That look!” Jet Stream said, leaning forward and locking eyes with her, “That’s the look I’m living for.”

Again, Delta remained silent, unable to bring out something other than an abashed little giggle as she raised a jittery hoof to adjust her glasses.

“I love you.” Jet said slowly as he leaned his head further forward until their foreheads touched, “That’s all I wanted to tell you.”

The pegasus mare could feel her heart in her mouth, eyes wide and breathing ragged at the sudden surge of emotions boiling up within her. She wanted to say something; to return the compliment at least, but just like so often with him around, she caught herself tripping over her own words, her thoroughly incompetent mouth producing nothing but incomprehensive muttering.

The two remained in silence like this for a few moments, before Jet Stream leaned back again, turned to the side and tilted his head into the direction of the door.

“Come on,” he said briefly, “Let’s get out of here.”

“Wha- what do you mean?” Delta asked in surprise, raising an eyebrow.

“Let’s just go for a walk.” He elaborated briefly, already reaching for his jacket that was hung over the sofa standing next to the door. “It’s beautiful outside with all that snow.”

“B-but…” she stuttered, a little confused, “I’ve got to make some progress! I’ve been stuck on the same problem for two days now, and it’s not like we have forever to-“

“You’re cute when you’re like that.” Jet cut her off, stepping forward and gently pulling her up and off her chair, “But don’t think I didn’t notice you looking out there like a trapped wildcat.”

“Uhh…” Again, Jet Stream’s simple but effective reasoning rendered Delta speechless as he handed her her brand new winter jacket – courtesy of him, after what had happened in the public park a couple of weeks ago - and she hesitantly, but not in the slightest reluctantly, put it on.

“Besides…” Jet added, grinning over his shoulder as he opened the door, “A little fresh air will do you good. It’s getting hard to breathe in here.”

A few minutes later, Delta found herself walking through the increasingly empty streets of Las Pegasus, side by side with the pony that mattered most to her.

Jet Stream, wearing the same black sports jacket he had worn the day the two had first kissed, was walking next to her, his outstretched wing wrapped around her torso, and their bodies snugly against each other.

Chiefly, it kept the two from getting too cold with the almost arctic temperatures around them, but at least for Delta – and based on the look on his face, for Jet as well - the increased physical contact had a higher… a far higher meaning.

Namely, that the two were a real couple, and were loudly and proudly showing it to everypony around them, no matter how empty the streets might be.

His wing wrapped around her shoulder – it felt… reassuring. It gave her confidence, not only in the present as it continuously reminded her that this was really happening, but also in her… in their future.

Because really, try as she might, she could not see herself without him anymore. No matter what she did, whenever she was by herself, there was this small voice in the back of her mind, asking when she would be back with him like a whiny foal.

She didn’t mind in the slightest, though. It felt great having these sorts of feelings for somepony – the fact that he seemed to be having these exact same feelings for her, and would show it to her on every possible occasion just served as the cherry on top.

Delta gave a brief sigh, bristling from the cold, and feeling how Jet Stream promptly tightened the embrace of his wing around her body in response.

That gained another subconscious smile from the pegasus mare as she allowed her eyes to drift upward, looking up at the skyline of Las Pegasus slowly vanishing in the snow, and her thoughts began to drift off.

One day…

One day she would be living up there.

Maybe... maybe even together with Jet… and their family.

It was a cheeky thought, causing her to give the softest of giggles. It sounded strange… sure. The two of them… having a foal, and all.

Slowly, she let her gaze drift over in his direction, catching him looking up at the skyscrapers as well.

Yes, one day she would want to have a foal with him. Celestia knows that day wasn’t today or tomorrow, but… someday. Someday when both of them would have a decent job in their own aerospace company, their own little penthouse in one of those high-rise buildings… then they would be ready to have their own little angel.

While the anticipation went hand in hand with a severe feeling of nervousness and anxiety, one quick look back at the stallion by her side managed to clear out all these doubts at once.

He would be a great father, no doubt. And she was sure, if she would manage to get her act together for once, she could make for a somewhat decent mother as well.

Delta let these thoughts sink in for a second, then her body tensed up as she couldn’t hold back a chuckle.

Look at her, standing here, planning out her entire life. By all means, what she had with Jet Stream was nice, and she was sure to enjoy it while it lasted, but Celestia knows it might not last forever, and she might just find herself working on a new project with a new partner a few years down the road. Sure, she enjoyed spending time around and working with him, but who knew what the future would hold for her, right?

However, her thoughts were cut short as she could feel the familiar feeling of a hoof gently being put over her neck, and she felt herself being pulled ever so slightly closer to Jet Stream.
“One day, Delta.” He said, the smallest of smiles on his face as he looked up at the luxurious apartments, “One day we’ll be living up there as well.”

That caused her to turn her head toward him, her eyes widening. Had he… had he read her thoughts or something?

Jet Stream, noticing the look of surprise on her face, cocked an eyebrow. “What, Las Pegasus isn’t good enough?” he shrugged innocently, “Alright, we’ll be living in Canterlot, then. Or Manehatten.” He wiggled his eyebrows in that particular fashion, “Or Pearis?”

And just like that, her brain was back in full toddler-mode. A brief, silly, forced-sounding giggle was all she managed to force out as she weakly nodded her head. “H-hehe… L-Las Pegasus is fine.”

“Come on, don’t be so modest!” Jet said jokingly, raising an arm and pointing toward the sky, “The world is ours, remember? Once EquestriAero really takes off, there’ll be no stopping us!”

“Y-yeah.” She stuttered back meekly. All of a sudden, the feeling of his body against hers rendered her all too speechless again. “Sure.”

Jet Stream paused in his motion, turning his head back toward her again and raising an eyebrow. “Oh I know that look.” He gave her a quick, meaningful wink, “Do I need to kiss you again?”

“D-don’t be stupid.” She replied, barely suppressing a giggle as she put him off with a wave of her hoof, though the blush on her face spoke volumes. “No need to go for first base if you’ve already achieved a home run.”

“Getting cocky, are we, missy?” Jet Stream replied, a little sterner, though the look in his eyes revealed that it was all still in good fun, “Guess all that fresh air is getting to your head after all.”

“Y-yeah… you too.”

Well, there went her ability to deliver snarky comebacks. Damn this smug stallion and his lighthearted cockiness.

Though she’d be lying to say that she didn’t love that about him.

A few moments of silence followed, with Jet gently leaning his head against hers, and just looking at the snowy skyline ahead of them.

Delta couldn’t explain it. It felt... weird, on a lot of levels. Being this close to him; feeling his body against hers... it filled her with a strange form of satisfaction and happiness.

The intense silence lasted for another minute or two, though Delta felt like she had lost all sense of time.

Eventually, however, she could feel a slight shiver run through the body of her partner, and he lightly shook his head.

“It’s getting cold, huh?” he asked, slowly turning his head toward her.

Delta Vee nodded in silence, her own feelings rendering her utterly speechless in this second.

“Come on.” He said softly, keeping his wing around her as he turned around, “I’ll treat you to a coffee.”

Delta slowly turned around with him, his wing never leaving her back. She hesitated for a moment, hearing her inner voice of diligence shout at her for goofing off like this. She’d never find a solution to the problem at this rate. If she couldn’t lower the speed of re-entry drastically, there’d be no way they could-

“Hey, don’t be like that.”

She stiffened ever so slightly as her coltfriend scolded her light-heartedly. Turning toward him, she gave him a questioning look. Had he really-

“We’ll find a solution, don’t you worry about that. The two of us are unstoppable, remember?” He said with a confident smile, “But I said you could use a break, and I mean it. Just forget about that speed thing for a day, alright?”

How… how in the world had he known…?

Delta looked at him for a long moment, but then lowered her head. This was Jet Stream she was looking at here. Heck, he could read her like a book if he wanted to.

He did have a point, though. As much as she wanted to get back to her desk and kick that problem in the butt, spending a day off with her favorite partner in crime did sound amazingly tempting.

And she was sure that the second the two would get back to work, they’d both be laughing at how simple the solution to their problem would be.

“Al… alright.” She said, giving a soft sigh, and feeling how the tension in her body gradually vanished, “Yeah, guess you’re right.”

“I know I am.” Jet replied with a mock-smugness, before his face broke into a genuine smile. “Come on, let’s get you out of the cold. You’re already getting blue all over.”

That actually prompted a brief giggle from the cyan mare. “J-jerk.” She countered half-heartedly, gently punching him on the shoulder.

“Come on, don’t pretend you don’t like it.” Jet shot back, motioning toward her barely suppressed smile.

“S-shut up.” She put him off, scrunching up her face and turning away to hide the widening smile on her face, “Let’s just get back inside.”

“Right behind you.” Jet said with a nod, and their eyes once again came to rest on each other as Delta looked behind herself.

And once again, she found her thoughts drifting off, the mere look in his eyes making her feel so… strange. Happy, satisfied, and confident in ways she had never known.

However, her mushy thoughts were cut short as her coltfriend gave a brief chuckle, smirked and walked past her without another word.

“You coming?”

The question barely reached her brain as she stared motionlessly into the distance where he had stood moments ago.

Why… why had he just walked away like this?

Slowly, she turned her head, looking at him already leading the way.

“Y-yeah… sure.”

Had… had she said something wrong? Had she upset him with something?

Really, this moment had felt so sweet, so… perfect. Why... why had he just…?
Delta opened her mouth, watching him stop well ahead of her, but was cut short abruptly as she felt his arms wrap around her, his head lean against hers, and their lips meet in a long, deep, intense kiss.

“Gotcha.” She could hear him chuckle softly as he pulled back, locking eyes with her once again.

And once again, she could feel it. This feeling that she had found her place in life, that she… belonged somewhere.

No, not somewhere.

Right here. Right here was where she belonged.

By the side of the pony she loved.

And together, they would be unstoppable.

Comments ( 14 )

Makes you really wonder what eventually went wrong, huh?

Still, a wonderful little fluffy story, this was a pleasure to proofread :twilightsmile:

It's been great reading some more \DeltaV and Jet!

One can't but envy such serenity

Damn Peebs, I didn't even know you wrote this! This is beautiful! Such a great little slice of life from their early days!

Glad you liked it. Thanks again for helping with the proofreading! :twilightsmile:

Indeed. It felt great writing something happy and innocent involving them for once.

Thanks! Glad you like it! ^_^

Las Pegasus inits white

in its

Hmm ok... getting a bit confused here...
The main issue is what the hell happened to make ΔV into such a pissed off mare...
Jet Stream seems supportive, loving and almost bending backwards to accommodate Delta...
I'm out of idea on what can have brought on the almost broke, living in a junkyard Delta...

Fixed. Cheers!
Well, I'm not going to spoil anything, but essentially the two broke up a few years later, and while Jet continued to be the successful businessman, Delta just didn't make the cut, so to speak, for a variety of reasons.
And really, to me it always seemed like Jet would still be willing to help her out in any way possible, and she just doesn't want his help - which, if you ask me, is fairly understandable, looking at their past as a couple.

Yes that is quite clear... but still is the details of how that happened that I can't fathom ^^;;
Waiting to see how it went ^^

It hurts so much to know just how much these two were in love at one point before their breaking off at one point. Every ounce of my being wants to see Delta get better and have the two of them get back together. To see Jet, Delta, and Apogee be the sweet, happy family that she envisions in this chapter. This was a wonderful little piece, man, great job!

Thanks man. It was great fun thinking of what that perfect family all of them envisioned at some point might look like and I kinda, sorta dedicated half of my next story to that idea.
But in any case, I'm glad you liked it!

From everything I have read it seems like Jet and Delta had slightly different life goals. Jet wanted the traditional family unit, and to build up a successful company. Delta seemed to just want to build up a successful company, and may be have a little fun along the way.

As can sometimes happen between two young adults having fun a baby was made.

Now from what I have read this is the big turning point since Delta had planned to build a company... not get pregnant, and have to put her dreams on hold. It is hinted at that Jet became more well known while Delta was stuck as the stay at home housewife.

We do not know what the tipping point was that sparked Delta's decision to leave, but a big blow out happened between her and Jet ending with her running away from everything...including her daughter.

She then proceeds to make every wrong choice you can possibly make for what seems like no better reason than to keep her hate for Jet alive.

Jet still loves her and wants to make things right, but she will not let him.

Delta has let her hatred of Jet decide everything about her life...if Jet wouldn't like it then she is going to do it...if Jet wants her to be happy then she is going to be angry.

Any bad thing that happens in Delta's life will be blamed on Jet.

Both Jet and Delta have made mistakes, but so far only Jet has admitted his mistakes and is trying to move on while Delta seems hell bent on living in her own version of the past where she has done nothing wrong and it is always someone else's fault...

In the end the one who is hurt the most with all this is Apogee.

And together, they would be unstoppable.

Not for long...:ajsleepy:.

Very sweet story:heart:.

I recently discovered these characters. Such a sweet story even knowing what happens later on down the line. Thank you for creating and sharing.

This is so sweet, it's sad

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