• Published 11th Dec 2017
  • 411 Views, 8 Comments

Perception - fateswriter

A foal loses her family to chrysalis. Now she must decide with clashing morals what the just thing is. Hunt chrysalis, or capture and turn her.

  • ...

Enters a dragon

Author's Note:

Im not really sure if i should continue this story. i thought it was a good idea, but it seems that not many people think its good. leave a like if you'd like me to continue. ive got chapter 5 done. but i dont wanna continue if no one approves. so leave some feed back. Also id like an editor. thanks for reading.

P.s. lylic is only bigger for a specific reason that will be revealed later on.

The rest of the afternoon was filled with questions and fulfilled curiosity. It would appear that the kind one, could speak many languages. And was world known for her kindness. What astonished me most is the conversation on regular pony age. It would appear in this world, I am not old enough for much. I am what is called a teenager, have only seen 14 summers. And yet i stand a quarter of a skull taller than fluttershy.

She asked me her fair share of questions, such as why I showed up, how i found the winter pack, or if i would take a bath. I answered them as best i could, since before the forest, my memory goes hazy. But it would seems ponies like me are rare. Specifically since most wolf encounters did not end well. I tried to say no to the last question but she threaten to take me to a friend who wouldn’t be to happy with my forest type style.

She’d taken me to a room that was kind of small. In the middle of it lye big metal bowl. After telling me to wait there she left only to return with a green tube that poured water into the metal tube. Leaving once it was filled she left to return with a pink container of what she called soap. She then told me to sit in the water, before handing me the bottle and a cloth and leaving.

Not really knowing what to do, i grabbed the bottle and opened the top to see a little hole on it.

“Huh...wonder what this is.”

I could see something inside and pressed it to make it more visible.

The pain was intense, like getting stung in the eyes by the yellow bugs only i couldn’t out run it. It hurt so much, my eyes leaking only added to it. I gave many roars in pain and banged my head against something wooden, forgetting she had closed the door on the way out. I sat and rubbed viciously at the pain but it also made it worse. Shaking in pain and anger i growled loudly and barked constantly.
‘That little.. She lied to me. Tricked me. This pain is ...is to much. Im dying. Im sorry dear alpha.. I could not-’

My in brain ranting was silence as i my hooves removed from my face and felt a wet cloth being rubbed at my eyes, relieving the intense pain. My vision restored i looked upon a confuse host.

“..oh dear what happend?”

“ That bottle attacked me!!”

She smiled softly before leading me back to the tub and asking me to step inside.

“I think you just squeezed the bottle to hard…. Do you need help?”

I blushed in shame before turning around. I crossed my hooves in front of me and barked in denial.

“Hmph!! I am a warrior i can do this small task on my own.”

“...really?” i couldn’t see it but she was smirking behind me.

With a raised brow she opened her wings and flew in front of me, hooves crossed as well.

“You haven’t even removed your ...skull”

“I do not have to!!”
She sighed, then proceeded to head towards the door.

“Fine, but don’t ask for help if the bottle attacks you again.” and with that she left, closing the door behind her.

I turned back around to face the door, that cursed bottle to the right of me on the rim of the tub. I glared at the bottle and growled deeply. After a moment of silence i jumped out of the tub and ran down the hallway.

“Kind one, wait!!!”

It was now the night time and luna’s moon was ever bright. I lay on the softest ground ever in my life. Fluttershy insisted on giving me her sleeping palet, after my claim of going back outside for the night. She instead slept on the couch down the stairs.

In the odd silence I couldn’t shake the feeling of belonging. Spending the day talking to the kind pony struck a chord in a part of my heart that had been dormant. I began to yearn the closeness of the mother den. And found myself restless. I was told to rest since I had a busy day next sun up. I was to speak with a pony alpha and comrade to the kind one, as she or her protege would be able to help me in the location of the bugged one. However the earges kept me awake.

Finally fed up, i lifted my body and headed down stairs to see the winged mare dreaming quietly, the moonlight shining through the window behind her. I crept closer and circled underneath the part of the couch that she lay. Wrapping my tree bark colored tail around me, my mind began to drift into the realm of distant dreams.

The next morning we found ourselves walking up to a bright rock tree with a door. Hearing a giggle at my open maw. She flicked her tail and lead me into the glamorus tree.

Once inside, we walked down a hallway that lead to a room with 6 big chairs and one small one. All circling a round white table. I sat in the one with the same stamp as my current host as she left in search of the alpha. Telling me to bark if i saw a purple mare with a horn and wings.

I had been sitting for a little while when a door behind me opened and closed. The sound of pads on rock was oddly familiar. I gave a sniff before growling deeply.


When i was smaller, about 7 summers ago, the winter pack had just returned from the dragon migrational hideout when some rough dragons turned around and attack us anyway.they spit their fire and i watched as the flames engulfed and consumed my brothers. The pack, protecting the young ones, lost many pups and warriors that night. But i never forgot the fear i felt that night, nor the anger it burned in me.
I jumped from the chair with deep throated growl and moved so that i could see the dragon but was far enough so that i didn’t get hurt.

The small purple dragon looked at me in shock and confusion. It lifted its claws and backed away very slowly. My fear began to overtake me and i leveled my tail, laid my ears back, and snarled harshly. Wanting fluttershy to hear i gave many loud barks and growls at the baby dragon who seemed to be paralyzed with fear. I heard a whimper slip from it mouth as it spoke in equine.


I gave another bark as the sound of quickly moving hoove steps grew through the door the dragon had entered. These one however sounded heavier, than the kind ones. I backed up into a cold wall, drooling from the continuous growling, my head and heart racing in time. The door bust open to reveal a two horned purple ponies one with wings the other without. The one with wings took a glance at me and grabbed the baby dragon in her power the placed it on her back, while the one without wings stood in front of them and pointed her now glowing horn at me. I barked once more before giving up on the idea of being saved by the kind one. I shook my head clear before jumping out the way of the incoming magic blast.

Rolling to the side, i stood and ducked under the table and gather intel on my surroundings. The room while big was still limited on many things. I could not climb walls or out run them so i had to charge head on and out run their shots. A shot aimed to my left was deflected thanks to the table revealed more about my attackers. They were afraid. They did not know what i could do and were staying werey. And even though the one with wings had them she did not like to fly, so air attack would not come often. Another shot aimed at me let me know they were inching closer. In an effort to move them back, i jumped back out and growled once more. They jumped back and aimed at me once more, before shooting multi shots. Running to the side i dodged most of them a couple singeing my tan furred bottom.
I ran towards the wall and ran up it avoiding shot only to flip off and land right in front of them. They were strong. I could not defeat them both but, i could scare them. Deciding now a good time to test my tactics, i faced them and growled once more, and watched them freeze up at the site that stood before them.

My elongated fangs.

I moved in, effectively making them move back, only to be face planted to the ground by a cyan hoof.
The mare in question sat on top of me while an orange one tied me up in some rope. The blue winged one og of me as i struggled with the rope, trying to rip it apart.

“ ain’t no use in it darline, ive gotcha nice an-” the orange one halted as my rope began to break free. Calling out the same name as the purple dragon had i felt the magic tieghten my ropes and i looked to see more around me. I growled in anger for a while, my captors talking amongst themselves.

‘Plotting my demise no doubt’

My fear got the best of me once more and i began to whine, as i had when i was still little no bark. I cursed the absences of my elder skull. I felt weak, but i feared for my life more, and continued to to whine. Next to me i heard the bark of a kind voice, and looked beside me to see a small dog.

“ Now whats all this here. What cha’ll cryin bout pony?” she spoke. She was a brown and white dog wearing a red collar. Most timberwolves did not approve of dogs but, now a days it’s mostly the elders who don’t. I grunted at her in my harsh tongue.

“These terrible ponies tied me up.”

“Well, they say ya attacked ‘em..”

“W-well, i did ...but it was only because the dragon scared me.”
She looked over towards the dragon in question, ignoring the astonished looks on the ponies faces.

“what , spike!!.. Oh he ain’t nothin but a soft pony in a dragons body. Been raised by that purple winged one all his young life. He ain’t gonna do ya no harm.”

I gave a sigh of relief. She tilted her head and barked again.

“Why don’t y'all apologize?”

“ .. I haven’t used that language in a very long time. I can barely make out words..”

“Well hows come you can understand me..”

“Your speak is similar to simple wolf drawl..”

She stood up from next to me and sniffed at me a couple of times before biting at my ropes.

“Well, i can’t speak equine to much either but, i sure can get their attention. Ill getcha free. If they see i trust ya, so will they..well at least applejack will..”

“ ‘is my owner. She’s the orange one that tied ya up. Names winona by the way.”

“I’m lylic…” the ropes around my body fell to the ground as i was free’d. The 4 ponies across from me either lit their horns, coward, or took a stance. so …. I did the only thing i knew meant no harm.

Layed down, belly up.

Comments ( 5 )

Not sure if sarcasm or serious. :p

Total sacrcasm.....lol

Its a pretty interesting premise and story. Please, keep up the good work :twilightsmile:

Indeed keep up the good work!

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